JsonPatch.java revision bf6542c5aa722eb97a0df17e6db46cc884f203bf
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package org.forgerock.openidm.patch;
// Java SE
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
// JSON Fluent
import org.forgerock.json.JsonException;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonPointer;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValueException;
* Processes partial modifications to JSON values. Implements
* <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4.1">RFC 6902 - JSON Patch</a>.
public final class JsonPatch {
* Internet media type for the JSON Patch format.
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE = "application/json-patch";
* Path to the "op" attribute of a patch entry. Required.
private static final JsonPointer OP_PTR = new JsonPointer("/op");
* Path to the "path" attribute of a patch entry. Required.
public static final JsonPointer PATH_PTR = new JsonPointer("/path");
* Path to the "from" attribute of a patch entry. Required only for "move" and "copy"
* operations. Ignored for all others.
private static final JsonPointer FROM_PTR = new JsonPointer("/from");
* Path to the "value" attribute of a patch entry. Required for "add", "replace" and
* "test" operations; Ignored for all others.
* This is public to allow for alternate implementations of {@link JsonPatchValueTransformer}.
public static final JsonPointer VALUE_PTR = new JsonPointer("/value");
* Default transform for patch values; Conforms to RFC6902.
private static final JsonPatchValueTransformer DEFAULT_TRANSFORM =
new JsonPatchValueTransformer() {
public Object getTransformedValue(JsonValue target, JsonValue op) {
if (op.get(JsonPatch.VALUE_PTR) != null) {
return op.get(JsonPatch.VALUE_PTR).getObject();
throw new JsonValueException(op, "expecting a value member");
* Compares two JSON values, and produces a JSON Patch value, which contains the
* operations necessary to modify the {@code original} value to arrive at the
* {@code target} value.
* @param original the original value.
* @param target the intended target value.
* @return the resulting JSON Patch value.
* @throws NullPointerException if either of {@code original} or {@code target} are {@code null}.
public static JsonValue diff(JsonValue original, JsonValue target) {
ArrayList<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (differentTypes(original, target)) { // different types cause a replace
result.add(op("replace", original.getPointer(), target));
} else if (original.isMap()) {
for (String key : original.keys()) {
if (target.isDefined(key)) { // target also has the property
JsonValue diff = diff(original.get(key), target.get(key)); // recursively compare properties
if (diff.size() > 0) {
result.addAll(diff.asList()); // add diff results
} else { // property is missing in target
result.add(op("remove", original.getPointer().child(key), null));
for (String key : target.keys()) {
if (!original.isDefined(key)) { // property is in target, not in original
result.add(op("add", original.getPointer().child(key), target.get(key)));
} else if (original.isList()) {
boolean replace = false;
if (original.size() != target.size()) {
replace = true;
} else {
Iterator<JsonValue> i1 = original.iterator();
Iterator<JsonValue> i2 = target.iterator();
while (i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) {
if (diff(i1.next(), i2.next()).size() > 0) { // recursively compare elements
replace = true;
if (replace) { // replace list entirely
result.add(op("replace", original.getPointer(), target));
} else if (!original.isNull() && !original.getObject().equals(target.getObject())) { // simple value comparison
result.add(op("replace", original.getPointer(), target));
return new JsonValue(result);
* Returns {@code true} if the type contained by {@code v1} is different than the type
* contained by {@code v2}.
* <p>
* Note: If an unexpected (non-JSON) type is encountered, this method returns
* {@code true}, triggering a change in the resulting patch.
private static boolean differentTypes(JsonValue v1, JsonValue v2) {
return !(v1.isNull() && v2.isNull())
&& !(v1.isMap() && v2.isMap())
&& !(v1.isList() && v2.isList())
&& !(v1.isString() && v2.isString())
&& !(v1.isNumber() && v2.isNumber())
&& !(v1.isBoolean() && v2.isBoolean());
private static HashMap<String, Object> op(String op, JsonPointer pointer, JsonValue value) {
HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
result.put(OP_PTR.leaf(), op);
result.put(PATH_PTR.leaf(), pointer.toString());
if (value != null) {
result.put(VALUE_PTR.leaf(), value.copy().getObject());
return result;
* Applies a set of modifications in a JSON patch value to an original value, resulting
* in the intended target value. In the event of a failure, this method does not revert
* any modifications applied up to the point of failure.
* @param original the original value on which to apply the modifications.
* @param patch the JSON Patch value, specifying the modifications to apply to the original value.
* @throws JsonValueException if application of the patch failed.
public static void patch(JsonValue original, JsonValue patch) {
patch(original, patch, DEFAULT_TRANSFORM);
* Applies a set of modifications in a JSON patch value to an original value, resulting
* in the intended target value. In the event of a failure, this method does not revert
* any modifications applied up to the point of failure.
* @param original the original value on which to apply the modifications.
* @param patch the JSON Patch value, specifying the modifications to apply to the original value.
* @param transform a custom transform used to determine the target value.
