chap-resource-conf.xml revision 49da166d507312f800a326215fea42407ce9bc25
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<chapter xml:id='chap-resource-conf'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Connecting to External Resources</title>
This chapter describes how to connect to external resources such as LDAP,
Active Directory, flat files, and others. Configurations shown here are
simplified to show essential aspects. Not all resources support all OpenIDM
operations, however the resources shown here support most of the CRUD
operations, and also reconciliation and LiveSync.
In OpenIDM, <firstterm>resources</firstterm> are external systems, databases,
directory servers, and other sources of identity data to be managed and
audited by the identity management system. To connect to resources, OpenIDM
loads the Identity Connector Framework, <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="">OpenICF</link>. OpenICF aims to
avoid the need to install agents to access resources, instead using the
resources' native protocols. For example, OpenICF connects to database
resources using the database's Java connection libraries or JDBC driver. It
connects to directory servers over LDAP. It connects to UNIX systems by using
<section xml:id="openidm-openicf">
<title>About OpenIDM and OpenICF</title>
OpenICF provides a common interface to allow identity services access to the
resources that contain user information. OpenIDM loads the OpenICF API as one
of its OSGi modules. OpenICF uses <firstterm>connectors</firstterm> to
separate the OpenIDM implementation from the dependencies of the resource to
which OpenIDM is connecting. A specific connector is required for each remote
resource. Connectors can run either locally or remotely.
<firstterm>Local</firstterm> connectors are loaded by OpenICF as regular
bundles in the OSGi container. Remote connectors must be executed on a remote
<firstterm>connector server</firstterm>. Most connectors can be run locally.
However, a remote connector server is required when access libraries that
cannot be included as part of the OpenIDM process are needed. If a resource,
such as Microsoft Active Directory, does not provide a connection library
that can be included inside the Java Virtual Machine, OpenICF can use the
native .dll with a remote .NET connector server. In other words, OpenICF
connects to Active Directory through a remote connector server that is
implemented as a .NET service.
Connections to remote connector servers are configured in a single
<firstterm>connector info provider</firstterm> configuration file, located in
Connectors themselves are configured through
<firstterm>provisioner</firstterm> files. One provisioner file must exist for
each connector. Provisioner files are named
<filename>provisioner.openicf-<replaceable>name</replaceable></filename> where
<replaceable>name</replaceable> corresponds to the name of the connector,
and are also located in the <filename>/path/to/openidm/conf</filename>
A number of sample connector configurations are available in the
<filename>openidm/samples/provisioners</filename> directory. To use these
connectors, edit the configuration files as required, and copy them to the
<filename>openidm/conf</filename> directory.
The following figure shows how OpenIDM connects to resources by using
connectors and remote connector servers. The figure shows one local connector
(LDAP) and two remote connectors (Scripted SQL and PowerShell). In this
example, the remote Scripted SQL connector uses a remote Java connector
server. The remote PowerShell connector always requires a remote .NET
connector server.
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-openicfarch">
<alt>OpenICF architecture</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/OpenICFArch.png" format="PNG" />
The figure shows the basic architecture of OpenICF with local and remote
Connectors that use the .NET framework <emphasis>must</emphasis> run
remotely. Java connectors can be run locally or remotely. Run them as remote
services for scalability, or to have the service run in the cloud.
<section xml:id="connector-info-provider-conf">
<title>Accessing Remote Connectors</title>
When you configure a remote connector, you use the <firstterm>connector info
provider service</firstterm> to connect through a remote connector server.
The connector info provider service configuration is stored in the file
A sample configuration file is provided in the
<filename>openidm/samples/provisioners/</filename> directory. To use this
sample configuration, edit the file as required, and copy it to the
<filename>openidm/conf</filename> directory.
The connector info provider service takes the following configuration:
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorsLocation" : <replaceable>string</replaceable>,
"remoteConnectorServers" : [<replaceable>remoteConnectorServer objects</replaceable>]
<variablelist><title>Connector Info Provider Properties</title>
<para>string, optional</para>
Specifies the directory in which the OpenICF connectors are located,
relative to the OpenIDM installation directory. The default location is
<term><link linkend="remote-connector-server-object-properties">remoteConnectorServers</link></term>
<para>array of RemoteConnectorServer objects, optional</para>
An array of remote connector servers that are managed by this service.
<variablelist xml:id="remote-connector-server-object-properties">
<title>Remote Connector Server Properties</title>
The following example shows a <literal>remoteConnectorServer</literal> object
<programlisting language="javascript">
"name" : "dotnet",
"host" : "",
"port" : 8759,
"heartbeatInterval" : 60,
"useSSL" : false,
"timeout" : 0,
"key" : "Passw0rd"
You can configure the following remote connector server object properties.
<para>string, required</para>
The name of the remote connector server object. This name is used to
identify the remote connector server in the list of connector reference
<para>string, required</para>
The remote host to connect to.
<para>string, optional</para>
The remote port to connect to. The default remote port is 8759.
<para>integer, optional</para>
The interval, in seconds, at which heartbeat packets are transmitted. If
the connector server is unreachable, based on this heartbeat interval, all
services that use the connector server are made unavailable until the
connector server can be reached again. The default interval is 60 seconds.
<para>boolean, optional</para>
Specifies whether to connect to the connector server over SSL. The default
value is <literal>false</literal>.
<para>integer, optional</para>
Specifies the timeout (in milliseconds) to use for the connection. The
default value is <literal>0</literal>, which means that there is no
<para>string, required</para>
The secret key, or password, to use to authenticate to the remote connector
To run remotely, the connector .jar itself must be copied to the
<literal>openicf/bundles</literal> directory, on the remote machine.
<section xml:id="openicf-provisioner-conf">
<title>Configuring Connectors</title>
Connectors are configured through the OpenICF provisioner service. Each
connector configuration is stored in a file in the
<filename>openidm/conf/</filename> folder, and accessible over REST at the
<literal>openidm/conf</literal> endpoint. Configuration files are named
where <replaceable>name</replaceable> corresponds to the name of the
connector. A number of sample connectors are available in the
<filename>openidm/samples/provisioners</filename> directory. To use these
connectors, edit the configuration files as required, and copy them to the
<filename>openidm/conf</filename> directory.
If you are creating your own connector configuration files, <emphasis>do
not include additional dash characters ( <literal>-</literal> ) in the
connector <replaceable>name</replaceable></emphasis>, as this might cause
problems with the OSGi parser. For example, the name
<filename>provisioner.openicf-hrdb.json</filename> is fine. The name
<filename>provisioner.openicf-hr-db.json</filename> is not.
The following example shows a connector configuration for an XML file
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"name" : "xml",
"connectorRef" : <link linkend="connector-reference">connector-ref-object</link>,
"poolConfigOption" : <link linkend="pool-configuration-option">pool-config-option-object</link>,
"operationTimeout" : <link linkend="operation-timeout">operation-timeout-object</link>,
"configurationProperties" : <link linkend="configuration-properties">configuration-properties-object</link>,
"objectTypes" : <link linkend="object-types">object-types-object</link>,
"operationOptions" : <link linkend="operation-options">operation-options-object</link>
The <literal>"name"</literal> property specifies the name of the system to
which you are connecting. This name <emphasis>must</emphasis> be
<variablelist xml:id="connector-reference">
<title>Connector Reference</title>
The following example shows a connector reference object.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"bundleName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml-connector",
"bundleVersion" : "${openicf.xmlconnector.version}",
"connectorName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml.XMLConnector",
"connectorHostRef" : "host"
<para>string, required</para>
The <replaceable>ConnectorBundle-Name</replaceable> of the OpenICF
<para>string, required</para>
The <replaceable>ConnectorBundle-Version</replaceable> of the OpenICF
connector. The value can be a single version (such as
<literal></literal>) or a range of versions, which enables you to
support multiple connector versions in a single project.
You can specify a range of versions as follows:
<literal>[,]</literal> indicates that all connector
versions from 1.1 to 1.4, inclusive, are supported.
<literal>[,</literal> indicates that all connector
versions from 1.1 to 1.4, including 1.1 but excluding 1.4, are
<literal>(,]</literal> indicates that all connector
versions from 1.1 to 1.4, excluding 1.1 but including 1.4, are
<literal>(,</literal> indicates that all connector
versions from 1.1 to 1.4, exclusive, are supported.
When a range of versions is specified, OpenIDM uses the latest connector
that is available within that range. If your project requires a specific
connector version, you must explicitly state the version in your
provisioner configuration file, or constrain the range to address only the
version that you need.
<para>string, required</para>
The Connector implementation class name.
<para>string, optional</para>
If the connector runs remotely, the value of this field must match the
<literal>name</literal> field of the
<literal>RemoteConnectorServers</literal> object in the connector server
configuration file
For example:
"remoteConnectorServers" :
"name" : "dotnet",
If the connector runs locally, the value of this field can be one of
the following:
If the connector .jar is installed in
<filename>openidm/connectors/</filename>, the value must be
<literal>"#LOCAL"</literal>. This is currently the default, and
recommended location.
