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<chapter version="5.0"
xml:id="chap-overview" xml:lang="en"
<title>Architectural Overview</title>
<para>OpenIDM Architecture<emphasis role="bold" /></para>
<imagedata fileref="images/openidm2-architecture.png">
<personname />
<pubdate />
<title>OpenIDM Modularity Framework</title>
<para>The OpenIDM framework is based on OSGi.</para>
<para>OSGi is a module system and service platform for the Java
programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component
model. For a good introduction please refer to
<link xlink:href=""></link>.
While the OpenIDM services should be
able to run in any OSGi container, it is currently running in
<link xlink:href="">Apache Felix</link>.</para>
<para>This is an optional layer providing RESTful HTTP access to the
managed objects and services. While the servlet layer may be provided by
many different engines, OpenIDM embeds Jetty by default.</para>
<title>Infrastructure Modules</title>
<para>The infrastructure modules provide the underlying features needed
for the core services.</para>
<para>The schedular is a cron like scheduling component implemented
using the
<link xlink:href="">Quartz library</link>.
It is
typically used to schedule regular syncronizations and
<xref linkend="chap-scheduling"/>
<title>Script Engine</title>
<para>The script engine is a pluggable module that provides the triggers
and plugin points for OpenIDM. At this time LINKJavaScript is the only
supported implementation. Other scripts and languages may be supported
in the future.</para>
<title>Audit Logging</title>
<para>Auditing logs all relevant system activity to the configured
log stores. This includes the data from reconciliation as a basis for
reporting, as well as detailed activity logs to capture operations on
the internal (managed) and external (system) objects.</para>
<para> <xref linkend="chap-auditing"/> </para>
<para>The repository provides a common abstraction for a pluggable
persistence layer. Plugged in repositories could be NoSQL, relational
databases, LDAP, or even flat files. The repository API operates with a
JSON-based object model with RESTful principles consistent with the
other OpenIDM services. The default embedded implementation for the
repository is the NoSQL database OrientDB.</para>
<title>Core Services</title>
<para>The core services are the heart of the OpenIDM resource oriented
unified object model and architecture.</para>
<title>Object Model</title>
<para>Artifacts handled by OpenIDM are Java object representations of
the JavaScript object model as defined by JSON. This supports
interoperability and potential integration with a vast number of
applications, services and programming languages. As OpenIDM is a
Java-based product, these representations are instances of classes: Map,
List, String, Number, Boolean and null. OpenIDM can
serialize/deserialize these structures to/from JSON as required. OpenIDM
also exposes a set of triggers and functions that system administrators
can define in JavaScript which can natively read and modify these
JSON-based object model structures. In the future OpenIDM may support
other scripting and programming languages.</para>
<title>Managed Objects</title>
<para>A managed object is an object that represents the identity-related
data managed by OpenIDM. Managed objects are configurable JSON-based
data structures stored by OpenIDM in it's pluggable repository. While
the default configuration of managed objects is that of a user, any
object may be defined through configuration.</para>
<title>System Objects</title>
<para>System objects are a pluggable representation of objects on
external systems. They follow the same RESTful resource based design
principles as managed objects. There is a default implementation for the
OpenICF framework which allows any connector object to be represented as
a system object.</para>
<para>The mappings define the policies between source and target
objects and their attributes during synchronization and reconciliation.
Mappings may also define triggers for validation, customization
filtering, and transformation of the source and target objects.</para>
<para> <xref linkend="chap-synchronization"/> </para>
<title>Synchronization and Reconciliation</title>
<para>Reconciliation provides for on-demand, or scheduled comparison
of resources between the OpenIDM managed object repository and source or
target systems. The comparisons may result in different types of actions
depending on the mappings defined between the systems.</para>
<para>Synchronization provides for on-demand or scheduled create,
update, and delete of resources from a source to a target system.</para>
<para> <xref linkend="chap-synchronization"/> </para>
<title>Access Layer</title>
<para>The access layer provides the user interfaces and public APIs for
accessing and managing the OpenIDM repository and it's functions.</para>
<title>RESTful Interfaces</title>
<para>REST APIs for CRUD operations and invoking sync and recon are
provided for both HTTP and Java.</para>
<para> <xref linkend="chap-rest"/> </para>
<title>User Interface</title>
<para>Password management, registration, self service and workflow
coming soon. Stay tuned.</para>