chap-synchronization.xml revision 245d622535c32563b59ef5027b1171167ba9b451
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<chapter xml:id='chap-synchronization'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Configuring Synchronization</title>
<para>One of the core services of OpenIDM is synchronizing identity data from
different resources. This chapter explains what you must know to get started
configuring OpenIDM's flexible synchronization mechanism, and illustrates the
concepts with examples.</para>
<section xml:id="sync-types">
<title>Types of Synchronization</title>
<secondary>Direct (push)</secondary>
<para>Synchronization happens either when OpenIDM receives a change directly,
or when OpenIDM discovers a change on an external resource.</para>
<para>For direct changes to OpenIDM, OpenIDM immediately pushes updates to
all external resources configured to receive the updates. A direct change
can originate not only as a write request through the REST interface, but
also as an update resulting from reconciliation with another resource.</para>
<para>OpenIDM discovers changes on external resources through reconciliation,
and through LiveSync.</para>
<para>In identity management, <firstterm>reconciliation</firstterm> is the
process of bidirectional synchronization of objects between different data
stores. Reconciliation applies mainly to user objects, although OpenIDM
can reconcile any objects, including groups and roles.</para>
<para>To perform reconciliation, OpenIDM analyzes both source and target
systems to uncover the differences that it must reconcile. Reconciliation
can therefore be a heavyweight process. When working with large data sets,
finding all changes can be more work than processing the changes.</para>
<para>Reconciliation is, however, thorough. It recognizes system error
conditions and catches changes that might be missed by the more
lightweight LiveSync mechanism. Reconciliation therefore serves as the
basis for compliance and reporting functionality.</para>
<para><firstterm>LiveSync</firstterm> performs the same job as
reconciliation. LiveSync relies on a change log on the external resource
to determine which objects have changed.</para>
<para>LiveSync is intended to react quickly to changes as they happen.
LiveSync is however a best effort mechanism that, in some cases, can miss
<para>Furthermore, not all resources provide the change log mechanism
that LiveSync requires. The change log provides OpenIDM with a list of
objects that have changed since the last request, so that OpenIDM does not
need to scan all objects for changes. OpenDJ and Active Directory both
provide the change log required for LiveSync.</para>
<para>To determine what to synchronize, and how to carry out synchronization,
OpenIDM relies on mappings that you configure. LiveSync relies on the set of
mappings that you configure once per OpenIDM server. Reconciliation allows
you to configure specific mappings for a particular reconciliation job.</para>
<para>You must trigger OpenIDM to poll for changes on external resources,
usually by scheduling reconciliation or LiveSync, as described in
<link xlink:href="integrators-guide#chap-scheduler-conf"
Tasks and Events</citetitle></link>. Alternatively, you can manage
reconciliations over the REST interface, as described in the following
<section xml:id="recon-over-rest">
<title>Managing Reconciliation Over REST</title>
<para>You can trigger, cancel, and monitor reconciliation operations over
REST, using the REST endpoint
<section xml:id="triggering-recons">
<title>Triggering a Reconciliation Run</title>
<para>The following example triggers a reconciliation operation based on
the <literal>systemLdapAccounts_managedUser</literal> mapping. The mapping
is defined in the file <filename>conf/sync.json</filename>.</para>
<screen width="91"><?dbfo pgwide="1"?>$ curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
--request POST
<para>By default, an assigned reconciliation run ID is returned immediately
when the reconciliation operation is initiated. Clients can make subsequent
calls to the reconciliation service, using this reconciliation run ID to
query its state and to call operations on it.</para>
<para>For example, the reconciliation run initiated previously would return
something similar to the following:</para>
<para>To have the entire reconciliation run complete before the
reconciliation run ID is returned, set the
<literal>waitForCompletion</literal> property to <literal>true</literal>
when the reconciliation is initiated. For example:</para>
<screen width="91"><?dbfo pgwide="1"?>$ curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
--request POST
<section xml:id="canceling-recons">
<title>Canceling a Reconciliation Run</title>
<para>You can cancel a reconciliation run by sending a REST call with
the <literal>cancel</literal> action, specifying the reconciliation run
ID. For example, the following call cancels the reconciliation run
initiated in the previous section:</para>
<screen width="91"><?dbfo pgwide="1"?>$curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
--request POST
<para>The output for a reconciliation cancelation request is similar to the
following, but on a single line:</para>
<screen width="91">
<para>If you specified that the call should wait for completion before
the ID is returned, you can obtain the reconciliation run ID from the list
of active reconciliations, as described in the following section.</para>
<section xml:id="listing-recons">
<title>Listing Reconciliation Runs</title>
<para>You can display a list of reconciliation processes that have
completed, and those that are in progress, by running a RESTful GET on
<literal>"http://localhost:8080/openidm/recon"</literal>. The following
example displays all reconciliation runs.</para>
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
--request GET
<para>The output of such a request is similar to the following, with one
item for each reconciliation run.</para>
<screen width="91">{"reconciliations":[
"stageDescription":"reconciliation completed.",
<para>Each reconciliation run has the following properties:</para>
<para>The ID of the reconciliation run.</para>
<para>The name of the mapping, defined in the <filename>conf/sync.json
</filename> file.</para>
<para>The high level state of the reconciliation run. Values can be as
<para>The reconciliation run is in progress.</para>
<para>The reconciliation run was successfully canceled.</para>
<para>The reconciliation run was terminated because of failure.</para>
<para>The reconciliation run completed successfully.</para>
<para>The current stage of the reconciliation run's progress. Values can
be as follows:</para>
<para>The initial stage, when a reconciliation run is first created.
