chap-auth.xml revision 245d622535c32563b59ef5027b1171167ba9b451
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<chapter xml:id='chap-auth'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Managing Authentication, Authorization and RBAC</title>
<para>OpenIDM provides a simple, yet flexible authentication and authorization
mechanism based on REST interface URLs and on roles stored in the repository.
<section xml:id="openidm-users">
<title>OpenIDM Users</title>
<secondary>Internal users</secondary>
<secondary>Managed users</secondary>
<para>OpenIDM distinguishes between internal users and managed users.</para>
<section xml:id="internal-users">
<title>Internal Users</title>
<para>Two internal users are created by default - <literal>anonymous</literal>
and <literal>openidm-admin</literal>. These accounts are separated from
other user accounts to protect them from any reconciliation or
synchronization processes.</para>
<para>OpenIDM stores internal users and their role membership in a table
in the repository called <literal>internaluser</literal> when implemented
in MySQL, and in the <literal>internal_user</literal> table for an OrientDB
repository. You can add or remove internal users over the REST interface
(at <literal>http://localhost:8080/openidm/repo/internal/user</literal>) or
directly in the repository.
<listitem><para>This user serves to access OpenIDM anonymously, for users
who do not have their own accounts. The anonymous user is primarily
intended to allow self-registration.</para>
<para>OpenIDM stores the anonymous user's password,
<literal>anonymous</literal>, in clear text in the repository internal
user table. The password is not considered to be secret.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This user serves as the super administrator. After
installation, the <literal>openidm-admin</literal> user has full access,
and provides a fallback mechanism in case other users are locked out. Do
not use <literal>openidm-admin</literal> for normal tasks. Under normal
circumstances, no real user is associated with the
<literal>openidm-admin</literal> user account, so audit log records that
pertain to <literal>openidm-admin</literal> do not reflect the actions of
any real person.</para>
<para>OpenIDM encrypts the password, <literal>openidm-admin</literal>, by
default. Change the password immediately after installation. For
instructions, see <link xlink:role=""
><citetitle>To Replace the Default User and Password</citetitle></link>.</para>
<section xml:id="managed-users">
<title>Managed Users</title>
<secondary>Managed objects</secondary>
<para>External users that OpenIDM manages are referred to as managed users.
When implemented in MySQL, OpenIDM stores managed users in the managed
objects table of the repository, named <literal>managedobjects</literal>.
A second MySQL table, <literal>managedobjectproperties</literal>, serves as
the index table. When implemented in OrientDB, managed objects are stored in
the table <literal>managed_user</literal>.</para>
<para>By default, the attribute names for managed user login and password
are <literal>userName</literal> and <literal>password</literal>,
<section xml:id="openidm-authentication">
<para>OpenIDM does not allow access to the REST interface unless you
authenticate. If a project requires anonymous access, to allow users to
self-register for example, then allow access by user
<literal>anonymous</literal>, password <literal>anonymous</literal>, as
described in <xref linkend="internal-users" />. In production, only
applications are expected to access the REST interface.</para>
<para>OpenIDM supports an improved authentication mechanism on the REST
interface. Unlike basic authentication or form-based authentication, the
OpenIDM authentication mechanism is compatible with the AJAX framework.
<term>OpenIDM authentication with standard header fields</term>
<screen>$ curl --user userName:password</screen>
<para>This authentication is compatible with standard basic authentication,
except that it will not prompt for credentials if they are missing in the
<term>OpenIDM authentication with OpenIDM header fields</term>
<screen>$ curl
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"</screen>
<para>For more information about the OpenIDM authentication mechanism, see <link
<citetitle>Use Message Level Security</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para>You can change the attributes that OpenIDM uses to store user login
and password values. The attribute names are shown in a database query
that is defined in
<para>Two queries are defined by default.</para>
<para>Uses the <literal>_openidm_id</literal> attribute for login</para>
<para>Uses the <literal>userName</literal> attribute for login</para>
<para>The <filename>openidm/conf/authentication.json</filename> file defines
the currently active query as the value of the <literal>queryId</literal>
property. In the following example, <literal>credential-query</literal> is
<programlisting language="javascript">
"queryId" : "credential-query",
"queryOnResource" : "managed/user",
"defaultUserRoles" : [ ]
<para>You can explicitly define the properties that constitute passwords or
roles by setting the <literal>propertyMapping</literal> object in the
<filename>conf/authentication.json</filename> file. By default, the property
mapping is configured as follows:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"propertyMapping" : {
"userId" : "_id",
"userCredential" : "password",
"userRoles" : "roles"
<section xml:id="openidm-roles">
<para>OpenIDM sets up the following roles by default.</para>
<para>Role for users accessing OpenIDM with the default anonymous
<para>OpenIDM administrator role</para>
<para>Default role for any user authenticated with a user name and
<para>Default role for any user authenticated with mutual SSL
<para>You configure the default roles that are assigned to successfully
authenticated users by setting the <literal>defaultUserRoles</literal>
property in <filename>openidm/conf/authentication.json</filename>, which
takes a list. The default value is <literal>openidm-authorized</literal>.
