This folder contains example configuration files for many different OpenICF connectors. The goal
is for these to aid in the process of creating a new OpenIDM project configuration. It is expected
that these will need to be updated in various ways to make them work with the particular remote
system in question.
In addition to providing a general collection of example connector configurations, some of these
files are also copied into the various OpenIDM sample folders. Below is a listing of where each is used:
- sample6. This is copied to samples/sample6/alternatives/provisioner.openicf-realad.json
- sample4
- sample2
- sample2b
- sample2c
- sample2d
- sample6
- openam
- sample3
- scriptedrest2dj
- scriptedcrest2dj
- scriptedazure
- sample1
- sample4
- sample8
- sample9
- audit-sample