chap-auditing.xml revision d1a1c16f546ed980d06b400fe4f7a0c050740c52
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<chapter xml:id='chap-auditing'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<para>This chapter presents best practices to keep in mind when integrating and extending OpenIDM services in your organization.</para>
<para>The auditing facility can publish and log all relevant system activity to the desired targets. This includes the data from reconciliation as a basis for reporting, as well as detailed activity logs to capture operations on the internal (managed) and external (system) objects.</para>
<title>Log Types</title>
<para>Activity log</para>
<para>Logs operations on the internal (managed) and external (system) objects.</para>
<para>Reconciliation log</para>
<para>Logs the results of a reconciliation run, including the assessed situation, and the action taken as a result. Details of the action can be queried from the activity log, where the log entry will display a parent activity id of recon/[reconid].</para>
<title>Related Activities, Transactions</title>
<para>Where an action is done in the context of a higher level business function, such as an object update as a result of synchronization for a given object mapping, the log entry will point to a parent activity to give that context. These relationships are hierarchical, for example this synchronization could have been a result of a scheduled reconciliation for an object type. As a convenience aside from the parent activity, the top level root activity is logged with each entry to quickly query all related activities.</para>