translation.json revision 1e859e306023513cafb53fde766e024e68364864
"dashboard" : {
"memoryUsageBoth" : "Memory Usage (Heap and NonHeap)",
"memoryUsageHeap" : "Memory Usage (JVM Heap)",
"memoryUsageNonHeap" : "Memory Usage (JVM NonHeap)",
"reconProcesses" : "Recon Processes",
"cpuUsage" : "CPU Usage",
"resources" : "Resources",
"lastReconciliation" : "Last Reconciliation",
"notAssigned" : "Not Assigned",
"systemHealth" : "System Health",
"loading" : "Loading...",
"used" : "USED",
"dashboard" : "Dashboard",
"pause" : "Pause",
"start" : "Start",
"refresh" : "Refresh",
"quickStart" : {
"addANewConnector" : "Add Connector",
"createANewMapping" : "Create Mapping",
"manageRole" : "Manage Role",
"addANewDevice" : "Add Device",
"setupRegistration" : "Set up Registration",
"setupPasswordReset" : "Set up Password Reset",
"manageUser" : "Manage User",
"setupSystem" : "Set up System",
"viewProfile" : "View Profile",
"changePassword" : "Change Password",
"quickStartTitle" : "Quick Start"
"reconWidget" : {
"editMapping" : "Edit Mapping",
"success" : "SUCCESS",
"failure" : "FAILURE",
"duration" : "DURATION",
"completion" : "completion",
"entries" : "entries",
"noReconcileTitle" : "Reconcile Data",
"noReconcileMessage" : "Run a reconciliation to synchronize identities in a mapping.",
"selectAMapping" : "Select a mapping",
"getStartedTitle" : "Get Started!",
"getStartedMessage" : "Set up connectors and mappings to synchronize identity data.",
"newMapping" : "New Mapping",
"newConnector" : "New Connector"
"resourceWidget" : {
"viewAll" : "View All",
"connectors" : "Connectors",
"noConnectorsTitle" : "No connectors have been added.",
"noConnectorsMessage" : "Create connections to identity data.",
"newConnector" : "New Connector",
"mappings" : "Mappings",
"noMappingTitle" : "No mappings have been added.",
"noMappingMessage" : "Set up a mapping to reconcile identities from a source to a target.",
"newMapping" : "New Mapping",
"managedObjects" : "Managed Objects",
"noManagedObjectTitle" : "No managed objects have been added.",
"noManagedObjectMessage" : "Configure data objects to be managed by OpenIDM.",
"newManagedObject" : "New Managed Object"
"config" : {
"dates" : {
"monthNames" : "January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December",
"monthNamesShort" : "Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May., Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec.",
"dayNames" : "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday",
"dayNamesShort" : "Sun. , Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat."
"messages" : {
"WorkflowMessages" : {
"cancelActiveProcess" : "Workflow Process canceled."
"AuditMessages" : {
"auditSaveSuccessful": "Audit configurations have been saved."
"CommonMessages" : {
"authenticationFailed" : "Login/password combination is invalid.",
"serviceUnavailable" : "Service unavailable.",
"unknown" : "Unknown error. Please contact the administrator.",
"loggedIn" : "You have been successfully logged in.",
"errorFetchingData" : "Error fetching user data",
"loggedOut" : "You have been logged out.",
"unauthorized" : "Unauthorized access or session timeout.",
"internalError" : "Internal server error.",
"forbiddenError" : "Forbidden request error.",
"notFoundError" : "Not found error.",
"badRequestError" : "Bad request error.",
"conflictError" : "Detected conflict in request.",
"securityDataChanged" : "Security data has been changed.",
"incorrectRevisionError" : "Cannot update the record because the revision is not the latest."
"UserMessages" : {
"changedPassword" : "Password has been changed.",
"profileUpdateFailed" : "Problem during profile update.",
"profileUpdateSuccessful" : "Profile has been updated.",
"userNameUpdated" : "Username has been modified successfully.",
"afterRegistration" : "User has been registered successfully.",
"securityDataChanged" : "Security data has been changed.",
"userAlreadyExists" : "User already exists.",
"errorDeletingNotification" : "Error deleting notification.",
"errorFetchingNotifications" : "Error fetching notifications."
