For projects using the syncFailureHandler for live-sync, add the stanza
"syncFailureHandler" : {
"maxRetries" : <number of retries>,
"postRetryAction" : <retry strategy>
to provisioner.openicf-*.json. Number of retries is an integer. Set to -1 or omit "maxRetries"
for "infinite" retries and no sync failure handler. OpenIDM will employ the "postRetryAction"
after the number of failures specified by "maxRetries" are exhausted. The possibilities for
retry strategy are
"postRetryAction" : "logged-ignore"
to log and ignore the failure;
"postRetryAction" : "dead-letter-queue"
to save the failure detail in the repository target synchronisation/deadLetterQueue/<name>, where <name>
is the name of your provisioner;
"script" : {
"type" : "text/javascript",
"file" : "script/onSyncFailure.js"
to execute a custom script on liveSync failures. In the case of using the scripted live sync failure
handler, the file property specifies the location of the javascript to execute. The data available to
the javscript function is as follows:
"syncFailure" :
"token" : integer token id,
"systemIdentifier" : string identifer, matches "name" property in provisioner.openicf.json,
"objectType" : string object type being synced, one of the keys in "objectTypes" property in provisioner.openicf.json,
"uid" : string the object's uid, e.g. uid=joe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com,
"failedRecord", string the record that failed to sync
"failureCause" : Exception that caused the original sync failure; call .toString, .getCause, .getMessage, etc,
"failureHandlers" :
"loggedIgnore" : Internal log/ignore handler,
"deadLetterQueue" : Internal dead-letter-queue handler
To use any of the syncFailure data, use
in your javascript code.
To invoke one of built-in sync failure handlers from your javascript, call
failureHandlers.deadLetterQueue.invoke(syncFailure, failureCause);