onSync-roles.js revision d9b1fcb16f23fb4b520e5f13687b744deeebb03f
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
* If a role is sync'ed, this script will determine if users of this role needs to also
* be sync'ed. Users are always sync'ed, except if the only change is in the ignoreProperties.
(function () {
var _ = require('lib/lodash');
* If shouldSyncUsers then this will call sync on all users of the role that got sync'ed
* @param resourceName the role path.
* @param oldValue old state of the role
* @param newValue updated state of the role
* @param ignoredProperties always sync except, if there's a change and the only change is the ignoreProperties,
* then no sync is needed.
exports.syncUsersOfRoles =
function (resourceName, oldValue, newValue, ignoredProperties) {
logger.debug("onSync-roles script invoked for {}", resourceName.toString());
var members;
if (shouldSyncUsers(oldValue, newValue, ignoredProperties)) {
members = openidm.query(resourceName.toString() + '/members',
{"_queryId": "find-relationships-for-resource"}).result;
_.each(members, function (user) {
logger.debug("onSync-roles will call triggerSyncCheck for {}", user._ref);
// Issue triggerSyncCheck action and set fields to "*" to indicate all default fields plus any
// virtual fields on the managed user, which will pick up changes to "effectiveAssignments".
openidm.action(user._ref, "triggerSyncCheck", {}, {}, ["*"]);
} else {
logger.debug("onSync-roles will NOT call triggerSyncCheck the users", resourceName.toString());
* Returns true if the oldValue and newValue fully match, or if the only changes are in fields other than any of the
* ignoredProperties.
* @param oldValue old state of the resource
* @param newValue updated state of the resource
* @param ignoredProperties if only change is one of the ignoreProperties, then no sync is needed.
* @returns {boolean} true if the oldValue and newValue fully match, or if the only changes are in fields other than
* any of the ignoredProperties.
function shouldSyncUsers(oldValue, newValue, ignoredProperties) {
var oldCopy, newCopy;
// If they already match then we should sync.
if (_.isEqual(oldValue, newValue)) {
return true;
oldCopy = _.omit(oldValue == null ? {} : oldValue, ignoredProperties);
newCopy = _.omit(newValue == null ? {} : newValue, ignoredProperties);
// If we don't match, after removing ignored fields, then should sync as it means changes were on other fields.
return !_.isEqual(oldCopy, newCopy);