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/*global exports, openidm, require */
This takes a resourceName and looks for all of the records that are linked to it,
returning them as a list included within the data for the provided object.
The returned object will have a new property named "linkedTo". This will be a list
of all resources which link to the main object. Each item in the list will look like so:
"resourceName": "system/abc/id",
"linkType": "systemAbc_managedUser",
"mappings": [
"name": "systemAbc_managedUser",
"type": "source"
"name": "managedUser_systemAbc",
"type": "target"
"content": {...}
There should only ever either be one or two mapping entries.
exports.fetch = function (resourceName) {
var _ = require('lib/lodash'),
getException = function (e) {
if (_.has(e, "javaException") && _.has(e.javaException, "cause") && e.javaException.cause !== null) {
return e.javaException.cause.localizedMessage || e.javaException.cause.message;
} else if (_.has(e, "messageDetail") && _.has(e.messageDetail, "message")) {
return e.messageDetail.message;
} else if (_.has(e, "message")) {
return e.message;
} else {
return e;
linkedResources = {};
// read the resource; if the read throws an exception, let the backend handle it
var currentResource = openidm.read(resourceName);
if (currentResource === null) {
return currentResource;
try {
// read the linked resources
linkedResources = openidm.action("sync", "getLinkedResources", {}, { "resourceName" : resourceName });
} catch (e) {
currentResource["error"] = getException(e);
// augment the resource with the resources that link to the main object
return _.extend(currentResource, {
"linkedTo": linkedResources