If the connector .jar is installed in <filename>openidm/bundle/</filename>
(not recommended), the value must be
<variablelist xml:id="pool-configuration-option">
<title>Pool Configuration Option</title>
The Pool Configuration Option (<literal>"poolConfigOption"</literal>)
specifies the pool configuration for poolable connectors only. Non-poolable
connectors ignore this parameter.
The following example shows a pool configuration option object for a
poolable connector.
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"maxObjects" : 10,
"maxIdle" : 10,
"maxWait" : 150000,
"minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000,
"minIdle" : 1
The maximum number of idle and active instances of the connector.
The maximum number of idle instances of the connector.
The maximum time, in milliseconds, that the pool waits for an object
before timing out. A value of <literal>0</literal> means that there is no
The maximum time, in milliseconds, that an object can be idle before it is
removed. A value of <literal>0</literal> means that there is no idle
The minimum number of idle instances of the connector.
<variablelist xml:id="operation-timeout">
<title>Operation Timeout</title>
The operation timeout enables you to configure timeout values per operation
type. By default, there is no timeout configured for any operation type.
A sample configuration follows:
<programlisting language="javascript">
"CREATE" : -1,
"TEST" : -1,
"SEARCH" : -1,
"VALIDATE" : -1,
"GET" : -1,
"UPDATE" : -1,
"DELETE" : -1,
"SYNC" : -1,
"SCHEMA" : -1
<para>Timeout in milliseconds</para>
A value of <literal>-1</literal> disables the timeout.
<variablelist xml:id="configuration-properties">
<title>Configuration Properties</title>
This object contains the configuration for the connection between the
connector and the resource, and is therefore resource specific.
The following example shows a configuration properties object for the
default XML sample resource connector.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configurationProperties" : {
"xsdIcfFilePath" : "&amp;{launcher.project.location}/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
"xsdFilePath" : "&amp;{launcher.project.location}/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xmlFilePath" : "&amp;{launcher.project.location}/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
<para>Individual properties depend on the type of connector.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="object-types">
<title>Object Types</title>
<secondary>Object types</secondary>
This configuration object specifies the object types (user, group, and so
on) that are supported by the connector. The property name defines the
<literal>objectType</literal>, used in the URI:
The configuration is based on the <link xlink:show="new"
Schema</link> with the extensions described in the following section.
Attribute names that start or end with <literal>__</literal> are specific to
the resource type and are used by OpenICF for particular purposes, such as
<literal>__NAME__</literal>, used as the naming attribute for objects on a
The following extract shows the configuration of an
<literal>account</literal> object type.
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"account" :
"$schema" : "",
"id" : "__ACCOUNT__",
"type" : "object",
"nativeType" : "__ACCOUNT__",
"properties" :
"name" :
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "__NAME__",
"flags" :
"groups" :
"type" : "array",
"items" :
"type" : "string",
"nativeType" : "string"
"nativeName" : "__GROUPS__",
"nativeType" : "string",
"flags" :
"givenName" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "givenName",
"nativeType" : "string"
OpenICF 1.4 supports the <literal>__ALL__</literal> object type, which
ensures that objects of every type are included in a synchronization
operation. The primary purpose of this object type is to prevent
synchronization errors when multiple changes affect more than one object
For example, imagine a deployment synchronizing two external systems. On
system A, the administrator creates a user, <literal>jdoe</literal>, then
adds the user to a group, <literal>engineers</literal>. When these changes
are synchronized to system B, if the <literal>__GROUPS__</literal> object
type is synchronized first, the synchronization will fail, because the group
contains a user that does not yet exist on system B. Synchronizing the
<literal>__ALL__</literal> object type ensures that user
<literal>jdoe</literal> is created on the external system before he is added
to the group <literal>engineers</literal>.
The <literal>__ALL__</literal> object type is assumed by default - you do
not need to declare it in your provisioner configuration file. If it is not
declared, the object type is named <literal>__ALL__</literal>. If you want
to map a different name for this object type, declare it in your provisioner
configuration. The following excerpt from a sample provisioner configuration
uses the name <literal>allobjects</literal>:
<programlisting language="javascript">"objectTypes": {
"allobjects": {
"$schema": "",
"id": "__ALL__",
"type": "object",
"nativeType": "__ALL__"
A LiveSync operation invoked with no object type assumes an object type of
<literal>__ALL__</literal>. For example, the following call invokes a
LiveSync operation on all defined object types in an LDAP system:
<screen>$ <userinput>curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
The <literal>__ALL__</literal> object type requires the use of time stamps
to ensure that changes are processed in the correct order. For the
<xref linkend="ldap-connector" />, you must set
<literal>useTimestampsForSync</literal> to true, to make use of this
object type.
<term>Object Level Extensions</term>
<para>string, optional</para>
The native OpenICF object type.
The list of supported native object types is dependent on the resource,
or on the connector. For example, an LDAP connector might have object
types such as <literal>__ACCOUNT__</literal> and
<term xml:id="property-level-extensions">Property Level Extensions</term>
<para>string, optional</para>
The native OpenICF attribute type.
The following native types are supported:
<para>string, optional</para>
The native OpenICF attribute name.
<para>string, optional</para>
The native OpenICF attribute flags. The
<replaceable>required</replaceable> and
<replaceable>multivalued</replaceable> flags are defined by the JSON
<literallayout class="monospaced"><replaceable>required</replaceable> = <literal>"required" : true</literal></literallayout>
<literallayout class="monospaced"><replaceable>multivalued</replaceable> = <literal>"type" : "array"</literal></literallayout>
If the type is <literal>array</literal>, an additional
<literal>"items"</literal> field specifies the supported type for the
objects in the array. For example:
<programlisting>"groups" :
"type" : "array",
"items" :
"type" : "string",
"nativeType" : "string"
Avoid using the dash character ( <literal>-</literal> ) in property names,
like <literal>last-name</literal>, as dashes in names make JavaScript syntax
more complex. If you cannot avoid the dash, then write
<literal>source['last-name']</literal> instead of
<literal>source.last-name</literal> in the JavaScripts.
<variablelist xml:id="operation-options">
<title>Operation Options</title>
Operation options (specified with the <literal>"operationOptions"</literal>
property) define how to act on specified operations. You can, for example
deny operations on specific resources to avoid OpenIDM accidentally updating
a read-only resource during a synchronization operation.
The following example defines the options for the <literal>"SYNC"</literal>
<programlisting language="javascript">"operationOptions" : {
"SYNC" :
"denied" : true,
"onDeny" : "DO_NOTHING",
"objectFeatures" :
"__ACCOUNT__" :
"denied" : true,
"operationOptionInfo" :
"$schema" : "",
"id" : "FIX_ME",
"type" : "object",
"properties" :
"_OperationOption-float" :
"type" : "number",
"__GROUP__" :
"denied" : false,
"onDeny" : "DO_NOTHING"
The OpenICF Framework supports the following operations:
<literal>AUTHENTICATE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>CREATE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>DELETE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>GET</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>RESOLVEUSERNAME</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SCHEMA</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SCRIPT_ON_CONNECTOR</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SCRIPT_ON_RESOURCE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SEARCH</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>SYNC</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>TEST</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>UPDATE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para><literal>VALIDATE</literal>: <link xlink:show="new"
<para>boolean, optional</para>
<para>This property prevents operation execution if the value is
<para>string, optional</para>
<para>If <literal>denied</literal> is <literal>true</literal>, then the
service uses this value. Default value:
<para><literal>DO_NOTHING</literal>: On operation the service does
<para><literal>THROW_EXCEPTION</literal>: On operation the service
throws a <literal>ForbiddenException</literal> exception.</para>
<section xml:id="installing-connector-servers">
<title>Installing and Configuring Remote Connector Servers</title>
Connectors that use the .NET framework <emphasis>must</emphasis> run
remotely. Java connectors can run locally or remotely. Connectors that run
remotely require a connector server to enable OpenIDM to access the
OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion} supports version ${connectorServerVersion}
of the OpenICF Framework. Therefore, you must use version
${connectorServerVersion} of the .NET Connector Server, or the Java Connector
Server. The ${connectorServerVersion} Java Connector Server is backward
compatible with the version 1.1.x connectors. The ${connectorServerVersion}
.NET Connector Server is compatible only with the 1.4.x connectors.
This section describes the steps to install a .NET connector server and a
remote Java Connector Server.
<section xml:id="">
<title>Installing and Configuring a .NET Connector Server</title>
A .NET connector server is useful when an application is written in Java,
but a connector bundle is written using C#. Because a Java application
(for example, a J2EE application) cannot load C# classes, you must deploy
the C# bundles under a .NET connector server. The Java application can
communicate with the C# connector server over the network, and the C#
connector server acts as a proxy to provide access to the C# bundles that
are deployed within the C# connector server, to any authenticated
The .NET connector server requires the .NET framework (version 4.0.30319
or later) and is supported on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2.