"AdminMessages" : {
"cannotDeleteYourself" : "You cannot delete your own user record.",
"userDeleted" : "User has been deleted.",
"userDeleteError" : "Error when deleting user.",
"userApplicationsUpdate" : "Application settings have been changed.",
"completedTask" : "Task has been completed.",
"claimedTask" : "Task has been claimed.",
"unclaimedTask" : "Task has been unclaimed.",
"startedProcess" : "Process has been started.",
"userValidationError": "Unable to update user. Validation Failed. Reason: __validationErrors__"
"ConnectorMessages" : {
"connectorSaved" : "Connector has been validated and successfully saved.",
"objectTypeSaved" : "Object Types successfully saved.",
"liveSyncSaved" : "Live Sync details successfully saved.",
"connectorTestFailed" : "Your validation failed. See details below.",
"connectorSaveFail" : "Failed to save connector. Please try again.",
"connectorTestPass" : "Validation passed.",
"deleteConnectorSuccess" : "Connector successfully deleted.",
"deleteConnectorFail" : "Error deleting connector.",
"connectorsNotAvailable" : "System currently has no available connectors.",
"connectorBadMainVersion" : "Please enter a valid major version (Example:",
"connectorBadMinorVersion" : "Please enter a valid minor version (Example:",
"connectorVersionChange" : "Saving this connector will result in a version change, because the current version is a range. Range __range__ now version __version__"
"ManagedObjectMessages" : {
"deleteManagedSuccess" : "Managed object successfully deleted.",
"deleteManagedFail" : "Unable to remove managed object.",
"saveSuccessful" : "Managed object has been saved."
"ObjectTypeMessages" : {
"objectSuccessfullyLoaded" : "Object type successfully loaded",
"objectFailedToLoad" : "Object type failed to load"
"AuthenticationMessages" : {
"saveSuccessful" : "Authentication configuration has been saved.",
"authenticationUnavailable": "Authentication is unavailable",
"tryToLoginAgain": "Try to log in again"
"MappingMessages" : {
"mappingSaveSuccess": "Mapping successfully updated",
"newMappingAdded": "New mapping successfully created",
"mappingDeleted": "Mapping successfully deleted",
"mappingEvalError" : "Error in script evaluation process",
"mappingMessage" : "Defines a source and target for reconciliation"
"SyncMessages" : {
"policySaveSuccessful" : "The situational policy has been saved.",
"scheduleCreated" : "A new schedule has been created.",
"scheduleDeleted" : "The schedule has been deleted.",
"scheduleSaved" : "The schedule was successfully saved.",
"liveSyncSaved": "The LiveSync state has been saved.",
"correlationQuerySaved": "The correlation query has been saved.",
"reconQueryFilterSaveSuccess": "Reconciliation query(s) have been saved.",
"triggeredBySituationSaved": "The triggered by situation script(s) have been saved.",
"objectFiltersSaved": "The object filter script(s) have been saved.",
"triggeredByReconSaved": "The triggered by reconciliation script(s) have been saved.",
"linkQualifierSaveSuccess": "The link qualifier(s) have been saved."
"settingMessages" : {
"saveSelfServiceSuccess": "Self service URL has been updated.",
"saveEmailSuccess": "Email configuration has been saved."
"selfService" : {
"userRegistrationSave" : "User registration configuration saved",
"userRegistrationDelete" : "User registration configuration deleted",
"passwordSave" : "Password configuration saved",
"passwordDelete" : "Password configuration deleted"
"assignmentMessages" : {
"saveSuccess" : "Assignment successfully saved.",
"deleteAssignmentSuccess" : "Assignment has been deleted.",
"deleteAssignmentFail" : "Failed to delete assignment."
