repo.orientdb.json revision a5ed7d375826991547a9b91bae99d8f0a86f3e81
3258N/A "dbUrl" : "plocal:&{launcher.working.location}/db/openidm",
0N/A "user" : "admin",
0N/A "poolMinSize" : 5,
0N/A "poolMaxSize" : 20,
0N/A "queries" : {
2362N/A "get-by-field-value" : "select * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE ${unquoted:field} = ${value} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "get-by-field-value-count" : "select count(*) AS total FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE ${unquoted:field} = ${value}",
2362N/A "get-users-of-direct-role" : "select * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE roles matches '^(.*,)?${unquoted:role}(,.*)?$' OR ${role} IN roles SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "get-users-of-direct-role-count" : "select count(_openidm_id) AS total FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE roles matches '^(.*,)?${unquoted:role}(,.*)?$' OR ${role} IN roles",
0N/A "query-all-ids" : "select _openidm_id from ${unquoted:_resource} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "query-all-ids-count" : "select count(_openidm_id) AS total from ${unquoted:_resource}",
0N/A "query-all" : "select * from ${unquoted:_resource} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "query-all-count" : "select count(*) AS total from ${unquoted:_resource}",
0N/A "links-for-firstId" : "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE linkType = ${linkType} AND firstId = ${firstId} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "links-for-firstId-count" : "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE linkType = ${linkType} AND firstId = ${firstId}",
0N/A "links-for-secondId" : "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE linkType = ${linkType} AND secondId = ${secondId} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "links-for-secondId-count" : "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE linkType = ${linkType} AND secondId = ${secondId} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "links-for-linkType" : "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE linkType = ${linkType} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "links-for-linkType-count" : "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE linkType = ${linkType}",
2362N/A "credential-query" : "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE userName = ${username} AND coalesce(accountStatus, 'active') <> 'inactive'",
2362N/A "credential-internaluser-query" : "SELECT * FROM internal_user WHERE _openidm_id = ${username}",
0N/A "for-userName" : "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE userName = ${uid} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "for-userName-count" : "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE userName = ${uid}",
0N/A "get-notifications-for-user" : "select * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE receiverId = ${userId} order by createDate desc SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "get-notifications-for-user-count" : "select count(*) AS total FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE receiverId = ${userId} order by createDate desc",
0N/A "scan-tasks" : "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE ${dotnotation:property} < ${condition.before} AND ${dotnotation:taskState.completed} is NULL SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "scan-tasks-count" : "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE ${dotnotation:property} < ${condition.before} AND ${dotnotation:taskState.completed} is NULL",
0N/A "query-cluster-failed-instances" : "SELECT * FROM cluster_states WHERE timestamp <= ${timestamp} AND (state = '1' OR state = '2')",
0N/A "query-cluster-instances" : "SELECT * FROM cluster_states",
0N/A "query-cluster-events" : "SELECT * FROM cluster_events WHERE instanceId = ${instanceId}",
0N/A "audit-by-mapping" : "select * FROM audit_recon WHERE mapping = ${mappingName}",
0N/A "audit-by-recon-id" : "select * FROM audit_recon WHERE reconId = ${reconId}",
3419N/A "audit-by-recon-id-type" : "select * FROM audit_recon WHERE reconId = ${reconId} AND entryType = ${entryType}",
0N/A "audit-by-recon-id-situation" : "select * FROM audit_recon WHERE reconId = ${reconId} AND situation = ${situation}",
0N/A "audit-by-activity-parent-action" : "select * FROM audit_activity WHERE parentActionId = ${parentActionId}",