By default, the connector server outputs log messages to a file named
<filename>connectorserver.log</filename>, in the
<literal>C:\path\to\openicf</literal> directory. To change the location of
the log file, set the <literal>initializeData</literal> parameter in the
configuration file, before you install the connector server. For example,
the following excerpt sets the log directory to
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;add name="file"
&lt;filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Information"/&gt;
<procedure xml:id="net-connector-install">
<title>Installing the .NET Connector Server</title>
Download the OpenICF .NET Connector Server from the <link
xlink:show="new">Open Stack download page</link>.
Click on the OpenIDM Download link on that page, and scroll down to
"Connector Servers".
The .NET Connector Server is distributed in two formats. The
<literal>.msi</literal> file is a wizard that installs the Connector
Server as a Windows Service. The <literal>.zip</literal> file is simply a
bundle of all the files required to run the Connector Server.
If you do not want to run the Connector Server as a Windows service,
download and extract the <literal>.zip</literal> file, and move on to
<xref linkend="net-connector-configure" />. Otherwise, follow the steps in
this section.
Execute the <literal>openicf-zip-${connectorServerVersion}-dotnet.msi</literal>
installation file and complete the wizard.
When the wizard has completed, the Connector Server is installed as a
Windows Service.
Open the Services console and make sure that the Connector Server
is listed there.
The name of the service is <literal>OpenICF Connector Server</literal>, by
<alt>.Net Connector Server as Windows Service</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/dotnet-service.png" format="PNG"/>
<procedure xml:id="net-connector-configure">
<title>Configuring the .NET Connector Server</title>
After you have installed the .NET Connector Server, as described in the
previous section, follow these steps to configure the Connector Server.
Make sure that the Connector Server is not currently running. If it is
running, use the Services console to stop it.
At the command prompt, change to the directory where the Connector Server
was installed.
<screen>c:\> cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\Identity Connectors\Connector Server"</screen>
<step xml:id="key-step">
Run the <command>ConnectorServer /setkey</command> command to set a secret
key for the Connector Server. The key can be any string value. This
example sets the secret key to <literal>Passw0rd</literal>.
<screen><userinput>ConnectorServer /setkey Passw0rd</userinput>
<computeroutput>Key Updated.</computeroutput></screen>
This key is used by clients connecting to the Connector Server. The key
that you set here must also be set in the OpenIDM connector info provider
configuration file
For more information, see <xref linkend="net-connector-openidm" />.
Edit the Connector Server connection settings.
The Connector Server configuration is saved in a file named
<filename>ConnectorServer.exe.Config</filename> (in the directory in which
the Connector Server is installed).
Check and edit this file, as necessary, to reflect your installation. In
particular, check the connection properties, under the
<literal>&lt;appsettings&gt;</literal> item.
<screen>&lt;add key="connectorserver.port" value="8759" /&gt;
&lt;add key="connectorserver.usessl" value="false" /&gt;
&lt;add key="connectorserver.certificatestorename" value="ConnectorServerSSLCertificate" /&gt;
&lt;add key="connectorserver.ifaddress" value="" /&gt;
&lt;add key="connectorserver.key" value="xOS4IeeE6eb/AhMbhxZEC37PgtE=" /&gt;
The following connection properties are set by default.
Specifies the port on which the Connector Server listens.
If Windows firewall is enabled, you must create an inbound port rule
to open the TCP port for the connector server (8759 by default). If
you do not open the TCP port, OpenIDM will be unable to contact the
Connector Server. For more information, see the Microsoft
documentation on
<link xlink:show="new"
>creating an inbound port rule</link>.
Indicates whether client connections to the Connector Server should be
over SSL. This property is set to <literal>false</literal> by default.
To secure connections to the Connector Server, set this property to
<literal>true</literal> and store the server certificate in your
certificate store, using the following command:
<screen width="105">
ConnectorServer /storeCertificate /storeName &lt;certificate-store-name&gt; /certificateFile &lt;certificate&gt;</screen>
Specifies the name of the certificate store, into which your server
certificate has been installed.
Specifies a single IP address from which connections will be accepted.
If you set a value here (other than the default
<literal></literal>) connections from all IP addresses other
than the one specified are denied.
Check the trace settings, in the same configuration file, under the
<literal>&lt;system.diagnostics&gt;</literal> item.
&lt;trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4"&gt;
&lt;remove name="Default" /&gt;
initializeData="Information" /&gt;
The Connector Server uses the standard .NET trace mechanism. For more
information about tracing options, see <link xlink:show="new"
>Microsoft's .NET documentation</link> for <literal>System.Diagnostics</literal>.
The default trace settings are a good starting point. For less tracing,
you can change the EventTypeFilter's initializeData to "Warning" or
"Error". For very verbose logging you can set the value to "Verbose" or
"All". The level of logging performed has a direct effect on the
performance of the Connector Servers, so take care when setting this
<procedure xml:id="net-connector-start">
<title>Starting the .NET Connector Server</title>
Start the .NET Connector Server in one of the following ways.
Start the server as a Windows service, by using the Microsoft Services
Locate the connector server service
(<literal>OpenICF Connector Server</literal>), and click <literal>Start
the service</literal> or <literal>Restart the service</literal>.
The service is executed with the credentials of the "run as" user
(<literal>System</literal>, by default).
Start the server as a Windows service, by using the command line.
In the Windows Command Prompt, run the following command:
<screen>net start ConnectorServerService</screen>
To stop the service in this manner, run the following command:
<screen>net stop ConnectorServerService</screen>
Start the server without using Windows services.
In the Windows Command Prompt, change directory to the location where the
Connector Server was installed. The default location is
<literal>c:\Program Files (x86)\Identity Connectors\Connector Server</literal>.
Start the server with the following command:
<screen>ConnectorServer.exe /run</screen>
Note that this command starts the Connector Server with the credentials of
the current user. It does not start the server as a Windows service.
<procedure xml:id="net-connector-openidm">
<title>Configuring OpenIDM to Connect to the .NET Connector Server</title>
The connector info provider service enables you to configure one or more
remote connector servers to which OpenIDM can connect. The connector info
provider configuration is stored in a file named
A sample connector info provider configuration file is located in
To configure OpenIDM to use the remote .NET connector server, follow these
Start OpenIDM, if it is not already running.
Copy the sample connector info provider configuration file to the
<filename>path/to/openidm/conf</filename> directory.
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm
$ cp samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json conf/</screen>
Edit the connector info provider configuration, specifying the details of
the remote connector server.
<programlisting language="javascript">"remoteConnectorServers" : [
"name" : "dotnet",
"host" : "",
"port" : 8759,
"useSSL" : false,
"timeout" : 0,
"key" : "Passw0rd"
Configurable properties are as follows:
Specifies the name of the connection to the .NET connector server. The
name can be any string. This property is referenced in the connector
configuration file (<filename>provisioner.openicf-ad.json</filename>
with the <literal>"connectorHostRef"</literal> property.
Specifies the IP address of the host on which the Connector Server is
Specifies the port on which the Connector Server listens. This property
matches the <literal>connectorserver.port</literal> property in the
<filename>ConnectorServer.exe.config</filename> file.
For more information, see <xref linkend="net-connector-configure" />.
Specifies whether the connection to the Connector Server should be
secured. This property matches the
<literal>"connectorserver.usessl"</literal> property in the
<filename>ConnectorServer.exe.config</filename> file.
Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that OpenIDM should attempt
to connect to the Connector Server before abandoning the attempt. To
disable the timeout, set the value of this property to
Specifies the connector server key. This property matches the
<literal>key</literal> property in the
<filename>ConnectorServer.exe.config</filename> file. For more
information, see <xref linkend="net-connector-configure" />.
The string value that you enter here is encrypted as soon as the file
is saved.
<section xml:id="install-standalone-connector">
<title>Installing and Configuring a Remote Java Connector Server</title>
In certain situations, it might be necessary to set up a remote Java
Connector Server. This section provides instructions for setting up a remote
Java Connector Server on Unix/Linux and Windows.
<procedure xml:id="java-connector-server-unix">
<title>Installing a Remote Java Connector Server for Unix/Linux</title>
Download the OpenICF Java Connector Server from the <link
xlink:show="new">Open Stack download page</link>.
Click on the OpenIDM Download link on that page, and scroll down to
"Connector Servers".
Change to the appropriate directory and unpack the zip file. The
following command unzips the file in the current folder.
<screen>$ unzip openicf-zip-${connectorServerVersion}.zip</screen>
Change to the <literal>openicf</literal> directory:
<screen>$ cd path/to/openicf</screen>
<step performance="optional">
The Java Connector Server uses a <literal>key</literal> property to
authenticate the connection. The default key value is
<literal>changeit</literal>. To change the value of the secret key, run
a command similar to the following. This example sets the key value to
<screen><userinput>$ cd /path/to/openicf
$ java \
-cp "/lib/framework/*" \
org.identityconnectors.framework.server.Main \
-key Passw0rd
-properties /conf/</userinput></screen>
Review the <filename></filename> file in the
<filename>/path/to/openicf/conf</filename> directory, and make any
required changes. By default, the configuration file has the following
Indicates whether client connections to the connector server should be
over SSL. This property is set to <literal>false</literal> by default.
