chap-resource-conf.xml revision 960d41021efff9c324df57f2aa0ccbc54c3ba988
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<chapter xml:id='chap-resource-conf'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Connecting to External Resources</title>
<para>This chapter describes how to connect to external resources such
as LDAP, Active Directory, flat files, and others. Configurations shown
here are simplified to show essential aspects. Not all resources support
all OpenIDM operations, however the resources shown here support
most of the CRUD operations, and also reconciliation and LiveSync.</para>
<para>In OpenIDM, <firstterm>resources</firstterm> are external systems,
databases, directory servers, and other sources of identity data to be managed
and audited by the identity management system. OpenIDM connects to resources
through the identity connector framework, <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="">OpenICF</link>. OpenICF aims to
avoid the need to install agents to access resources, instead using the
resources' native protocols. For example, OpenICF connects to database
resources using the database's Java connection libraries or JDBC driver.
It connects to directory servers over JNDI. It connects to UNIX systems
by using <command>ssh</command>.</para>
<para>Connectors are configured through files named
where <replaceable>name</replaceable> corresponds to the name of the
connector. <emphasis>Do not include dash characters ( <literal>-</literal> )
in the connector <replaceable>name</replaceable>.</emphasis> A number of
sample connectors are available in the <filename>openidm/samples/provisioners
</filename> directory. To use these connectors, edit the configuration files
as required, and copy them to the <filename>openidm/conf</filename> directory.
<section xml:id="openidm-openicf">
<title>About OpenIDM &amp; OpenICF</title>
<para>The following figure shows how OpenIDM can connect to resources
through an OpenICF server. In most cases, the OpenICF server runs as part
of OpenIDM.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-openicfarch">
<alt>OpenICF architecture</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/OpenICFArch.png" format="PNG" />
<para>The figure shows the basic architecture of OpenIDM with three
connector servers, one built-in local Java connector server, and two
remote, Java and .NET connector servers.</para>
<para>OpenICF provides a common service provider interface to allow identity
services access to the resources that contain user information. OpenICF uses
a connection server that can run as a local connector server inside OpenIDM,
or as a remote connector server that is a standalone process.</para>
<para>A remote connector server is required when access libraries that cannot
be included as part of the OpenIDM process are needed. If a resource, such as
Microsoft ADSI, does not provide a connection library that can be included
inside the Java Virtual Machine, then OpenICF can use the native .dll with a
remote .NET connector server. (OpenICF connects to ADSI through a remote
connector server implemented as a .NET service.)</para>
<para>Not only .NET connector servers but also Java connector servers can be
run as standalone, remote services. Run them as remote services for
scalability, or to have the service run in the cloud.</para>
<para>By default, and for convenience, OpenIDM includes a Java connector
server that runs as a <literal>"#LOCAL"</literal> service.</para>
<section xml:id="connector-info-provider-conf">
<title>Accessing Remote Connectors</title>
<para>When you configure remote connectors, you must use the connector info
provider service to connect through remote connector servers. The configuration is
stored in the configuration file,
A sample can be found under <filename>openidm/samples/provisioners/</filename>.
To use the file, edit it as required, and then copy it to the
<filename>openidm/conf</filename> directory.</para>
<para>The connector info provider service takes the following configuration:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorsLocation" : <replaceable>string</replaceable>,
"remoteConnectorServers" : [<replaceable>remoteConnectorServer objects</replaceable>]
<variablelist><title>Connector Info Provider Properties</title>
<para>string, optional</para>
<para>Specifies the directory where the OpenICF connectors are located. The
default location is <filename>openidm/connectors</filename>.
