chap-ui.xml revision ac1a83c7d1a718dfe67b08aa0462c0b0029722c0
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<chapter xml:id='chap-ui'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>OpenIDM User Interface</title>
<para>OpenIDM provides a customizable, browser-based user interface. The
default user interface enables administrative users to create, modify and
delete user accounts. It provides role-based access to tasks based on BPMN2
workflows, and allows users to manage certain aspects of their own accounts,
including configurable self-service registration.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-overview">
<title>Overview of the Default User Interface</title>
<para>The default user interface is provided as a reference implementation
that demonstrates the capabilities of the REST API. You can modify certain
aspects of the default user interface according to the requirements of your
deployment. Note, however, that the default user interface is still evolving
and is not guaranteed to be compatible with the next OpenIDM release.</para>
<para>To access the user interface, install and start OpenIDM, then point
your browser to <link xlink:href="http://localhost:8080/openidmui">
<para>Log in as the default administrative user (Login: openidm-admin,
Password: openidm-admin) or as an existing user in the repository. The
display differs, depending on the role of the user that has logged in.</para>
<para>For an administrative user (role <literal>openidm-admin</literal>),
two tabs are displayed - Dashboard and Users. The Dashboard tab lists any
tasks assigned to the user, processes available to be invoked, and any
notifications for that user. The Users tab provides an interface to manage
user entries (OpenIDM managed objects under <literal>managed/user</literal>).</para>
<alt>OpenIDM UI Administrator View</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/ui-admin-view.png" format="PNG" contentwidth="5in" scalefit="1"/>
<para>The <literal>Profile</literal> link enables the user to modify elements
of his user data. The <literal>Change Security Data</literal> link enables
the user to change his password and, optionally, to select a new security
<para>For a regular user (role <literal>openidm-authorized</literal>), the
Users tab is not displayed - so regular users cannot manage user accounts,
except for certain aspects of their own accounts.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-configuring">
<title>Configuring the Default User Interface</title>
<para>The following sections outline the configurable aspects of the default
user interface.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-self-registration">
<title>Enabling Self-Registration</title>
<para>Self-registration (the ability for new users to create their own
accounts) is disabled by default. To enable self-registration, set
<literal>"selfRegistration"</literal> to <literal>true</literal> in
the <filename>conf/ui-configuration.json</filename> file.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configuration" : {
"selfRegistration" : true,
<para>With <literal>"selfRegistration" : true</literal>, the following
capabilities are provided on the right-hand pane of the user interface:
<member>Register my account</member>
<member>Reset my password</member>
<para>User objects created using self-registration automatically have the
role <literal>openidm-authorized</literal>.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-security-questions">
<title>Configuring Security Questions</title>
<para>Security questions are disabled by default. To guard against
unauthorized access, you can specify that users be prompted with security
questions if they request a password reset. A default set of questions is
provided, but you can add to these, or overwrite them.
To enable security questions, set <literal>"securityQuestions"</literal>
to <literal>true</literal> in the
<filename>conf/ui-configuration.json</filename> file.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configuration" : {
"securityQuestions" : true,
<para>Specify the list of questions to be asked in the
<filename>conf/ui-secquestions.json</filename> file.</para>
<para>Refresh your browser after this configuration change for the change
to be picked up by the UI.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-site-identification">
<title>Enabling Site Identification</title>
<para>To ensure that users are entering their details onto the correct
site, you can enable site identification. Site identification provides a
preventative measure against phishing.
<para>With site identification enabled, users are presented with a range of
images from which they can select. To enable site identification, set
<literal>"siteIdentification"</literal> to <literal>true</literal>
in the <filename>conf/ui-configuration.json</filename> file.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configuration" : {
"siteIdentification" : true,
<para>Refresh your browser after this configuration change for the change
to be picked up by the UI.</para>
<para>A default list of four images is presented for site identification.