<para>Querying the source, target and possibly link sets to reconcile.
<para>Reconciling the set of IDs retrieved from the mapping source.
<para>Reconciling any remaining entries from the set of IDs retrieved
from the mapping target, that were not matched or processed during
the source phase.</para>
<para>Checking whether any links are now unused and should be cleaned
<para>Post-processing of reconciliation results.</para>
<para>Attempting to abort a reconciliation run in progress.</para>
<para>Successfully completed processing the reconciliation run.</para>
<para>Completed processing because the reconciliation run was aborted.
<para>Completed processing because of a failure.</para>
<para>A description of the stages described previously.</para>
<para>The progress object has the following structure (anotated here
with comments):</para>
<screen width="96">
"source":{ // Progress on the set of existing entries in the mapping source
"total":"1001" // Total number of entries in source set, if known, “?” otherwise
"target":{ // Progress on the set of existing entries in the mapping target
"total":"1001" // Total number of entries in target set, if known, “?” otherwise
"created":0 // New entries that were created
"links":{ // Progress on the set of existing links between source and target
"total":"1001" // Total number of existing links, if known, “?” otherwise
"created":0 // Denotes new links that were created
<section xml:id="sync-flexible-data">
<title>Flexible Data Model</title>
<secondary>Managed objects</secondary>
<para>Identity management software tends to favor either a meta-directory
data model, where all data are mirrored in a central repository, or a
virtual data model, where only a minimum set of attributes are stored
centrally, and most are loaded on demand from the external resources
in which they are stored. The meta-directory model offers fast access at
the risk of getting out-of-date data. The virtual model guarantees fresh
data, but pays for that guarantee in terms of performance.</para>
<para>OpenIDM leaves the data model choice up to you. You determine the right
trade offs for a particular deployment. OpenIDM does not hard code any
particular schema or set of attributes stored in the repository. Instead,
you define how external system objects map onto managed objects, and OpenIDM
dynamically updates the repository to store the managed object attributes
that you configure.</para>
<para>You can, for example, choose to follow the data model defined in the
Simple Cloud Identity Management (<link xlink:show="new"
>SCIM</link>) specification. The following object represents a SCIM
<programlisting language="javascript">
"userName": "james1",
"familyName": "Berg",
"givenName": "James",
"email": [
"description": "Created by OpenIDM REST.",
"password": "asdfkj23",
"displayName": "James Berg",
"phoneNumber": "12345",
"employeeNumber": "12345",
"userType": "Contractor",
"title": "Vice President",
"active": true
<para>Avoid using the dash character ( <literal>-</literal> ) in property
names, like <literal>last-name</literal>, as dashes in names make
JavaScript syntax more complex. If you cannot avoid the dash, then write
<literal>source['last-name']</literal> instead of
<literal>source.last-name</literal> in java script.</para>
<section xml:id="basic-flow">
<title>Basic Data Flow Configuration</title>
<para>Data flow for synchronization involves the following elements:
<listitem><para>Connector configuration files
(<filename>conf/provisioner-*.json</filename>), with one file per external
<listitem><para>Synchronization mappings file
(<filename>conf/sync.json</filename>), with one file per OpenIDM instance.
<listitem><para>A links table that OpenIDM maintains in its repository.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The scripts required to check objects and manipulate attributes.</para></listitem>
<section xml:id="connector-config-files">
<title>Connector Configuration Files</title>
<para>Connector configuration files map external resource objects to OpenIDM
objects, and are described in detail in the chapter on <link
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Connecting to
External Resources</citetitle></link>. Connector configuration files are
named <filename>openidm/conf/provisioner.<replaceable
where <replaceable>resource-name</replaceable> reflects the connector
technology and external resource, such as
<para>An excerpt from an example connector configuration follows. The
example shows the name for the connector and two attributes of an account
object type. In the attribute mapping definitions, the attribute name is
mapped from the <literal>nativeName</literal>, the attribute name used on
the external resource, to the attribute name used in OpenIDM. Thus the
example shows that the <literal>sn</literal> attribute in LDAP is mapped to
<literal>lastName</literal> in OpenIDM. The <literal>homePhone</literal>
attribute can have multiple values.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"name": "MyLDAP",
"objectTypes": {
"account": {
"lastName": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nativeName": "sn",
"nativeType": "string"
"homePhone": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"nativeType": "string"
"nativeName": "homePhone",
"nativeType": "string"
<para>In order for OpenIDM to access external resource objects and
attributes, the object and its attributes must match the connector
configuration. Note that the connector file only maps external resource
objects to OpenIDM objects. To construct attributes and to manipulate
their values, you use the synchronization mappings file.</para>
<section xml:id="synchronization-mappings-file">
<title>Synchronization Mappings File</title>
<para>The synchronization mappings file is
<filename>openidm/conf/sync.json</filename>. Synchronization mappings
represent the core configuration for OpenIDM synchronization.</para>
<para>The <filename>sync.json</filename> file describes a set of mappings.
