chap-intro-openidm.xml revision d1a1c16f546ed980d06b400fe4f7a0c050740c52
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<chapter xml:id='chap-intro-openidm'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Introduction to OpenIDM</title>
<!-- TODO: Should this chapter borrow from the intro in what is now the
Reference? -->
<para>The goal of OpenIDM is to manage and synchronize identity related objects
between many different object repositories and to minimize the work of maintaining
an organization's identities and user's access to different applications through role
and group management. OpenIDM is able to maintain user as well as other objects like
groups in external repositories.</para>
<section xml:id="openidm-components">
<title>OpenIDM Components</title>
<para>OpenIDM services run in an OSGi container with an embedded Servlet
container, and an embedded noSQL database. By default the OSGi container is
Apache Felix. The default Servlet container is Jetty. The default noSQL
database is OrientDB. At this time the only supported configuration is
running the services in Apache Felix.</para>
<para>The default database can easily be replaced by an other jdbc based
database like mysql. Further more it is also possible to embed OpenIDM in a
war file and deploy that to a web container.</para>