0N/A "audit-last-recon-for-mapping" : "select * from audit_recon where entryType = 'start' and mapping = ${mapping} order by timestamp desc limit 1",
0N/A "audit-by-recon-id-situations-latest" : "SELECT sourceObjectId,targetObjectId,ambiguousTargetObjectIds,timestamp,situation FROM audit_recon WHERE reconId = ${reconId} AND situation IN [${list:situations}] ORDER BY timestamp DESC SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "audit-by-recon-id-situations-latest-filtered" : "SELECT sourceObjectId,targetObjectId,ambiguousTargetObjectIds,timestamp,situation FROM audit_recon WHERE reconId = ${reconId} AND situation IN [${list:situations}] AND (sourceObjectId IN [${list:filteredIds}] OR targetObjectId IN [${list:filteredIds}]) ORDER BY timestamp DESC SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
0N/A "get-managed-users" : "SELECT _openidm_id, userName, mail, givenName, sn, accountStatus FROM managed_user ORDER BY ${unquoted:orderBy} ${unquoted:orderByDir} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
168N/A "get-managed-users-filtered" : "SELECT _openidm_id, userName, mail, givenName, sn, accountStatus FROM managed_user LET $userNameLike = if((${userName} = ''), '%%', '${unquoted:userName}%'), $mailLike = if((${mail} = ''), '%%', '${unquoted:mail}%'), $snLike = if((${sn} = ''), '%%', '${unquoted:sn}%'), $givenNameLike = if((${givenName} = ''), '%%', '${unquoted:givenName}%') WHERE userName LIKE $userNameLike AND mail LIKE $mailLike AND sn LIKE $snLike AND givenName LIKE $givenNameLike AND (accountStatus = ${accountStatus} OR ${accountStatus} = '') ORDER BY ${unquoted:orderBy} ${unquoted:orderByDir} SKIP ${unquoted:_pagedResultsOffset} LIMIT ${unquoted:_pageSize}",
168N/A "get-managed-users-count" : "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM managed_user",
3258N/A "get-managed-users-filtered-count" : "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM managed_user LET $userNameLike = if((${userName} = ''), '%%', '${unquoted:userName}%'), $mailLike = if((${mail} = ''), '%%', '${unquoted:mail}%'), $snLike = if((${sn} = ''), '%%', '${unquoted:sn}%'), $givenNameLike = if((${givenName} = ''), '%%', '${unquoted:givenName}%') WHERE userName LIKE $userNameLike AND mail LIKE $mailLike AND sn LIKE $snLike AND givenName LIKE $givenNameLike AND (accountStatus = ${accountStatus} OR ${accountStatus} = '')",
3258N/A "get-recons" : "SELECT reconId, timestamp, mapping, message FROM audit_recon WHERE mapping LIKE ${includeMapping} AND mapping NOT LIKE ${excludeMapping} AND entryType = 'summary' ORDER BY timestamp DESC"
3258N/A },
3258N/A "commands" : {
0N/A "purge-by-recon-expired" : "DELETE FROM audit_recon WHERE mapping LIKE ${includeMapping} AND mapping NOT LIKE ${excludeMapping} AND timestamp < ${timestamp}",
0N/A "purge-by-recon-ids-to-keep" : "DELETE FROM audit_recon WHERE mapping LIKE ${includeMapping} AND mapping NOT LIKE ${excludeMapping} AND reconId NOT IN [${list:reconIds}]"
0N/A },
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0N/A "propertyType" : "string",
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0N/A {
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"config" : {
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"index" : [
"propertyName" : "_openidm_id",
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"index" : [
"propertyName" : "_openidm_id",
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"index" : [
"propertyName" : "_openidm_id",
"propertyType" : "string",
"indexType" : "unique"
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"index" : [
"propertyName" : "_openidm_id",
"propertyType" : "string",
"indexType" : "unique"
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"index" : [
"propertyName" : "_openidm_id",
"propertyType" : "string",
"indexType" : "unique"
"scheduler_calendars" : {
"index" : [
"propertyName" : "_openidm_id",
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"indexType" : "unique"
"scheduler_jobGroups" : {
"index" : [
"propertyName" : "_openidm_id",
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"indexType" : "unique"
"scheduler_triggerGroups" : {
"index" : [
"propertyName" : "_openidm_id",
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"indexType" : "notunique"
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"index" : [
"propertyName" : "status",
"propertyType" : "string",
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"propertyType" : "string",
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