AuthenticateScript.groovy revision 4b3769ce483ece06f60f983193712492b920144f
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import groovy.sql.Sql;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.InvalidPasswordException;
// Parameters:
// The connector sends the following:
// connection
// configuration
// action ("AUTHENTICATE")
// log
// objectClass
// options
// username
// password
// It is expected that an authentication failure will throw an error from the package org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions"Entering "+action+" Script");
def sql = new Sql(connection);
def authId = null;
sql.eachRow("SELECT uid FROM Users WHERE uid = ? AND password = sha2(?, 512)", [username, password]) { authId = it.uid }
if (authId == null) {
throw new InvalidPasswordException("Authentication Failed")
return authId