chap-sample.xml revision 7a380d4b3cdb2d77a083c8eb04be57cbb982d58c
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<chapter xml:id='chap-sample'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>OpenIDM Sample</title>
<para>In the current distribution of OpenIDM the sample is configured and enabled by default. This
chapter provides an overview of the sample and how it is configured.
<title>Before You Begin</title>
Install OpenIDM as instructed in Chapter 1.
If you would like to query the internal noSQL database (OrientDB), you will
need to download
<link xlink:href=''>OrientDB 1.0</link>.
Once downloaded and unzipped you will find the shell console in the bin directory.
You may start it and then connect to the running OpenIDM with the connect command
as follows:</para>
<screen width='100'>
$ /path/to/orientdb-1.0rc4-SNAPSHOT/bin/
> connect remote:localhost/openidm admin admin
Connecting to database [remote:localhost/openidm] with user 'admin'...OK
After connecting to the database you can run commands like:</para>
<listitem><para>info to show you the classes and records.</para>
<listitem><para>select * from managed_user to see all the users in the OpenIDM repository.</para>
<listitem><para>select * from audit_activity to see all the activity audit records</para>
<listitem><para>select * from audit_recon to see all the recon audit records</para>
This sample consists of two XML flat file connectors, one configured as the
authoritative source
and the other configured as the target. A reconciliation task is configured to run
every 60 seconds syncronizing between the source and the target.
A descriptive overview of the sample:
<para>OpenIDM regularly scans for any schedular configuration files in the conf directory.</para>
<para>A scheduled recon from the source to the target connector is found and scheduled
to run every 60 seconds per the
<para>The recon service reads in the mappings and any special actions for the source and target
users from <filename>conf/sync.json</filename>.</para>
<para>Recon runs and queries all users in the source and creates, deletes, or modifies the users in the
local OpenIDM repository according to the sync mappings.</para>
<para>Recon then syncronizes all users in the local repository to the target according to the sync
<para>All operations are written to the audit logs in both the internal database and to flat
files under the openidm/audit directory.</para>
<title>Some Key Points About the Sample</title>
In the sample, the source users are first created in the local repository
and then syncronized out to the target connectors. This is done as part of the
sample to show how local users may be managed through the REST APIs. It is however
not required to have any users in the local repository.
Sync and Recon may be done directly between connectors without managed objects (users)
in the local repository.
This sample has only one source and one target, you may have as many
sources and targets as required for your deployment.
At this time sync and recon may only be started through the scheduler.
You will soon be able to start a reconciliation or syncronization using the
REST interfaces.
<title>Understanding the Sample Configuration Files</title>
<title>Connector Configuration Files</title>
Configuration file for the source XML file connector. In this sample
this connector instance is acting as the authoritative source for users. If you
view the configuration file you will see xmlFilePath is set to
<filename>data/xmlConnectorData.xml</filename> which contains all the users
in XML format.
Configuration file for the XML file connector acting as the target.
This is a second instance of the XML connector with the xmlFilePath set
to <filename>data/xmlTargetConnectorData.xml</filename>. When OpenIDM
syncs users to this target they will be written out to this XML file.
For details on the OpenICF connector configuration files please refer
to the
<link xlink:href='/admin-guide/OpenIDM-Admin-Guide.html#chap-provisioning'>Provisioning Chapter in the Admin Guide</link>
<title>Scheduler Configuration File</title>
<screen width='100'>
"type": "cron",
"schedule": "0 0/1 * * * ?",
"invokeService": "org.forgerock.openidm.sync",
"invokeContext": {
"action": "reconcile",
"mapping": "systemXmlAccounts_managedUser"
This scheduler entry will start a reconcile of the mapping named
systemXmlAccounts_managedUser every minute. The details of the named mapping may
be found in sync.json below.
For details on the scheduler configuration please refer to the
<link xlink:href='/admin-guide/OpenIDM-Admin-Guide.html#chap-scheduling'>Scheduling Chapter in the Admin Guide.</link>
<title>Sync and Recon Configuration Files</title>
<screen width='100'>
"mappings" : [
"name" : "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser",
"source" : "system/ldap/account",
"target" : "managed/user",
"validTarget": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "object.employeeType == 'external'"
"properties" : [
{ "source" : "name", "target" : "name" },
{ "source" : "lastname", "target" : "lastname" },
{ "source" : "firstname", "target" : "firstname" },
{ "source" : "email", "target" : "email" },
{ "default" : "external", "target" : "employeeType " }
"name": "managedUser_systemAdAccounts",
"source": "managed/user",
"target": "system/ad/account",
"properties": [
{ "source" : "name", "target" : "name" },
{ "source" : "lastname", "target" : "lastname" },
{ "source" : "firstname", "target" : "firstname" },
{ "source" : "email", "target" : "email" },
{ "default" : "defaultpwd", "target" : "IGNORE__PASSWORD__" }
"onCreate" : {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "target.__PASSWORD__ = 'defaultpwd'"
From the Scheduler entry above, the systemXmlAccounts_managedUser is
the mapping named for the reconciliation. This
entry in conf/sync.json defines the syncronization mappings between
the XML file connector(source) and the local repository(target).