<programlisting language="javascript">
"queryId": "credential-query",
"queryOnResource": "managed/user",
"defaultUserRoles": [
<emphasis role="strong">"openidm-authorized"</emphasis>
<section xml:id="openidm-authorization">
<para>OpenIDM provides role-based authorization that restricts direct
HTTP access to REST interface URLs. The default authorization configuration
grants different access rights to users that are assigned the roles
<literal>"openidm-admin"</literal>, <literal>"openidm-cert"</literal>,
<literal>"openidm-authorized"</literal>, and <literal>"openidm-reg"</literal>.
<para>Note that this access control applies to direct HTTP calls only. Access
for internal calls (for example, calls from scripts) is not affected by this
<para>Authorization is configured in two script files:</para>
<para>OpenIDM calls these scripts for each request, via the
<literal>onRequest</literal> hook that is defined in the default
<filename>router.json</filename> file. The scripts either throw the string
<literal>Access denied</literal>, or nothing. If
<literal>Access denied</literal> is thrown, OpenIDM denies the request.
<section xml:id="router-authz-js">
<para>This file provides the functions that enforce access rules. For
example, the following function controls whether users with a certain role
can start a specified process.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
function isAllowedToStartProcess() {
var processDefinitionId = request.value._processDefinitionId;
return isProcessOnUsersList(processDefinitionId);
<para>There are certain functions in <filename>router-authz.js</filename>
that should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be altered. These are indicated in the
file itself.</para>
<section xml:id="access-js">
<para>This file defines the access configuration for HTTP requests and
references the methods defined in <filename>router-authz.js</filename>. Each
entry in the configuration contains a pattern to match against the incoming
request ID, and the associated roles, methods, and actions that are allowed
for requests on that pattern.</para>
<para>The following sample configuration entry indicates the configurable
parameters and their purpose.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"pattern" : "*",
"roles" : "openidm-admin",
"methods" : "*", // default to all methods allowed
"actions" : "*", // default to all actions allowed
"customAuthz" : "disallowQueryExpression()",
"excludePatterns": "system/*"
<para>The overall intention of this entry is to allow users with the role
<literal>openidm-admin</literal> HTTP access to everything except the
<literal>system</literal> endpoints. The parameters are as follows:</para>
<para><literal>"pattern"</literal> - the REST endpoint to which access
is being controlled. <literal>"*"</literal> indicates access to all
endpoints. <literal>"managed/user/*"</literal> would indicate access
to all managed user objects.</para>
<para><literal>"roles"</literal> - a comma-separated list of the roles
to which this access configuration applies.</para>
<para><literal>"methods"</literal> - a comma separated list of the
methods to which access is being granted. The method can be one or
more of <literal>create, read, update, delete, patch, action, query</literal>.
A value of <literal>"*"</literal> indicates that all methods are
allowed. A value of <literal>""</literal> indicates that no methods
are allowed.</para>
<para><literal>"actions"</literal> - a comma separated list of the
allowed actions. The possible values depend on the service (URL) that
is being exposed. The following list indicates the possible actions
for each service.</para>
<member><literal>openidm/managed</literal> -
<member><literal>openidm/recon</literal> -
<literal>recon, cancel</literal></member>
<member><literal>openidm/sync</literal> -
<literal>onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete, recon, performAction</literal>
<member><literal>openidm/external/email</literal> -
<literal>(no action parameter applies)</literal></member>
<member><literal>openidm/external/rest</literal> -
<literal>(no action parameter applies)</literal></member>
<member><literal>openidm/authentication</literal> -
<member><literal>openidm/system</literal> -
<member><literal>openidm/system/*</literal> -
<member><literal>openidm/taskscanner</literal> -
<literal>execute, cancel</literal></member>
<member><literal>openidm/workflow/processinstance</literal> -
<literal>(no action parameter applies)</literal></member>
<member><literal>openidm/workflow/taskinstance</literal> -
<para>A value of <literal>"*"</literal> indicates that all actions
exposed for that service are allowed. A value of <literal>""</literal>
indicates that no actions are allowed.</para>
<para><literal>"customAuthz"</literal> - an optional parameter that
enables you to specify a custom function for additional authorization
checks. These functions are defined in <filename>router-atuhz.js</filename>
<para><literal>"excludePatterns"</literal> - an optional parameter
that enables you to specify particular endpoints to which access
should not be given.</para>
<section xml:id="authorization-extending">
<title>Extending the Authorization Mechanism</title>
<para>You can extend the default authorization mechanism by defining
additional functions in <filename>router-authz.js</filename> and by
creating new access control configuration definitions in