policy.js revision e2cd22a6774d3e0685b065c43a4078728bb6e279
/*! @license
* Copyright (c) 2012 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
/*global additionalPolicies,resources, require */
var _ = require('lib/lodash'),
policyConfig = {
"policies" : [
{ "policyId" : "required",
"policyExec" : "required",
"clientValidation": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["REQUIRED"]
{ "policyId" : "not-empty",
"policyExec" : "notEmpty",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["REQUIRED"]
"policyId" : "max-attempts-triggers-lock-cooldown",
"policyExec" : "maxAttemptsTriggersLockCooldown",
{ "policyId" : "unique",
"policyExec" : "unique",
"policyRequirements" : ["UNIQUE"]
{ "policyId" : "no-internal-user-conflict",
"policyExec" : "noInternalUserConflict",
"policyRequirements" : ["UNIQUE"]
"policyId" : "regexpMatches",
"policyExec" : "regexpMatches",
"clientValidation": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["MATCH_REGEXP"]
"policyId" : "valid-date",
"policyExec" : "validDate",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements": ["VALID_DATE"]
"policyId" : "valid-email-address-format",
"policyExec" : "validEmailAddressFormat",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements": ["VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FORMAT"]
"policyId" : "valid-name-format",
"policyExec" : "validNameFormat",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements": ["VALID_NAME_FORMAT"]
"policyId" : "valid-phone-format",
"policyExec" : "validPhoneFormat",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements": ["VALID_PHONE_FORMAT"]
{ "policyId" : "at-least-X-capitals",
"policyExec" : "atLeastXCapitalLetters",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["AT_LEAST_X_CAPITAL_LETTERS"]
{ "policyId" : "at-least-X-numbers",
"policyExec" : "atLeastXNumbers",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["AT_LEAST_X_NUMBERS"]
{ "policyId" : "minimum-length",
"policyExec" : "minLength",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["MIN_LENGTH"]
{ "policyId" : "cannot-contain-others",
"policyExec" : "cannotContainOthers",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["CANNOT_CONTAIN_OTHERS"]
{ "policyId" : "cannot-contain-characters",
"policyExec" : "cannotContainCharacters",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["CANNOT_CONTAIN_CHARACTERS"]
{ "policyId" : "cannot-contain-duplicates",
"policyExec" : "cannotContainDuplicates",
"clientValidation": true,
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["CANNOT_CONTAIN_DUPLICATES"]
"policyId" : "required-if-configured",
"policyExec": "requiredIfConfigured",
"policyRequirements" : ["REQUIRED"]
{ "policyId" : "re-auth-required",
"policyExec" : "reauthRequired",
"validateOnlyIfPresent": true,
"policyRequirements" : ["REAUTH_REQUIRED"]
policyImpl = (function (){
// internal-use utility function
var checkExceptRoles = function (exceptRoles) {
var i, j, roles, role;
if (context.security.authorizationId !== null) {
roles = context.security.authorizationId.roles;
if (exceptRoles) {
for (i = 0; i < exceptRoles.length; i++) {
role = exceptRoles[i];
if (roles) {
for (j = 0; j < roles.length; j++) {
if (role === roles[j]) {
return true;
return false;
policyFunctions = {};
policyFunctions.regexpMatches = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
if (typeof(value) === "number") {
value = value + ""; // cast to string;
var pattern = new RegExp(params.regexp, (params.flags || "")),
isRequired = _.find(this.failedPolicyRequirements, function (fpr) {
return fpr.policyRequirement === "REQUIRED";
isNonEmptyString = (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length),
valuePassesRegexp = (function (v) {
var testResult = isNonEmptyString ? pattern.test(v) : false;
return testResult;
if ((isRequired || isNonEmptyString) && !valuePassesRegexp) {
return [ {"policyRequirement": "MATCH_REGEXP", "regexp": params.regexp, params: params, "flags": params.flags}];
return [];
policyFunctions.required = function(fullObject, value, params, propName) {
if (value === undefined) {
return [ { "policyRequirement" : "REQUIRED" } ];
return [];
policyFunctions.notEmpty = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
if (value !== undefined && (value === null || !value.length)) {
return [ {"policyRequirement": "REQUIRED"}];
else {
return [];
