Name | Date | Size | |
.. | 2016-01-07 18:48:20 | 41 | |
conf | 2016-01-07 18:48:20 | 19 | |
data | 2014-06-25 10:46:02 | 4 | |
db | 2015-12-17 14:17:23 | 5 | |
managed_user.txt | 2015-06-01 19:32:02 | 8.2 KiB | |
README | 2015-12-14 12:46:49 | 21.8 KiB | |
script | 2016-01-07 18:48:20 | 16 | |
workflow | 2015-12-11 19:48:01 | 16 |
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The openidm/samples/usecase directory includes a number of sample workflows that demonstrate typical
are provided in the openidm/samples/usecase/db directory. If you want to use one of these alternative
Each use case builds on the previous one. You must run the use cases in order, from use case 1 through
3, before you try the remaining use cases. Use cases 2 onwards depend on the hr_data.ldif file that you
All the samples assume an initial setup of managed users in OpenIDM. The users are organized as follows:
- systemadmin: user representing the human interaction of the populated systems (“Business” and “Project”)
--------------------------------- Install OpenDJ using QuickSetup:
$ curl -k -u openidm-admin:openidm-admin "https://localhost:8443/openidm/managed/user?_queryId=query-all-ids"
2. Change the notification email properties in the workflow definition file.
To do so:
- Copy the workflow bar file (samples/usecase/usecase2/workflow/
to a temporary location.
- Unzip the temporary workflow bar file and edit the extracted workflow
definition (newUserCreate.bpmn20.xml).
Change the from and to fields to contain valid email addresses.
- When you have completed the edit, zip up the workflow definition file,
along with the two xhtml templates required for the sample, using a
command similar to the following:
$ zip newUserCreate.bpmn20.xml nUCDecideApprovalForm.xhtml nUCStartForm.xhtml
- Copy the resulting bar file to the workflow directory, overwriting
the existing bar file:
1. Start OpenIDM with the configuration for usecase2.
2. Log in to the Self-Service UI (https://localhost:8443) as user.1. This user belongs to HR department
3. Click Details next to User Onboarding Process link and complete the fields for a sample new user.
4. Complete the fields on the form.
- Department field:
Select one of the four departments to define which department the new user will belong to.
Based on the department, the workflow will select the possible candidate assignees
for the manager approval user task: either superadmin (as manager of everyone) or the
manager of the selected department (see description above).
For example, if the department is HR, the manager candidates will be user.0 and superadmin.
- User Type field:
If the User Type is Employee, the user will have access to an account called "Business".
This is represented in the managed user entry by an "accounts" attribute:
accounts : [ "Business"]
If the User Type is Contractor, the new user will have no accounts associated with it in
its managed user entry.
- Send Email Notification field:
If you select "No" here, no email notifications are sent. Notifications are simply added
to the OpenIDM repository, and appear when the user logs into the Self-Service UI.
5. Click Start to start the workflow.
6. Log out and log in as the manager of the department that you selected in the initial form.
For example, if you selected HR, log in as user.0.
7. Click on the Onboarding Approval task in the group queue and assign the user task to user.0
8. Select Details next to the task name.
and is used by the task scanner to trigger the Sunrise workflow.
- End Date. Completing this field results in the user being created, with an "endDate" added to
task becomes available under the manager's My Group's Tasks section. Select the contract termination
task and click Details.
In the Decision field, select either "Accept termination" or "Modify date", then click Complete.
employee's contract has been extended.
Shut down OpenIDM before you proceed with the next use case..
Usecase 3 - User Access Request
This step simulates a user initiating an access request, with two levels of approval for the request.
If you want to use email notifications as part of the process make the following changes:
- Configure outbound email as you did for the previous use cases.
- Change the notification email properties in the workflow definition file:
subject : 'Use Case Test Notification', type : 'text/plain', body : 'The access request was accepted']
Change the from and to fields to contain valid email addresses.
Note that there are two occurrences of the emailParams, change both.
1. Start OpenIDM with the configuration for usecase3.
3. Select the Access Request Process by clicking on it and start the workflow.
- Access to Business system field: the value reflects the current value in the managed user repository.
- Access to Project system field: the value reflects the current value in the managed user repository.
- Send Email Notification field:
Instead, notifications are added to the OpenIDM repository and appear when you log in to the UI.
- Request field: Cancel terminates the process and does not change anything.
Accept starts a user task assigned to the manager of the user (user.0 in this sample).
Click Complete after selecting the values.
5. Log out and log in as the manager of the start user (user.0 in this sample).
7. Click on Details, next to the task.
The two fields showing the required access rights can be modified by the manager.
Complete the task by clicking Complete button after selecting the Decision.