<para>A source or target path starting with
managed, such as managed/user, always refers to an object in the
OpenIDM local repository, whereas a path starting with
system, such as system/xml/account, refers to a connector object. In
this case the source XML file connector.</para>
In the second mapping the source is the
local repository and the target is the second instance of the XML file connector. This second mapping
is what instructs OpenIDM to syncronize from the local repository to the target XML
You may have noticed the use of inline JavaScript in the mappings. The validTarget script
in the first mapping is used to ensure only users with the employeeType external
are considered part of the reconciliation. The onCreate script in the second mapping
is used to set a default passwd for the user when created in the target XML connector.
For more details on scripting please refer to the
<link xlink:href='/admin-guide/OpenIDM-Admin-Guide.html#chap-scripting'>Scripting Chapter in the Admin Guide.</link>
For details on syncronization, reconciliation, and sync.json please refer to the
<link xlink:href='/admin-guide/OpenIDM-Admin-Guide.html#chap-synchronization'>Syncronization Chapter in the Admin Guide</link>
<title>Viewing the Sample</title>
At this point you should a have good understanding of what is happening with the sample.
If you have not already started OpenIDM you should start it now. Please note
logging is turned on by default so there will be lots of debugging messages at the console.
After about a minute you should see the scheduled reconciliation messages scroll by the
screen. We can now take a look at the local repository using the REST commands. Try
the following command to get all users from the local repository:
You should see the IDs of the two users created during reconcililation. Now try a
RESTful get of one of the users by copy and pasting one of the _ids from the set
of users returned above and appending it to the following:
If you have installed the OrientDB console you may now connect to the database and query
the users and audit logs as described in Before You Begin in Chapter 1.
You may also view the flat file audit logs for all activity and reconciliation. The logs
are located in the openidm/audit directory and are in CSV format.
To verify the users were created in the XML target connector look in the
openidm/data directory. You will see a new xml file named xmlTargetConnectorData.xml
which now contains the users from the source xmlConnectorData.xml.
<title>Adding and Deleting Users</title>
To see the reconciliation in action you can add a user to the
source connector data file. During the next reconciliation OpenIDM
will see the new user in the source connector, create it in the
local repository and then sync it to the target XML connector.
To add a user copy the following into
<screen width='100'>
&lt;icf:__NAME__&gt;Daffy Duck&lt;/icf:__NAME__&gt;
Once the next reconciliation has run you can use the REST APIs to
query the local repository to see the new user.
Verify the user was synced to the target XML connector by
looking for the user Donald Duck in <filename>data/xmlTargetConnector.xml</filename>.
Next let's take a look at the recon audit log found in
<filename>openidm/audit/recon.csv</filename> to
understand what took place during the reconciliation. This formatted excerpt
from the log covers four recon runs:
<screen width='100'>
"id","action", "recon", "reconId","situation", "sourceObjectId", "status", "targetObjectId";
"1", "CREATE", "source", "5d15", "ABSENT", "system/xml/105", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/d445";
"2", "CREATE" "source", "5d15", "ABSENT", "system/xml/2fe", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/c783";
"3", "IGNORE", "source", "1987", "CONFIRMED", "system/xml/105", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/d445";
"4", "IGNORE", "source", "1987", "CONFIRMED", "system/xml/2fe", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/c783";
"5", "IGNORE", "source", "27e3", "CONFIRMED", "system/xml/105", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/d445";
"6", "IGNORE", "source", "27e3", "CONFIRMED", "system/xml/2fe", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/c783";
"7", "CREATE", "source", "66b1", "ABSENT", "system/xml/206", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/e543";
"8", "IGNORE", "source", "66b1", "CONFIRMED", "system/xml/105", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/d445";
"9", "IGNORE", "source", "66b1", "CONFIRMED", "system/xml/2fe", "SUCCESS", "managed/user/c783";
The important fields in the audit log are the source (sourceObjectId) and
target(targetObjectId), the
situation, and the action. The recon process of each object in the source results
in a situation that leads to an action on the target object.
In the first recon run (records 1-2) neither source object exists in the target
resulting in an ABSENT situation and an action to CREATE the
objects in the target.
In the second and third recon runs (records 3-6), the situation for both objects
is CONFIRMED with no action taken (IGNORE) since they exist in both the
source and target.
The last recon run happened (records 7-9) after we added a user to the source
XML. This resulted in another ABSENT situation and a CREATE action of the
new user while the other two users were CONFIRMED with no action taken.
It is important to note the action taken based on an object's situation is
configured in <filename>conf/sync.json</filename>. The list of all possible
situations and actions may be found in the
<link xlink:href='/admin-guide/OpenIDM-Admin-Guide.html#chap-synchronization'>Syncronization Chapter in the Admin Guide</link>
For more details on auditing please refer to the
<link xlink:href='/admin-guide/OpenIDM-Admin-Guide.html#chap-auditing'>Auditing Chapter in the Admin Guide</link>