<term><link linkend="remote-connector-server-object-properties">remoteConnectorServers</link></term>
<para>array of RemoteConnectorServer objects, optional</para>
<para>A list of remote connector servers managed by this service.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="remote-connector-server-object-properties">
<title>Remote Connector Server Properties</title>
<para>The following example shows a <literal>remoteConnectorServer</literal>
object configuration.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"name" : "testServer",
"host" : "",
"port" : 8759,
"heartbeatInterval" : 60,
"useSSL" : false,
"timeout" : 0,
"key" : "changeit",
"trustManagers" :
<para>OpenIDM supports the following remote connector server object
<para>string, required</para>
<para>The name of the remote connector server object. Used to identify the
remote connector server in connector reference objects.</para>
<para>string, required</para>
<para>Remote host to connect to.</para>
<para>string, optional</para>
Remote port to connect to. Default value: 8759</para>
<para>integer, optional</para>
<para>Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which heartbeat packets are
transmitted. If the connector server is unreachable, based on this heartbeat
interval, all services that use the connector server are made unavailable
until the connector server can be reached again. Default value: 60</para>
<para>boolean, optional</para>
<para>Specifies whether or not to use SSL to connect. Default value:
<para>integer, optional</para>
<para>Specifies the timeout (in milliseconds) to use for the connection.
Default value: 0</para>
<para>string, required</para>
<para>The secret key to use to authenticate to the remote connector
<para>not specified</para>
<para>Not implemented yet. The service uses the default JVM
<section xml:id="openicf-provisioner-conf">
<title>Configuring Connectors</title>
<para>Connectors are configured through the OpenICF provisioner service.
Each connector configuration is stored in a file in the
<filename>openidm/conf/</filename> folder or under the same URL respectively.
Configuration files are named
where <replaceable>name</replaceable> corresponds to the name of the
connector. <emphasis>Do not include dash characters ( <literal>-</literal> )
in the connector <replaceable>name</replaceable>.</emphasis> A number of
sample connectors are available in the <filename>openidm/samples/provisioners
</filename> directory. To use these connectors, edit the configuration files
as required, and copy them to the <filename>openidm/conf</filename> directory.
<para>The following example shows an OpenICF provisioner service
configuration for an XML file resource.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"name" : "xml",
"connectorRef" : <link linkend="connector-reference">connector-ref-object</link>,
"poolConfigOption" : <link linkend="pool-configuration-option">pool-config-option-object</link>,
"operationTimeout" : <link linkend="operation-timeout">operation-timeout-object</link>,
"configurationProperties" : <link linkend="configuration-properties">configuration-properties-object</link>,
"objectTypes" : <link linkend="object-types">object-types-object</link>,
"operationOptions" : <link linkend="operation-options">operation-options-object</link>
<variablelist xml:id="connector-reference">
<title>Connector Reference</title>
<para>The following example shows a connector reference object.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"bundleName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.file.xml",
"bundleVersion" : "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>",
"connectorName" : "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
"connectorHostRef" : "host"
<para>string, required</para>
<para>The <replaceable>ConnectorBundle-Name</replaceable> of the OpenICF
<para>string, required</para>
<para>The <replaceable>ConnectorBundle-Version</replaceable> of the
OpenICF connector.</para>
<para>string, required</para>
<para>The Connector implementation class name.</para>
<para>string, optional</para>
<para>The name of the RemoteConnectorServer object.</para>
<para>If the connector server is local and the connector .jar is
installed in <filename>openidm/bundle/</filename> (currently not recommended), then the value
must be
<para>If the connector server is local and the connector .jar is
installed in <filename>openidm/connectors/</filename>, then the value
