chap-security.xml revision 7d19a158b53f47b175ba1e6aad07c79365847ae6
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<chapter xml:id='chap-security'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Securing &amp; Hardening OpenIDM</title>
<para>After following the guidance in this chapter, make sure that you test
your installation to verify that it behaves as expected before putting it
into production.</para>
Chapter 11 - this needs to change / be enhanced with
- The fact that there now is a default user table (internal/user)
- There is an OpenIDM authentication mechanism
- That there is a fine grained access policy mechanism that they can use to protect resources, e.g. very flexible RBAC
- Installing an additional and/or replacing the default symmetric key for encryption (see above for some details)
- Replacing the default user/password with the detailed procedure.
<para>Out of the box, OpenIDM is set up for ease of development and
deployment. When deploying OpenIDM in production, take the following
<section xml:id="security-ssl-https">
<title>Use SSL and HTTPS</title>
<para>Disable plain HTTP access, included for development convenience.
TODO: Show how.</para>
<para>Use TLS/SSL to access OpenIDM, ideally with mutual authentication so
that only trusted systems can invoke each other. TLS/SSL protects data on
the wire. Mutual authentication with certificates imported into the
applications' trust and key stores provides some confidence for trusting
application access.</para>
<para>Augment this protect with message level security where
<section xml:id="security-encrypt-data">
<title>Encrypt Data Internally &amp; Externally</title>
<!-- TODO: When using OpenIDM, must I do something here? Or does
OpenIDM do this for me? -->
<para>Beyond relying on end-to-end availability of TLS/SSL to protect
data, OpenIDM also supports explicit encryption of data that goes on the
wire. This can be important if the TLS/SSL termination happens prior to
the final end point.</para>
<para>OpenIDM also supports encryption of data it puts into the repository,
using a symmetric key. This protects against some attacks on the data
<para>OpenIDM automatically encrypts sensitive data in configuration files,
such as passwords. OpenIDM replaces clear text values when the system first
reads the configuration file. Take care with configuration files having
clear text values that OpenIDM has not yet read and updated.</para>
<para>Also, do not use the default keys provided with OpenIDM, such
as the symmetric key with alias, <literal>openidm-sym-default</literal>.
Replace the key and the default password before starting OpenIDM for the
first time. See the examples in <filename>openidm/samples/security</filename>
for hints on creating your own. If you import your own key into the key
store with a different alias, change the alias used in
<section xml:id="security-messages">
<title>Use Message Level Security</title>
<para>OpenIDM supports message level security, forcing authentication before
granting access. TODO: Describe OpenIDM authentication and authorization.</para>
<section xml:id="security-jetty">
<title>Secure Jetty</title>
<para>Before running OpenIDM in production, edit the
<filename>openidm/conf/jetty.xml</filename> configuration to avoid
clear text HTTP. Opt instead for HTTPS either with or without mutual
<section xml:id="security-files">
<title>Protect Sensitive Files &amp; Directories</title>
<para>Protect OpenIDM files from access by unauthorized users.</para>
<para>In particular, prevent other users from reading files in at least the
<filename>conf/boot/</filename> and <filename>security/</filename>
directories where you install OpenIDM.</para>
<section xml:id="security-bootstrap">
<title>Obfuscate Bootstrap Information</title>
<para>OpenIDM uses the information in
<filename>conf/boot/</filename> including the key store
password to start up. You can set an obfuscated version in the file, or
prompt for the password at start up time.</para>
<!-- TODO: Show how to do this. -->
<section xml:id="security-remove-dev-tools">
<title>Remove or Protect Development &amp; Debug Tools</title>
<para>Before deploying OpenIDM in production, remove or protect development
and debug tools, including the OSGi console exposed under
<literal>system/console</literal>. Authentication for this console is not
integrated with authentication for OpenIDM.</para>
<para>To remove the OSGi console, remove the web console bundle,
<para>If you cannot remove the OSGi console, the protect it by overriding
the default admin:admin credentials. Create a file called
where you install OpenIDM containing the user name and password to access the
console in Java properties file format.</para>
<programlisting language="none">
<section xml:id="security-protect-repo">
<title>Protect the OpenIDM Repository</title>
<para>Use the JDBC repository. OrientDB is not yet supported for
production use.</para>
<para>Use a strong password for the JDBC connection. Do not rely on default
<para>Use a case sensitive database, particularly if you work with systems
with different identifiers that match except for case. Otherwise correlation
queries can pick up identifiers that should not be considered the same.</para>
<section xml:id="security-adjust-log-levels">
<title>Adjust Log Levels</title>
<para>Leave log levels at <literal>INFO</literal> in production to ensure
that you capture enough information to help diagnose issues.</para>
<para>At start up and shut down, <literal>INFO</literal> can produce many
messages. Yet, during stable operation, <literal>INFO</literal> generally
results in log messages only when coarse-grain operations such as
scheduled reconciliation start or stop.</para>
<section xml:id="security-run-as-service">
<title>Set Up Restart At System Boot</title>
<para>You can run OpenIDM in the background as a service (daemon), and
add startup and shutdown scripts to manage the service at system boot
and shutdown.</para>
<para>To avoid sending output to the console when you start or shutdown
OpenIDM, edit <filename>conf/</filename> to turn off
logging to the console:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = OFF</literallayout>
<para>With logging to the console turned off, you can background OpenIDM
at start up and shutdown.</para>
<screen>$ sh &amp;</screen>
<para>See your operating system documentation for details on adding a
service such as OpenIDM to be started at boot and shut down at system