To secure connections to the connector server, set this property to
<literal>true</literal> and set the following properties before you
start the connector server:
Start the Java Connector Server.
<screen><userinput>$ java -cp "/lib/framework/*" \
org.identityconnectors.framework.server.Main \
-run \
-properties /conf/</userinput></screen>
The connector server is now running, and listening on port 8759, by
Log files are available in the <literal>/path/to/openicf/logs</literal>
<screen><userinput>$ ls logs/</userinput>
<computeroutput>Connector.log ConnectorServer.log ConnectorServerTrace.log</computeroutput></screen>
If required, stop the Java Connector Server by pressing CTRL-C.
<procedure xml:id="java-connector-server-windows">
<title>Installing a Remote Java Connector Server for Windows</title>
Download the OpenICF Java Connector Server from the <link
xlink:show="new">Open Stack download page</link>.
Click on the OpenIDM Download link on that page, and scroll down to
"Connector Servers".
Change to the appropriate directory and unpack the zip file.
In a Command Prompt window, change to the <literal>openicf</literal>
<screen>C:\>cd C:\path\to\openicf\bin</screen>
If required, secure the communication between OpenIDM and the Java
Connector Server. The Java Connector Server uses a
<literal>key</literal> property to authenticate the connection. The
default key value is <literal>changeit</literal>.
To change the value of the secret key, use the
<literal>bin\ConnectorServer.bat /setkey</literal> command. The following
example sets the key to <literal>Passw0rd</literal>:
<screen>c:\path\to\openicf><userinput>bin\ConnectorServer.bat /setkey Passw0rd</userinput>
Review the <filename></filename> file in the
<filename>path\to\openicf\conf</filename> directory, and make any
required changes. By default, the configuration file has the following
You can either run the Java Connector Server as a Windows service, or
just start and stop it from the command line.
To install the Java Connector Server as a Windows service, run the
following command.
<screen>c:\path\to\openicf><userinput>bin\ConnectorServer.bat /install</userinput></screen>
If you install the connector server as a Windows service you can use
the Microsoft Service Console to start, stop and restart the service.
The Java Connector Service is named
To uninstall the Java Connector Server as a Windows service, run the
following command.
<screen>c:\path\to\openicf><userinput>bin\ConnectorServer.bat /uninstall</userinput></screen>
To start the Java Connector Server from the command line, enter the
following command:
<screen>c:\path\to\openicf><userinput>bin\ConnectorServer.bat /run</userinput>
The connector server is now running, and listening on port 8759, by
Log files are available in the <literal>\path\to\openicf\logs</literal>
If required, stop the Java Connector Server by pressing <literal>^C</literal>.
<section xml:id="connectors-with-openidm">
<title>Connectors Supported With OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}</title>
OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion} provides several connectors by default, in
the <literal>path/to/openidm/connectors</literal> directory. Additional
connectors can be downloaded from the <link
xlink:show="new">Open Stack download page</link>.
This section describes the connectors that are supported for use with OpenIDM
${docTargetVersion}, and provides instructions for installing and
configuring these connectors. For instructions on building connector
configurations interactively, see <xref linkend="connector-wiz"/>.
<section xml:id="xml-file-connector">
<title>XML File Connector</title>
A sample XML connector configuration is provided in
The following extract of the provisioner configuration shows the main
configurable properties.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorRef": {
"connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml-connector",
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.xmlconnector.version}",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml.XMLConnector"
The <literal>connectorHostRef</literal> is optional if the connector server
is local.
The configuration properties for the XML file connector set the relative
path to the file containing the identity data, and also the paths to the
required XML schemas.
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"configurationProperties": {
"xsdIcfFilePath" : "&amp;{launcher.project.location}/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
"xsdFilePath" : "&amp;{launcher.project.location}/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xmlFilePath" : "&amp;{launcher.project.location}/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
<literal>&amp;{launcher.project.location}</literal> refers to the project
directory of your OpenIDM instance. For more information, see <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="integrators-guide#config-default-directories"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Default and
Custom Configuration Directories</citetitle></link>. Note that
relative paths such as these work only if your connector server runs
locally. For remote connector servers, you must specify the absolute path to
the schema and data files.
References the XSD file defining schema common to all XML file resources.
Do not change the schema defined in this file.
References custom schema defining attributes specific to your project.
References the XML file containing account entries.
<section xml:id="example-xml-connector">
<title>Example : Using the XML Connector to Reconcile Users in a Remote
XML Data Store</title>
This sample demonstrates reconciliation of users stored in an XML file on a
remote machine. The remote Java Connector Server enables OpenIDM to
synchronize the internal OpenIDM repository with the remote XML repository.
<bridgehead>Before You Start</bridgehead>
This sample assumes that a remote Java Connector Server is installed and
running on a host named <literal>remote-host</literal>. For instructions on
setting up the remote Java Connector Server, see
<xref linkend="java-connector-server-unix" /> or
<xref linkend="java-connector-server-windows" />.
The sample uses the XML data that is provided in the basic XML
reconciliation sample (Sample 1). Before you start, copy the XML data from
that sample to an accessible location on the machine that hosts the remote
Java Connector Server. For example:
<screen><userinput>$ cd path/to/openidm
$ scp -r samples/sample1/data testuser@remote-host:/home/testuser/xml-sample</userinput>
<computeroutput>testuser@remote-host's password:
resource-schema-1.xsd 100% 4083 4.0KB/s 00:00
resource-schema-extension.xsd 100% 1351 1.3KB/s 00:00
xmlConnectorData.xml 100% 1648 1.6KB/s 00:00</computeroutput></screen>
The XML connector runs as a <emphasis>remote connector</emphasis>, that is,
on the remote host on which the Java Connector Server is installed. Copy
the XML connector .jar from the OpenIDM installation to the
<literal>openicf/bundles</literal> directory on the remote host.
<screen><userinput>$ cd path/to/openidm
$ scp connectors/xml-connector- testuser@remote-host:/path/to/openicf/bundles</userinput>
<computeroutput>testuser@'s password:
xml-connector- 100% 4379KB 4.3MB/s 00:00</computeroutput></screen>
<title>Configuring OpenIDM for the XML Connector Example</title>
This example uses the configuration of Sample 1, which is effectively
your OpenIDM project location. Any configuration changes that you make
must therefore be made in the <literal>conf</literal> directory of
Copy the remote connector configuration file
(<filename>provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json</filename>) from
the provisioner samples directory to the configuration directory of your
OpenIDM project (sample 1).
<screen>$ cd path/to/openidm/samples/
$ cp provisioners/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json sample1/conf</screen>
Edit the remote connector configuration file
(<literal>provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json</literal>) to
match your network setup. Also, change the value of the
<literal>"connectorsLocation"</literal> property to
<literal>"bundles"</literal>, as this is where the connector will be
installed on the remote host.
The following example indicates that the remote Java Connector server is
running on the host <literal>remote-host</literal>, listening on the default
port, and configured with a secret key of <literal>Passw0rd</literal>.
"connectorsLocation" : "bundles",
"remoteConnectorServers" : [
"name" : "xml",
"host" : "remote-host",
"port" : 8759,
"useSSL" : false,
"timeout" : 0,
"key" : "Passw0rd"
Edit the XML connector configuration file
(<literal>provisioner.openicf-xml.json</literal>) in the
<literal>sample1/conf</literal> directory as follows.
"name" : "xmlfile",
"connectorRef" : {
"connectorHostRef" : "xml",
"bundleName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.file.openicf-xml-connector",
"bundleVersion" : "${openicf.xmlconnector.version}",
"connectorName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml.XMLConnector"
"configurationProperties" : {
"xsdIcfFilePath" : "/home/testuser/xml-sample/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
"xsdFilePath" : "/home/testuser/xml-sample/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xmlFilePath" : "/home/testuser/xml-sample/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
The <literal>"connectorHostRef"</literal> property indicates which
remote connector server to use, and refers to the
<literal>"name"</literal> property defined in the
<filename>provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json</filename> file.
The <literal>bundleVersion : ${openicf.xmlconnector.version}</literal>
must be exactly the same as the version of the XML connector that you
are using. If you specify a range here, the XML connector version must
be included in this range.
The <literal>"configurationProperties"</literal> must specify the
absolute path to the data files that you copied to the server on which
the Java Connector Server is running.
Start OpenIDM with the configuration for Sample 1.
<screen>$ / -p samples/sample1/</screen>
In the Felix console, run the following command to show the state of the
remote connector:
<screen><userinput>-> scr list</userinput>
[22] [active] org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf
The connector module (<literal>org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf</literal>)
should be <literal>active</literal>, indicating that the remote connector
has been installed correctly. If the connector state is not
<literal>active</literal>, check the configuration, following the
preceding steps.
