SearchScript.groovy revision 4b3769ce483ece06f60f983193712492b920144f
* Copyright (c) 2010-2014 ForgeRock Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at
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* See the License for the specific language governing
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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* $Id$
import groovy.sql.Sql;
import groovy.sql.DataSet;
// Parameters:
// The connector sends the following:
// connection: handler to the SQL connection
// objectClass: a String describing the Object class (__ACCOUNT__ / __GROUP__ / other)
// action: a string describing the action ("SEARCH" here)
// log: a handler to the Log facility
// options: a handler to the OperationOptions Map
// query: a handler to the Query Map
// The Query map describes the filter used.
// query = [ operation: "CONTAINS", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
// query = [ operation: "ENDSWITH", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
// query = [ operation: "STARTSWITH", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
// query = [ operation: "EQUALS", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
// query = [ operation: "GREATERTHAN", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
// query = [ operation: "GREATERTHANOREQUAL", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
// query = [ operation: "LESSTHAN", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
// query = [ operation: "LESSTHANOREQUAL", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
// query = null : then we assume we fetch everything
// AND and OR filter just embed a left/right couple of queries.
// query = [ operation: "AND", left: query1, right: query2 ]
// query = [ operation: "OR", left: query1, right: query2 ]
// Returns: A list of Maps. Each map describing one row.
// !!!! Each Map must contain a '__UID__' and '__NAME__' attribute.
// This is required to build a ConnectorObject.
//Need to handle the __UID__ and __NAME__ in queries - this map has entries for each objectType,
//and is used to translate fields that might exist in the query object from the ICF identifier
//back to the real property name.
def fieldMap = [
"organization": [
"__UID__": "name",
"__NAME__": "name"
"__ACCOUNT__": [
"__UID__": "uid",
"__NAME__": "uid"
"__GROUP__": [
"__UID__": "name",
"__NAME__": "name"
]"Entering "+action+" Script");
def whereTemplates = [
CONTAINS:'$left ${not ? "NOT " : ""}LIKE ?',
ENDSWITH:'$left ${not ? "NOT " : ""}LIKE ?',
STARTSWITH:'$left ${not ? "NOT " : ""}LIKE ?',
EQUALS:'$left ${not ? "<>" : "="} ?',
GREATERTHAN:'$left ${not ? "<=" : ">"} ?',
GREATERTHANOREQUAL:'$left ${not ? "<" : ">="} ?',
LESSTHAN:'$left ${not ? ">=" : "<"} ?',
LESSTHANOREQUAL:'$left ${not ? ">" : "<="} ?'
def whereParams = []
def queryParser
// this closure function recurses through the (potentially complex) query object in order to build an equivalent SQL 'where' expression
queryParser = { queryObj ->
if (queryObj.operation == "OR" || queryObj.operation == "AND") {
return "(" + queryParser(queryObj.right) + " " + queryObj.operation + " " + queryParser(queryObj.left) + ")";
} else {
if (fieldMap[objectClass] && fieldMap[objectClass][queryObj.get("left")]) {
def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
def wt = whereTemplates.get(queryObj.get("operation"))
def binding = [left:queryObj.get("left"),not:queryObj.get("not")]
def template = engine.createTemplate(wt).make(binding)
if (queryObj.get("operation") == "CONTAINS") {
whereParams.push("%" + queryObj.get("right") + "%")
} else if (queryObj.get("operation") == "ENDSWITH") {
whereParams.push("%" + queryObj.get("right"))
} else if (queryObj.get("operation") == "STARTSWITH") {
whereParams.push(queryObj.get("right") + "%")
} else {
return template.toString()
def sql = new Sql(connection);
def result = []
def where = "";
if (query != null){
// We can use Groovy template engine to generate our custom SQL queries
where = " WHERE " + queryParser(query)
log.ok("Search WHERE clause is: "+ where)
switch ( objectClass ) {
case "__ACCOUNT__":
sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM Users" + where, whereParams) {
case "__GROUP__":
sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM Groups" + where, whereParams) {
case "organization":
sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM Organizations" + where, whereParams) {
return result;