Each mapping specifies how attributes from source objects correspond to
attributes on target objects. The source and target indicate the direction
for the data flow, so you must define a separate mapping for each data
flow. For example, if you want data flows from an LDAP server to the
repository and also from the repository to the LDAP server, you must
define two separate mappings.</para>
<para>You identify external resource sources and targets as
>object-type</replaceable></literal>, where
<replaceable>name</replaceable> is the name used in the connector
configuration file, and <replaceable>object-type</replaceable> is the
object defined in the connector configuration file list of object types.
For objects in OpenIDM's internal repository, you use
<literal>managed/<replaceable>object-type</replaceable></literal>, where
<replaceable>object-type</replaceable> is defined in
<filename>openidm/conf/managed.json</filename>. The name for the mapping
by convention is set to a string of the form
>target</replaceable></literal>, as shown in the following example.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript" xml:id="basic-ldap-mapping">
"mappings": [
"name": "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser",
"source": "system/MyLDAP/account",
"target": "managed/user",
"properties": [
"target": "familyName",
"source": "lastName"
"target": "homePhone",
"source": "homePhone"
"target": "phoneExtension",
"default": "0047"
"target": "mail",
"comment": "Set mail if non-empty.",
"source": "email",
"condition": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "( != null)"
"target": "displayName",
"source": "";
"transform": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "(source.lastName +', ' + source.firstName;)"
<para>In this example, the source is the external resource,
<literal>MyLDAP</literal>, and the target is OpenIDM's repository,
specifically the managed user objects. The <literal>properties</literal>
reflect OpenIDM attribute names. For example, the mapping has the
attribute <literal>lastName</literal> defined in the
<literal>MyLDAP</literal> connector configuration file mapped to
<literal>familyName</literal> in the OpenIDM managed user object. Notice
that the attribute names come from the connector configuration, rather
than the external resource itself.</para>
<secondary>Creating attributes</secondary>
<para>You can create attributes on the target as part of the
mapping. In the example, OpenIDM creates a
<literal>phoneExtension</literal> attribute with a default value of
<para>You can also set up conditions under which OpenIDM maps attributes
as shown for the email attribute in the example. By default, OpenIDM
synchronizes all attributes. In the example, the mail attribute is set
only if the script for the condition returns
<secondary>Transforming attributes</secondary>
<para>OpenIDM also enables you to transform attributes. In the example,
the value of the <literal>displayName</literal> attribute is set using a
combination of the <literal>lastName</literal> and
<literal>firstName</literal> attribute values from the source. For
transformations, the <literal>source</literal> property is optional.
However, the source object is only available when you specify the
<literal>source</literal> property. Therefore, in order to use
<literal>source.lastName</literal> and <literal>source.firstName</literal>
to calculate the <literal>displayName</literal>, the example specifies
<literal>"source" : ""</literal>.</para>
<para>To add a flow from the repository to <literal>MyLDAP</literal>,
you would define a mapping with source <literal>managed/user</literal>
and target <literal>system/MyLDAP/account</literal>, named for example
<para>The following image shows the paths to objects in the OpenIDM
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-service-tree"><?dbfo pgwide="1"?>
<alt>OpenIDM namespace and object paths</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/ServiceTree.png" format="PNG" />
<para>The image shows paths to objects in the OpenIDM namespace.</para>
<para>OpenIDM stores managed objects in the repository, and exposes
them under <literal>/openidm/managed</literal>. System objects on
external resources are exposed under
<para>By default, OpenIDM synchronizes all objects that match those
defined in the connector configuration for the resource. Many connectors
allow you to limit the scope of objects that the connector accesses. For
example, the LDAP connector allows you to specify base DNs and LDAP
filters so that you do not need to access every entry in the directory.
OpenIDM also allows you to filter what is considered a valid source or
valid target for synchronization by using JavaScript code. To apply these
filters, use the <literal>validSource</literal>, and
<literal>validTarget</literal> properties in your mapping.</para>
<para>A script that determines if a source object is valid to be
mapped. The script yields a boolean value: <literal>true</literal>
indicates that the source object is valid; <literal>false</literal>
can be used to defer mapping until some condition is met. In the root
scope, the source object is provided in the <literal>"source"</literal>
property. If the script is not specified, then all source objects are
considered valid.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"validSource": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "source.ldapPassword != null"
<para>A script, used during reconciliation's second phase, that
determines if a target object is valid to be mapped. The script yields
a boolean value: <literal>true</literal> indicates that the target
object is valid; <literal>false</literal> indicates that the target
object should not be included in reconciliation. In the root scope, the
source object is provided in the <literal>"target"</literal> property.
If the script is not specified, then all target objects are considered
valid for mapping.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"validTarget": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "target.employeeType == 'internal'"
<para>During synchronization, your scripts always have access to a
<literal>source</literal> object and a <literal>target</literal> object.
Examples already shown in this section use <literal>source.<replaceable
>attributeName</replaceable></literal> to retrieve attributes from the
source objects. Your scripts can also write to target attributes using
<programlisting language="javascript">
"onUpdate": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "if (( != null) {target.mail =;}"
<para>See the <link xlink:href="integrators-guide#appendix-scripting"
Reference</citetitle></link> appendix for more on scripting.</para>
<para>By default, all mappings participate in automatic synchronization
operations. You can prevent a specific mapping from participating in
automatic synchronization by setting the <literal>"enableSync"</literal>
property of that mapping to false. In the following example, automatic
synchronization is disabled. This means that changes to objects in the LDAP
directory are not automatically propagated to the internal repository.