The images are defined in the <literal>siteImages</literal> property in the
<filename>conf/ui-configuration.json</filename> file:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"siteImages" : [
The user selects one of these images, which is displayed on login. In
addition, the user enters a Site Phrase, which is displayed beneath the
site image on login. If either the site image, or site phrase is incorrect
or absent when the user logs in, the user is aware that he is not logging
in to the correct site.</para>
<para>You can change the default images, and include additional images, by
placing image files in the <filename>ui/extension/images</filename> folder
and modifying the <literal>siteImages</literal> property in the
<filename>ui-configuration.json</filename> file to point to the new images.
The following example assumes a file named <filename>my-new-image.jpg</filename>,
located in <filename>ui/extension/images</filename>.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"siteImages" : [
<para>Note that the default image files are located in
<section xml:id="ui-country-list">
<title>Configuring the Country List</title>
<para>The default user profile includes the ability to specify the user's
country and state or province. To specify the countries that appear in
this drop down list, and their associated states or provinces, edit the
<filename>conf/ui-countries.json</filename> file. For example, to add
Norway to the list of countries, you would add the following to the
<filename>conf/ui-countries.json</filename> file:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"key" : "norway",
"value" : "Norway",
"states" : [
"key" : "akershus",
"value" : "Akershus"
"key" : "aust-agder",
"value" : "Aust-Agder"
"key" : "buskerud",
"value" : "Buskerud"
<para>Refresh your browser after this configuration change for the change
to be picked up by the UI.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-managing-users">
<title>Managing User Accounts With the User Interface</title>
<para>Only administrative users (with the role <literal>openidm-admin</literal>)
can add, modify, and delete user accounts. Regular users can modify certain
aspects of their own accounts.</para>
<title>To Add a User Account</title>
<para>Log into the user interface as an administrative user.</para>
<para>Select the Users tab.</para>
<para>Click Add User.</para>
<para>Complete the fields on the Create new account page.</para>
<para>Most of these fields are self-explanatory. Be aware that the user
interface is subject to policy validation, as described in <link
<citetitle>Using Policies to Validate Data</citetitle></link>. So, for
example, the Email address must be of valid email address format, and
the Password must comply with the password validation settings that are
indicated in the panel to the right.</para>
<para>The Admin Role field reflects the roles that are defined in the
<filename>ui-configuration.json</filename> file. The roles are mapped as
<programlisting language="javascript">
"roles" : {
"openidm-admin" : "Administrator",
"openidm-authorized" : "User",
"tasks-manager" : "Tasks Manager"
<para>By default, a user can be assigned more than one role. Only users
with the <literal>tasks-manager</literal> role can assign tasks to any
candidate user for that task.</para>
<procedure xml:id="ui-update-account">
<title>To Update a User Account</title>
<para>Log into the user interface as an administrative user.</para>
<para>Select the Users tab.</para>
<para>Click the Username of the user that you want to update.</para>
<para>On the user's profile page, modify the fields you want to change
and click Update.</para>
<para>The user account is updated in the internal repository.</para>
<!-- Not supported for Xpress
<title>To Deactivate a User Account</title>
<para>Follow steps 1-3 in <xref linkend="ui-update-account" />.</para>
<para>On the user's profile page, select Inactive from the Account status
<para>Click Update.</para>
<para>The user account is deactivated and the user can no longer log in
to the system.</para>
<title>To Reset a User's Password</title>
<para>Users can change their own passwords by following the Change Security
Data link in their profiles. This process requires that users know their
existing passwords.</para>
<para>In a situation where a user forgets his password, an administrator
can reset the password of that user without knowing the user's existing
<para>Follow steps 1-3 in <xref linkend="ui-update-account" />.</para>
<para>On the user's profile page, click Change password.</para>
<para>Enter a new password that conforms to the password policy and click
<para>The user password is updated in the repository.</para>
<title>To Delete a User Account</title>
<para>Log into the user interface as an administrative user.</para>
<para>Select the Users tab.</para>
<para>Click the Username of the user that you want to delete.</para>
<para>On the user's profile page, click Delete.</para>
<para>Click OK to confirm the deletion.</para>
<para>The user is deleted from the internal repository.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-managing-workflows">