policyFunctions.maxAttemptsTriggersLockCooldown = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var failures = [],
lastFailedDate = new Date(fullObject[params.dateTimeField]);
if (value > params.max &&
(lastFailedDate.getTime() + (1000*60*params.numMinutes)) > (new Date()).getTime()) {
failures = [{"policyRequirement": "NO_MORE_THAN_X_ATTEMPTS_WITHIN_Y_MINUTES", params: {"max":params.max,"numMinutes":params.numMinutes}}];
return failures;
policyFunctions.noInternalUserConflict = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var queryParams,existing,requestId,requestBaseArray;
if (value && value.length) {
queryParams = {
"_queryId": "credential-internaluser-query",
"username": value
requestId = resourceName.leaf();
existing = openidm.query("repo/internal/user", queryParams);
if (existing.result.length !== 0 && (!requestId || (existing.result[0]._id != requestId))) {
return [{"policyRequirement": "UNIQUE"}];
return [];
policyFunctions.unique = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var queryParams,existing,requestId,requestBaseArray;
if (value && value.length) {
queryParams = {
"_queryFilter": property + ' eq "' + value + '"'
requestId = resourceName.leaf();
existing = openidm.query(resourceName.parent().toString(), queryParams);
if (existing.result.length !== 0 && (!requestId || (existing.result[0]._id != requestId))) {
return [{"policyRequirement": "UNIQUE"}];
return [];
policyFunctions.validDate = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var isRequired = _.find(this.failedPolicyRequirements, function (fpr) {
return fpr.policyRequirement === "REQUIRED";
isNonEmptyString = (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length),
isValidDate = isNonEmptyString ? !isNaN(new Date(value).getTime()) : false;
if ((isRequired || isNonEmptyString) && !isValidDate) {
return [ {"policyRequirement": "VALID_DATE"}];
return [];
policyFunctions.cannotContainCharacters = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var i,
join = function (arr, d) { // my own join needed since it appears params.forbiddenChars is not a proper JS array with the normal join method available
var j,list = "";
for (j in arr) {
list += arr[j] + d;
return list.replace(new RegExp(d + "$"), '');
if (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length) {
for (i in params.forbiddenChars) {
if (value.indexOf(params.forbiddenChars[i]) !== -1) {
return [ { "policyRequirement" : "CANNOT_CONTAIN_CHARACTERS", "params" : {"forbiddenChars" : join(params.forbiddenChars, ", ")} } ];
return [];
policyFunctions.validPhoneFormat = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var pattern = /^\+?([0-9\- \(\)])*$/,
isRequired = _.find(this.failedPolicyRequirements, function (fpr) {
return fpr.policyRequirement === "REQUIRED";
isNonEmptyString = (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length),
valuePassesRegexp = (function (v) {
var testResult = isNonEmptyString ? pattern.test(v) : false;
return testResult;
if ((isRequired || isNonEmptyString) && !valuePassesRegexp) {
return [ {"policyRequirement": "VALID_PHONE_FORMAT"}];
return [];
policyFunctions.validNameFormat = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var pattern = /^([A-Za'-\u0105\u0107\u0119\u0142\u00F3\u015B\u017C\u017A\u0104\u0106\u0118\u0141\u00D3\u015A\u017B\u0179\u00C0\u00C8\u00CC\u00D2\u00D9\u00E0\u00E8\u00EC\u00F2\u00F9\u00C1\u00C9\u00CD\u00D3\u00DA\u00DD\u00E1\u00E9\u00ED\u00F3\u00FA\u00FD\u00C2\u00CA\u00CE\u00D4\u00DB\u00E2\u00EA\u00EE\u00F4\u00FB\u00C3\u00D1\u00D5\u00E3\u00F1\u00F5\u00C4\u00CB\u00CF\u00D6\u00DC\u0178\u00E4\u00EB\u00EF\u00F6\u00FC\u0178\u00A1\u00BF\u00E7\u00C7\u0152\u0153\u00DF\u00D8\u00F8\u00C5\u00E5\u00C6\u00E6\u00DE\u00FE\u00D0\u00F0\-\s])+$/,
isRequired = _.find(this.failedPolicyRequirements, function (fpr) {
return fpr.policyRequirement === "REQUIRED";
isNonEmptyString = (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length),
valuePassesRegexp = (function (v) {
var testResult = isNonEmptyString ? pattern.test(v) : false;
return testResult;
if ((isRequired || isNonEmptyString) && !valuePassesRegexp) {
return [ {"policyRequirement": "VALID_NAME_FORMAT"}];
return [];
policyFunctions.minLength = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var isRequired = _.find(this.failedPolicyRequirements, function (fpr) {
return fpr.policyRequirement === "REQUIRED";
isNonEmptyString = (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length),
