* The following objects are available in an onSync script handler.
* syncResults contains the information about
* - the synchronized targets as syncDetails
* - the synchronization action being performed
* - the success of the synchronization
* syncResults: {
* "syncDetails": [
* {
* "result": "SUCCESSFUL",
* "oldTargetValue": null,
* "reconId": null,
* "action": "CREATE",
* "targetId": "f601fe2d-c0bc-49c3-a95c-6f64addc33d5",
* "mapping": "managedUser_systemAdAccounts",
* "targetObjectSet": "system/ad/account",
* "situation": "ABSENT",
* "sourceId": "efb53d24-599d-4d43-9e56-12f2e13dc91c"
* },
* {
* "result": "FAILED",
* "oldTargetValue": null,
* "cause": {
* "code": 409,
* "reason": "Conflict",
* "message": "Missing required field: __PASSWORD__"
* },
* "reconId": null,
* "action": "CREATE",
* "mapping": "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
* "targetObjectSet": "system/ldap/account",
* "situation": "ABSENT",
* "sourceId": "efb53d24-599d-4d43-9e56-12f2e13dc91c"
* }
* ],
* "action": "notifyCreate",
* "success": false
* }
* The request object is available. A sample create request is shown:
* request: {
* "method": "create",
* "fields": {},
* "resourceName": "",
* "content": {
* "_rev": "20",
* "mail": "mail2@example.com",
* "sn": "Doe",
* "_id": "efb53d24-599d-4d43-9e56-12f2e13dc91c",
* "description": "Created By XML1",
* "accountStatus": "active",
* "roles": {},
* "userName": "DDOE1",
* "givenName": "Darth"
* },
* "newResourceId": "efb53d24-599d-4d43-9e56-12f2e13dc91c"
* }
* Additionally, request will contain the additional parameter "compensating" when this script is invoked the
* second time through when reverting a change as part of a failed operation:
* "additionalParameters": {
* "compensating": "true"
* },
* The previous state of the object before the change is given as 'oldObject':
* oldObject: null
* The updated or new state of the object after the change is given as 'newObject':
* newObject: {
* "_rev": "21",
* "mail": "mail2@example.com",
* "sn": "Doe",
* "_id": "efb53d24-599d-4d43-9e56-12f2e13dc91c",
* "description": "Created By XML1",
* "accountStatus": "active",
* "roles": [],
* "effectiveAssignments": [],
* "userName": "DDOE1",
* "givenName": "Darth",
* "effectiveRoles": []
* }
* resourceName: an object representing the resource name URI full path
* resourceName.toString(): managed/user/efb53d24-599d-4d43-9e56-12f2e13dc91c
* resourceName.leaf().toString(): efb53d24-599d-4d43-9e56-12f2e13dc91c
* resourceName.parent().toString(): managed/user
(function() {
var _ = require("lib/lodash.js");
if (syncResults.success) {
logger.debug("sync was a success; no compensation necessary");
if (request !== null
&& request.additionalParameters !== null
&& request.additionalParameters.compensating === "true") {
logger.debug("already compensating, returning");
logger.debug("compensating for " + resourceName);
var params = { "compensating" : true };
switch (syncResults.action) {
case "notifyCreate":
try {
openidm.delete(resourceName.toString(), newObject._rev, params);
} catch (e) {
logger.warn("Was not able to delete {} from compensation script", resourceName.toString(), e);
case "notifyUpdate":
try {
openidm.update(resourceName.toString(), newObject._rev, oldObject, params);
} catch (e) {
logger.warn("Was not able to update {} from compensation script", resourceName.toString(), e);
case "notifyDelete":
try {
openidm.create(resourceName.parent().toString(), resourceName.leaf().toString(), oldObject, params);
} catch (e) {
logger.warn("Was not able to create {} from compensation script", resourceName.toString(), e);
logger.debug(resourceName + " sync failure compensation complete");
// throw the error that caused the sync failure
var firstFailure = _.find(syncResults.syncDetails,
function (r) {
return r.result === "FAILED" && r.cause !== undefined;
if (firstFailure !== null) {
throw firstFailure.cause;