To propagate the changes to the internal repository, reconciliation must be
launched manually.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"mappings" : [
"name" : "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser",
"source" : "system/ldap/account",
"target" : "managed/user",
"enableSync" : false,
<section xml:id="sync-encrypted-values">
<title>Using Encrypted Values</title>
<para>OpenIDM supports reversible encryption of attribute values for
managed objects. Attribute values to encrypt include passwords (if passwords
are not already encrypted on the external resource, which would usually
exclude them from the synchronization process, see the chapter about <link
<citetitle>Passwords</citetitle></link>), and also authentication questions,
credit card numbers, and social security numbers.</para>
<para>You configure encryption in the managed object configuration. The file
to edit is <filename>openidm/conf/managed.json</filename>. The following
example shows a managed object configuration that encrypts and decrypts
<literal>securityAnswer</literal>, <literal>ssn</literal>, and
<literal>password</literal> attributes using the default symmetric
key, and additional scripts for extra passwords.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"objects": [
"name": "user",
"properties": [
"name": "securityAnswer",
"encryption": {
"key": "openidm-sym-default"
"name": "ssn",
"encryption": {
"key": "openidm-sym-default"
"name": "password",
"encryption": {
"key": "openidm-sym-default"
"onStore": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"file": "script/encryptExtraPassword.js"
"onRetrieve": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"file": "script/decryptExtraPassword.js"
<para>Do not use the default symmetric key,
<literal>openidm-sym-default</literal>, in production. See the chapter on
<link xlink:href="integrators-guide#chap-security"
&amp; Hardening OpenIDM</citetitle></link> for instructions on adding your
own symmetric key.</para>
<section xml:id="restricting-http-access">
<title>Restricting HTTP Access to Sensitive Data</title>
<para>You can protect specific sensitive data stored in the repository by
marking the corresponding properties as "private". Private data, whether it
is encrypted or not, is not accessible over the REST interface. Properties
that are marked as private are removed from an object when that object is
retrieved over REST.</para>
<para>To mark a property as private, set its <literal>"scope"</literal> to
<literal>"private"</literal> in the <filename>conf/managed.json</filename>
<para>The following extract of the <filename>managed.json</filename> file
shows how HTTP access is prevented on the <literal>password</literal> and
<literal>securityAnswer</literal> properties.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"properties" : [
"name" : "securityAnswer",
"encryption" : {
"key" : "openidm-sym-default"
"scope" : "private"
"name" : "password",
"encryption" : {
"key" : "openidm-sym-default"
"scope" : "private"
<para>A potential caveat with using private properties is that such
properties are <emphasis>removed</emphasis> if an object is updated by
using an HTTP <literal>PUT</literal> request. A <literal>PUT</literal>
request replaces the entire object in the repository. Because properties
that are marked as private are ignored in HTTP requests, these properties
are effectively removed from the object when the update is done. To work
around this limitation, do not use <literal>PUT</literal> requests if you
have configured private properties. Instead, use a <literal>PATCH</literal>
request to update only those properties that need to be changed.
<para>For example, to update the familyName of user joe, replace only the
familyName and not the entire user object, as follows:</para>
<screen width="100">$ curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--request POST
--data '[{
"replace":"familyName","value": "Brown"
<para>The filtering of private data applies only to direct HTTP read
and query calls on managed objects. No automatic filtering is done for
internal callers, and the data that these callers choose to expose.</para>
<section xml:id="constructing-attributes">
<title>Constructing &amp; Manipulating Attributes</title>
<secondary>Creating attributes</secondary>
<para>OpenIDM lets you construct and manipulate attributes using scripts
triggered when an object is created (onCreate), updated (onUpdate), or
deleted (onDelete), or when a link is created (onLink), or removed
<para>The following example derives a DN for an LDAP entry when the entry
is created in the internal repository.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"onCreate": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"target.dn = 'uid=' + source.uid + ',ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'"
<section xml:id="reusing-links">
<title>Reusing Links</title>
<secondary>Reusing links</secondary>
<para>When two mappings exist to sync the same objects bidirectionally,
you can use the <literal>links</literal> property in one mapping to have
OpenIDM use the same internally managed link for both mappings. Otherwise,
if no <literal>links</literal> property is specified, OpenIDM maintains a
link for each mapping.</para>
<para>The following excerpt shows two mappings, one from MyLDAP accounts
to managed users, and another from managed users to MyLDAP accounts. In
the second mapping, the <literal>link</literal> property tells OpenIDM
to reuse the links created in the first mapping, rather than create new
<programlisting language="javascript">
"mappings": [
"name": "systemMyLDAPAccounts_managedUser",
"source": "system/MyLDAP/account",
"target": "managed/user"
"name": "managedUser_systemMyLDAPAccounts",
"source": "managed/user",
"target": "system/MyLDAP/account",
"links": "systemMyLDAPAccounts_managedUser"
<section xml:id="handling-sync">
<title>Synchronization Situations &amp; Actions</title>
<para>During synchronization, OpenIDM categorizes objects by situation.
Situations are characterized by whether an object exists on a source or
target system, whether OpenIDM has registered a link between the source
object and the target object, and whether the object is considered valid.