must be <literal>"#LOCAL"</literal>. This is currently the default location.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="pool-configuration-option">
<title>Pool Configuration Option</title>
<para>The following example shows a pool configuration option object
for the connection pool between OpenIDM and the OpenICF connector
<programlisting language="javascript">
"maxObjects" : 10,
"maxIdle" : 10,
"maxWait" : 150000,
"minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000,
"minIdle" : 1
<para>Maximum number of idle and active objects.</para>
<para>Maximum number of idle objects</para>
<para>The maximum time in milliseconds which the pool waits for an object
before timing out. Zero means never time out.</para>
<para>Maximum time in milliseconds an object can be idle before it is
removed. Zero means never time out.</para>
<para>The minimum number of idle objects.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="operation-timeout">
<title>Operation Timeout</title>
<para>This configuration sets the timeout per operation type.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"CREATE" : -1,
"TEST" : -1,
"SEARCH" : -1,
"VALIDATE" : -1,
"GET" : -1,
"UPDATE" : -1,
"DELETE" : -1,
"SYNC" : -1,
"SCHEMA" : -1
<para>Timeout in milliseconds</para>
<para>A value of <literal>-1</literal> disables the timeout.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="configuration-properties">
<title>Configuration Properties</title>
<para>This object contains the configuration for the connection between
the connection server and the resource, and is therefore resource
<para>The following example shows a configuration properties object for
the default XML sample resource connector.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"xsdIcfFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
"xsdFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xmlFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
<para>Individual properties depend on the type of connector.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="object-types">
<title>Object Types</title>
<secondary>Object types</secondary>
<para>This configuration object specifies the supported object types. The
property name defines the <literal>objectType</literal> used in the
URI: <literal>system/$<replaceable >systemName</replaceable>/$<replaceable
<para>The configuration is based on <link xlink:show="new"
Schema</link> with extensions described below.</para>
<para>Attribute names which start and/or end with <literal>__</literal> are
resource type specific attributes used by OpenICF for particular
purposes, such as <literal>__NAME__</literal> as the naming attribute
for objects on a resource.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"account" :
"$schema" : "",
"id" : "__ACCOUNT__",
"type" : "object",
"nativeType" : "__ACCOUNT__",
"properties" :
"name" :
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "__NAME__",
"flags" :
"groups" :
"type" : "array",
"items" :
"type" : "string",
"nativeType" : "string"
"nativeName" : "__GROUPS__",
"nativeType" : "string",
"flags" :
"givenName" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "givenName",
"nativeType" : "string"
<term>Object Level Extensions</term>
<para>string, optional</para>
<para>The native OpenICF object type.</para>
<term>Property Level Extensions</term>
<para>string, optional</para>
<para>The native OpenICF attribute type.</para>
<para>string, optional</para>
<para>The native OpenICF attribute name.</para>
<para>string, optional</para>
<para>The native OpenICF attribute flags. The
<replaceable>required</replaceable> and
<replaceable>multivalued</replaceable> flags are defined by the JSON
<literallayout class="monospaced"
><replaceable>required</replaceable> = <literal
>"required" : true</literal></literallayout>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
><replaceable>multivalued</replaceable> = <literal
>"type" : "array"</literal></literallayout>
<para>Avoid using the dash character ( <literal>-</literal> ) in property
names, like <literal>last-name</literal>, as dashes in names make
JavaScript syntax more complex. If you cannot avoid the dash, then write
<literal>source['last-name']</literal> instead of
<literal>source.last-name</literal> in the java script scripts.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="operation-options">
<title>Operation Options</title>
<para>Operation options define how to act on specified operations.