The number of the connector module might differ. Make a note of the number
View the configuration of the remote connector, by running the following
command, substituting the number of the provisioner module returned in the
previous step:
<screen>-> scr info 22</screen>
To test that the connector has been configured correctly, run a
reconciliation operation as follows:
<screen>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
If successful, the operation returns a reconciliation ID, similar to the
To verify that the users from the remote XML files have been created in
the OpenIDM repository, run the following command:
<screen><userinput>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request GET \
"remainingPagedResults": -1,
"pagedResultsCookie": null,
"resultCount": 2,
"result": [
"_rev": "0",
"_id": "bjensen"
"_rev": "0",
"_id": "scarter"
<section xml:id="ldap-connector">
<title>Generic LDAP Connector</title>
A sample LDAP connector configuration is provided in
The following extract of the provisioner configuration shows the main
configurable properties.
The following excerpt shows the <literal>connectorRef</literal>
configuration property for connection to an LDAP server. The
<literal>connectorHostRef</literal> property is optional, if you use the
connector .jar provided in <filename>openidm/connectors</filename>, and you
use a local connector server.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"connectorRef": {
"connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
"bundleVersion": "[,"
The following excerpt shows the settings for the connector configuration
properties in the sample LDAP connector.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configurationProperties" : {
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 1389,
"ssl" : false,
"principal" : "cn=Directory Manager",
"credentials" : "password",
"baseContexts" : [
"baseContextsToSynchronize" : [
"accountSearchFilter" : null,
"accountSynchronizationFilter" : null,
"groupSearchFilter" : null,
"groupSynchronizationFilter" : null,
"passwordAttributeToSynchronize" : null,
"synchronizePasswords" : false,
"removeLogEntryObjectClassFromFilter" : true,
"modifiersNamesToFilterOut" : [ ],
"passwordDecryptionKey" : null,
"changeLogBlockSize" : 100,
"attributesToSynchronize" : [ ],
"changeNumberAttribute" : "changeNumber",
"passwordDecryptionInitializationVector" : null,
"filterWithOrInsteadOfAnd" : false,
"objectClassesToSynchronize" : [
"vlvSortAttribute" : "uid",
"passwordAttribute" : "userPassword",
"useBlocks" : false,
"maintainPosixGroupMembership" : false,
"failover" : [ ],
"readSchema" : true,
"accountObjectClasses" : [
"accountUserNameAttributes" : [
"groupMemberAttribute" : "uniqueMember",
"passwordHashAlgorithm" : null,
"usePagedResultControl" : false,
"blockSize" : 100,
"uidAttribute" : "dn",
"maintainLdapGroupMembership" : false,
"respectResourcePasswordPolicyChangeAfterReset" : false
The host name or IP address of the server on which the LDAP instance is
The port on which the LDAP server listens for LDAP requests. The sample
configuration specifies a default port of 1389.
If <literal>true</literal>, the specified port listens for LDAPS
The bind DN that is used to connect to the LDAP server.
The password of the <literal>principal</literal> that is used to connect
to the LDAP server.
One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used when
searching the tree. Searches are performed when discovering users from
the LDAP server or when looking for the groups of which a user is a
One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used to
determine if a change should be synchronized. The base contexts attribute
will be used to synchronize a change if this property is not set.
<para>Used during synchronization actions to filter out LDAP
<para>The object classes used when creating new LDAP user objects.
When specifying more than one object class, add each object class as its
own property. For object classes that inherit from parents other than
<literal>top</literal>, such as <literal>inetOrgPerson</literal>, specify
all object classes in the class hierarchy.</para>
<para>Search filter that accounts must match</para>
<para>Attributes holding the account's user name. Used during
authentication to find the LDAP entry matching the user name.</para>
<para>List of attributes used during object synchronization. OpenIDM
ignores change log updates that do not include any of the specified
attributes. If empty, OpenIDM considers all changes.</para>
<para>Block size for simple paged results and VLV index searches,
reflecting the maximum number of accounts retrieved at any one time</para>
<para>Block size used when fetching change log entries</para>
<para>Change log attribute containing the last change number</para>
<para>LDAP URLs specifying alternative LDAP servers to connect to if
OpenIDM cannot connect to the primary LDAP server specified in the
<literal>host</literal> and <literal>port</literal> properties</para>
<para>In most cases, the filter to fetch change log entries is AND-based.
If this property is set, the filter ORs the required change numbers
<para>LDAP attribute holding members for non-POSIX static groups</para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, OpenIDM modifies group membership when
entries are renamed or deleted.</para>
<para>In the sample LDAP connector configuration file provided with
OpenIDM, this property is set to <literal>false</literal>. This means
that LDAP group membership is not modified when entries are renamed or
deleted in OpenIDM. To ensure that entries are removed from LDAP groups
when the entries are deleted, set this property to <literal>true</literal>
or enable referential integrity on the LDAP server. For OpenDJ, see
<link xlink:href="">
<citetitle>Configuring Referential Integrity</citetitle></link> for more
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, OpenIDM modifies POSIX group membership
when entries are renamed or deleted.</para>
<para>Use to avoid loops caused by OpenIDM's own changes</para>
<para>OpenIDM synchronizes only entries having these object
<para>Attribute to which OpenIDM writes the predefined PASSWORD
<para>OpenIDM synchronizes password values on this attribute.</para>
<para>Initialization vector used to decrypt passwords when performing
password synchronization</para>
<para>Key used to decrypt passwords when performing password
Hash password values with the specified algorithm, if the LDAP server
stores them in clear text.
The hash algorithm can be one of the following:
<literal>NONE</literal> - Clear text
<literal>WIN-AD</literal> - Used for password changes to Active
<literal>SHA</literal> - Secure Hash Algorithm
<literal>SHA-1</literal> - A 160-bit hash algorithm that resembles the
MD5 algorithm
<literal>SSHA</literal> - Salted SHA
<literal>MD5</literal> - A 128-bit message-digest algorithm
<literal>SMD5</literal> - Salted MD5
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, read LDAP schema from the LDAP
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, the filter to fetch change log entries
does not contain the <literal>changeLogEntry</literal> object class, and
OpenIDM expects no entries with other object types in the change log.
Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, bind with the Password Expired and
Password Policy controls, and throw
<literal>PasswordExpiredException</literal> and other exceptions
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, synchronize passwords.</para>
Specifies the LDAP attribute that should be used as the immutable ID
(<literal>_UID_</literal>) for the entry. For an OpenDJ resource, you
should use the <literal>entryUUID</literal>. You can use the
<literal>DN</literal> as the UID attribute but note that this is
<emphasis>not</emphasis> immutable.
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, use block-based LDAP controls like
simple paged results and virtual list view.</para>
<para>If <literal>true</literal>, use simple paged results rather than
virtual list view when both are available.</para>
If <literal>true</literal>, use timestamps for LiveSync operations,
instead of the change log.
By default, the LDAP connector has a change log strategy for LDAP servers
that support a change log (such as OpenDJ and Oracle Directory Server
Enterprise Edition). If the LDAP server does not support a change log,
or if the change log is disabled, LiveSync for create and modify
operations can still occur, based on the timestamps of modifications.
<para>Attribute used as the sort key for virtual list view</para>
If you use the LDAP connector over SSL, you must set the
<literal>ssl</literal> property to <literal>true</literal> in the provisioner
configuration file. You must also specify the path to a truststore in the
<filename></filename> file. A truststore is provided by
default at <filename>openidm/security/truststore</filename>. Add the
following line to the <filename></filename> file,
substituting the path to your own truststore if you do not want to use the
# Set the truststore
<section xml:id="active-directory-connector">
<title>Active Directory Connector</title>
Unlike most other connectors, the Active Directory connector is written not
in Java, but in C# for the .Net platform. OpenICF should connect to Active
Directory over ADSI, the native connection protocol for Active Directory.
The connector therefore requires a connector server that has access to the
ADSI .dll files.
In general, the generic LDAP connector has better performance than the
Active Directory connector. Unfortunately, Active Directory has some
limitations when you use the LDAP connector, and the LDAP connector might
therefore not be suitable in all Active Directory deployments. However, if
your deployment can use the LDAP connector, it is preferable to do so.
<!--TODO Gael Allioux is writing up a note comparing the two connectors -
include this content here when it is complete -->
Before you configure the Active Directory Connector, make sure that the
.NET Connector Server is installed, configured and started, and that OpenIDM
has been configured to use the Connector Server. For more information, see
<xref linkend=""/>.
<title>Setting Up the Active Directory Connector</title>
Download the Active Directory Connector from the OpenIDM download
page under the ForgeRock <link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">Open Stack download page</link>.
Extract the contents of the AD Connector zip file into the directory in
which you installed the Connector Server (by default
<literal>c:\Program Files (x86)\Identity Connectors\Connector Server></literal>).
Note that the files, specifically the connector itself
(<filename>ActiveDirectory.Connector.dll</filename>) must be directly
under the <literal>path\to\Identity Connectors\Connector Server</literal>
folder, and <emphasis>not</emphasis> in a subfolder.
If the account that is used to install the Active Directory connector is
different from the account under which the Connector Server runs, you
must give the Connector Server runtime account the rights to access the
Active Directory connector log files.
A sample Active Directory Connector configuration file is provided in
On the OpenIDM host, copy the sample Active Directory connector
configuration file to the <filename>openidm/conf</filename> directory.
