triggerWorkflowFromSync.js revision 68a620360ed6c9ce2c460abf9f35599e380e8696
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/*global workflowName,recon */
triggerWorkflowFromSync.js.js - A script designed to start asynchronous actions via workflows. Asynchronous actions
differ from the more typical synchronous actions defined in sync.json mappings in that they may involve
waiting for some external trigger (such as a user interaction) before they continue performing their
This script is designed to create workflows based on the input provided from a synchronization situation
action handler. For example (from sample9/conf/sync.json):
"situation" : "ABSENT",
"action" : {
"workflowName" : "managedUserApproval",
"type" : "text/javascript",
"file" : "workflow/triggerWorkflowFromSync.js.js"
There are two variables that this script depends upon: "workflowName" (provided as part of the action
configuration, seen above) and "recon.actionParam" (available to all situation handler scripts). The content
of recon.actionParam looks like this:
"_action": "performAction",
"reconId": "7003daf9-b4b3-4d4c-bbb1-24c18b7208b6",
"action": "CREATE",
"mapping": "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser",
"situation": "ABSENT",
"sourceId": "bjensen"
There may also be a "targetId" defined, if appropriate for the situation.
The expectation is that the workflow process being initiated by this script is capable of handling the above
data structure, and will eventually do something meaningful with it. A very plausable example of this would
be if the workflow took these parameters and used the openidm.action("sync", 'performAction' ...) method to
eventually perform some operation based on them. Here is a bit of groovy code which does that:
(taken from sample9/workflow/managedUserApproval.bpmn20.xml)
params = new java.util.HashMap();
params.put('reconId', reconId)
params.put('mapping', mapping)
params.put('situation', situation)
params.put('action', action)
params.put('sourceId', sourceId)
targetId = execution.getVariables().get("targetId")
if (targetId!=null){
params.put('targetId', targetId)
openidm.action('sync', 'performAction', params)
(function () {
var queryParams = {
"_queryId" : "filtered-query",
"processDefinitionKey": workflowName,
businessKey = "sourceId: " + recon.actionParam.sourceId + ", targetId: " + recon.actionParam.targetId + ", reconId: " + recon.actionParam.reconId;
if (typeof recon.actionParam.sourceId !== "undefined" && null !== recon.actionParam.sourceId) {
queryParams["_var-sourceId"] = recon.actionParam.sourceId;
if (typeof recon.actionParam.targetId !== "undefined" && null !== recon.actionParam.targetId) {
queryParams["_var-targetId"] = recon.actionParam.targetId;
Try to find running process started by the previous reconciliation.
process = openidm.query('workflow/processinstance', queryParams);
logger.trace("asynchronous reconciliation: process.result.length => {}", process.result.length);
Only create a new workflow if there are no matching workflows found
if (typeof process.result === "undefined" || null === process.result || 0 === process.result.length) {
recon.actionParam._key = workflowName;
recon.actionParam._businessKey = businessKey;
logger.trace("asynchronous reconciliation: Start '{}' process", recon.actionParam._key);
// pass in all of the details of the recon situation that we are currently processing,
// delegating the responsibility for handling this data to the workflow.
openidm.create('workflow/processinstance', null, recon.actionParam);
Return "ASYNC" for the Reconciliation engine to finish processing the job.
return "ASYNC";