You can for example deny operations on specific resources to avoid
OpenIDM accidentally updating a read-only resource during a synchronization
<programlisting language="javascript">
"SYNC" :
"denied" : true,
"onDeny" : "DO_NOTHING",
"objectFeatures" :
"__ACCOUNT__" :
"denied" : true,
"operationOptionInfo" :
"$schema" : "",
"id" : "FIX_ME",
"type" : "object",
"properties" :
"_OperationOption-float" :
"type" : "number",
"__GROUP__" :
"denied" : false,
"onDeny" : "DO_NOTHING"
<para>The list of operations is as follows.</para>
<para><literal>AUTHENTICATE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>CREATE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>DELETE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>GET</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>RESOLVEUSERNAME</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SCHEMA</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SCRIPT_ON_CONNECTOR</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SCRIPT_ON_RESOURCE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SEARCH</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SYNC</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>TEST</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>UPDATE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>VALIDATE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para>boolean, optional</para>
<para>This property prevents operation execution if the value is
<para>string, optional</para>
<para>If <literal>denied</literal> is <literal>true</literal>, then the
service uses this value. Default value:
<para><literal>DO_NOTHING</literal>: On operation the service does
<para><literal>THROW_EXCEPTION</literal>: On operation the service
throws a <literal>ForbiddenException</literal> exception.</para>
<section xml:id="connector-examples">
<title>Connector Configuration Examples</title>
<para>This section explains provisioner configurations for common
connectors. Also see <xref linkend="connector-wiz"/> for instructions
on interactively building connector configurations.</para>
<section xml:id="xml-file-connector">
<title>XML File Connector</title>
<para>The following example shows an excerpt of the provisioner
configuration for an XML file connector.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorRef": {
"connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>",
"connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector"
<para>The connectorHostRef is optional if the connector server is
<para>The configuration properties for the XML file connector set the
relative path to the file containing the identity data, and also the paths
to the XML schemas required.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configurationProperties": {
"xsdIcfFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
"xsdFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xmlFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
<para>References the XML file containing account entries</para>
<para>References the XSD file defining schema common to all XML file
resources. Do not change the schema defined in this file.</para>
<para>References custom schema defining attributes specific to your
<section xml:id="ldap-connector">
<title>Generic LDAP Connector</title>
<para>The following excerpt shows the <literal>connectorRef</literal>
configuration property for connection to an LDAP server. When using the
connect .jar provided in <filename>openidm/connectors</filename>, and
when using a local connector server, the <literal>connectorHostRef</literal>
property is optional.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorRef": {
"connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"
<para>The following excerpt shows settings for many connector configuration
<programlisting language="javascript">
"accountSynchronizationFilter": null,
"passwordAttributeToSynchronize": null,
"synchronizePasswords": false,
"removeLogEntryObjectClassFromFilter": true,
"modifiersNamesToFilterOut": [],
"passwordDecryptionKey": null,
"credentials": "Passw0rd",
"changeLogBlockSize": 100,
"baseContextsToSynchronize": [
"attributesToSynchronize": [
"changeNumberAttribute": "changeNumber",
"passwordDecryptionInitializationVector": null,
"filterWithOrInsteadOfAnd": false,
"objectClassesToSynchronize": [
"port": 1389,
"vlvSortAttribute": "uid",
"passwordAttribute": "userPassword",
"useBlocks": true,
"maintainPosixGroupMembership": false,
"failover": [],
"ssl": false,
"principal": "cn=Directory Manager",
"baseContexts": [
"readSchema": true,
"accountObjectClasses": [
"accountUserNameAttributes": [
"host": "localhost",
"groupMemberAttribute": "uniqueMember",
"accountSearchFilter": null,
"passwordHashAlgorithm": null,
"usePagedResultControl": false,
"blockSize": 100,
"uidAttribute": "entryUUID",
"maintainLdapGroupMembership": false,
"respectResourcePasswordPolicyChangeAfterReset": false
<para>Used during synchronization actions to filter out LDAP
<para>The object classes used when creating new LDAP user objects.
When specifying more than one object class, add each object class as its
own property. For object classes that inherit from parents other than
<literal>top</literal>, such as <literal>inetOrgPerson</literal>, specify
all object classes in the class hierarchy.</para>
<para>Search filter that accounts must match</para>
<para>Attributes holding the account's user name. Used during
authentication to find the LDAP entry matching the user name.</para>
<para>List of attributes used during object synchronization. OpenIDM
ignores change log updates that do not include any of the specified
attributes. If empty, OpenIDM considers all changes.</para>
<para>Base DNs for operations on the LDAP server</para>
<para>Base DNs for entries taken into account during
<para>Block size for simple paged results and VLV index searches,
reflecting the maximum number of accounts retrieved at any one time</para>
<para>Block size used when fetching change log entries</para>
<para>Change log attribute containing the last change number</para>
<para>Password to connect to the LDAP server</para>
<para>LDAP URLs specifying alternative LDAP servers to connect to if
OpenIDM cannot connect to the primary LDAP server specified in the
<literal>host</literal> and <literal>port</literal> properties</para>
<para>In most cases, the filter to fetch change log entries is AND-based.
