98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay /**
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER.
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay *
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * Copyright (c) 2014 ForgeRock AS. All rights reserved.
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay *
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * of the Common Development and Distribution License
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * (the License). You may not use this file except in
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * compliance with the License.
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay *
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * You can obtain a copy of the License at
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * See the License for the specific language governing
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * permission and limitations under the License.
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay *
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
98402e015588101604b2c0ac6adfd8ab924a4fa4Jason Lemay * Header Notice in each file and inclu Error!


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