OpenIDM takes action depending on the situation.</para>
<para>You can define actions for particular situations in the
<literal>policies</literal> section of a synchronization mapping, as
shown in the following excerpt.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"policies": [
"situation": "CONFIRMED",
"action": "UPDATE"
"situation": "FOUND",
"action": "IGNORE"
"situation": "ABSENT",
"action": "CREATE"
"situation": "AMBIGUOUS",
"action": "IGNORE"
"situation": "MISSING",
"action": "IGNORE"
"situation": "UNQUALIFIED",
"action": "IGNORE"
"situation": "UNASSIGNED",
"action": "IGNORE"
<para>If you do not define a policy for a particular situation, OpenIDM
takes the default action for the situation.</para>
<para>The situations and their corresponding actions are described in the
sections below.</para>
<section xml:id="sync-situations">
<title>Synchronization Situations</title>
<para>OpenIDM performs synchronization action in two phases. First, OpenIDM
performs the source reconciliation, where OpenIDM accounts for source
objects and associated links based on the mapping configured. Second, OpenIDM
runs the target reconciliation, where OpenIDM iterates over the target objects
not processed in the first phase.</para>
<para>During reconciliation OpenIDM builds three lists, assigning values
to the objects to reconcile.</para>
<para>All valid objects from the source</para>
<para>OpenIDM assigns valid source objects <literal>qualifies=1</literal>.
Invalid objects, including those not found in the source system, and those
filtered out by the script specified in the <literal>validSource</literal>
property are assigned <literal>qualifies=0</literal>.</para>
<para>All records from the appropriate link table</para>
<para>Objects with corresponding links in the link table of the repository
get <literal>link=1</literal>. Objects without corresponding links get
<para>All valid objects on the target system</para>
<para>Object found in the target system get <literal>target=1</literal>.
Objects not found in the target system get
<para>Based on the values assigned to objects during source reconciliation,
OpenIDM assigns situations, listed here with their default actions.</para>
<term>"CONFIRMED" (qualifies=1, link=1, target=1)</term>
<para>The mapping qualifies for a target object, and a link to an
existing target object was found. Detected during change events and
reconciliation. Default action: "UPDATE".</para>
<term>"FOUND" (qualifies=1, link=0, target=1)</term>
<para>The mapping qualifies for a target object, there is no link to a
target object, and there is a single target object, correlated by the
logic found in the correlationQuery. Detected during change events and
reconciliation. Default action: "UPDATE".</para>
<term>"ABSENT" (qualifies=1, link=0, target=0)</term>
<para>The mapping qualifies for a target object, there is no link to a
target object, and there is no correlated target object found.
Detected during change events and reconciliation. Default action:
<term>"AMBIGUOUS" (qualifies=1, link=0, target&gt;1)</term>
<para>The mapping qualifies for a target object, there is no link to a
target object, but there is more than one correlated target object.
Detected during source object changes and reconciliation. Default
action: "EXCEPTION".</para>
<term>"MISSING" (qualifies=1, link=1, target=0)</term>
<para>The mapping is qualified for a target object, and there is a
qualified link to a target object, but the target object is missing.
Only detected during reconciliation and source object changes in
synchronous mappings. Default action: "EXCEPTION".</para>
<term>"UNQUALIFIED" (qualifies=0, link=0 or 1, target=1 or &gt;1)</term>
<para>The mapping is not qualified for a source object. One or more
targets are found through the correlation logic. Detected during change
events and reconciliation. Default action: "DELETE".</para>
<term>"SOURCE_IGNORED" (qualifies=0, link=0, target=0)</term>
<para>The source object is unqualified (by validSource), no link, no
target is found. Detected during source object changes and
reconciliation. Default action: "IGNORE".</para>
<para>Based on the values assigned to objects during target reconciliation,
OpenIDM assigns situations, listed here with their default actions.</para>
<term>"TARGET_IGNORED" (qualifies=0)</term>
<para>During target reconciliation the target becomes unqualified by the
"validTarget" script. Only detected during reconciliation. Default
action: "IGNORE"</para>
<term>"UNASSIGNED" (qualifies=1, link=0)</term>
<para>A target object exists for which there is no link. Only detected
during reconciliation. Default action: "EXCEPTION".</para>
<term>"CONFIRMED" (qualifies=1, link=1, source=1)</term>
<para>The mapping qualifies for a target object, and a link to a
source object exists. Detected only during reconciliation. Default
action: "UPDATE".</para>
<term>"UNQUALIFIED" (qualifies=0, link=1, source=1, but source does not
<para>The mapping is not qualified (by validTarget) for a target object,
and there is a link from an existing source object where the source
exists. Detected during change events and reconciliation. Default
action: "DELETE".</para>
<term>SOURCE_MISSING (qualifies=1, link=1, source=0)</term>
<para>The target qualifies and a link is found. But the source object is
missing. Only detected during reconciliation. Default action:
<para>The following sections reiterate in detail how OpenIDM assigns
situations during each of the two synchronization phases.</para>
<section xml:id="source-reconciliation">
<title>Source Reconciliation</title>
<para>OpenIDM starts reconciliation and LiveSync by reading a list of
objects from the resource. For reconciliation, the list includes all
objects available through the connector. For LiveSync, the list contains
only changed objects. The connector can filter objects out of the list, too.
