appendix-scripting.xml revision e82e853c4e62751f0adbacd5deaef860ce9a55e0
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<appendix xml:id="appendix-scripting"
<title>Scripting Reference</title>
<para>Scripting lets you customize how OpenIDM works in various ways, such
as providing custom logic between source and target mappings, defining
correlation rules, filters, and triggers.</para>
<section xml:id="scripting-configuration">
<para>You define scripts using script objects, which can either include the
code directly in the configuration, or call an external file containing the
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"type" : "text/javascript",
"source": <replaceable>string</replaceable>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"type" : "text/javascript",
"file" : <replaceable>file location</replaceable>
<para>string, required</para>
<para>Specifies the type of script to be executed. Currently, OpenIDM
supports only <literal>"text/javascript"</literal>.</para>
<para>string, required if file is not specified</para>
<para>Specifies the source code of the script to be executed.</para>
<para>string, required if source is not specified</para>
<para>Specifies the file containing the source code of the script to
<section xml:id="scripting-example">
<para>The following example (included in the <filename>sync.json</filename>
file) returns <literal>true</literal> if the <literal>employeeType</literal>
is equal to <literal>external</literal>, otherwise returns
<literal>false</literal>. This script can be useful during reconciliation to
establish whether the source object should be a part of the reconciliation,
or ignored.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"validTarget": {
"type" : "text/javascript",
"source": "object.employeeType == 'external'"
<para>The following example (included in the <filename>sync.json</filename>
file) sets the <literal>__PASSWORD__</literal> attribute to
<literal>defaultpwd</literal> when OpenIDM creates a target object.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"onCreate" : {
"type" : "text/javascript",
"source": "target.__PASSWORD__ = 'defaultpwd'"
<para>The following example (included in the <filename>router.json</filename>
file) shows a trigger to create Solaris home directories using a script.
The script is located in a file,
<programlisting language="javascript">
"filters" : [ {
"pattern" : "^system/solaris/account$",
"methods" : [ "create" ],
"onResponse" : {
"type" : "text/javascript",
"file" : "script/createUnixHomeDir.js"
} ]
<section xml:id="function-ref">
<title>Function Reference</title>
<secondary>Script access</secondary>
<para>Functions (access to managed objects, system objects, configuration
objects) within OpenIDM are accessible to scripts via the
<literal>openidm</literal> object, which is included in the top-level scope
provided to each script.</para>
<para>OpenIDM also provides a <literal>logger</literal> object to access
SLF4J facilities. The following code shows an example:</para>
<programlisting language="javascript"
>"Parameters passed in: {} {} {}", param1, param2, param3);</programlisting>
<para>To set the log level, use
in <filename>openidm/conf/</filename>.</para>
<section xml:id="function-create">
<title>openidm.create(id, value)</title>
<para>This function creates a new resource object.</para>
<para>The identifier of the object to be created.</para>
<para>The value of the object to be created.</para>
<para>A <literal>null</literal> value if successful.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the object could not be created for any
<section xml:id="function-read">
<para>This function reads and returns an OpenIDM resource object.</para>
<para>The identifier of the object to be read.</para>
<para>The read OpenIDM resource object, or <literal>null</literal> if not
<section xml:id="function-update">
<title>openidm.update(id, rev, value)</title>
<para>This function updates a resource object.</para>
<para>The identifier of the resource object to be updated.</para>
<para>The revision of the object to be updated, or <literal>null</literal>
if the object is not subject to revision control.</para>
<para>The value of the object to be updated.</para>
<para>A <literal>null</literal> value if successful.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the object could not be updated for any
<section xml:id="function-delete">
<title>openidm.delete(id, rev)</title>
<para>This function deletes a resource object.</para>
<para>The identifier of the object to be deleted.</para>
<para>The revision of the object to be deleted, or <literal>null</literal>
if the object is not subject to revision control.</para>
<para>A <literal>null</literal> value if successful.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the object could not be deleted for any
<para>Note that <literal>delete</literal> is a reserved word in JavaScript
and this function can therefore not be called in the usual manner. To call
delete from a JavaScript, you must specify the call as shown in the
following example:</para>
<programlisting lanaguage="javascript">
openidm['delete']('managed/user/'+ user._id, user._rev)
<para>Calling <literal>openidm.delete()</literal> directly from a JavaScript
results in an error similar to the following:</para>
org.forgerock.openidm.script.ScriptException: missing name after . operator
<section xml:id="function-query">
<title>openidm.query(id, params)</title>
<para>This function performs a query on the specified OpenIDM resource
<para>The identifier of the object to perform the query on.</para>
<para>An object containing the parameters to pass to the query.</para>
<para>The result of the query.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the given query could not be processed for
any reason.</para>
<section xml:id="function-action">
<title>openidm.action(id, params, value)</title>
<para>This function performs an action on the specified OpenIDM resource
<para>The identifier of the object to perform the action on.</para>
<para>An object containing the parameters to pass to the action.</para>
<para>A value that can be provided to the action for processing.</para>
<para>The result of the action. May be <literal>null</literal> if no result
is provided.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the given action could not be executed
for any reason.</para>
<section xml:id="function-encrypt">
<title>openidm.encrypt(value, cipher, alias)</title>
<para>This function encrypts a value.</para>
<para>The value to be encrypted.</para>
<para>The cipher with which to encrypt the value, using the form