hasMinLength = isNonEmptyString ? (value.length >= params.minLength) : false;
if ((isRequired || isNonEmptyString) && !hasMinLength) {
return [ { "policyRequirement" : "MIN_LENGTH", "params" : {"minLength":params.minLength} } ];
return [];
policyFunctions.atLeastXCapitalLetters = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var isRequired = _.find(this.failedPolicyRequirements, function (fpr) {
return fpr.policyRequirement === "REQUIRED";
isNonEmptyString = (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length),
valuePassesRegexp = (function (v) {
var test = isNonEmptyString ? v.match(/[(A-Z)]/g) : null;
return test !== null && test.length >= params.numCaps;
if ((isRequired || isNonEmptyString) && !valuePassesRegexp) {
return [ { "policyRequirement" : "AT_LEAST_X_CAPITAL_LETTERS", "params" : {"numCaps": params.numCaps} } ];
return [];
policyFunctions.atLeastXNumbers = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var isRequired = _.find(this.failedPolicyRequirements, function (fpr) {
return fpr.policyRequirement === "REQUIRED";
isNonEmptyString = (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length),
valuePassesRegexp = (function (v) {
var test = isNonEmptyString ? v.match(/\d/g) : null;
return test !== null && test.length >= params.numNums;
if ((isRequired || isNonEmptyString) && !valuePassesRegexp) {
return [ { "policyRequirement" : "AT_LEAST_X_NUMBERS", "params" : {"numNums": params.numNums} } ];
return [];
policyFunctions.validEmailAddressFormat = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var pattern = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/,
isRequired = _.find(this.failedPolicyRequirements, function (fpr) {
return fpr.policyRequirement === "REQUIRED";
isNonEmptyString = (typeof(value) === "string" && value.length),
valuePassesRegexp = (function (v) {
var testResult = isNonEmptyString ? pattern.test(v) : false;
return testResult;
if ((isRequired || isNonEmptyString) && !valuePassesRegexp) {
return [ {"policyRequirement": "VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FORMAT"}];
return [];
policyFunctions.cannotContainOthers = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var fieldArray = params.disallowedFields.split(","),
fullObject_server = {},
// since this function runs on both the client and the server, we need to
// check for the presence of our server-side functions before using them.
if (typeof(openidm) !== "undefined" && typeof(request) !== "undefined" && request.resourcePath && !request.resourcePath.match('/*$')) {
fullObject_server = openidm.read(request.resourcePath);
if (fullObject_server === null) {
fullObject_server = {};
if (value && typeof(value) === "string" && value.length) {
for (i = 0; i < fieldArray.length; i++) {
if (typeof(fullObject[fieldArray[i]]) === "undefined" && typeof(fullObject_server[fieldArray[i]]) !== "undefined") {
fullObject[fieldArray[i]] = fullObject_server[fieldArray[i]];
if (typeof(fullObject[fieldArray[i]]) === "string" && value.match(fullObject[fieldArray[i]])) {
return [{"policyRequirement": "CANNOT_CONTAIN_OTHERS", params: {"disallowedFields": fieldArray[i]}}];
return [];
policyFunctions.cannotContainDuplicates = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var checkedValues = {};
if (value && value.length) {
for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(checkedValues, value[i])) {
return [{"policyRequirement": "CANNOT_CONTAIN_DUPLICATES", params: {"duplicateValue": value[i]}}];
checkedValues[value[i]] = true;
return [];
policyFunctions.requiredIfConfigured = function(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var currentValue = openidm.read("config/" + params.configBase),
baseKeyArray = params.baseKey.split("."),
if (checkExceptRoles(params.exceptRoles)) {
return [];
for (i in baseKeyArray) {
currentValue = currentValue[baseKeyArray[i]];
if (currentValue && (!value || !value.length)) {
return [ {"policyRequirement": "REQUIRED"}];
else {
return [];
policyFunctions.reauthRequired = function(fullObject, value, params, propName) {
if (checkExceptRoles(params.exceptRoles)) {
return [];
var actionParams,response,currentObject;
// Perform reauth if the context indicates that the caller is external
// or if we have set a parameter to force reauth when handing a patch operation.
// Important: Interpret any value of additionalParameters.external as `true`
// so that an external caller cannot abuse this facility by passing in 'false'.
