chap-upgrade.xml revision 7b85693a3ced68e4f3697280b999a5a710b7a17d
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<chapter xml:id='chap-upgrade'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Migrating to OpenIDM 3.0.0</title>
The migration process is largely dependent on your particular deployment and
on the extent to which you have customized OpenIDM. It is recommended that you
engage ForgeRock services for help in migrating an existing deployment.
The steps outlined in this section indicate how to preserve customizations,
where possible, and take advantage of the new functionality offered in this
release. However, you must be aware of the changes made in
OpenIDM 3.0.0 that might affect your existing deployment.
Therefore, before starting this process, see the <link xlink:show="new"
chapter</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Release Notes</citetitle>, and
adjust your scripts and clients accordingly.
In particular, for client applications that use the REST API, note that this
API has undergone major changes in this release. For information on the new
REST API, see the <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>REST API
Reference</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Integrator's Guide</citetitle>.
To perform a basic migration to OpenIDM 3.0.0, follow these
steps. For the purposes of this procedure, the path to the existing 2.1
instance is defined as <filename>/path/to/openidm-2.1</filename>. The path to
the new instance is defined as <filename>/path/to/openidm-3.0</filename>.
Download and extract the OpenIDM 3.0.0 server.
Stop your existing OpenIDM 2.1 server, if it is running.
$ cd /path/to/openidm-2.1
$ /
Stopping OpenIDM (81491)
Back up your existing deployment by zipping up the entire
<filename>openidm</filename> directory.
On the OpenIDM 3.0.0 server, edit the
<filename>conf/boot/</filename> file to match any
customizations that you made on your 2.1 server. Specifically, check the
following elements:
In OpenIDM 2.1, port numbers were specified in the
<filename>conf/jetty.xml</filename> file. In OpenIDM
${docTargetVersion}, the HTTP, HTTPS, and mutual authentication
ports are specified in the <filename>conf/boot/</filename>
file. If you changed the default ports in your 2.x deployment, make sure
that the corresponding ports are specified in this file.
Check that the keystore and truststore passwords match the current
passwords for the keystore and truststore of your 2.x deployment
For clustered deployments, certain cluster properties are also now
specified in the <filename></filename> file. Therefore, if
this migrated OpenIDM instance is going to run in a cluster, set the
following properties:
In addition, timeout and checkin settings that were previously defined in
the <filename>conf/scheduler.json</filename> file are now defined in a new
configuration file, <filename>conf/cluster.json</filename>. Copy any such
settings that you had defined in the <filename>scheduler.json</filename>
file to the <filename>cluster.json</filename> file in the
3.0.0 instance.
Depending on the level of customization you have made in your current
deployment, it might be simpler to start with your 2.x
<filename></filename> file, and copy all new settings from
the 3.0.0 file to your existing file. However, as a best practice, it is
recommended that you keep all configuration customizations (including new
properties and changed settings) in a single location in your configuration
files, so that these can simply be copy/pasted to the configuration files of
the new OpenIDM version.
Copy the contents of your original <literal>security/</literal> folder to
the new instance.
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm-3.0
$ cp -r /path/to/openidm-2.1/security .
You can locate the entire <filename>security/</filename> folder with your
project, rather than in the default OpenIDM installation directory, however
you must specify the location in your project's
<filename></filename> file, <emphasis>relative to the OpenIDM
installation directory</emphasis>. For example, if your
<filename>security/</filename> folder is located at
<filename>/path/to/openidm/myproject/security</filename>, you would need to
edit the <filename></filename> file as follows:
<screen><userinput>$ more /path/to/openidm/myproject/conf/boot/</userinput>
The keystore and truststore locations are automatically prepended with the
install location, so you must specify the path relative to the install
location, rather than using property substitution.
Migrate any custom scripts or default scripts that you have modified to the
new instance. In general, custom and customized scripts should be located in
the <filename>openidm/script</filename> directory on your old instance.
For custom scripts (that is, scripts that you have written yourself)
review the <link xlink:show="new"
chapter</citetitle></link> to ensure that the scripts will work as
intended with the new version, then copy these scripts to the new
instance. For example:
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm-3.0
$ cp /path/to/openidm-2.1/script/my-custom-script.js script/
For OpenIDM scripts that you have modified, compare the modified script
against the corresponding script in the new OpenIDM instance. If nothing
has changed in the default script, check that your customizations will
work as intended (by reviewing the <link xlink:show="new"
chapter</citetitle></link>) then copy the customized scripts to the new
<literal>openidm/script</literal> directory. For example:
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm-3.0
$ cp /path/to/openidm-2.1/script/policy.js script/
If the default script has changed since the 2.1 release (for example,
<literal>access.js</literal>, copy the new default script to the
<filename>openidm-3.0/script</filename> directory.