You can filter objects out of the list by using the
<literal>validSource</literal> property.</para>
<para>OpenIDM then iterates over the list, checking each entry against the
<literal>validSource</literal> filter, classifying objects according to
their situations as described in <xref linkend="sync-situations"/>. OpenIDM
uses the list of links for the current mapping to classify objects. Finally,
OpenIDM executes the action configured for the situation.</para>
<para>The following table shows how OpenIDM assigns the appropriate
situation during source reconciliation, depending on whether a valid
source exists (Source Qualifies), whether a link with the appropriate type
exists in the repository (Link Exists), and how many target objects are
found, either based on links or correlation results.</para>
<table pgwide="1" rules="none">
<title>Resolving Source Reconciliation Situations</title>
<tgroup cols="8">
<colspec colnum="1" colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="2" colname="c2" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="3" colname="c3" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="4" colname="c4" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="5" colname="c5" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="6" colname="c6" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="7" colname="c7" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="8" colname="c8" colwidth="2*" />
<entry namest="c1" nameend="c2" align="left">Source Qualifies?</entry>
<entry namest="c3" nameend="c4" align="left">Link Exists?</entry>
<entry namest="c5" nameend="c7" align="left">Target Objects
Found<footnote><para>If no link exists for the source object, then
OpenIDM executes a correlation query.</para></footnote></entry>
<entry morerows="1" valign="top" align="left">Situation</entry>
<entry>&gt; 1</entry>
<section xml:id="target-reconciliation">
<title>Target Reconciliation</title>
<para>During source reconciliation, OpenIDM cannot detect situations where
no source object exists, such as the UNASSIGNED situation. When no source
object exists, OpenIDM detects the situation during the second
reconciliation phase, target reconciliation. During target reconciliation,
OpenIDM iterates over all target objects that do not have a representation
on the source, checking each object against the
<literal>validTarget</literal> filter, determining the appropriate situation,
and executing the action configured for the situation.</para>
<para>The following table shows how OpenIDM assigns the appropriate
situation during target reconciliation, depending on whether a valid target
exists (Target Qualifies), whether a link with an appropriate type exists
in the repository (Link Exists), whether a source object exists
(Source Exists), and whether the source object qualifies (Source Qualifies).
Not all situations assigned during source reconciliation are assigned
during target reconciliation.</para>
<table pgwide="1" rules="none">
<title>Resolving Target Reconciliation Situations</title>
<tgroup cols="9">
<colspec colnum="1" colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="2" colname="c2" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="3" colname="c3" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="4" colname="c4" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="5" colname="c5" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="6" colname="c6" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="7" colname="c7" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="8" colname="c8" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colnum="9" colname="c9" colwidth="2*" />
<entry namest="c1" nameend="c2" align="left">Target Qualifies?</entry>
<entry namest="c3" nameend="c4" align="left">Link Exists?</entry>
<entry namest="c5" nameend="c6" align="left">Source Exists?</entry>
<entry namest="c7" nameend="c8" align="left">Source Qualifies?</entry>
<entry morerows="1" valign="top" align="left">Situation</entry>
<section xml:id="sync-actions">
<title>Synchronization Actions</title>
<para>Once OpenIDM has assigned a situation to an object, OpenIDM takes
the actions configured in the mapping. If no action is configured, then
OpenIDM takes the default action for the situation. OpenIDM supports the
following actions.</para>
<para>Create and link a target object.</para>
<para>Link and update a target object.</para>
<para>Delete and unlink the target object.</para>
<para>Link the correlated target object.</para>
<para>Unlink the linked target object.</para>
<para>Flag the link situation as an exception.</para>
<para>Do not change the link or target object state.</para>
<section xml:id="reconciliation-optimization">
<title>Reconciliation Optimization</title>
<para>By default, reconciliation is configured to function in an optimized
way. Some of these optimizations might, however, be unsuitable for your
environment. The following sections describe the optimizations and how they
can be configured.</para>
<section xml:id="correlate-target-set">
<title>Correlating Empty Target Sets</title>
<para>To optimize a reconciliation operation, the reconciliation process does
not attempt to correlate source objects to target objects if the set of
target objects is empty when the correlation is started. This considerably
speeds up the process the first time the reconciliation is run. You can change
this behavior for a specific mapping by adding the
<literal>correlateEmptyTargetSet</literal> property to the mapping definition
and setting it to <literal>true</literal>. For example:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"mappings": [
"name" : "systemMyLDAPAccounts_managedUser",
"source" : "system/MyLDAP/account",
"target" : "managed/user",
"correlateEmptyTargetSet" : true
<para>Be aware that this setting will have a performance impact on the
reconciliation process.</para>
<section xml:id="prefetching-links">
<title>Prefetching Links</title>
<para>All links are queried at the start of a correlation and the results of
that query are used. You can disable the prefetching of links, so that the
correlation process looks up each link in the database as it processes each
source or target object. You can disable the prefetching of links by adding
the <literal>prefetchLinks</literal> property to the mapping, and setting it
to <literal>false</literal>, for example:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"mappings": [
"name": "systemMyLDAPAccounts_managedUser",
"source": "system/MyLDAP/account",
"target": "managed/user"
"prefetchLinks" : false
<para>Be aware that this setting will have a performance impact on the
reconciliation process.</para>
<section xml:id="parallel-recon-tasks">
<title>Parallel Reconciliation Threads</title>
<para>By default, reconciliation is executed in a multi-threaded manner,
that is, numerous threads are dedicated to the same reconciliation run.