if (context.caller.external
|| (request.additionalParameters !== null && typeof request.additionalParameters.external !== "undefined")) {
// don't do a read if the resource ends with "/*", which indicates that this is a new record
if (typeof request.resourcePath === "string" && !request.resourcePath.match('/\\*$')) {
currentObject = openidm.read(request.resourcePath);
// if the given resource doesn't exist, this also indicates that
// this is a new record (likely a client-assigned ID)
if (currentObject === null) {
return [];
if (openidm.isEncrypted(currentObject[propName])) {
currentObject[propName] = openidm.decrypt(currentObject[propName]);
if (currentObject[propName] === fullObject[propName]) {
// this means the value hasn't changed, so don't complain about reauth
return [];
try {
response = openidm.action("authentication", "reauthenticate", {}, {});
} catch (error) {
return [ { "policyRequirement" : "REAUTH_REQUIRED" } ];
return [];
return policyFunctions;
policyProcessor = (function (policyConfig,policyImpl){
//Internal policy code below - do not modify this module
var getPolicy = function(policyId) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < policyConfig.policies.length; i++) {
if (policyConfig.policies[i].policyId === policyId) {
return policyConfig.policies[i];
return null;
getPropertyValue = function(requestObject, propName) {
var propAddress = propName.split("/"),
tmpObject = requestObject,
for (i = 0; i < propAddress.length; i++) {
propAddress[i] = propAddress[i].replace(/\[\*\]$/, ''); // replace a trailing array indicator, if found
tmpObject = tmpObject[propAddress[i]];
if (tmpObject === undefined || tmpObject === null) {
return tmpObject;
return tmpObject;
getPropertyConfig = function(resource, propName) {
var props = resource.properties,prop,i;
for (i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
prop = props[i];
if (prop.name === propName) {
return prop;
return null;
resourceMatches = function(resource1, resource2) {
var rsrc1 = resource1.split("/"),
rsrc2 = resource2.split("/"),
if (rsrc1.length === rsrc2.length) {
for (i = 0; i < rsrc1.length; i++) {
if (rsrc1[i] !== rsrc2[i] &&
rsrc1[i] !== "*" &&
rsrc2[i] !== "*") {
return false;
return true;
return false;
getResource = function(resources, resourceName) {
var i,resource;
if (resources !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
resource = resources[i];
if (resourceMatches(resource.resource, resourceName)) {
return resource;
return null;
getResourceWithPolicyRequirements = function(resource) {
var compProps = resource.properties,
// Loop through the properties for this resource
for (i = 0; i < compProps.length; i++) {
propPolicyReqs = [];
prop = compProps[i];
// loop through the policies of each property
for (j = 0; j < prop.policies.length; j++) {
policy = getPolicy(prop.policies[j].policyId);
// Check if client validation is enabled, if so add source
if ((policy.clientValidation !== undefined) && policy.clientValidation) {
prop.policies[j].policyFunction = policyImpl[policy.policyExec].toString();
prop.policies[j].policyRequirements = policy.policyRequirements;
reqs = policy.policyRequirements;
// loop through the requirements for each policy
for (x = 0; x < reqs.length; x++) {
// Add the requirement if it hasen't been added yet
if (propPolicyReqs.indexOf(reqs[x]) === -1) {
// Add the requirements array to the property object
prop.policyRequirements = propPolicyReqs;
// Return all property configs for this resource
return resource;
getAllPolicyRequirements = function (policies) {
var reqs = [],i;
for (i in policies) {
reqs = reqs.concat(getPolicy(policies[i].policyId).policyRequirements);
return reqs;
validate = function(policies, fullObject, propName, propValue, retArray) {
var retObj = {},
policyRequirements = [],
allPolicyRequirements = getAllPolicyRequirements(policies),
propValueContainer = [],
for (i = 0; i < policies.length; i++) {
params = policies[i].params;
policy = getPolicy(policies[i].policyId);
if (policy === null) {
throw "Unknown policy " + policies[i].policyId;
// validate this property every time unless the property has been marked as "validateOnlyIfPresent" and it isn't present
if (!(typeof(policy.validateOnlyIfPresent) !== 'undefined' && policy.validateOnlyIfPresent && typeof(propValue) === 'undefined')) {
validationFunc = policyImpl[policy.policyExec];
if (propName.match(/\[\*\]$/)) { // if we are dealing with a property that is an array element
propValueContainer = propValue; // then use the propValue provided for the array
} else { // if we are dealing with a regular property
propValueContainer = [propValue]; // then it's a single value array
if (propValueContainer !== undefined && propValueContainer !== null) {
for (j=0;j<propValueContainer.length;j++) {
retObj = {};
retObj.policyRequirements = [];
if (openidm.isEncrypted(propValueContainer[j])) {
propValueContainer[j] = openidm.decrypt(propValueContainer[j]);
failed = validationFunc.call({ "failedPolicyRequirements": policyRequirements, "allPolicyRequirements": allPolicyRequirements }, fullObject, propValueContainer[j], params, propName);