<title>Managing Workflows From the User Interface</title>
<para>The user interface is integrated with the embedded Activiti worfklow
engine, enabling users to interact with workflows. Available workflows are
displayed under the Processes item on the Dashboard. In order for a workflow
to be displayed here, the workflow definition file must be present in the
<filename>openidm/workflow</filename> directory.</para>
<para>A sample workflow integration with the user interface is provided in
<filename>openidm/samples/workflow</filename>, and documented in <link
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Sample Workflow -
Provisioning User Accounts</citetitle></link>. Follow the steps in that
sample for an understanding of how the workflow integration works.</para>
<para>Access to workflows is based on OpenIDM roles, and is configured in
the file <filename>conf/process-access.json</filename>. By default all users
with the role <literal>openidm-authorized</literal> or
<literal>openidm-admin</literal> can invoke any available workflow. The
default <filename>process-access.json</filename> file is as follows:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"workflowAccess" : [
"propertiesCheck" : {
"property" : "_id",
"matches" : ".*",
"requiresRole" : "openidm-authorized"
"propertiesCheck" : {
"property" : "_id",
"matches" : ".*",
"requiresRole" : "openidm-admin"
<section xml:id="ui-customizing">
<title>Changing the UI Theme</title>
<para>You can customize the theme of the default user interface to apply your
own branding. Note that at this stage, the default user interface is still
evolving. Customizations that you make to the <emphasis>functionality</emphasis>
of the UI, are therefore not guaranteed to work in the next OpenIDM release.</para>
<para>By default the user interface reads the stylesheets and images from the
<filename>openidm/ui/default</filename> directory. Modifications to the
default theme should be made in the <filename>openidm/ui/extension</filename>
directory. If you modify the files in the default directory, there is no
guarantee that your changes will not be overwritten in the next OpenIDM
release. The UI searches the <literal>extension</literal> directory first
and applies any styles or images located in this directory.
<section xml:id="ui-style">
<title>Changing the Default Stylesheet</title>
<para>The default stylesheets are located in the
<filename>openidm/ui/default/admin/public/css</filename> directory.
To customize the stylesheets, copy them to
<filename>openidm/ui/extension/css</filename>, and edit them according
to your requirements.</para>
<para>The following example changes the background color of the input
forms to green.</para>
<para>Copy the default stylesheets to <filename>openidm/ui/extension/css</filename>:</para>
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm/ui/default/admin/public/
$ cp -r css /extension/</screen>
<para>Edit the <filename>openidm/ui/extension/css/user/config.less</filename>
file as follows:</para>
<screen>@content-background: #99CC66;</screen>
<para>Refresh your browser window for the change to appear.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-logo">
<title>Changing the Default Logo</title>
<para>The default logo is located in the
<filename>openidm/ui/default/admin/public/images</filename> directory.
To customize the logo:</para>
<para>Add your own logo image file, named <filename>logo.png</filename>,
to the directory <filename>openidm/ui/extension/images</filename>.
<para>Refresh your browser window for the new logo to appear.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-locale">
<title>Changing the Language of the UI</title>
<para>Currently, the UI is provided only in US English. You can
translate the UI and specify that your own locale is used. The
following example shows how to translate the UI into French.</para>
<para>Copy the default locale to <filename>openidm/ui/extension/locales</filename>:</para>
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm/ui/default/admin/public/
$ cp -r locales /extension/</screen>
<para>The <filename>extension/locales</filename> folder now
contains one locale, <literal>en-US</literal>.</para>
<para>Create a copy of the <literal>en-US</literal> locale, in
a new folder named <literal>fr-FR</literal>.</para>
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm/ui/extension/locales
$ cp -r en-US fr-FR </screen>
<para>Translate the values of the properties in the
<filename>fr-FR/translate.json</filename> file. Do not translate
the property names. For example:</para>
"user" : {
"user" : "Utilisateur"
"login" : "Login",
"profile" : "Profil",
<para>Change the UI configuration to use the new locale by
setting the value of the <literal>language</literal> property
in the <filename>openidm/conf/ui-configuration.json</filename>
file, as follows:</para>
<screen>"language" : "fr-FR",
<para>Refresh your browser window for the modification to be
<section xml:id="ui-project-config">
<title>Creating a Project-Specific UI Theme</title>
<para>You can create specific UI themes for different projects and
then point a particular UI instance to use a defined theme on startup.