* @throws JsonValueException if application of the patch failed.
public static void patch(JsonValue original, JsonValue patch, JsonPatchValueTransformer transform) {
for (JsonValue operation : patch.required().expect(List.class)) {
if (!operation.isDefined("op")) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, "op not specified");
PatchOperation op = PatchOperation.valueOf(operation.get(OP_PTR));
if (op == null) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, "invalid op specified");
op.execute(original, operation, transform);
private enum PatchOperation {
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4.1
void execute(JsonValue original, JsonValue operation, JsonPatchValueTransformer transform) {
JsonPointer modifyPath = operation.get(PATH_PTR).expect(String.class).asPointer();
JsonValue parent = parentValue(modifyPath, original);
if (parent == null) {
// patch specifies a new root object
if (original.getObject() != null) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, "root value already exists");
original.setObject(transform.getTransformedValue(original, operation));
} else {
try {
if (parent.isList()) {
try {
// if the path points to an array index then we should insert the value
Integer index = Integer.valueOf(modifyPath.leaf());
parent.add(index, transform.getTransformedValue(original, operation));
} catch (Exception e) {
// leaf is not an array index, replace value
parent.add(modifyPath.leaf(), transform.getTransformedValue(original, operation));
} else if (original.get(modifyPath) != null && original.get(modifyPath).isList()) {
// modifyPath does not indicate an index, use the whole object
JsonValue target = original.get(modifyPath);
target.asList().add(transform.getTransformedValue(original, operation));
} else {
// this will replace the value even if present
parent.add(modifyPath.leaf(), transform.getTransformedValue(original, operation));
} catch (JsonException je) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, je);
void execute(JsonValue original, JsonValue operation, JsonPatchValueTransformer transform) {
JsonPointer modifyPath = operation.get(PATH_PTR).expect(String.class).asPointer();
JsonValue parent = parentValue(modifyPath, original);
String leaf = modifyPath.leaf();
if (parent == null) {
// patch specifies root object
} else {
if (!parent.isDefined(leaf)) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, "value to remove not found");
try {
} catch (JsonException je) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, je);
void execute(JsonValue original, JsonValue operation, JsonPatchValueTransformer transform) {
JsonPointer modifyPath = operation.get(PATH_PTR).expect(String.class).asPointer();
JsonValue parent = parentValue(modifyPath, original);
if (parent != null) {
// replacing a child
String leaf = modifyPath.leaf();
if (!parent.isDefined(leaf)) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, "value to replace not found");
parent.put(leaf, transform.getTransformedValue(original, operation));
} else {
// replacing the root value itself
original.setObject(transform.getTransformedValue(original, operation));
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4.4
void execute(JsonValue original, JsonValue operation, JsonPatchValueTransformer transform) {
JsonPointer sourcePath = operation.get(FROM_PTR).expect(String.class).asPointer();
JsonPointer destPath = operation.get(PATH_PTR).expect(String.class).asPointer();
JsonValue sourceParent = parentValue(sourcePath, original);
if (sourceParent == null) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, "cannot move root object");
JsonValue object = sourceParent.get(sourcePath.leaf());
JsonValue destParent = parentValue(destPath, original);
if (destParent == null) {
// replacing root object with moved object
} else {
destParent.put(destPath.leaf(), object);
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4.5
void execute(JsonValue original, JsonValue operation, JsonPatchValueTransformer transform) {
JsonPointer sourcePath = operation.get(FROM_PTR).expect(String.class).asPointer();
JsonPointer destPath = operation.get(PATH_PTR).expect(String.class).asPointer();
JsonValue sourceParent = parentValue(sourcePath, original);
JsonValue object = sourceParent.get(sourcePath.leaf());
JsonValue destParent = parentValue(destPath, original);
if (destParent == null) {
// replacing root object with copied object
} else {
destParent.put(destPath.leaf(), object);
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4.6
void execute(JsonValue original, JsonValue operation, JsonPatchValueTransformer transform) {
JsonPointer testPath = operation.get(PATH_PTR).expect(String.class).asPointer();
JsonValue testTarget = parentValue(testPath, original).get(testPath.leaf());
JsonValue testValue = new JsonValue(transform.getTransformedValue(original, operation));
if (diff(testTarget, testValue).asList().size() > 0) {
throw new JsonValueException(operation, "test failed");
void execute(JsonValue original, JsonValue operation, JsonPatchValueTransformer transform) {
throw new JsonValueException(original, "unsupported operation");
static PatchOperation valueOf(JsonValue op) {
return valueOf(op.expect(String.class).asString().toUpperCase());
* Returns the parent value of the value identified by the JSON pointer.
* @param pointer the pointer to the value whose parent value is to be returned.
* @param target the JSON value against which to resolve the JSON pointer.
* @return the parent value of the value identified by the JSON pointer.
* @throws JsonException if the parent value could not be found.
private static JsonValue parentValue(JsonPointer pointer, JsonValue target) {
JsonValue result = null;
JsonPointer parent = pointer.parent();
if (parent != null) {
result = target.get(parent);
if (result == null) {
throw new JsonException("parent value not found");
return result;
// prevent construction
private JsonPatch() {