if (failed.length > 0) {
retObj.property = propName.replace(/\[\*\]$/, "["+j+"]");
for ( y = 0; y < failed.length; y++) {
mergePolicies = function(oldPolicies, newPolicies) {
var returnPolicies = [],
for (i = 0; i < oldPolicies.length; i++) {
found = false;
for (i = 0; i < newPolicies.length; i++) {
newPolicy = newPolicies[i];
for (j = 0; j < returnPolicies.length; j++) {
policy = returnPolicies[j];
if (newPolicy.policyId === policy.policyId) {
// update old policy with new config
returnPolicies[j] = newPolicy;
found = true;
if (!found) {
p = {};
p.policyId = newPolicy.policyId;
p.params = {};
for (key in newPolicy.params) {
p.params[key] = newPolicy.params[key];
// add new policy
found = false;
return returnPolicies;
getAdditionalPolicies = function(id) {
var returnArray = [],
index = id.indexOf("/"),
if (index !== -1) {
resource = id.substring(0, index);
object = id.substring(index + 1, id.length);
} else {
resource = id;
configId = "config/" + resource;
resourceConfig = openidm.read(configId);
if (resourceConfig !== null && resourceConfig.error === undefined) {
objects = resourceConfig.objects;
if (objects !== undefined && objects !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
obj = objects[i];
if ((obj.name === object) || resourceMatches(object, obj.name + "/*")) {
props = obj.properties;
if (props !== undefined && props !== null) {
for (j = 0; j < props.length; j++) {
prop = props[j];
policies = prop.policies;
if (policies !== null && policies !== undefined) {
property = {};
property.name = prop.name;
property.policies = [];
for (k = 0; k < policies.length; k++) {
return returnArray;
updateResourceConfig = function(resource, id) {
var newProps = getAdditionalPolicies(id),
props = resource.properties,
for (i = 0; i < newProps.length; i++) {
found = false;
newProp = newProps[i];
for (j = 0; j < props.length; j++) {
prop = props[j];
if (newProp.name === prop.name) {
found = true;
if (prop.policies.length > 0) {
prop.policies = mergePolicies(prop.policies, newProp.policies);
} else {
prop.policies = newProp.policies;
if (!found) {
found = false;
resource.properties = props;
processRequest = function() {
var returnObject = {},
method = request.method,
if (request.resourcePath !== null && request.resourcePath !== undefined) {
// Get the policy configuration for the specified resource
resource = getResource(resources, request.resourcePath);
if (resource === null ) {
resource = {};
resource.resource = request.resourcePath;
resource.properties = [];
// Update the policy configuration with any resource specific
updateResourceConfig(resource, request.resourcePath);
if (method === "read") {
if (request.resourcePath === null || request.resourcePath === "") {
compArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
rsrc = resources[i];
returnObject = {};
returnObject.resources = compArray;
} else {
returnObject = getResourceWithPolicyRequirements(resource);
} else if (method === "action") {
action = request.action;
failedPolicyRequirements = [];
returnObject = {};
if (request.resourcePath === null) {
throw "No resource specified";
if (resource === null) {
// There are no configured policies for this resource (nothing to verify)
returnObject.result = true;
returnObject.failedPolicyRequirements = failedPolicyRequirements;
} else {
fullObject = request.content;
// Perform the validation
if (action === "validateObject") {
for (i = 0; i < resource.properties.length; i++) {
propName = resource.properties[i].name;
policies = resource.properties[i].policies;
// Validate
policyRequirements = validate(policies, fullObject, propName,
getPropertyValue(fullObject, propName), failedPolicyRequirements);
} else if (action === "validateProperty") {
props = request.content;
for (propName in props) {
prop = getPropertyConfig(resource, propName);
if (prop !== null) {
policies = prop.policies;
// Validate
policyRequirements = validate(policies, fullObject, propName,
props[propName], failedPolicyRequirements);
} else {
throw "Unsupported action: " + action;
// Set the result to true if no failedPolicyRequirements (failures), false otherwise
returnObject.result = (failedPolicyRequirements.length === 0);
// Set the return failedPolicyRequirements
returnObject.failedPolicyRequirements = failedPolicyRequirements;
} else {
throw "Unsupported method: " + method;
return returnObject;
return {processRequest:processRequest};
additionalPolicyLoader = (function (config,impl) {
var obj = {},
addPolicy = function(policy) {
obj.load = function (additionalPolicies) {
var i,j;
//Load additional policy scripts if configured
for (i = 0; i < additionalPolicies.length; i++) {
for (j=0;j<config.policies.length;j++) {
if (!policyImpl.hasOwnProperty(config.policies[j].policyExec) &&
typeof(eval(config.policies[j].policyExec)) === "function") {
impl[config.policies[j].policyExec] = eval(config.policies[j].policyExec);
return obj;
if (typeof additionalPolicies !== 'undefined') {