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm
$ cp samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-ad.json conf/</screen>
Edit the Active Directory connector configuration to match your Active
Directory deployment.
Specifically, check and edit the
<literal>"configurationProperties"</literal> that define the connection
details to the Active Directory server.
Also, check that the <literal>bundleVersion</literal> of the connector
matches the version of the <filename>ActiveDirectory.Connector.dll</filename>
in the Connector Server directory. The bundle version can be a range that
includes the version of the connector bundle. To check the .dll version:
Right click on the <literal>ActiveDirectory.Connector.dll</literal>
file and select Properties.
Select the Details tab and note the Product Version.
<alt>Bundle version of the Active Directory Connector</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/bundle-version.png" format="PNG"/>
The following configuration extract shows sample values for the
<literal>"connectorRef"</literal> and
"connectorRef" :
"connectorHostRef" : "dotnet",
"connectorName" : "Org.IdentityConnectors.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryConnector",
"bundleName" : "ActiveDirectory.Connector",
"bundleVersion" : "[,"
}, ...
"configurationProperties" :
"DirectoryAdminName" : "EXAMPLE\\Administrator",
"DirectoryAdminPassword" : "Passw0rd",
"ObjectClass" : "User",
"Container" : "dc=example,dc=com",
"CreateHomeDirectory" : true,
"LDAPHostName" : "",
"SearchChildDomains" : false,
"DomainName" : "example",
"SyncGlobalCatalogServer" : null,
"SyncDomainController" : null,
"SearchContext" : ""
The main configurable properties are as follows:
Must point to an existing connector info provider configuration in
The <literal>"connectorHostRef"</literal> property is required because
the Active Directory connector must be installed on a .NET connector
server, which is always "remote", relative to OpenIDM.
<term><literal>"DirectoryAdminName"</literal> and <literal>"DirectoryAdminPassword"</literal></term>
Specify the credentials of an administrator account in Active Directory,
that the connector will use to bind to the server.
The <literal>"DirectoryAdminName"</literal> can be specified as a
bindDN, or in the format
<term><literal>"SearchChildDomains"</literal> boolean, false by default</term>
Specifies if a Global Catalog (GC) should be used. This parameter is
used in search and query operations. A Global Catalog is a read-only,
partial copy of the entire forest, and is never be used for create,
update or delete operations.
Specifies a particular Domain Controller (DC) or Global Catalog (GC),
using its hostname. This parameter is used for query, create, update,
and delete operations.
If <literal>"SearchChildDomains"</literal> is set to
<literal>true</literal>, this specific GC will be used for search and
query operations. If the <literal>"LDAPHostName"</literal> is null (as
it is by default), the connector will allow the ADSI libraries to pick
up a valid DC or GC each time it needs to perform a query, create,
update, or delete operation.
Specifies a Global Catalog server name for sync operations. This
property is used in combination with the
<literal>"SearchChildDomains"</literal> property.
If a value for <literal>"SyncGlobalCatalogServer"</literal> is set
(that is, the value is not <literal>null</literal>) and
<literal>"SearchChildDomains"</literal> is set to
<literal>true</literal>, this GC server is used
for sync operations. If no value for
<literal>"SyncGlobalCatalogServer"</literal> is set and
<literal>"SearchChildDomains"</literal> is set to
<literal>true</literal>, the connector allows the ADSI libraries to
pick up a valid GC.
Specifies a particular DC server for sync operations. If no DC is
specified, the connector picks up the first available DC and retains
this DC in future sync operations.
<!--TODO Insert link to ICF Config here -->
For a complete list of all the configuration properties, and their
meanings, see the <citetitle>OpenICF Connectors Configuration
<para>The updated configuration is applied immediately.</para>
Check that the connector has been configured correctly by running the
following command in the OSGi console:
<screen>scr list</screen>
This command returns all of the installed modules. The openicf
provisioner module should be active, as follows:
<screen>[32] [active] org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider</screen>
The number of the module may differ. Make a note of the module number,
as it is referenced in the commands that follow.
Review the contents of the connector by running the following command in
the OSGi console (substituting the module number returned in the previous
<screen><userinput>scr info 32</userinput>
<computeroutput>ID: 32
Name: org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider
Bundle: org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner-openicf (82)
State: active
Default State: enabled
Activation: immediate
Configuration Policy: optional
Activate Method: activate (declared in the descriptor)
Deactivate Method: deactivate (declared in the descriptor)
Modified Method: -
Services: org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.ConnectorInfoProvider
Service Type: service
Reference: osgiConnectorEventPublisher
Satisfied: satisfied
Service Name: org.identityconnectors.common.event.ConnectorEventPublisher
Multiple: multiple
Optional: optional
Policy: dynamic
Reference: connectorInfoManager
Satisfied: satisfied
Service Name: org.identityconnectors.framework.api.ConnectorInfoManager
Multiple: single
Optional: optional
Policy: static
Reference: connectorFacadeFactory
Satisfied: satisfied
Service Name: org.identityconnectors.framework.api.ConnectorFacadeFactory
Multiple: single
Optional: optional
Policy: static
Properties: = 32 = org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider
felix.fileinstall.filename = file:/openidm/conf/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json
jsonconfig = {
"connectorsLocation" : "connectors",
"remoteConnectorServers" : [
"name" : "dotnet",
"host" : "",
"port" : 8759,
"useSSL" : false,
"timeout" : 0,
"key" : {
"$crypto" : {
"value" : {
"iv" : "3XpjsLV1YNP034Rt/6BZgg==",
"data" : "8JXxpoRJjYGFkRVHvTwGTA==",
"cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
"key" : "openidm-sym-default"
"type" : "x-simple-encryption"
service.description = OpenICF Connector Info Service = org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider
service.vendor = ForgeRock AS.</computeroutput>
The connector is now configured. To verify the configuration, perform a
RESTful GET request on the remote system URL, for example:
<screen>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request GET \
This request should return the user accounts in the Active Directory
<step performance="optional">
To configure reconciliation or liveSync between OpenIDM and Active
Directory, create a synchronization configuration file
(<filename>sync.json</filename>) in the <literal>openidm/conf</literal>
The synchronization configuration file defines the attribute mappings and
policies that are used during reconciliation.
The following is a simple example of a <filename>sync.json</filename>
file for Active Directory.
"mappings" : [
"name" : "systemADAccounts_managedUser",
"source" : "system/ActiveDirectory/account",
"target" : "managed/user",
"properties" : [
{ "source" : "cn", "target" : "displayName" },
{ "source" : "description", "target" : "description" },
{ "source" : "givenName", "target" : "givenName" },
{ "source" : "mail", "target" : "email" },
{ "source" : "sn", "target" : "familyName" },
{ "source" : "sAMAccountName", "target" : "userName" }
"policies" : [
{ "situation" : "CONFIRMED", "action" : "UPDATE" },
{ "situation" : "FOUND", "action" : "UPDATE" },
{ "situation" : "ABSENT", "action" : "CREATE" },
{ "situation" : "AMBIGUOUS", "action" : "EXCEPTION" },
{ "situation" : "MISSING", "action" : "UNLINK" },
{ "situation" : "SOURCE_MISSING", "action" : "DELETE" },
{ "situation" : "UNQUALIFIED", "action" : "DELETE" },
{ "situation" : "UNASSIGNED", "action" : "DELETE" }
To test the synchronization, run a reconciliation operation by running
the following command.
<screen>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
If reconciliation is successful, the command returns a reconciliation run
ID, similar to the following:
Query the internal repository, using either a <command>curl</command>
command, or the OpenIDM UI, to make sure that the users in your Active
Directory server were provisioned into the repository.
<section xml:id="ad-powershell">
<title>Using PowerShell Scripts With the Active Directory Connector</title>
The Active Directory connector supports PowerShell scripting. The
following example shows a simple PowerShell script that is referenced in
the connector configuration and can be called over the REST interface.
This PowerShell script creates a new MS SQL user with a username that is
specified when the script is called. The script sets the user's password
to <literal>Passw0rd</literal> and, optionally, gives the user a role.
Save this script as <filename>openidm/script/createUser.ps1</filename>.
External script execution is disabled on system endpoints by default. For
testing purposes, you can enable script execution over REST, on system
endpoints by adding the <literal>script</literal> action to the system
object, in the <filename>access.js</filename> file. For example:
<screen><userinput>$ more /path/to/openidm/script/access.js</userinput>
"pattern" : "system/ActiveDirectory",
"roles" : "openidm-admin",
"methods" : "action",
"actions" : "script"
}, </computeroutput></screen>
Be aware that scripts passed to clients imply a security risk in
production environments. If you need to expose a script for direct
external invocation, it might be better to write a custom authorization
function to constrain the script ID that is permitted. Alternatively, do
not expose the script action for external invocation, and instead,
expose a custom endpoint that can make only the desired script calls. For
more information on using custom endpoints, see <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Adding Custom
<programlisting language="powershell" width="100">
if ($loginName -ne $NULL) {
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
$sqlSrv = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') ('WIN-C2MSQ8G1TCA')
$login = New-Object -TypeName ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Login') ($sqlSrv, $loginName)
$login.LoginType = 'SqlLogin'
$login.PasswordExpirationEnabled = $false
# The next two lines are optional, and to give the new login a server role, optional
} else {
$Error_Message = [string]"Required variables 'loginName' is missing!"
