* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS. All rights reserved.
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* Default mapping script for processing effectiveAssignments
* Assignment and unassignment operations are configured as scripts.
* An example operation configuration is:
* {
* "file" : "roles/replaceTarget.js",
* "type" : "text/javascript"
* };
// The result map
var map = { "result" : true },
mappingName = config.name,
effectiveAssignments = source.effectiveAssignments;
// Default operations
var defaultAssignmentOperation = "replaceTarget";
var defaultUnassignmentOperation = "removeFromTarget";
// A map of operation aliases to their corresponding script configurations
var operations = {
"replaceTarget" : {
"file" : "roles/replaceTarget.js",
"type" : "text/javascript"
"mergeWithTarget" : {
"file" : "roles/mergeWithTarget.js",
"type" : "text/javascript"
"removeFromTarget" : {
"file" : "roles/removeFromTarget.js",
"type" : "text/javascript"
"noOp" : {
"file" : "roles/noOp.js",
"type" : "text/javascript"
* Returns the script configuration with the necessary scope fields added.
* @param script a script configuration or a script alias
function getConfig(script) {
var config;
var scope = {};
// Check if the script is an alias or a full configuration
if (script instanceof Object) {
// Full configuration
config = script;
} else if (script instanceof String || typeof(script) === 'string') {
// Alias
if (operations.hasOwnProperty(script)) {
config = operations[script];
} else {
throw "Unsupported operation alias " + script;
// Add additional scope fields
scope.sourceObject = source;
scope.targetObject = target;
scope.existingTargetObject = existingTarget;
scope.linkQualifier = linkQualifier;
for (var key in config) {
scope[key] = config[key];
return scope;
* Executes a script from the given configurations.
* @param scriptConfig the script configuration
function execOnScript(scriptConfig) {
var result = openidm.action("script", "eval", getConfig(scriptConfig), {});
for (key in target) {
delete target[key];
for (key in result) {
target[key] = result[key];
* Searches the given list for an assignment relationship matching the given assignment relationship.
* Returns the fetched assignment or null if no matching assignment is found.
* @param assignment the assignment to search for
* @param listOfAssignments a list of assignments
function findAssignment(assignment, listOfAssignments) {
for (var i = 0; i < listOfAssignments.length; i++) {
if (assignment._id === listOfAssignments[i]._id) {
return listOfAssignments[i];
return null;
// Check for any assignments that have been removed or modified
if (typeof oldSource !== 'undefined' && oldSource !== null) {
var oldAssignments = oldSource.effectiveAssignments; // Assignments from the old source value
var currentAssignments = source.effectiveAssignments; // Assignments from the current source value
var unassigned = [];
// Loop through old assignments
if (typeof oldAssignments !== 'undefined' && oldAssignments !== null) {
for (var x = 0; x < oldAssignments.length; x++) {
var oldAssignment = oldAssignments[x];
// Check that this assignment is relevant to this mapping
if ((oldAssignment !== null) && (mappingName === oldAssignment.mapping)) {
var assignmentRemoved = false;
// Get the Current assignment, may be null if it has been removed/unassigned
var currentAssignment = findAssignment(oldAssignment, currentAssignments);
if (currentAssignment === null) {
// This assignment has been unassigned
var onUnassignment = oldAssignment.onUnassignment;
// Check if an onUnassignment script is configured
if (typeof onUnassignment !== 'undefined' && onUnassignment !== null) {
onUnassignment.attributes = oldAssignment.attributes;
assignmentRemoved = true;
// Get the Old assignment's attributes
var oldAttributes = oldAssignment.attributes;
// Loop through old attributes and execute the unassignmentOperation on any that were removed or updated
for (var i = 0; i < oldAttributes.length; i++) {
var oldAttribute = oldAttributes[i];
var removedOrUpdated = true;
// If the assignment has not been removed, then we need to check if the attribute has been removed or updated.
if (!assignmentRemoved && currentAssignment !== null) {
var currentAttributes = currentAssignment.attributes;
// Loop through attributes to check if they have been removed/updated
for (var j = 0; j < currentAttributes.length; j++) {
var currentAttribute = currentAttributes[j];
if (oldAttribute.name == currentAttribute.name) {
if (JSON.stringify(oldAttribute) === JSON.stringify(currentAttribute)) {
// attribute was found and not updated
removedOrUpdated = false;
// Check if the old attribute has been removed
if (removedOrUpdated) {
var unassignmentOperation = oldAttribute.unassignmentOperation;
if (unassignmentOperation == null) {
// Default to replace and use the entire value
unassignmentOperation = defaultUnassignmentOperation;
if (typeof unassignmentOperation !== 'undefined' && unassignmentOperation !== null) {
var config = getConfig(unassignmentOperation);
config.attributeName = oldAttribute.name;
config.attributeValue = oldAttribute.value;
var unassignmentResult = openidm.action("script", "eval", config, {});
// Update the target (working copy)
target[oldAttribute.name] = unassignmentResult;
// Update the existingTarget, in order to carry changes over to additional operations that may use the existingTarget
if (typeof existingTarget !== 'undefined' && existingTarget !== null) {
existingTarget[oldAttribute.name] = unassignmentResult;
// Process effective assignments, if any
if (effectiveAssignments != null) {
// Used to carry information across different assignmentOperations
var attibutesInfo; attributesInfoMap = {};
for (var x = 0; x < effectiveAssignments.length; x++) {
assignment = effectiveAssignments[x];
// Check that this assignment is relevant to this mapping
if ((assignment !== null) && (mappingName === assignment.mapping)) {
var attributes = assignment.attributes;
var onAssignment = assignment.onAssignment;
var linkQualifiers = assignment.linkQualifiers;
// Only map if no linkQualifiers were specified or the current linkQualifier is in the list of linkQualifiers specified in the assignment
if (typeof linkQualifiers === 'undefined' || linkQualifiers === null
|| linkQualifiers.indexOf(linkQualifier) > -1) {
// Check if an onAssignment script is configured
if (typeof onAssignment !== 'undefined' && onAssignment !== null) {
onAssignment.attributes = attributes;
// Loop through attributes, performing the assignmentOperations
for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
var attribute = attributes[i];
var assignmentOperation = attribute.assignmentOperation;
var value = attribute.value;
var name = attribute.name;
attributesInfo = attributesInfoMap[name];
if (typeof attributesInfo === "undefined" || attributesInfo === null) {
// Initialize if it has not already been defined for this attribute
attributesInfo = {};
if (assignmentOperation == null) {
// Default to replace and use the entire value
assignmentOperation = defaultAssignmentOperation;
// Process the assignmentOperation
var config = getConfig(assignmentOperation);
config.attributeName = name;
config.attributeValue = value;
config.attributesInfo = attributesInfo;
// The result of this call should be an object with a field "value" containing the updated target field's value
var assignmentResult = openidm.action("script", "eval", config, {});
// Set the new target field's value
target[name] = assignmentResult.value;
// Update any passed back attributesInfo
if (assignmentResult.hasOwnProperty("attributesInfo")) {
attributesInfoMap[name] = assignmentResult.attributesInfo;
// Return the resulting map