chap-auditing.xml revision 21321a22cb4d65f132f22f73df6b0fd8a62dac32
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<chapter xml:id='chap-auditing'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Audit Logging</title>
<para>OpenIDM auditing can publish and log all relevant system activity to
the targets you specify. Auditing can include data from reconciliation as
a basis for reporting, to access details, to activity logs that capture
operations on internal (managed) objects and external (system) objects.
Auditing provides the data for all the relevant reports, including orphan
account reports.</para>
For instructions on setting up an external reporting engine with OpenIDM,
see the chapter on <link xlink:href="admin-guide#chap-reporting"
xlink:role="">generating reports</link>
for instructions.
<para>The auditing interface allows you to push auditing data to files and
to the OpenIDM repository.</para>
<section xml:id="audit-log-types">
<title>Audit Log Types</title>
<para>This section describes the types of audit log OpenIDM provides.</para>
<term>Access Log</term>
<para>OpenIDM logs access to the REST API here.</para>
<term>Activity Log</term>
<para>To this type, OpenIDM logs operations on internal (managed) and
external (system) objects.</para>
<para>Entries in the activity log contain identifiers both for the
reconciliation or synchronization action that triggered the activity,
and also for the original caller and the relationships between related
<term>Reconciliation Log</term>
<para>To this type, OpenIDM logs the results of a reconciliation run,
including situations and the resulting actions taken. The activity log
contains details about the actions, where log entries display parent
activity identifiers,
<para>Where an action happens the context of a higher level business
function, the log entry points to a parent activity for the context.
The relationships are hierarchical. For example, a synchronization operation
could result from scheduled reconciliation for an object type. OpenIDM also
logs the top level root activity with each entry, making it possible to
query related activities.</para>
<para>TODO: Show a concrete example.</para>
<section xml:id="audit-log-format">
<title>Audit Log File Formats</title>
<para>This section describes the audit log file formats to help you map
these to into the reports you generate.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="audit-access-fields">
<title>Access Log Fields</title>
<para>Access messages are split into the following fields.</para>
<para>UUID for the message object, such as
<para>Action requested, such as <literal>"authenticate"</literal></para>
<para>IP address of the client. For access from the local host, this
can appear for example as <literal>"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0"</literal>.</para>
<para>Principal requesting the operation, such as
<para>Roles associated with the principal, such as
<literal>"[openidm-admin, openidm-authorized]"</literal></para>
<para>Result of the operation, such as <literal>"SUCCESS"</literal></para>
<para>Time when OpenIDM logged the message, such as
<variablelist xml:id="audit-activity-fields">
<title>Activity Log Fields</title>
<para>Activity messages are split into the following fields.</para>
<para>UUID for the message object, such as
<para>Action performed, such as <literal>"create"</literal>. See
the section on <link xlink:href="admin-guide#audit-eventtypes"
Types</citetitle></link> for a list.</para>
<para>UUID for the activity corresponding to the UUID of the resource
<para>JSON representation of the object resulting from the activity</para>
<para>JSON representation of the object prior to the activity</para>
<para>Human readable text about the activity</para>
<para>Object identifier such as
<para>UUID of the action leading to the activity</para>
<para>Principal requesting the operation</para>
<para>Object revision number</para>
<para>UUID of the root cause for the activity. This matches a
corresponding <literal>"rootActionId"</literal> in a reconciliation
<para>Result of the operation, such as <literal>"SUCCESS"</literal></para>
<para>Time when OpenIDM logged the message, such as
<variablelist xml:id="audit-recon-fields">
<title>Reconciliation Log Fields</title>
<para>Reconciliation messages are split into the following fields.</para>
<para>UUID for the message object, such as
<para>Synchronization action, such as <literal>"CREATE"</literal>. See
the section on <link xlink:href="admin-guide#sync-actions"
><citetitle>Actions</citetitle></link> for a list.</para>
<para>When the situation is AMBIGUOUS or UNQUALIFIED and OpenIDM cannot
distinguish between more than one target object, OpenIDM logs the
identifiers of the objects in this field in comma-separated format. This
makes it possible to figure out what was ambiguous afterwards.</para>
<para>Kind of reconciliation log entry, such as <literal>"start"</literal>,
or <literal>"summary"</literal>.</para>
<para>Human readable text about the reconciliation action</para>
<para>What OpenIDM is reconciling, such as
<para>UUID for the reconciliation operation, which is the same for all
entries pertaining to the reconciliation run</para>
<para>UUID of the root cause for the activity. This matches a
corresponding <literal>"rootActionId"</literal> in an activity
<para>The situation encountered. See
the section describing <link xlink:href="admin-guide#sync-situations"
situations</link> for a list.</para>
<para>UUID for the source object.</para>
<para>Result of the operation, such as <literal>"SUCCESS"</literal></para>
<para>UUID for the target object</para>
<para>Time when OpenIDM logged the message, such as
<section xml:id="audit-configuration">
<title>Audit Configuration</title>
<para>OpenIDM exposes the audit logging configuration under
for the REST API, and in the file <filename>conf/audit.json</filename> where
you installed OpenIDM. The default <filename>conf/audit.json</filename> file
contains the following object.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">
"eventTypes": {
"activity": {
"filter": {
"actions": [
"recon": {}
"logTo": [
"logType": "csv",
"location": "audit",
"recordDelimiter": ";"
"logType": "repository"
<section xml:id="audit-eventtypes">
<title>Event Types</title>
<para>The <literal>eventTypes</literal> configuration specifies what events
OpenIDM writes to audit logs. OpenIDM supports two
<literal>eventTypes</literal>: <literal>activity</literal> for the activity
log, and <literal>recon</literal> for the reconciliation log. The filter
for actions under activity logging shows the actions on managed or system
objects for which OpenIDM writes to the activity log.</para>
<para>The <literal>filter</literal> <literal>actions</literal> list lets
you configure under what conditions OpenIDM writes to the activity
<para>When an object is read by using its identifier</para>
<para>When an object is created.</para>
<para>When an object is updated.</para>
<para>When an object is deleted.</para>
<para>When an object is partially modified.</para>
<para>When a query is performed on an object.</para>
<para>When an action is performed on an object.</para>
<para>The <literal>logTo</literal> list lets you define where OpenIDM
writes the log.</para>
<para>Write to a comma-separated variable format file in the location
specified relative to the directory where you installed OpenIDM.</para>
<para>Audit file names are fixed, <filename>access.csv</filename>,
<filename>activity.csv</filename>, and
<para>Write to the OpenIDM database repository.</para>
<para>OpenIDM stores entries under the
<literal>/openidm/repo/audit/</literal> context, such entries appear as
<literal>audit/activity/<replaceable>_id</replaceable></literal>, and
<literal>audit/recon/<replaceable>_id</replaceable></literal>, where
the <replaceable>_id</replaceable> is the UUID of the entry such as
<para>In the OrientDB repository, OpenIDM stores records in
<literal>audit_activity</literal>, <literal>audit_activity</literal>,
and <literal>audit_recon</literal> tables.</para>
<para>In a JDBC repository, OpenIDM stores records in
<literal>auditaccess</literal>, <literal>auditactivity</literal>, and
<literal>auditrecon</literal> tables.</para>
<section xml:id="audit-reports">
<title>Generating Reports</title>
<para>When generating reports from audit logs, you can correlate information
from activity and reconciliation logs by matching the
<literal>"rootActionId"</literal> on entries in both logs.</para>
<para>TODO: Demonstrate a join query with MySQL</para>