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This endpoint script is intended to proxy requests to the openam server that
has been specified in the authentication configuration. The reason for this
proxy is so that the details of the OpenAM server need not be exposed publicly,
as well as the added benefit of making the OpenAM REST services available as
part of the same domain as the other IDM endpoints - this makes AJAX requests
from the browser easier to deal with (no CORS setup necessary).
Example requests that we expect to come into this endpoint:
GET /openidm/endpoint/openam/json/serverinfo/* - getting details for the SSO token (cookie name and domain, for example)
POST /openidm/endpoint/openam/json/authenticate?&_action=start [empty post body] - starting a new AM auth process
POST /openidm/endpoint/openam/json/authenticate?_action=submitRequirements [post body with populated auth callbacks]
POST /openidm/endpoint/openam/json/sessions?_action=logout [empty post body, but active SSO token as cookie]
Whatever OpenAM normally responds with will be the response to these requests.
(function () {
var _ = require("lib/lodash"),
authConfig = openidm.read("config/authentication"),
authModule = _.find(authConfig.serverAuthContext.authModules, function (am) {
return am.name === "OPENAM_SESSION" && am.properties.openamDeploymentUrl.length;
proxyRequest = {
"method" : context.http.method,
"headers": {
"Cookie": context.http.headers.Cookie
if (authModule === null) {
throw {
"code" : 500,
"message" : "Unable to find configured OPENAM_SESSION auth module"
proxyRequest.url = authModule.properties.openamDeploymentUrl + "/" + request.resourcePath;
if (request.action === "logout") {
proxyRequest.url += "?_action=logout";
} else {
// turn the additionalParameters map into a url
proxyRequest.url += "?" + _(request.additionalParameters)
.map(function (param) {
return _.map(param, encodeURIComponent).join("=");
if (request.content) {
proxyRequest.body = request.content + ""; // implicit toString yields a stringified json value for request.content
} else {
proxyRequest.body = "{}";
return openidm.action("external/rest", "call", proxyRequest);