"AppConfiguration" : {
"Navigation" : {
"links" : {
"dashboard" : "Dashboard",
"systemPref" : "System Preferences",
"managedObjects" : "Managed Objects",
"manage" : "Manage",
"viewProfile" : "View Profile",
"connectors" : "Connectors",
"users" : "Users",
"apps" : "Applications",
"allApps" : "All applications",
"addMore" : "Add more applications",
"groups" : "Groups",
"tasksMenu" : "Tasks",
"allTasks" : "Group's Tasks",
"myTasks" : "My tasks",
"startProcess" : "Start process",
"mapping" : "Mappings",
"authentication": "Authentication",
"roles": "Roles",
"userSelfService" : "User Self-Service",
"userRegistration" : "User Registration",
"passwordReset" : "Password Reset"
"templates" : {
"util" : {
"scriptList" : {
"event": "EVENT",
"hook": "HOOK",
"addScript": "Add Script"
"saveChanges": {
"saveMsg": "The following changes will be saved"
"filter": {
"options": {
"none": "No Filter",
"and": "All of...",
"or": "Any of...",
"not": "None of...",
"expr": "The value for ",
"true": "Everything",
"false": "Nothing"
"delimiters": {
"and": "And",
"or": "Or"
"tags" : {
"approxMatch": "starts with",
"greaterOrEqual": "GTE (>=)",
"lessOrEqual": "LTE (<=)",
"equalityMatch": "is equal to",
"pr": "is present",
"ne": "is not equal to",
"co": "contains",
"lt": "LT (<)",
"gt": "GT (>)",
"extensible": {
"rules": {
"bitAnd": "Bitwise AND",
"bitOr": "Bitwise OR"
"MandatoryChangePassword" : {
"title" : "Change your password.",
"mandatoryNewPassword" : "Please change your password.",
"enterNewPasswordToChange" : "Please enter a new password below."
"user" : {
"ConfirmPasswordDialogTemplate" : {
"title" : "Current Password",
"explanation1" : "Changing the following attributes requires re-authentication: ",
"explanation2" : "Please confirm your current password to continue."
"LoginDialog" : {
"refreshOnLogin" : "Reload"
"LoginTemplate" : {
"loginRemember" : "Remember my username",
"noAccountQuestion" : "Don't have an account?",
"registerAccount" : "Register",
"problemLoggingQuestion" : "Having trouble logging in?",
"resetPassword" : "Reset your password",
"loginWithOpenAM": "Login with OpenAM"
"404" : {
"pageNotFound" : "Page not found",
"requestedPageCouldNotBeFound" : "The requested page could not be found."
"DefaultBaseTemplate" : {
"orPhone" : ", or phone"
"ChangeSecurityDataDialogTemplate" : {
"securityDataChange" : "Security data change.",
"enterNewPasswordToChange" : "Please enter a new password below.",
"selectQuestionAndAnserIfYouWant" : "Select a security question and enter your answer, if desired.",
"securityQuestionAndAnserExplanation" : "Select a Security Question. Enter an answer. If you forget your password, you'll be prompted with that question."
"EnterOldPasswordDialog" : {
"passwordAndSecurityQuestionChange" : "Password and security question change.",
"enterYourOldPassword" : "Please enter your old password."
"ForgottenPasswordTemplate" : {
"forgottenPasswordQuestion" : "Forgotten password?",
"enterLogin" : "Please enter your login in the field below to continue."