If this property is set, the filter ORs the required change numbers
<para>LDAP attribute holding members for non-POSIX static groups</para>
<para>Primary LDAP server host name</para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, OpenIDM modifies group membership when
entries are renamed or deleted.</para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, OpenIDM modifies POSIX group membership
when entries are renamed or deleted.</para>
<para>Use to avoid loops caused by OpenIDM's own changes</para>
<para>OpenIDM synchronizes only entries having these object
<para>Attribute to which OpenIDM writes the predefined PASSWORD
<para>OpenIDM synchronizes password values on this attribute.</para>
<para>Initialization vector used to decrypt passwords when performing
password synchronization</para>
<para>Key used to decrypt passwords when performing password
<para>Hash password values with the specified algorithm if the LDAP
server stores them in clear text</para>
<para>Primary LDAP server port number</para>
<para>Bind DN used to connect to the LDAP server</para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, read LDAP schema from the LDAP
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, the filter to fetch change log entries
does not contain the <literal>changeLogEntry</literal> object class, and
OpenIDM expects no entries with other object types in the change log.
Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, bind with the Password Expired and
Password Policy controls, and throw
<literal>PasswordExpiredException</literal> and other exceptions
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, the specified port listens for
LDAPS connections.</para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, synchronize passwords.</para>
<para>OpenIDM maps <literal>uid</literal> to the specified
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, use block-based LDAP controls like
simple paged results and virtual list view.</para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, use simple paged results rather than
virtual list view when both are available.</para>
<para>Attribute used as the sort key for virtual list view</para>
<section xml:id="active-directory-connector">
<title>Active Directory Connector</title>
<para>In contrast to most other connectors, the Active Directory connector
is written not in Java, but instead in .NET. OpenICF should connect to
Active Directory over ADSI, the native connection protocol for Active
Directory. The connector therefore requires a connector server that has
access to the ADSI .dll files.</para>
<para>See the <link xlink:show="new"
>OpenICF Connnector Server</link> page for instructions on installing a .NET
connector server. Take care to set the key as described in the
<section xml:id="configuring-ad-connector">
<title>Configuring the Active Directory Connector</title>
<para>A sample Active Directory Connector configuration file is provided
in <filename>opendim/samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-ad.json</filename>.
The following excerpt shows the configuration for the connector.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorHostRef": "dotnet",
"bundleName": "ActiveDirectory.Connector",
"bundleVersion": ""
<para>The <literal>connectorHostRef</literal> must point by name to an
existing connector info provider configuration, that you store in
The <literal>connectorHostRef</literal> property is required as the Active
Directory connector must be installed on a .NET connector server, which is
always "remote" relative to OpenIDM.</para>
<para>The following excerpt shows the configuration for the connector
info provider.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorsLocation": "connectors",
"remoteConnectorServers": [
"name": "dotnet",
"host": "",
"port": 8759,
"useSSL": false,
"timeout": 0,
"key": "Passw0rd"
<para>The following excerpt shows typical configuration properties.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"DirectoryAdminName": "EXAMPLE\\Administrator",
"DirectoryAdminPassword": "passw0rd",
"ObjectClass": "User",
"Container": "dc=example,dc=com",
"CreateHomeDirectory": true,
"LDAPHostName": "",
"SearchChildDomains": false,
"DomainName": "example",
"SyncGlobalCatalogServer": null,
"SyncDomainController": null,
"SearchContext": "dc=example,dc=com"
<para>Account used to authenticate. This can be a
combination, or simply the user name.</para>
<para>Password used to authenticate</para>
<para>Object class for user objects</para>
<para>Base context for all searches</para>
<para>When <literal>true</literal>, create a home directory for new
<para>Use to enforce connection to a particular Active Directory
<para>When set to <literal>true</literal> or <literal>false</literal>,
apply <literal>SyncGlobalCatalogServer</literal> and
<literal>SyncDomainController</literal> settings</para>
<para>Windows domain name</para>
<para>Global catalog server to use when searching child domains</para>
<para>Domain controller to use during synchronization when not searching
child domains</para>
<para>Reserved for future use</para>
<section xml:id="ad-powershell">
<title>Using PowerShell Scripts With the Active Directory Connector</title>
<para>The Active Directory connector supports PowerShell scripting. The
following example shows a simple PowerShell script that is referenced in
the connector configuration and can be called over the REST interface.
