chap-install.xml revision 9797a5587e15fe093b9d962818283cd8e1197ef6
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<chapter xml:id='chap-install'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Installing OpenIDM Services</title>
<para>This chapter covers tasks required to install OpenIDM services, and to
ensure they run properly.</para>
<title>Before You Run OpenIDM</title>
<para>This chapter covers covers what you need to consider before you run
OpenIDM in your production environment.</para>
<title>Java Environment</title>
<para>OpenIDM requires requires Oracle Java SE JDK 6, update 24 or
<para>OpenJDK is not supported at this time.</para>
<title>Application Container</title>
<para>OpenIDM services run in an application container, by default provided
through OSGi. Jetty provides the default application container, listening
on port 8080 when you start OpenIDM services.</para>
<title>Install &amp; Run OpenIDM Services</title>
<para>Make sure you have the correct version of Java installed.</para>
<screen width='80'>$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_24"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07-334)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02-334, mixed mode)</screen>
<!-- TODO: Update this step when we have a downloads page to stable versions. -->
<para>Download <link
<para>Unpack the contents of the .zip file into the install location.</para>
<screen width='80'>$ cd /path/to
$ unzip ~/Downloads/
Archive: /Users/mark/Downloads/
creating: openidm/
creating: openidm/bundle/
inflating: openidm/bundle/openidm-audit-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
inflating: openidm/bundle/openidm-repo-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
inflating: openidm/src/site/index.htm
$ </screen>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If you want OpenIDM services on a port different from 8080, edit
the <literal>org.osgi.service.http.port</literal> property in
<para>Start OpenIDM services.</para>
<screen width='80'>$ cd openidm/
$ /
Do you want to start in debug mode: [y]n
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
<para>You can enter commands at the resulting <literal>-&gt;</literal> prompt
such as <literal>help</literal> for usage, or <literal>ps</literal> to view
the bundles installed.</para>
<para>Start the administration console.</para>
<para>Defaults are as follows.</para>
<para>Console URL: <link
<para>Username: <literal>admin</literal></para>
<para>Password: <literal>admin</literal></para>
<para>Access REST interface and list all users.</para>
<para>URL: <link
<title>To Start OpenIDM Services</title>
<para>Change to the directory where OpenIDM software is installed.</para>
<screen width='80'>$ cd /path/to/openidm/</screen>
<para>Run the script to start OpenIDM services.</para>
<screen width='80'>$ /</screen>
<para>On Windows, the script to use is <filename>start.bat</filename>.</para>
<title>To Stop OpenIDM Services</title>
<para>Access the administration console.</para>
<para>The default URL is <link
<para>Under the Shell tab, enter <literal>shutdown</literal> at the
<literal>-&gt;</literal> prompt.</para>