"TermsOfUseTemplate" : {
"termsOfUse" : "Terms of Use",
"termsOfUseContent" : "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris idvulputate urna. Quisque tristique dictum sodales. Nullam tempus eleifend erat,vel facilisis nibh euismod non. Phasellus vitae elit velit, in sollicitudindiam. Maecenas ornare nunc non ipsum ornare vehicula id sed dolor. Duispellentesque congue sapien, dictum adipiscing est posuere sit amet. Suspendissein lectus lorem. Suspendisse vitae metus sapien, sit amet luctus libero.Integer nec nunc sed massa pellentesque pulvinar. Integer vulputate nunc atnunc lacinia eu luctus neque elementum. Aenean ultricies arcu sed enimultricies blandit placerat ut massa. Donec at dolor sit amet magna vulputateelementum sit amet in sapien. Donec sit amet erat neque.</p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris idvulputate urna. Quisque tristique dictum sodales. Nullam tempus eleifend erat,vel facilisis nibh euismod non. Phasellus vitae elit velit, in sollicitudindiam. Maecenas ornare nunc non ipsum ornare vehicula id sed dolor. Duispellentesque congue sapien, dictum adipiscing est posuere sit amet. Suspendissein lectus lorem. Suspendisse vitae metus sapien, sit amet luctus libero.Integer nec nunc sed massa pellentesque pulvinar. Integer vulputate nunc atnunc lacinia eu luctus neque elementum. Aenean ultricies arcu sed enimultricies blandit placerat ut massa. Donec at dolor sit amet magna vulputateelementum sit amet in sapien. Donec sit amet erat neque.</p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris idvulputate urna. Quisque tristique dictum sodales. Nullam tempus eleifend erat,vel facilisis nibh euismod non. Phasellus vitae elit velit, in sollicitudindiam. Maecenas ornare nunc non ipsum ornare vehicula id sed dolor. Duispellentesque congue sapien, dictum adipiscing est posuere sit amet. Suspendissein lectus lorem. Suspendisse vitae metus sapien, sit amet luctus libero.Integer nec nunc sed massa pellentesque pulvinar. Integer vulputate nunc atnunc lacinia eu luctus neque elementum. Aenean ultricies arcu sed enimultricies blandit placerat ut massa. Donec at dolor sit amet magna vulputateelementum sit amet in sapien. Donec sit amet erat neque.</p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris idvulputate urna. Quisque tristique dictum sodales. Nullam tempus eleifend erat,vel facilisis nibh euismod non. Phasellus vitae elit velit, in sollicitudindiam. Maecenas ornare nunc non ipsum ornare vehicula id sed dolor. Duispellentesque congue sapien, dictum adipiscing est posuere sit amet. Suspendissein lectus lorem. Suspendisse vitae metus sapien, sit amet luctus libero.Integer nec nunc sed massa pellentesque pulvinar. Integer vulputate nunc atnunc lacinia eu luctus neque elementum. Aenean ultricies arcu sed enimultricies blandit placerat ut massa. Donec at dolor sit amet magna vulputateelementum sit amet in sapien. Donec sit amet erat neque.</p>"
"UserRegistrationTemplate" : {
"registerYourAccount" : "Register your account.",
"logIn" : "Log in",
"haveAccoutQuestion" : "Already have an account?",
"agreeToTerms" : "I agree to the "
"ChangesPendingTemplate": {
"undo": "Undo Changes",
"changesPending": "Changes Pending"
"admin" : {
"tasks" : {
"ShowUserProfile" : {
"requestInitiator" : "Request initiated by"
"TasksDashboardTemplate" : {
"tasksFromGroupsQueue" : "My group's tasks"
"ProcessUserTaskTableTemplate" : {
"requestCount" : "__count__ request",
"requestCount_plural" : "__count__ requests"
"ChangeUserPasswordDialogTemplate" : {
"securityDataChange" : "Security data change",
"enterNewPasswordToChange" : "Please enter a new password below."
"UsersTemplate" : {
"remainingUsers" : "Remaining users"
"LinkedTemplate" : {
"linkedResource" : "Linked Resource",
"linkedSystems" : "Linked Systems",
"noLinkedSystems" : "No Linked Systems Available.",
"recordMissing" : "Linked record missing."
"confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this __objectTitle__?",
"confirmDeleteSelected": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected __objectTitle__s?",
"backToList": "Back to __objectTitle__ List",
"addSuccess": "Successfully added __objectTitle__",
"editSuccess": "Successfully updated __objectTitle__",
"deleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted __objectTitle__",
"deleteSelectedSuccess": "Successfully deleted selected __objectTitle__s",
"details": "Details",
"noData": "No Data",
"data": "Data",
"search": "Enter search terms to find __objectTitle__ ...",
"noPendingChanges": "No pending changes",
"new": "New",
"linkedSystems": "Linked Systems"
"noData": "No Data",
"invalidObject": "Invalid Object"
"AssignmentTemplate" : {
"deleteMessage" : "Are you sure you want to delete this assignment?",
"mappingHelp" : "Mapping to which this assignment applies",
"newAssignment" : "New Assignment",
"addAssignment" : "Add Assignment",
"addNewAssignment" : "Add New Assignment",
"noMappingAssignments" : "No assignments attached to this mapping",
"mapping" : "Mapping",
"value" : "Value",
"operations" : "Operations",
"onAssignment" : "On assignment",
"unAssignment" : "On unassignment",
"assignmentOperation": "Assignment Operation",
"unassignmentOperation": "Unassignment Operation",
"mappingAssignmentHelp" : "View target resource properties defined by assignments.",
"addAttribute": "Add an attribute",
"linkQualifiers" : "Link Qualifiers",
"description" : "Description",
"mapping" : "Mapping",
"assignmentName" : "Assignment Name",
"events" : "Events",
"attributes" : "Attributes",
"details" : "Details",
"backToAssignments" : "Back to Assignments",
"assignment" : "Assignment",
"operations": "Operations",
"assignmentOperation": "Assignment Operation",
"unassignmentOperation": "Unassignment Operation",
"mergeWithTarget": "Merge with Target",
"removeFromTarget": "Remove from Target",
"replaceTarget": "Replace Target",
"noOp": "No Operation",
"assignment" : "Assignment"
"taskInstance": {
"reassign": "Reassign",
"assign": "Assign",
"viewAllTasks": "View all Tasks",
"dueDate": "Due date",
"priority": "Priority",
"aboutThisTask": "About this Task",
"taskDetail": "Task Detail",
"noDueDate": "No due date",
"category": "Category",
"relatedProcess": "Related Process",
"owner": "Owner",
"assignee": "Assignee",
"subtasks": "Subtasks",
"none": "None",
"parentTask": "Parent Task",
"taskDetailInfo": "The following information has been submitted for completion.",
"task": "Task",
"assignedSuccess": "Task successfully assigned/reassigned",
"assignTask": "Assign Task",
"selectUser": "Select User",
"nonCanditateWarning": "The user you are attempting to assign does not belong to the list of the task's candidate users. Are you sure you want to assign '__userName__' to this task?"
"processInstance": {
"viewAllProcesses": "View all Processes",
"process": "Process",
"cancelProcess": "Cancel Process",
"cancelConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to cancel this Process?",
"started": "Started",
"startedBy": "Started By",
"cancelProcessSuccess": "Process successfully canceled",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"definition": "Definition",
"by": "by",
"created": "Created"
"selfservice" : {
"emailValidationPasswordDialog" : "Configure Password Email Validation",
"passwordSelfServiceHelp" : "Configure the end-user password reset experience.",
"userRegistrationSelfServiceHelp" : "Configure the end-user registration experience.",
"enableUserRegistration" : "Enable User Registration",
"enablePassword" : "Enable Password Reset",
"userRegistration" : "User Registration",
"passwordReset" : "Password Reset",
"options" : "Options",
"advanced" : "Advanced",
"registrationSteps" : "Registration Steps",
"passwordSteps" : "Password Reset Steps",
"emailValidation" : "Email Validation",
"emailValidationDescription" : "Verify that the user has access to the email account",
"kbaSecurityAnswerDefinitionStageTitle" : "KBA Stage",