"algorithm/mode/padding" or just "algorithm". Example:
<para>The key alias in the key store with which to encrypt the node.</para>
<para>The value, encrypted with the specified cipher and key.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the object could not be encrypted for any
<section xml:id="function-decrypt">
<para>This function decrypts a value.</para>
<para>The value to be decrypted.</para>
<para>A deep copy of the value, with any encrypted value decrypted.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the object could not be decrypted for any
<section xml:id="function-logger-debug">
<title>logger.debug(string message, object... params)</title>
<para>Logs a message at DEBUG level.</para>
<para>The message format to log. Params replace <literal>{}</literal>
in your message.</para>
<para>Arguments to include in the message.</para>
<para>A <literal>null</literal> value if successful.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.</para>
<section xml:id="function-logger-error">
<title>logger.error(string message, object... params)</title>
<para>Logs a message at ERROR level.</para>
<para>The message format to log. Params replace <literal>{}</literal>
in your message.</para>
<para>Arguments to include in the message.</para>
<para>A <literal>null</literal> value if successful.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.</para>
<section xml:id="function-logger-info">
<title> message, object... params)</title>
<para>Logs a message at INFO level.</para>
<para>The message format to log. Params replace <literal>{}</literal>
in your message.</para>
<para>Arguments to include in the message.</para>
<para>A <literal>null</literal> value if successful.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.</para>
<section xml:id="function-logger-trace">
<title>logger.trace(string message, object... params)</title>
<para>Logs a message at TRACE level.</para>
<para>The message format to log. Params replace <literal>{}</literal>
in your message.</para>
<para>Arguments to include in the message.</para>
<para>A <literal>null</literal> value if successful.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.</para>
<section xml:id="function-logger-warn">
<title>logger.warn(string message, object... params)</title>
<para>Logs a message at WARN level.</para>
<para>The message format to log. Params replace <literal>{}</literal>
in your message.</para>
<para>Arguments to include in the message.</para>
<para>A <literal>null</literal> value if successful.</para>
<para>An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.</para>
<section xml:id="script-places">
<title>Places to Trigger Scripts</title>
<para>Scripts can be triggered at different places, by different
<term>In <filename>openidm/conf/sync.json</filename></term>
<term>Triggered by situation</term>
<listitem><para>onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete, onLink, onUnlink</para></listitem>
<term>Object filter</term>
<listitem><para>vaildSource, validTarget</para></listitem>
<term>Correlating objects</term>
<term>Triggered on any reconciliation</term>
<term>Scripts inside properties</term>
<listitem><para>condition, transform</para></listitem>
<term>In <filename>openidm/conf/managed.json</filename></term>
<listitem><para>onCreate, onRead, onUpdate, onDelete, onValidate,
onRetrieve and onStore</para>
<para>Note that <literal>managed.json</literal> supports only one script
per hook. If multiple scripts are defined for the same hook, only the last
one is kept.</para></listitem>
<term>In <filename>openidm/conf/router.json</filename></term>
<listitem><para>onRequest, onResponse, onFailure</para>
<para><literal>router.json</literal> supports multiple scripts per hook.
<section xml:id="debugging-scripts">
<title>Debugging OpenIDM Scripts</title>
<para>OpenIDM includes Eclipse JSDT libraries so you can use Eclipse to debug
your OpenIDM scripts during development.</para>
<procedure xml:id="enable-debugging">
<title>To Enable Debugging</title>
<para>Follow these steps to enable debugging using Eclipse.</para>
<para>Install the environment to support JavaScript development in either
of the following ways.</para>
<para>Download and install Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Web Developers
from the <link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">Eclipse download page</link>.</para>
<para>Add <link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">JavaScript Development Tools</link> to your existing
Eclipse installation.</para>
<para>Create an empty JavaScript project called <literal>External JavaScript
Source</literal> in Eclipse.</para>
<para>Eclipse then uses the <filename>External JavaScript Source</filename>
directory in the default workspace location to store sources that it
downloads from OpenIDM.</para>
<para>Stop OpenIDM.</para>
<para>Edit <filename>openidm/conf/boot/</filename> to
enable debugging.</para>
<para>Uncomment and edit the following line.</para>
<programlisting language="none" width="84">
<para>Here <literal>suspend=y</literal> prevents OpenIDM from starting
until the remote JavaScript debugger has connected. You might therefore
choose to set this to <literal>suspend=n</literal>.</para>
<para>Uncomment and edit the following line.</para>
<programlisting language="none" width="81">
#openidm.script.javascript.sources=/Eclipse/workspace/External JavaScript Source/</programlisting>
<para>Adjust <literal>/Eclipse/workspace/External JavaScript
Source/</literal> to match the absolute path to this folder including the
trailing <literal>/</literal> character. On Windows, also use forward
slashes, such as <literal>C:/Eclipse/workspace/External JavaScript
<para>Each time OpenIDM loads a new script, it then creates or overwrites
the file in the <filename>External JavaScript Source</filename> directory.
Before toggling breakpoints, be sure to refresh the source manually in
Eclipse so you have the latest version.</para>
<!-- Fix for OPENIDM-566: JavaScript debugger configuration description refinement -->
<para>Prepare the Eclipse debugger to allow you to set breakpoints.</para>
<para>In the Eclipse Debug perspective, select the Breakpoints tab, and
then click the Add Script Load Breakpoint icon to open the list of
<para>In the Add Script Load Breakpoint window, select your scripts, and
then click OK.</para>
<para>Start OpenIDM, and connect the debugger.</para>
<para>To create a new debug, configuration click Run &gt; Debug
Configurations... &gt; Remote JavaScript &gt; New button, and then set
the port to 9888 as shown above.</para>