Write-Error $Error_Message
throw $Error_Message
Now edit the Active Directory connector configuration to reference the
script. Add the following section to the connector configuration file
<programlisting language="javascript">
"systemActions" : [
"_scriptId" : "ConnectorScriptName",
"actions" : [
"systemType" : ".*ActiveDirectoryConnector",
"actionType" : "Shell",
"actionSource" : "@echo off \r\n echo %loginName%\r\n"
"systemType" : ".*ActiveDirectoryConnector",
"actionType" : "PowerShell",
"actionFile" : "script/createUser.ps1"
To call the PowerShell script over the REST interface, use the following
request, specifying the userName as input:
<screen>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
<section xml:id="csv-file-connector">
<title>CSV File Connector</title>
The CSV file connector is often useful when importing users, either for
initial provisioning or for ongoing updates. When used continuously in
production, a CSV file serves as a change log, often containing only user
records that changed.
A sample CSV file connector configuration is provided in
The following example shows an excerpt of the provisioner configuration.
The default location of the connector .jar is
<filename>openidm/connectors</filename>. Therefore the value of the
<literal>connectorHostRef</literal> property must be
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"connectorRef": {
"connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.csvfile.CSVFileConnector",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.csvfile-connector",
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.csvconnector.version}"
<para>The following excerpt shows required configuration properties.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"configurationProperties": {
"filePath": "data/hr.csv",
"uniqueAttribute": "uid"
The CSV file connector also supports a number of optional configuration
properties, in addition to the required properties.
<term>encoding (optional)</term>
<para>Default: <literal>"utf-8"</literal></para>
<term>fieldDelimiter (optional)</term>
<para>Default: <literal>","</literal></para>
<term>filePath (required)</term>
<para>References the CSV file containing account entries</para>
<term>multivalueDelimiter (optional)</term>
<para>Used with multi-valued attributes. Default:
<term>passwordAttribute (optional)</term>
<para>Attribute containing the password. Use when password-based
authentication is required.</para>
<term>uniqueAttribute (required)</term>
<para>Primary key used for the CSV file</para>
<term>usingMultivalue (optional)</term>
<para>Whether attributes can have multiple values. Default:
<section xml:id="scripted-sql-connector">
<title>Scripted SQL Connector</title>
The Scripted SQL Connector uses customizable Groovy scripts to interact with
the database.
The connector uses one script for each of the following actions on the
external database.
Example groovy scripts are provided in the
<filename>openidm/samples/sample3/tools/</filename> directory.
For a sample configuration that uses the scripted SQL connector, see <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="install-guide#more-sample3"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Sample 3 -
Scripted SQL</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Installation
The scripted SQL connector runs with autocommit mode enabled by default. As
soon as a statement is executed that modifies a table, the update is stored
on disk and the change cannot be rolled back. This setting applies to all
database actions (search, create, delete, test, synch, and update). You can
disable autocommit in the connector configuration file
(<literal>conf/provisioner.openicf-scriptedsql.json</literal>) by adding the
<literal>autocommit</literal> property and setting it to
<literal>false</literal>, for example:
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configurationProperties" : {
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : "3306",
"database" : "HRDB",
"autoCommit" : false,
"reloadScriptOnExecution" : true,
"createScriptFileName" : "&amp;{launcher.project.location}/tools/CreateScript.groovy",
If you require a traditional transaction with a manual commit for a specific
script, you can disable autocommit mode in the script or scripts for each
action that requires a manual commit. For more information on disabling
autocommit, see the corresponding <link xlink:show="new"
<section xml:id="database-table-connector">
<title>Database Table Connector</title>
The Database Table connector enables provisioning to a single table in a
JDBC database. A sample connector configuration for the Database Table
connector is provided in
The corresponding data definition language file is provided in
The following excerpt shows the settings for the connector configuration
properties in the sample Database Table connector:
<programlisting language="javascript">
"configurationProperties" :
"quoting" : "",
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : "3306",
"user" : "root",
"password" : "",
"database" : "contractordb",
"table" : "people",
"keyColumn" : "UNIQUE_ID",
"passwordColumn" : "",
"jdbcDriver" : "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
"jdbcUrlTemplate" : "jdbc:mysql://%h:%p/%d",
"enableEmptyString" : false,
"rethrowAllSQLExceptions" : true,
"nativeTimestamps" : true,
"allNative" : false,
"validConnectionQuery" : null,
"changeLogColumn" : "CHANGE_TIMESTEMP",
"datasource" : "",
"jndiProperties" : null
The mandatory configurable properties are as follows:
The JDBC database that contains the table to which you are provisioning.
The name of the table in the JDBC database that contains the user
The column value that is used as the unique identifier for rows in the
<!--TODO Add link when the config ref is published
For a description of all configurable properties for this connector, see the
OpenICF Connector Configuration Reference
</para> -->
<section xml:id="groovy-connector">
<title>Groovy Connector Toolkit</title>
OpenICF 1.4 introduces a generic Groovy Connector Toolkit that enables you
to run a Groovy script for any OpenICF operation, such as search, update,
create, and so forth, on any external resource.
The Groovy Connector Toolkit is not a complete connector, in the traditional
sense. Rather, it is a framework within which you must write your own Groovy
scripts to address the requirements of your implementation. Specific scripts
are provided within these samples, which demonstrate how the Groovy Connector
Toolkit can be used. These scripts cannot be used "as is" in your deployment,
but are a good starting point on which to base your customization.
The Groovy Connector Toolkit is bundled with OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}, in
the JAR <filename>openidm/connectors/groovy-connector-${openicf.groovyconnector.version}.jar</filename>.
Sample implementations are provided in <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Using the Groovy
Connector Toolkit to Create Scripted Connectors</citetitle></link> in the
<citetitle>Installation Guide</citetitle>.
<section xml:id="powershell-connector">
<title>Powershell Connector</title>
The PowerShell connector is a generic scripted connector to address the
Microsoft Windows ecosystem. You can use this connector to provision any
Microsoft system, including, but not limited to, Active Directory, MS SQL,
MS Exchange, Sharepoint, Office365, and Azure. Essentially, any task that
can be performed with PowerShell can be executed through this connector.
The PowerShell connector runs on the .NET platform and requires the
installation of a .NET connector server on the Windows system. To install
the .NET connector, follow the instructions in <xref
linkend="" />. The PowerShell connector requires
PowerShell V2.
The PowerShell connector is not bundled with OpenIDM, and must be downloaded
separately. <!--TODO from where? -->
<section xml:id="connector-wiz">
<title>Creating Default Connector Configurations</title>
<secondary>Generating configurations</secondary>
Rather than creating provisioner files by hand, use the service that OpenIDM
exposes through the REST interface to create basic connector configuration
files, or use the <command></command> or <command>cli.bat</command>
scripts to generate a basic connector configuration.
This section describes how to create connector configurations over the REST
interface. For instructions on using the CLI to create connector
configurations, see the <link xlink:show="new"
>configureconnector</citetitle></link> section of the <citetitle>CLI
Interface</citetitle> chapter.
You create a new connector configuration file in three stages:
List the available connectors.
Generate the core configuration.
Connect to the target system and generate the final configuration.
List the available connectors by using the following command.
<screen>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
Available connectors are installed in <filename>openidm/connectors</filename>.
OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion} bundles the following connectors:
<para>CSV File Connector</para>
<para>Database Table Connector</para>
<para>GoogleApps Connector</para>
Scripted Groovy Connector Toolkit, which includes the following
sample implementations:
<para>Scripted SQL Connector</para>
<para>Scripted CREST Connector</para>
<para>Scripted REST Connector</para>
<para>LDAP Connector</para>
<para>XML Connector</para>
<para>Salesforce Connector</para>
The preceding command therefore returns the following output:
<programlisting xml:id="step1-return" language="javascript">{
"connectorRef": [
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.csvconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.csvfile-connector",
"displayName": "CSV File Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.csvfile.CSVFileConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.dbtableconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.databasetable-connector",
"displayName": "Database Table Connector",
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.databasetable.DatabaseTableConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.googleconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.googleapps-connector",
"displayName": "GoogleApps Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.googleapps.GoogleAppsConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.groovyconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy-connector",
"displayName": "Scripted Poolable Groovy Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedPoolableConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.groovyconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy-connector",
"displayName": "Scripted Groovy Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.groovyconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy-connector",
"displayName": "Scripted CREST Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedcrest.ScriptedCRESTConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.groovyconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy-connector",
"displayName": "Scripted SQL Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedsql.ScriptedSQLConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.groovyconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy-connector",
"displayName": "Scripted REST Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedrest.ScriptedRESTConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.ldapconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
"displayName": "LDAP Connector",
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector"
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.xmlconnector.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml-connector",
"displayName": "XML Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml.XMLConnector"
"bundleVersion": "{provisioner.salesforcemodule.version}",
"systemType": "provisioner.salesforce",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openidm.salesforce",
"displayName": "Salesforce Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openidm.salesforce.Salesforce"
To generate the core configuration, choose one of the available connectors by
copying one of the JSON objects from the generated list into the body of the
REST command, as shown below for the XML connector.