"kbaSecurityAnswerDefinitionStageHelp" : "Configure questions used during user registration",
"userDetailsTitle" : "User Details",
"userDetailsHelp" : "Configure where user detail is collected",
"kbaSecurityAnswerVerificationStageForm": "KBA Stage",
"kbaSecurityAnswerVerificationStageFormDescription": "Questions used during password reset",
"registrationForm" : "Registration Form",
"registrationFormDescription" : "Configure user registration form",
"passwordResetForm" : "Password Reset Form",
"passwordResetFormDescription" : "Configure password reset form",
"stateless" : "Stateless",
"local" : "Local",
"storage" : "Storage",
"snapshotToken" : "Snapshot Token",
"tokenExpire" : "Token LifeTime (seconds)",
"password" : {
"resetStageTitle" : "Configure Password Reset Form",
"userIdValidationTitle" : "Configure Validation Email",
"captchaTitle" : "reCAPTCHA for Password Reset"
"user" : {
"selfRegistrationTitle" : "Configure Registration Form",
"emailValidationTitle" : "Configure Validation Email",
"kbaStageTitle" : "Configure KBA Stage",
"userDetailsTitle" : "Configure User Details",
"captchaTitle" : "reCAPTCHA for Registration"
"userRegistrationForm" : {
"identityServiceUrl" : "Identity Service URL",
"identityServiceUrlHelp" : "",
"identityUsernameField" : "Identity Username Field",
"identityUsernameFieldHelp" : "Account Property",
"identityEmailField" : "Identity Email Field",
"identityEmailFieldHelp" : "Email property"
"captcha" : {
"description" : "Use Google reCAPTCHA to stop bots.",
"siteKey" : "Site key",
"secretKey" : "Secret key",
"aboutLink" : "Learn about reCAPTCHA",
"siteKeysLink" : "Get your reCAPTCHA keys"
"kbaStage" : {
"kbaProperty" : "KBA Property Name",
"kbaPropertyHelp" : "",
"questionId" : "Question Id",
"questionIdHelp" : "Unique Id for the question",
"question" : "Question",
"questionHelp" : "Security question for user registration"
"userIdValidation" : {
"queryFields" : "Query Fields",
"queryFieldsHelp" : "",
"identityIdField" : "Identity Id Field",
"identityIdFieldHelp" : "",
"identityEmailField" : "Identity Email Field",
"identityEmailFieldHelp" : "",
"identityServiceUrl" : "Identity Service URL",
"identityServiceUrlHelp" : ""
"selfRegistration" : {
"identityServiceUrl" : "Identity Service URL",
"identityServiceUrlHelp" : ""
"userEmailValidation" : {
"emailServiceUrl" : "Email Service URL",
"emailServiceUrlHelp" : "",
"emailFrom" : "Email From",
"mimeType" : "Mime Type (text/html or text/plain)",
"emailSubject" : "Email Subject",
"emailMessage" : "Email Message",
"emailMessageHelp" : "",
"verificationLinkToken" : "Verification Link Token",
"verificationLinkTokenHelp" : "",
"emailVerificationLink" : "Email Verification Link",
"emailVerificationLinkHelp" : "Include verification link in the email"
"userDetails" : {
"identityEmailField" : "Identity Email Field",
"identityEmailFieldHelp" : ""
"resetStage" : {
"passwordField" : "Password Field",
"passwordFieldHelp" : ""
"managed" : {
"addManagedTitle" : "Add Managed Object",
"backToManaged" : "Back to Managed Objects",
"managedTitle" : "Managed Objects",
"managedDelete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this managed object?",
"propertyDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this property?",
"editTitle" : "Edit Managed Object",
"managedObjectName" : "Managed Object Name",
"managedObjectIcon" : "Managed Object Icon",
"managedProperties" : "Managed Properties",
"managedPropertyMessage" : "Add managed object properties related to security or virtual roles.",
"addProperty" : "Add Property",
"encrypted" : "Encrypted",
"private" : "Private",
"virtual" : "Virtual",
"duplicateNameError" : "Duplicate name detected. Please provide a unique name.",
"managedSchema": "Schema",
"addPropertyScript": "Add script for property events.",
"addManagedScript": "Add script for managed events.",
"resourceCollectionRelationshipDescription": "The Label setting defines how the UI refers to this relationship. *Note: It is only used when the path to this resourceCollection is the same a the parent object's path."
