pwpolicy.js revision 4f4573637d598fab1818164e79e51a079494b33f
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 * Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
/*global addPolicy, request, openidm */
"policyId" : "is-new",
"policyExec" : "isNew",
"policyRequirements" : ["IS_NEW"]
function isNew(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var historyLength, fieldHistory, currentObject, lastFieldValues, i;
// Don't enforce this policy if the resource ends with "/*", which indicates that this is a create with a
// server-supplied id
if (!request.resourcePath || request.resourcePath.match('/\\*$')) {
return [];
// Read the resource
currentObject =;
// Don't enforce this policy if the resource being evaluated wasn't found. Happens in the case of a create with a
// client-supplied id.
if (currentObject === null) {
return [];
// Decrypt the "fieldHistory" field.
fieldHistory = currentObject.fieldHistory;
// Don't enforce this policy if there is no history object available
if (fieldHistory[property] === null || fieldHistory[property] === undefined) {
return [];
// Get the current field value
if (currentObject[property] !== null && currentObject[property] !== undefined &&
openidm.isEncrypted(currentObject[property])) {
currentObject[property] = openidm.decrypt(currentObject[property]);
// Don't enforce this policy if the password hasn't changed
if (currentObject[property] === value) {
return [];
// Get the last field values
lastFieldValues = fieldHistory[property];
if (params.historyLength !== undefined) {
historyLength = params.historyLength;
} else {
historyLength = lastFieldValues.length;
numOfFields = lastFieldValues.length;
// Check if the current value matches any previous values
for(i = numOfFields - 1; i >= (numOfFields - historyLength) && i >= 0; i--) {
if ((openidm.isHashed(lastFieldValues[i]) && openidm.matches(value, lastFieldValues[i]))
|| (lastFieldValues[i] === value)) {
return [{"policyRequirement": "IS_NEW"}];
return [];