<screen><userinput>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"connectorRef":
{"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml.XMLConnector",
"displayName": "XML Connector",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml-connector",
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.xmlconnector.version}"}
}' \
This command returns a core connector configuration, similar to the
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"poolConfigOption": {
"minIdle": 1,
"minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": 120000,
"maxWait": 150000,
"maxIdle": 10,
"maxObjects": 10
"resultsHandlerConfig": {
"enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler": true,
"enableFilteredResultsHandler": true,
"enableNormalizingResultsHandler": true
"operationTimeout": {
"SCHEMA": -1,
"SYNC": -1,
"SEARCH": -1,
"CREATE": -1,
"UPDATE": -1,
"DELETE": -1,
"TEST": -1,
"GET": -1,
"configurationProperties": {
"xsdIcfFilePath": null,
"xsdFilePath": null,
"createFileIfNotExists": false,
"xmlFilePath": null
"connectorRef": {
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.xmlconnector.version}",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml-connector",
"displayName": "XML Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml.XMLConnector"
The configuration that is returned is not yet functional. Notice that
it does not contain the required system-specific
<literal>"configurationProperties"</literal>, such as the host name and port
for web based connectors, or the "xmlFilePath" for the XML file-based
connector. In addition, the configuration does not include the complete list
of <literal>"objectTypes"</literal> and
To generate the final configuration, add values for the
"configurationProperties" to the core configuration, and use the updated
configuration as the body for the next command.
<screen>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{
"xsdIcfFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
"xsdFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xmlFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml",
"createFileIfNotExists": false
"operationTimeout": {
"SCHEMA": -1,
"SYNC": -1,
"SEARCH": -1,
"CREATE": -1,
"UPDATE": -1,
"DELETE": -1,
"TEST": -1,
"GET": -1,
"resultsHandlerConfig": {
"enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler": true,
"enableFilteredResultsHandler": true,
"enableNormalizingResultsHandler": true
"poolConfigOption": {
"minIdle": 1,
"minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": 120000,
"maxWait": 150000,
"maxIdle": 10,
"maxObjects": 10
"connectorRef": {
"bundleVersion": "${openicf.xmlconnector.version}",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml-connector",
"displayName": "XML Connector",
"connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml.XMLConnector"
}' \
Notice the single quotes around the argument to the <option>--data</option>
option in the preceding command. For most UNIX shells, single quotes around
a string prevent the shell from executing the command when encountering a
newline in the content. You can therefore pass the
<option>--data '...'</option> option on a single line, or including line
OpenIDM attempts to read the schema, if available, from the external
resource in order to generate output. OpenIDM then iterates through schema
objects and attributes, creating JSON representations for "objectTypes" and
"operationOptions" for supported objects and operations.
The output includes the basic <literal>--data</literal> input, along with
<literal>operationOptions</literal> and <literal>objectTypes</literal>.
Because OpenIDM produces a full property set for all attributes and all
object types in the schema from the external resource, the resulting
configuration can be large. For an LDAP server, OpenIDM can generate a
configuration containing several tens of thousands of lines, for example.
You might therefore want to reduce the schema to a minimum on the external
resource before you run the <literal>createFullConfig</literal> command.
<section xml:id="systems-over-rest">
<title>Checking the Status of External Systems Over REST</title>
After a connection has been configured, external systems are accessible over
the REST interface at the URL
Aside from accessing the data objects within the external systems, you can
test the availability of the systems themselves.
To list the external systems that are connected to an OpenIDM instance, use
the <literal>test</literal> action on the URL
<literal>https://localhost:8443/openidm/system/</literal>. The following
example shows the connector configuration for an external LDAP system.
<screen><userinput>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
"ok": true,
"connectorRef": {
"bundleVersion": "[,",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector"
"objectTypes": [
"config": "config/provisioner.openicf/ldap",
"enabled": true,
"name": "ldap"
The status of the system is provided by the <literal>ok</literal> parameter.
If the connection is available, the value of this parameter is
To obtain the status for a single system, include the name of the connector
in the URL, for example:
<screen><userinput>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request POST \
"ok": true,
"connectorRef": {
"bundleVersion": "[,",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector"
"objectTypes": [
"config": "config/provisioner.openicf/ldap",
"enabled": true,
"name": "ldap"
If there is a problem with the connection, the <literal>"ok"</literal>
parameter returns <literal>false</literal>, with an indication of the error.
In the following example, the LDAP server named
<literal>ldap</literal>, running on <literal>localhost:1389</literal>, is
<screen><userinput>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
"ok": false,
"error": "localhost:1389",
"connectorRef": {
"bundleVersion": "[,",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector"
"objectTypes": [
"config": "config/provisioner.openicf/ldap",
"enabled": true,
"name": "ldap"
To test the validity of a connector configuration, use the
<literal>testConfig</literal> action and include the configuration in the
command. For example:
<screen>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"name" : "xmlfile",
"connectorRef" : {
"bundleName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml-connector",
"bundleVersion" : "${openicf.xmlconnector.version}",
"connectorName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.xml.XMLConnector"
"producerBufferSize" : 100,
"connectorPoolingSupported" : true,
"poolConfigOption" : {
"maxObjects" : 10,
"maxIdle" : 10,
"maxWait" : 150000,
"minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000,
"minIdle" : 1
"operationTimeout" : {
"CREATE" : -1,
"TEST" : -1,
"SEARCH" : -1,
"VALIDATE" : -1,
"GET" : -1,
"UPDATE" : -1,
"DELETE" : -1,
"SYNC" : -1,
"SCHEMA" : -1
"configurationProperties" : {
"xsdIcfFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
"xsdFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
"xmlFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
"syncFailureHandler" : {
"maxRetries" : 5,
"postRetryAction" : "logged-ignore"
"objectTypes" : {
"account" : {
"$schema" : "",
"id" : "__ACCOUNT__",
"type" : "object",
"nativeType" : "__ACCOUNT__",
"properties" : {
"description" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "__DESCRIPTION__",
"nativeType" : "string"
"firstname" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "firstname",
"nativeType" : "string"
"email" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "email",
"nativeType" : "string"
"_id" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "__UID__"
"password" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "password",
"nativeType" : "string"
"name" : {
"type" : "string",
"required" : true,
"nativeName" : "__NAME__",
"nativeType" : "string"
"lastname" : {
"type" : "string",
"required" : true,
"nativeName" : "lastname",
"nativeType" : "string"
"mobileTelephoneNumber" : {
"type" : "string",
"required" : true,
"nativeName" : "mobileTelephoneNumber",
"nativeType" : "string"
"securityQuestion" : {
"type" : "string",
"required" : true,
"nativeName" : "securityQuestion",
"nativeType" : "string"
"securityAnswer" : {
"type" : "string",
"required" : true,
"nativeName" : "securityAnswer",
"nativeType" : "string"
"roles" : {
"type" : "string",
"required" : false,
"nativeName" : "roles",
"nativeType" : "string"
"operationOptions" : { }
}' \
--request POST \
If the configuration is valid, the command returns
<literal>"ok": true</literal>, for example:
"ok": true,
"name": "xmlfile"
If the configuration is not valid, the command returns an error, indicating
the problem with the configuration. For example, the following result is
returned when the LDAP connector configuration is missing a required property
(in this case, the <literal>baseContexts</literal> to synchronize):
"error": "org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConfigurationException:
The list of base contexts cannot be empty",
"name": "OpenDJ",
"ok": false
} </screen>
The <literal>testConfig</literal> action requires a running OpenIDM instance,
as it uses the REST API, but does not require an active connector instance
for the connector whose configuration you want to test.
<section xml:id="adding-to-connector-config">
<title>Adding Attributes to Connectors</title>
You can add the attributes of your choice to a connector configuration file.
Specifically, if you want to set up
<xref linkend="property-level-extensions" /> to one of the
<literal>objectTypes</literal> such as <literal>account</literal>, use the
format shown under <xref linkend="object-types" />.
You can configure connectors to enable provisioning of arbitrary property
level extensions (such as image files) to system resources. For example, if
you want to set up image files such as account avatars, open the appropriate
provisioner file. Look for an <literal>account</literal> section similar to:
<programlisting language="javascript">
"account" : {
"$schema" : "",
"id" : "__ACCOUNT__",
"type" : "object",
"nativeType" : "__ACCOUNT__",
"properties" : {
Under <literal>"properties"</literal>, add one of the following code blocks.
The first block works for a single photo encoded as a base64 string. The
second block would address multiple photos encoded in the same way.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"attributeByteArray" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "attributeByteArray",
"nativeType" : "JAVA_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY"
<programlisting language="javascript">
"attributeByteArrayMultivalue": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"nativeType": "JAVA_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY"
"nativeName": "attributeByteArrayMultivalue"