<para>This PowerShell script creates a new MS SQL user with a username
that is specified when the script is called. The script sets the user's
password to <literal>Passw0rd</literal> and, optionally, gives the user a
role. Save this script as <filename>openidm/script/createUser.ps1</filename>.
<programlisting language="powershell" width="100">
if ($loginName -ne $NULL) {
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
$sqlSrv = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') ('WIN-C2MSQ8G1TCA')
$login = New-Object -TypeName ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Login') ($sqlSrv, $loginName)
$login.LoginType = 'SqlLogin'
$login.PasswordExpirationEnabled = $false
# The next two lines are optional, and to give the new login a server role, optional
} else {
$Error_Message = [string]"Required variables 'loginName' is missing!"
Write-Error $Error_Message
throw $Error_Message
<para>Now edit the Active Directory connector configuration to reference
the script. Add the following section to the connector configuration file
<programlisting language="javascript">
"systemActions" : [
"_scriptId" : "ConnectorScriptName",
"actions" : [
"systemType" : ".*ActiveDirectoryConnector",
"actionType" : "Shell",
"actionSource" : "@echo off \r\n echo %loginName%\r\n"
"systemType" : ".*ActiveDirectoryConnector",
"actionType" : "PowerShell",
"actionFile" : "script/createUser.ps1"
<para>To call the PowerShell script over the REST interface, use the
following request, specifying the userName as input:</para>
<screen>$ curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
--request POST
<section xml:id="csv-file-connector">
<title>CSV File Connector</title>
<para>The CSV file connector often serves when importing users, either
for initial provisioning or for ongoing updates. When used continuously in
production, a CSV file serves as a change log, often containing only user
records that changed.</para>
<para>The following example shows an excerpt of the provisioner
configuration. The default connector-jar location is <filename>openidm/connectors</filename>. Therefore the <literal>connectorHostRef</literal> must point to <literal>"#LOCAL"</literal>.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorRef": {
"connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.csvfile.CSVFileConnector",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"
<para>The following excerpt shows required configuration properties.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configurationProperties": {
"filePath": "data/hr.csv",
"uniqueAttribute": "uid"
<para>The CSV file connector also supports a number of optional
configuration properties, in addition to the required properties.</para>
<term>encoding (optional)</term>
<para>Default: <literal>"utf-8"</literal></para>
<term>fieldDelimiter (optional)</term>
<para>Default: <literal>","</literal></para>
<term>filePath (required)</term>
<para>References the CSV file containing account entries</para>
<term>multivalueDelimiter (optional)</term>
<para>Used with multi-valued attributes. Default:
<term>passwordAttribute (optional)</term>
<para>Attribute containing the password. Use when password-based
authentication is required.</para>
<term>uniqueAttribute (required)</term>
<para>Primary key used for the CSV file</para>
<term>usingMultivalue (optional)</term>
<para>Whether attributes can have multiple values. Default:
<section xml:id="scripted-sql-connector">
<title>Scripted SQL Connector</title>
<para>The Scripted SQL Connector uses customizable Groovy scripts to
interact with the database.</para>
<para>The connector uses one script for each of the following actions
on the external database.</para>
<para>See the <filename>openidm/samples/sample3/tools/</filename> directory
for example scripts.</para>
<para>The scripted SQL connector runs with autocommit mode enabled by default.
As soon as a statement is executed that modifies a table, the update is stored
on disk and the change cannot be rolled back. This setting applies to all
database actions (search, create, delete, test, synch, and update).