The decision can be one of the following:
- Reject: The user who initiated the request (in our sample user.1) receives a notification about the
rejection. A notification about this event is generated and is displayed in the UI when
user.1 logs in.
If you configured email notification, an email is sent to the address you configured at the
beginning of the sample.
- Accept: A user task is initiated and assigned to the systemadmin user.
8. If the manager accepted log out and log in as systemadmin (default password is "Passw0rd").
9. Click Details next to the User Access Request Approval task under My Tasks.
The two fields showing the required access rights can be modified by the systemadmin.
Complete the task by clicking Complete after selecting the Decision.
The decision can be:
- Reject: The user who initiated the task (in our sample user.1) receives a notification about the
rejection. A notification about this event is generated and is displayed in the UI when
user.1 logs in.
If you configured email notification, an email is sent to the address you configured at the
beginning of the sample.
- Accept: user.1 is updated in the managed user repository, with the requested changes.
A notification about this event is generated and is displayed in the UI when user.1 logs in.
If you configured email notification, an email is sent to the address you configured at the
beginning of the sample.
In this sample there is an escalation step attached to the manager approval task. If the manager does not
complete the user task within 10 minutes, a new user task is created and assigned to superadmin. This task
has the same interface as the one assigned to the manager of the user and has the same functionality. If
the superadmin completes this task, the execution is passed to the administrator for approval (systemadmin).
Usecase 4 - Orphan Account Detection and Manual Linking Started From Reconciliation
This use case demonstrates two asynchronous tasks started from reconciliation:
- detecting orphan accounts on the target object set
- handling ambiguous results of the correlation phase
1. Before you start this use case, rename the following file:
This file defines a mapping, recon_managedUser_systemBusiness, that has managed users as source and a
CSV file as the target object set. The target object set is defined in samples/usecase/usecase4/data/business.csv.
The CSV file includes all the users from the initial reconciliation (usecase1), who are employees and
Because this mapping has a 'validSource' field defined, only the managed users who are employees are
taken into account during the reconciliation.
There are some extra users in that csv file:
- user.50 is defined only in the csv file so when running the reconciliation this user will be
detected as an orphan account (orphan account workflow is triggered when the situation is
When running the correlation query during reconciliation there will be two candidate users
to be linked with user.3 from managed users (correlation query is based on userName attribute).
2. Start OpenIDM with the configuration for usecase4.
3. Run reconciliation.
$ curl -k -u openidm-admin:openidm-admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://localhost:8443/openidm/recon?_action=recon&mapping=recon_managedUser_systemBusiness"
Two asynchronous workflows are started: an orphanAccountReport for user.50 and a
manualMatch for user.3 of managed users.
5. Next to the Manual Linking Task in the My Tasks list, click Details.
The decision can be one of the following:
- Ignore: no action will be taken (no link will be created) and the workflow terminates.
- user.3 (user.3 - Atrc, Aaron) or user.3 (user.33 - Atrc, Aaron): these are the two candidate
users found in the target object set by executing the correlation query. These values
are queried in the workflow and the possible values of that field are determined
at runtime. Select one user from this list.
After choosing one of the users the workflow links the managed user user.3 to the selected
user in the target object set.
6. Next to the Orphan Account Task in the My Tasks list, click Details.
The decision can be one of the following:
- Link: To select this option, enter a valid managed user ID to link the orphan account to.
You can use any managed user ID that has not yet been linked to a users in the csv file,
for example, user.5.
- Delete: the user will be deleted from the target object set and the workflow terminates.
**Use case 5 has been removed from the sample use cases.**
Usecase6 - Password Change Reminder
This use case uses the TaskScanner to trigger a password change reminder workflow.
Managed users have a dedicated attribute to store the date of the last password change event (lastPasswordSet).
The value of this attribute is updated by an onStore script defined in managed.json, which sets the date of
the attribute if a new password is stored for the user. The TaskScanner scans that attribute and starts a
workflow if the password was changed more than an hour ago.
The workflow is started by the usecase6/script/passwordchange.js script.
By default, the workflow sends notifications to the user entry, visible when the user logs into the UI. If you want
notifications sent by email, configure the external email service, as follows:
- Set up external email as described for usecase 2.
- Change the following parameter in the passwordchange.js script:
"emailEnabled" : "false",
"emailEnabled" : "true",
- Make sure that all managed users have a valid email address in their "mail" attribute.
The workflow does the following:
- Sends a notification to the user.
- Five minutes later sends another notification to the user (if the password was not changed yet).
- Two minutes later changes the user's 'accountStatus' to 'inactive' and sends notification to the user (if the
3. Log in to the Self-Service UI as one of the sample users, e.g. user.0 (default password is 'Passw0rd').
4. To test the workflow, change the user's password by selecting Change Password from the top right dropdown list.