Multithreading generally improves reconciliation run performance. The
default number of threads for a single reconciliation run is ten (plus the
main reconciliation thread). Under normal circumstances, you should not
need to change this number, however the default might not be appropriate
in the following situations:</para>
<para>The hardware has many cores and supports more concurrent threads.
As a rule of thumb for performance tuning, start with setting the
thread number to two times the number of cores.</para>
<para>The source or target is an external system with high latency or
slow response times. Threads may then spend considerable time waiting
for a response from the external system. Increasing the available
threads enables the system to prepare or continue with additional
<para>To change the number of threads, set the <literal>taskThreads</literal>
property in the <filename>conf/sync.json</filename> file, for example:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"mappings" : [
"name" : "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser",
"source" : "system/xmlfile/account",
"target" : "managed/user",
"taskThreads" : 20
<para>A value of <literal>0</literal> specifies that reconciliation is run
on the main reconciliation thread, that is, in a serial manner.</para>
<section xml:id="correlation">
<title>Correlation Queries</title>
<secondary>Correlation queries</secondary>
<primary>Correlation queries</primary>
<para>Every time OpenIDM creates an object through synchronization, it
creates a link between the source and target objects. OpenIDM then uses the
link to determine the object's situation during later synchronization
<para>Initial, bulk synchronization operations can involve correlating
many objects that exist both on source and target systems. In this case,
OpenIDM uses correlation queries to find target objects that already exist,
and that correspond to source objects. For the target objects that match
a correlation query, OpenIDM needs only to create a link, rather than a
new target object.</para>
<para>Correlation queries run against target resources. The query syntax
therefore depends on the target system, and is either specific to the data
store underlying the OpenIDM repository, or to OpenICF query capabilities.
<section xml:id="correlation-query-managed-object">
<title>Managed Object as Correlation Query Target</title>
<para>Queries on managed objects in the repository must be defined in the
configuration file for the repository, which is either
<filename>openidm/conf/repo.orientdb.json</filename>, or
<para>The following example shows a correlation query defined in
<programlisting language="javascript">
"for-userName" : "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE userName = ${uid}"
<para>By default, a <literal>${value}</literal> token replacement is
assumed to be a quoted string. If the value is not a quoted string, use the
<literal>unquoted:</literal> prefix, as shown above.</para>
<para>The following correlation query example shows the JavaScript to call
the query defined for OrientDB. The <literal>_queryId</literal> property
value matches the name of the query specified in
<literal>for-userName</literal>. The <literal></literal> value
replaces <literal>${uid}</literal> in the query. OpenIDM replaces
<literal>${unquoted:_resource}</literal> in the query with the name of the
table that holds managed objects.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"correlationQuery": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"var query = {'_queryId' : 'for-userName', 'uid' :}; query;"
<para>The query can return zero or more objects, so the situation OpenIDM
assigns to the source object depends on the number of target objects
<para>With a JDBC-based repository, the query defined in
<filename>openidm/conf/repo.jdbc.json</filename> is more complex due
to how the tables are indexed. The correlation query you define in
<filename>openidm/conf/sync.json</filename> is the same, however.</para>
<section xml:id="correlation-query-system-object">
<title>System Object as Correlation Query Target</title>
<para>Correlation queries on system objects access the connector. The
connector then executes the query on the external resource.</para>
<para>Your correlation query JavaScript must return a map holding a generic
query with the following elements.</para>
<para>A condition such as "Equals"</para>
<para>The naming attribute to compare on the system object. In the example
that follows, the naming attribute is <literal>uid</literal>.</para>
<para>The value from the source object to use in the search filter. You
set this as the value of the <literal>value</literal> property, which
takes an array. In the example that follows, the value to use in the
search filter is <literal>source.userName</literal>.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
varmap={"query": {"Equals": {"field": "uid", "values": [ source.userName ]}}};
<section xml:id="advanced-dataflow">
<title>Advanced Data Flow Configuration</title>
<secondary>Hooks for scripting</secondary>
<para><xref linkend="basic-flow"/> shows how to trigger scripts when objects
are created and updated. Other situations require you to trigger scripts
in response to other synchronization actions. For example, you might not
want OpenIDM to delete a managed user directly when an external account is
deleted, but instead unlink the objects and deactivate the user in another
resource. (Alternatively, you might delete the object in OpenIDM but
nevertheless execute a script.) The following example shows a more advanced
mapping configuration.</para>
<programlisting linenumbering="numbered" language="javascript">
"mappings": [
"name": "systemLdapAccount_managedUser",
"source": "system/ldap/account",
"target": "managed/user",
"validSource": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"file": "script/isValid.js"
"correlationQuery": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"file": "script/ldapCorrelationQuery.js"
"properties": [
"source": "uid",
"transform": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "source.toLowerCase()"
"target": "userName"
"source": "",
"transform": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "if (source.myGivenName)
{source.myGivenName;} else {source.givenName;}"
"target": "givenName"
"source": "",
"transform": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "if (source.mySn)
{source.mySn;} else {;}"
"target": "familyName"
"source": "cn",
"target": "fullname"
"comment": "Multi-valued in LDAP, single-valued in AD.