You can disable autocommit in the connector configuration file
(<literal>conf/provisioner.openicf-scriptedsql.json</literal>) by adding the
<literal>autocommit</literal> property and setting it to
<literal>false</literal>, for example:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configurationProperties" : {
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : "3306",
"database" : "HRDB",
"autoCommit" : false,
"reloadScriptOnExecution" : true,
"createScriptFileName" : "/path/to/openidm/tools/CreateScript.groovy",
<para>If you require a traditional transaction with a manual commit for
a specific script, you can disable autocommit mode in the script or scripts
for each action that requires a manual commit.</para>
<!-- TO DO Test this example before committing this section
<para>The following example edits the <literal>CreateScript.groovy</literal>
sample script to disable autocommit for CREATE actions in the
scripted SQL connector, adds a manual commit statement to the
transaction, and restores autocommit to true at the end of the transaction.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
def sql = new Sql(connection);
switch ( objectClass ) {
case "__ACCOUNT__":
sql.execute("INSERT INTO Users (uid, firstname,lastname,fullname,email,organization) values (?,?,?,?,?;?)",
case "__GROUP__":
sql.execute("INSERT INTO Groups (gid,name,description) values (?,?,?)",
case "organization":
sql.execute("INSERT INTO Organizations (name,description) values (?,?)",
return id;
<section xml:id="connector-wiz">
<title>Creating Default Connector Configurations</title>
<secondary>Generating configurations</secondary>
<para>Rather than creating provisioner files by hand, use the service that
OpenIDM exposes through the REST interface to create basic connector
configuration files named <filename>provisioner-openicf-<replaceable>Connector
Name</replaceable>.json</filename> file.</para>
<orderedlist >
<para>You create a new connector configuration file in three stages.</para>
<listitem><para>List available connectors.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Generate the core configuration.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Connect to the target system and generate the final
<para>List available connectors using the following command.</para>
<screen width="83"><?dbfo pgwide="1"?>$ curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
--request POST "http://localhost:8080/openidm/system?_action=CREATECONFIGURATION"</screen>
<para>Available connectors are installed in
<filename>openidm/connectors</filename>. OpenIDM bundles the following
<para>The command above therefore should return the following output
(formatted here with lines folded to make it easier to read.)</para>
<programlisting xml:id="step1-return" language="javascript">
"connectorRef": [
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"
"connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedsql.ScriptedSQLConnector",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.csvfile.CSVFileConnector",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"
<para>To generate the core configuration, choose one of the available
connectors by copying JSON objects from the list into the body of the REST
command, as shown below for the XML connector.</para>
<screen width="83"><?dbfo pgwide="1"?>$ curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
-d '{"connectorRef":
"bundleVersion":"<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"}}'
--request POST "http://localhost:8080/openidm/system?_action=CREATECONFIGURATION"</screen>
<para>The command returns a core connector configuration. The core connector
configuration returned is not yet functional. It does not contain
system specific "configurationProperties" such as the host name and port for
web based connectors, or the "xmlFilePath" for the XML file based connectors
as can be seen below. In addition, the configuration returned does not
include complete "objectTypes" and "operationOptions" parts.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorRef": {
"connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"
"poolConfigOption": {
"maxObjects": 10,
"maxIdle": 10,
"maxWait": 150000,
"minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": 120000,
"minIdle": 1
"resultsHandlerConfig": {
"enableNormalizingResultsHandler": true,
"enableFilteredResultsHandler": true,
"enableCaseInsensitiveFilter": false,
"enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler": true
"operationTimeout": {
"CREATE": -1,
"UPDATE": -1,
"DELETE": -1,
"TEST": -1,
"GET": -1,
"SEARCH": -1,
"SYNC": -1,
"SCHEMA": -1
"configurationProperties": {
"xmlFilePath": null,
