access.js revision 39c49620d529487e3d1d181e2f713f6490d563a4
4632N/A *
4632N/A * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 ForgeRock AS. All rights reserved.
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4632N/A * permission and limitations under the License.
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4632N/A// A configuration for allowed HTTP requests. Each entry in the configuration contains a pattern
4632N/A// to match against the incoming request ID and, in the event of a match, the associated roles,
4632N/A// methods, and actions that are allowed for requests on that particular pattern.
4632N/A// pattern: A pattern to match against an incoming request's resource ID
4632N/A// roles: A comma separated list of allowed roles
4632N/A// methods: A comma separated list of allowed methods
4632N/A// actions: A comma separated list of allowed actions
4632N/A// customAuthz: A custom function for additional authorization logic/checks (optional)
4632N/A// excludePatterns: A comma separated list of patterns to exclude from the pattern match (optional)
4632N/A// A single '*' character indicates all possible values. With patterns ending in "/*", the "*"
4632N/A// acts as a wild card to indicate the pattern accepts all resource IDs "below" the specified
4632N/A// pattern (prefix). For example the pattern "managed/*" would match "managed/user" or anything
4632N/A// starting with "managed/". Note: it would not match "managed", which would need to have its
4632N/A// own entry in the config.
4632N/A/*jslint vars:true*/
4632N/Avar allowedPropertiesForManagedUser = "userName,password,email,givenName,familyName,phoneNumber," +
4632N/A "address1,address2,city,stateProvince,postalCode,country,siteImage," +
4632N/A "passPhrase,securityAnswer,securityQuestion";
4632N/Avar httpAccessConfig =
4632N/A "configs" : [
4632N/A // Anyone can read from these endpoints
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "info/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "*",
4632N/A "methods" : "read",
4632N/A "actions" : "*"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "config/ui/themeconfig",
4632N/A "roles" : "*",
4632N/A "methods" : "read",
4632N/A "actions" : "*"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "config/ui/configuration",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-reg,openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "read",
4632N/A "actions" : "*"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // These options should only be available anonymously if securityQA is enabled
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "config/ui/secquestions",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-reg",
4632N/A "methods" : "read",
4632N/A "actions" : "*",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "checkIfUIIsEnabled('securityQuestions')"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "managed/user/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-reg",
4632N/A "methods" : "create",
4632N/A "actions" : "*",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "checkIfUIIsEnabled('selfRegistration') && managedUserRestrictedToAllowedProperties('"+allowedPropertiesForManagedUser+"')"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // Anonymous user can call the siteIdentification endpoint if it is enabled:
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "endpoint/siteIdentification",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-reg",
4632N/A "methods" : "*",
4632N/A "actions" : "*",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "checkIfUIIsEnabled('siteIdentification')"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // Anonymous user can call the securityQA endpoint if it enabled:
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "endpoint/securityQA",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-reg",
4632N/A "methods" : "*",
4632N/A "actions" : "*",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "checkIfUIIsEnabled('securityQuestions')"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // This is needed by both self reg and security questions
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "policy/managed/user/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-reg",
4632N/A "methods" : "read,action",
4632N/A "actions" : "*",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "checkIfUIIsEnabled('selfRegistration') || checkIfUIIsEnabled('securityQuestions')"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // openidm-admin can request nearly anything (some exceptions being a few system endpoints)
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-admin",
4632N/A "methods" : "*", // default to all methods allowed
4632N/A "actions" : "*", // default to all actions allowed
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "disallowQueryExpression()",
4632N/A "excludePatterns": "system/*"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // additional rules for openidm-admin that selectively enable certain parts of system/
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "system/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-admin",
4632N/A "methods" : "create,read,update,delete,patch,query", // restrictions on 'action'
4632N/A "actions" : "",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "disallowQueryExpression()"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // Note that these actions are available directly on system as well
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "system/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-admin",
4632N/A "methods" : "action",
4632N/A "actions" : "test,testConfig,createconfiguration,liveSync"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // Additional checks for authenticated users
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "policy/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized", // openidm-authorized is logged-in users
4632N/A "methods" : "read,action",
4632N/A "actions" : "*"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "config/ui/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "read",
4632N/A "actions" : "*"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "authentication",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "action",
4632N/A "actions" : "reauthenticate"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "create,read,update,patch,action,query", // note the missing 'delete' - by default, users cannot delete things
4632N/A "actions" : "*",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "ownDataOnly() && managedUserRestrictedToAllowedProperties('"+allowedPropertiesForManagedUser+"') && disallowQueryExpression()",
4632N/A "excludePatterns": "system/*"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // enforcement of which notifications you can read and delete is done within the endpoint
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "endpoint/usernotifications",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "read,delete",
4632N/A "actions" : "*"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // Workflow-related endpoints for authorized users
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "workflow/taskinstance/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "action",
4632N/A "actions" : "complete",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "isMyTask()"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "workflow/taskinstance/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "read,update",
4632N/A "actions" : "*",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "canUpdateTask()"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "workflow/processinstance/",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "action",
4632N/A "actions" : "createProcessInstance",
4632N/A "customAuthz": "isAllowedToStartProcess()"
4632N/A },
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "workflow/processdefinition/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-authorized",
4632N/A "methods" : "*",
4632N/A "actions" : "read",
4632N/A "customAuthz": "isOneOfMyWorkflows()"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // Clients authenticated via SSL mutual authentication
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "managed/user",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-cert",
4632N/A "methods" : "patch,action",
4632N/A "actions" : "patch",
4632N/A "customAuthz" : "isQueryOneOf({'managed/user': ['for-userName']}) && managedUserRestrictedToAllowedProperties('password')"
4632N/A },
4632N/A // Security Management
4632N/A {
4632N/A "pattern" : "security/*",
4632N/A "roles" : "openidm-admin",
4632N/A "methods" : "read,create,update,delete",
4632N/A "actions" : ""
4632N/A }
4632N/A ]
4632N/A// Additional custom authorization functions go here