To create a complete custom theme, follow these steps:</para>
<para>Shut down the OpenIDM instance, if it is running. In the
Felix administration console, type:</para>
<para>Clear the <literal>felix-cache</literal> directory.</para>
<screen>$ rm -rf felix-cache</screen>
<para>Copy the entire default UI theme to an accessible
location. For example:</para>
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm/ui
$ cp -r default /new-project-theme</screen>
<para>In the copied theme, modify the required elements, as
described in the previous sections. Note that nothing is copied
to the extension folder in this case - changes are made in the
copied theme.</para>
<para>In the <literal>openidm/conf/boot/</literal>
file, add the following line, specifying the location of the new
theme. The path is relative to the installation root of the
OpenIDM instance.</para>
<para>Restart OpenIDM.</para>
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm
$ /</screen>
<para>Relaunch the UI in your browser. The UI is displayed with
the new custom theme.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-external-password-reset">
<title>Using an External System for Password Reset</title>
<para>By default, the password reset mechanism is handled
internally, in OpenIDM. You can reroute password reset in the event that
a user has forgotten his password, by specifying an external URL to which
password reset requests are sent. Note that this URL applies to the
password reset link on the login page only, not to the security data change
facility that is available after a user has logged in.</para>
<para>To set an external URL to handle password reset, set the
<literal>passwordResetLink</literal> parameter in the
<filename>conf/ui-configuration.json</filename> file. The following example
sets the <literal>passwordResetLink</literal> to
<screen>passwordResetLink: ""</screen>
<para>The <literal>passwordResetLink</literal> parameter takes either an
empty string as a value (which indicates that no external link is used) or
a full URL to the external system that handles password reset requests.</para>
<note><para>External password reset and security questions for internal
password reset are mutually exclusive. Therefore, if you set a value for the
<literal>passwordResetLink</literal> parameter, users will not be prompted
with any security questions, regardless of the setting of the
<literal>securityQuestions</literal> parameter.</para></note>
<section xml:id="ui-external-logout">
<title>Providing a Logout URL to External Applications</title>
<para>By default, a UI session is invalidated when a user clicks on the
Log out link. In certain situations your external applications might
require a distinct logout URL to which users can be routed, to terminate
their UI session.</para>
<para>The logout URL is <literal>#logout</literal>, appended to the UI URL,
for example, <literal>http://localhost:8080/openidmui/index.html#logout/</literal>.
<para>The logout URL effectively performs the same action as clicking on
the Log out link of the UI.</para>
<section xml:id="ui-path">
<title>Changing the UI Path</title>
<para>By default, the UI is registered at a specific URL
To override the default URL and specify your own path, edit the
file, setting the <literal>urlContextRoot</literal> property to the
new URL. For example, to change the path to
edit the file as follows:</para>
<screen>"urlContextRoot" : "/exampleui",</screen>
<section xml:id="ui-disabling">
<title>Disabling the UI</title>
<para>The UI is packaged as a separate bundle that can be disabled
in the configuration before server startup. To disable the registration
of the UI servlet, edit the <filename>openidm/conf/ui.context-enduser.json</filename>
file, setting the <literal>enabled</literal> property to false:</para>
<screen>"enabled" : false,</screen>