"xsdFilePath": null,
"xsdIcfFilePath": null
<para>To generate the final configuration, add the missing
"configurationProperties" to the core configuration, and use the updated
core configuration as the body for the next command.</para>
<screen width="83"><?dbfo pgwide="1"?>$ curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
--data '{
"connectorRef" :
"connectorName" : "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
"bundleName" :
"bundleVersion" : "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>"
"poolConfigOption" :
"maxObjects" : 10,
"maxIdle" : 10,
"maxWait" : 150000,
"minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000,
"minIdle" : 1
"resultsHandlerConfig" :
"enableNormalizingResultsHandler" : true,
"enableFilteredResultsHandler" : true,
"enableCaseInsensitiveFilter" : false,
"enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler" : true
"operationTimeout" :
"CREATE" : -1,
"UPDATE" : -1,
"DELETE" : -1,
"TEST" : -1,
"GET" : -1,
"SEARCH" : -1,
"VALIDATE" : -1,
"SYNC" : -1,
"SCHEMA" : -1
"configurationProperties" :
"xsdIcfFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
"xsdFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xmlFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
--request POST "http://localhost:8080/openidm/system?_action=CREATECONFIGURATION"</screen>
<para>Notice the single quotes around the argument to the
<option>--data</option> option in the command above. For most UNIX shells,
single quotes around a string prevent the shell from executing the command
when encountering a newline in the content. You can therefore pass the
<option>--data '...'</option> option on a single line or including line feeds.</para>
<para>OpenIDM attempts to read the schema, if available, from the external
resource in order to generate output. OpenIDM then iterates through schema
objects and attributes, creating JSON representations for "objectTypes" and
"operationOptions" for supported objects and operations.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorRef": {
"connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
"connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
"bundleVersion": "<?eval ${openicfBundleVersion}?>-EA"
"poolConfigOption": {
"maxObjects": 10,
"maxIdle": 10,
"maxWait": 150000,
"minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": 120000,
"minIdle": 1
"resultsHandlerConfig": {
"enableNormalizingResultsHandler": true,
"enableFilteredResultsHandler": true,
"enableCaseInsensitiveFilter": false,
"enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler": true
"operationTimeout": {
"CREATE": -1,
"UPDATE": -1,
"DELETE": -1,
"TEST": -1,
"GET": -1,
"SEARCH": -1,
"SYNC": -1,
"SCHEMA": -1
"configurationProperties": {
"xmlFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml",
"xsdFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xsdIcfFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd"
"objectTypes": {
"OrganizationUnit": {
"...": "..."
"__GROUP__": {
"$schema": "",
"id": "__GROUP__",
"type": "object",
"nativeType": "__GROUP__",
"properties": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nativeName": "__DESCRIPTION__",
"nativeType": "string"
"__NAME__": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nativeName": "__NAME__",
"nativeType": "string"
"__ACCOUNT__": {
"$schema": "",
"id": "__ACCOUNT__",
"type": "object",
"nativeType": "__ACCOUNT__",
"properties": {
"firstname": {
"type": "string",
"nativeName": "firstname",
"nativeType": "string"
"type": "string",
"nativeName": "__DESCRIPTION__",
"nativeType": "string"
"__UID__": {
"type": "string",
"nativeName": "__UID__",
"nativeType": "string"
"__NAME__": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nativeName": "__NAME__",
"nativeType": "string"
"operationOptions": {
"objectFeatures": {
"OrganizationUnit": {
"...": "..."
"__GROUP__": {
"...": "..."
"__ACCOUNT__": {
"denied": false,
"onDeny": "DO_NOTHING",
"operationOptionInfo": {
"$schema": "",
"id": "FIX_ME",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"...": "..."
"objectFeatures": {
"__ACCOUNT__": {
"denied": false,
"onDeny": "DO_NOTHING",
"operationOptionInfo": {
"$schema": "",
"id": "FIX_ME",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"...": "..."
<para>As OpenIDM produces a full property set for all attributes and all
object types in the schema from the external resource, the resulting
configuration can be large. For an LDAP server, OpenIDM can generate a
configuration containing several tens of thousands of lines, for example.
You might therefore want to reduce the schema to a minimum on the external
resource before you run the final command.</para>