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# Trusted Servlet Filter Sample
This sample demonstrates how to use a custom servlet filter and the
"Trusted Request Attribute Auth Module" in OpenIDM to let the servlet filter
perform authentication against another service.
## Preparing for use and demo
### Authentication Configuration
Build the sample servlet filter bundle and copy it to the openidm bundle directory
1. (cd samples/trustedservletfilter/filter && mvn clean install)
2. cp samples/trustedservletfilter/filter/target/sample-trusted-servletfilter-1.0.jar bundle
### Start OpenIDM
$ ./ -p samples/trustedservletfilter
### Create a user
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--insecure \
--data '
"userName": "bjensen",
"telephoneNumber": "6669876987",
"givenName": "Barbara",
"sn": "Jensen",
"description": "Example User",
"mail": "",
"authzRoles" : [
"_ref" : "repo/internal/role/openidm-authorized"
}' \
--request PUT "https://localhost:8443/openidm/managed/user/bjensen"
This creates the user 'bjensen' using the admin account and the response will
look something like this:
"effectiveAssignments": [],
"effectiveRoles": [],
"accountStatus": "active",
"_id": "bjensen",
"_rev": "1",
"userName": "bjensen",
"telephoneNumber": "6669876987",
"givenName": "Barbara",
"sn": "Jensen",
"description": "Example User",
"mail": ""
### Authenticate as this user using the special request header
To demonstrate the servlet filter passing a "trusted", authenticated user to OpenIDM,
we'll set it using a special header. Normally a servlet filter used for authentication
would not allow a client to masquerade as any user it wished through a simple header.
This sample merely demonstrates the simplest use of a servlet filter "establishing
the authentication id".
$ curl --header "X-Special-Trusted-User: bjensen" \
--insecure \
--request GET "https://localhost:8443/openidm/info/login?_fields=authenticationId,authorization"
If successful, you will get a JSON structure that shows the user's authentication and authorization details:
"authorization": {
"roles": [
"component": "managed/user",
"id": "bjensen"
"authenticationId": "bjensen",
"_id": ""
This shows that the user 'bjensen' is authenticated with the "openidm-authorized" role.
## How it Works
### The Sample Servlet Filter
The first step was to build and install a Sample Servlet Filter.
This servlet filter looks for the X-Special-Trusted-User header as the user
id to regard as "trusted".
final String specialHeader = ((HttpServletRequest) servletRequest).getHeader("X-Special-Trusted-User");
It sets the special Servlet attribute X-ForgeRock-AuthenticationId to this
trusted user id.
servletRequest.setAttribute("X-ForgeRock-AuthenticationId", specialHeader);
Then it lets the rest of the servlet filter chain continue request processing.
filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
This servlet filter is installed in OpenIDM using the servletfilter-trust.json
found in this sample's conf directory, whose filterClass attribute is set
to the sample filter implementation:
"filterClass" : "org.forgerock.openidm.sample.trustedservletfilter.SampleTrustedServletFilter"
### The Trusted Attribute Auth Module
OpenIDM includes a "Trusted Attribute Auth Module" which can be configured to
trust a HttpServletRequest attribute of your choosing. It is configured by
adding the TRUSTED_ATTRIBUTE auth module to your authentication.json:
"properties" : {
"queryOnResource" : "managed/user",
"propertyMapping" : {
"authenticationId" : "username",
"userRoles" : "authzRoles"
"defaultUserRoles" : [ ],
"authenticationIdAttribute" : "X-ForgeRock-AuthenticationId"
"enabled" : true
The queryOnResource, propertyMapping, and defaultUserRoles attributes are no
different than they are for other auth modules, so they will not be discussed
here. The new attribute, "authenticationIdAttribute" specifies the name of
the servlet request attribute that was set by the servlet filter indicating
the authenticated userId. Note the consistency in the value
"X-ForgeRock-AuthenticationId" in this configuration and the sample servlet
filter code.
## Customizing the Sample
To customize this sample for an external authentication/authorization system,
you will need to a servlet filter that performs the necessary authentication
using the third-party system. You may use a third-party supplied filter, or
write your own using the one in this sample as an aid. The filter may perform
REST calls to another system, database lookup, or inspection of headers,
cookies, or other request data. This servlet filter must set the username
of the authenticated user in a special request attribute that you choose.
This same attribute name must be configured in the TRUSTED_ATTRIBUTE auth
module configuration as the "authenticationIdAttribute" value.
If your filter does not produce an authentication that can be queried using
queryOnResource + "/" + authenticationId
that returns a user object with the userRoles property, you will need to
provide a security context augmentation script that populates the following
authorization properties in the "security" object given in the script scope:
* security.authorization.component
* security.authorization.roles
The value for component will be automatically set to the value specified
in the auth module property configuration "queryOnResource", if present.