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package org.forgerock.openidm.script.javascript;
// Java Standard Edition
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
// FEST-Assert
import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat;
// TestNG
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
// ForgeRock OpenIDM Core
import org.forgerock.openidm.script.ScriptException;
* @author Paul C. Bryan
public class JavaScriptTest {
private HashMap<String, Object> scope;
// ----- preparation ----------
public void beforeMethod() {
scope = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// ----- yielded value unit tests ----------
public void yieldMapValue() throws ScriptException {
Object result = new JavaScript("test","x = { foo: 'bar'}").exec(scope);
Map<String, Object> map = (Map)result;
public void yieldListVaue() throws ScriptException {
Object result = new JavaScript("test","x = [ 'foo', 'bar' ]").exec(scope);
List<Object> list = (List)result;
public void yieldStringValue() throws ScriptException {
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","'foo'").exec(scope)).isEqualTo("foo");
public void yieldIntegerValue() throws ScriptException {
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","1.0").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(Integer.valueOf(1));
public void yieldDoubleValue() throws ScriptException {
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","1.1").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(Double.valueOf(1.1d));
public void yieldTrueValue() throws ScriptException {
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","true").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(true);
public void yieldFalseValue() throws ScriptException {
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","false").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(false);
public void yieldNullValue() throws ScriptException {
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","null").exec(scope)).isNull();
public void notFoundValue() throws ScriptException {
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","x = { a: 'b' }; x.c").exec(scope)).isNull();
// ----- java → javascript type conversion ----------
public void javaMapToJavaScriptObject() throws ScriptException {
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("boo", "yah");
map.put("foo", "bar");
scope.put("map", map);
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","map").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(map);
assertThat(new JavaScript("test"," == 'bar'").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(true);
public void javaListToJavaScriptArray() throws ScriptException {
ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
scope.put("list", list);
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","list").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(list);
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","list.length == 4").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","list[2] == 'foo'").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(true);
public void javaIntegerToJavaScriptNumber() throws ScriptException {
scope.put("intValue", Integer.valueOf(1234));
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","typeof intValue == 'number'").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","intValue == 1234").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(true);
public void javaDoubleToJavaScriptNumber() throws ScriptException {
scope.put("doubleValue", Double.valueOf(12345.6789d));
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","typeof doubleValue == 'number'").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","doubleValue == 12345.6789").exec(scope)).isEqualTo(true);
// ----- property assignment ----------
public void mapPropertyValue() throws ScriptException {
scope.put("foo", null);
new JavaScript("test","foo = { baz: 'qux', boo: 'yah' }").exec(scope);
Map<String, Object> map = (Map)scope.get("foo");
public void listPropertyValue() throws ScriptException {
scope.put("foo", null);
new JavaScript("test","foo = [ 'foo', 'bar' ]").exec(scope);
List<Object> list = (List)scope.get("foo");
public void stringPropertyValue() throws ScriptException {
scope.put("foo", null);
new JavaScript("test","foo = 'bar'").exec(scope);
public void integerPropertyValue() throws ScriptException {
scope.put("foo", null);
new JavaScript("test","foo = 4.0").exec(scope);
// ----- scope unit tests ----------
public void excludeTransientProperties() throws ScriptException {
scope.put("foo", "bar");
assertThat(new JavaScript("test","zzz = foo").exec(scope)).isEqualTo("bar");
// ----- exception unit tests ----------
public void scriptThrowingException() throws ScriptException {
new JavaScript("test","throw 'NotGonnaDoIt'").exec(scope);
public void undefinedReference() throws ScriptException {
new JavaScript("test","x").exec(scope);
public void syntaxError() throws ScriptException {
new JavaScript("test","--").exec(scope);