crypto.js revision d60e7ec0b9ab39495b9b2f1ab77d69ce731b57b3
* Copyright (c) 2014 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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/*global exports, openidm */
(function () {
var canBeEncrypted= function (value) {
// we are not going to do anything if the value is undefined/null/already encrypted
return typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null && !openidm.isEncrypted(value);
exports.encrypt = function (value, cipher, alias) {
cipher = cipher || 'AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding';
alias = alias || identityServer.getProperty('openidm.config.crypto.alias', 'true', true);
if (!canBeEncrypted(value)) {
return value;
return openidm.encrypt(value, cipher, alias);
exports.hash = function (value, algorithm) {
algorithm = algorithm || "SHA-256";
if (!canBeEncrypted(value) || typeof value !== "string") {
return value;
return openidm.hash(value, algorithm);
* Produces a random string conforming to a set of minimum complexity requirements and length.
* Useful for setting random passwords.
* @param {Object[]} minimum_requirements - a list of requirements for the random password
* @param {string} minimum_requirements[].rule - the one of UPPERCASE,LOWERCASE,INTEGERS,SPECIAL
* @param {number} minimum_requirements[].minimum - the number of characters required for this rule
* @param {number} total_length - the size of the final random string
* @example
{ "rule": "UPPERCASE", "minimum": 1 },
{ "rule": "LOWERCASE", "minimum": 1 },
{ "rule": "INTEGERS", "minimum": 1 },
{ "rule": "SPECIAL", "minimum": 1 }
], 8) // returns a value like "R92kHZ;1"
exports.generateRandomString = function (minimum_requirements, total_length) {
// returns a random int between the minimum (inclusive) and maximum (exclusive)
function getRandomInt(minimum,maximum) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(maximum-minimum))+minimum;
// returns an index chosen at random from the set of found undefined
// value indexes in the provided array
function getRandomUndefinedPosition(array,max) {
var i = 0,foundUndefined = [];
for (i=0;i<max;i++) {
if (array[i] === undefined) {
return foundUndefined[getRandomInt(0,foundUndefined.length)];
var character_buffer = [],
character_generators = {
UPPERCASE: function (buffer,max) {
// ASCII codes for A-Z: 65-90
buffer[getRandomUndefinedPosition(buffer,max)] = String.fromCharCode(getRandomInt(65,91));
LOWERCASE: function (buffer,max) {
// ASCII codes for a-z: 97-122
buffer[getRandomUndefinedPosition(buffer,max)] = String.fromCharCode(getRandomInt(97,123));
INTEGERS: function (buffer,max) {
buffer[getRandomUndefinedPosition(buffer,max)] = (getRandomInt(0,10) + "");
SPECIAL: function (buffer,max) {
// ASCII codes for 'special' characters: 58-64
buffer[getRandomUndefinedPosition(buffer,max)] = String.fromCharCode(getRandomInt(58,65));
for (i=0;i<minimum_requirements.length;i++) {
for (j=0;j<minimum_requirements[i].minimum;j++) {
character_generators[minimum_requirements[i].rule](character_buffer, total_length);
// while there aren't any remaining undefined positions, keep filling them in
while (getRandomUndefinedPosition(character_buffer, total_length) !== undefined) {
var generator_names = Object.keys(character_generators),
random_generator = character_generators[generator_names[getRandomInt(0,generator_names.length)]];
random_generator(character_buffer, total_length);
return character_buffer.join("");