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm-3.0
$ cp bin/default/script/access.js script/
Check that your customizations will work as expected, then port your
customizations to the new script in the
<filename>openidm-3.0/script</filename> directory.
Several changes have been made to the default configuration in OpenIDM
3.0.0. Currently, there is no automated way to migrate a
customized configuration to the new version. The following strategy is
Start with the default 3.0.0 configuration.
For each configuration file that you have customized, use a file
comparison (<literal>diff</literal>) utility to assess the differences
between your customized file and the ${docTargetVersion} file.
Based on the results of the diff, either use your existing file as a base
and port the 3.0.0 changes to that file, or vice
versa. Ultimately, you want to preserve your customizations but ensure
that you are up to date with the latest default configuration. All files
should end up in the <filename>openidm-3.0/conf</filename> directory.
Pay particular attention to the <filename>conf/repo.jdbc.json</filename>
file in your existing deployment. If you have customized this file, make
sure that these customizations are ported to the corresponding file in the
3.0.0 deployment. For example, if you have defined any new queries, add
these queries to the OpenIDM 3.0 <filename>repo.jdbc.json</filename> file.
Modify any customized provisioner configurations in your existing project to
point to the new connectors that are provided with OpenIDM
3.0.0. Specifically, check that the
<literal>"connectorRef"</literal> properties reflect the new connectors, for
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"bundleVersion": "",
"bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
"displayName": "LDAP Connector",
"connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector"
}, </programlisting>
Alternatively, copy the connector .jars from your existing installation into
the <literal>openidm/connectors/</literal> folder of the new installation.
For more information, see <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Integration of
OpenICF</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Compatibility</citetitle>
chapter of the <citetitle>Release Notes</citetitle>.
Complete the OpenIDM 3.0.0 installation, as described in the
<link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="install-guide#chap-install"
Migrate your internal user data, managed objects, and reconciliation and
audit data, if required.
When you migrate this data, note the following points:
The way in which queries on system objects are constructed has changed.
This includes correlation queries on system objects. For more information,
see <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="integrators-guide#constructing-queries"
Queries</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Integrators Guide</citetitle>.
The database schema has changed slightly in OpenIDM 3.0.0. The following
tables have been added: <literal>security</literal>,
<literal>securitykeys</literal>, <literal>clusterobjects</literal>, and
<literal>clusterobjectproperties</literal>. In addition, the following
columns have been added to the <literal>auditrecon</literal> table:
<literal>actionid</literal>, <literal>exceptiondetail</literal>,
<literal>mapping</literal>, <literal>messagedetail</literal>, and
Note that the format of system object <literal>_ids</literal> has changed
in OpenIDM 3.0.0 (they are no longer URL-encoded). Therefore, system
object <literal>_ids</literal> in an existing links table will not be
recognized by an OpenIDM 3.0.0 reconciliation process. For more
information, see <link
xlink:show="new">OPENIDM-2091</link>: Migration script for encoded ids in
the links table.
Your data migration strategy might vary, depending on your repository. You
can either migrate your existing 2.1.0 database, or start with a new
3.0.0 database and import your existing data.
To migrate an existing database:
Using the appropriate schema script from the new OpenIDM 3.0.0 instance
take the changes described above and apply them to your existing database.
Use the <literal>--force</literal> option in MySQL (or an equivalent
option for your repository type) to create the new tables, then edit the
<literal>auditrecon</literal> table manually, to add the columns described
To start with a new database:
Set up a clean repository, using the appropriate schema script from the
new OpenIDM 3.0.0 instance
Use a schema comparison tool and adjust the tables in your existing
repository to match the schema in the new repository.
Export your existing data to the new repository.
If you are using the UI, clear your browser cache after the migration.
The browser cache contains files from the previous OpenIDM release, that
might not be refreshed when you log into the new UI.
Start up OpenIDM 3.0.0.
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openidm-3.0
$ /
Test that your existing clients and scripts are working as intended.