Retrieve first non-empty value.",
"source": "title",
"transform": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"file": "script/getFirstNonEmpty.js"
"target": "title"
"condition": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "var clearObj = openidm.decrypt(object);
((clearObj.password != null) &amp;&amp;
(clearObj.ldapPassword != clearObj.password))"
"transform": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "source.password"
"target": "__PASSWORD__"
"onCreate": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "target.ldapPassword = null;
target.adPassword = null;
target.password = null;
target.ldapStatus = 'New Account'"
"onUpdate": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "target.ldapStatus = 'OLD'"
"onUnlink": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"file": "script/triggerAdDisable.js"
"policies": [
"situation": "CONFIRMED",
"action": "UPDATE"
"situation": "FOUND",
"action": "UPDATE"
"situation": "ABSENT",
"action": "CREATE"
"situation": "AMBIGUOUS",
"action": "EXCEPTION"
"situation": "MISSING",
"action": "EXCEPTION"
"situation": "UNQUALIFIED",
"action": "UNLINK"
"situation": "UNASSIGNED",
"action": "EXCEPTION"
<para>The following list shows all the properties that you can use as hooks
in mapping configurations to call scripts.</para>
<term>Triggered by Situation</term>
<para>onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete, onLink, onUnlink</para>
<term>Object Filter</term>
<para>vaildSource, validTarget</para>
<term>Correlating Objects</term>
<term>Triggered on Reconciliation</term>
<term>Scripts Inside Properties</term>
<para>condition, transform</para>
<para>Your scripts can get data from any connected system at any time by
using the <literal></literal> function, where
<literal>id</literal> is the identifier of the object to read.</para>
<para>The following example reads a managed user object from the
<programlisting language="javascript">
repoUser ="managed/user/ddoe);</programlisting>
<para>The following example reads an account from an external LDAP
<programlisting language="javascript">
externalAccount ="system/ldap/account/ddoe");</programlisting>
<section xml:id="scheduling-synchronization">
<title>Scheduling Synchronization</title>
<para>You can schedule synchronization operations, such as LiveSync and
reconciliation, using <command>cron</command>-like syntax.</para>
<para>This section describes scheduling for reconciliation and LiveSync,
however, you can also use OpenIDM's scheduler service to schedule any other
event by supplying a link to a script file, in which that event is defined.
For information about scheduling other events, and for a deeper understanding
of the OpenIDM scheduler service, see
<link xlink:href="integrators-guide#chap-scheduler-conf"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Scheduling Tasks
and Events</citetitle></link>.</para>
<section xml:id="configuring-sync-schedule">
<title>Configuring Scheduled Synchronization</title>
<para>Each scheduled reconciliation and LiveSync task requires a schedule
configuration file in <filename>opendidm/conf</filename>. By convention,
files are named <filename>openidm/conf/schedule-<replaceable>schedule-name
</replaceable>.json</filename>, where <replaceable>schedule-name</replaceable>
is a logical name for the scheduled synchronization operation, such as
<para>Schedule configuration files have the following format:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"enabled" : true,
"persisted" : false,
"type" : "cron",
"startTime" : "<replaceable>(optional) time</replaceable>",
"endTime" : "<replaceable>(optional) time</replaceable>",
"schedule" : "<replaceable>cron expression</replaceable>",
"misfirePolicy" : "<replaceable>optional, string</replaceable>",
"timeZone" : "<replaceable>(optional) time zone</replaceable>",
"invokeService" : "<replaceable>service identifier</replaceable>",
"invokeContext" : "<replaceable>service specific context info</replaceable>"
<para>For an explanation of each of these properties, see
<link xlink:href="integrators-guide#chap-scheduler-conf"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Scheduling Tasks
and Events</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para>To schedule a reconciliation or LiveSync task, set the
<literal>invokeService</literal> property to either <literal>"sync"</literal>
(for reconciliation) or <literal>"provisioner"</literal> for LiveSync.</para>
<para>The value of the <literal>invokeContext</literal> property depends on
the type of scheduled event. For reconciliation, the properties are set as
<programlisting language="javascript">
"invokeService": "sync",
"invokeContext": {
"action": "reconcile",
"mapping": "systemLdapAccount_managedUser"
<para>The <literal>"mapping"</literal> is either referenced by its name in
the <filename>openidm/conf/sync.json</filename> file, or defined inline by
using the <literal>"mapping"</literal> property, as shown in the example in
<link xlink:href="integrators-guide#alternative-mapping"
<para>For LiveSync, the properties are set as follows:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"invokeService": "provisioner",
"invokeContext": {
"action": "liveSync",
"source": "system/OpenDJ/__ACCOUNT__"
<para>The <literal>"source"</literal> property follows OpenIDM's convention
for a pointer to an external resource object and takes the form
<section xml:id="alternative-mapping">
<title>Alternative Mappings</title>
<secondary>Scheduled reconciliation</secondary>
<para>Mappings for synchronization are usually stored in
<filename>openidm/conf/sync.json</filename> for reconciliation, LiveSync,
and for pushing changes made to managed objects to external resources.
You can, however, provide alternative mappings for scheduled reconciliation
by adding the mapping to the schedule configuration instead of referencing
a mapping in <filename>sync.json</filename>.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"enabled": true,
"type": "cron",
"schedule": "0 08 16 * * ?",
"invokeService": "sync",
"invokeContext": {
"action": "reconcile",
<emphasis role="bold">"mapping": {
"name": "CSV_XML",
"source": "system/Ldap/account",
"target": "managed/user",
"properties": [
"source": "firstname",
"target": "firstname"
"policies": [...]