"scriptEditor": {
"scriptDelete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this script?",
"addEvent" : "Add event hook",
"type" : "Type",
"source" : "Source",
"bothRequired" : "Both required",
"filePath" : "File Path",
"inline" : "Inline Script",
"passedVariables" : "Add passed variables",
"addVariable" : "Add Variable",
"variableName" : "Variable Name",
"variableValue" : "Variable Value",
"javascript" : "Javascript",
"groovy" : "Groovy",
"deleteMsg": "Are you sure you want to delete this script?"
"mappingScripts": {
"allAdded": "All script events have been added",
"scriptEvents": "Script Events",
"addScript": "Add Script"
"schedule": {
"liveSyncTitle" : "LiveSync",
"schedule": "Scheduling",
"liveSyncDescription" : "LiveSync schedules synchronization.",
"addReconciliationSchedule": "Add Reconciliation Schedule",
"enableLiveSync": "Enable LiveSync for this mapping",
"liveSyncEnabled": "LiveSync schedule is enabled.",
"liveSyncDisabled": "LiveSync schedule is not enabled.",
"managedObjects": "Incremental changes from the source will automatically be synced to the target system.",
"systemObjects1": "Incremental changes from source to target will be synced every ",
"systemObjects2": "seconds.",
"noLiveSync": "Incremental changes from the source system are not monitored, visit the resource setup page for the source system to configure this feature."
"sync": {
"sync": "Behaviors",
"syncTitle": "Reconciliation Configuration",
"situationalPolicy": "Situational Policy",
"currentPolicy": "Current Policy",
"modifySituationalPolicies": "Modify Situational Policies",
"schedules": "Schedules",
"situationalScripts":"Situational Event Scripts",
"reconciliationScript":"Reconciliation Script",
"policiesDesc": "Define policies for various synchronization issues. You can define multiple policies for a single situation.",
"situationalEventScriptsDesc": "Action scripts. Add a script for each event.",
"reconScriptDesc": "Add a script triggered on reconciliation.",
"singleRecordReconDesc": "Test the process on a single record.",
"testSync": {
"title": "Single Record Reconciliation",
"sourceProperties": "Source Properties",
"targetProperties": "Target Properties",
"reconcileSelectedRecord": "Reconcile Selected Record",
"changedPropertyMessage": "Target property has changed. Hover to view previous value.",
"previousValue": "Previous Value",
"singleRecordReconciliationComplete": "Single Record Reconciliation Complete",
"findSourceRecord": "Find Source Record",
"refreshSourceRecord": "Refresh Source Record",
"removeSourceRecord": "Remove Source Record"
"correlation": {
"correlation": "Association",
"static" : "Static",
"dynamic" : "Dynamic",
"type" : "Type",
"status" : "Status",
"objectFilters": "Individual Record Validation",
"reconQueries": "Reconciliation Query Filters",
"sourceQuery": "Source Query",
"targetQuery": "Target Query",
"associationRules": "Association Rules",
"dataAssociationManagment": "Data Association Management",
"dataAssociationManagmentInfo": "Data displayed may be affected by recent/ongoing reconciliation or synchronization. Please run reconciliation to see the latest information",
"correlationScript" : "Correlation Script",
"correlationScriptHelp" : "Provide a correlation script to list IDs for specific source records.",
"correlationQueryHelp" : "Build a correlation query for each link qualifier.",
"noQuery": "No Correlation Query",
"addQuery": "Add Correlation Query",
"queries": "Correlation Queries",
"expressionBuilder": "Expression Builder",
"script": "Script",
"warning": "Warning",
"note": "Are you sure you want to save these changes and reconcile? It is recommended that you run a reconciliation after modifying the association rules.",
"dontRunReconcile": "Save and Don't Reconcile",
"runReconcile": "Save and Reconcile",
"queryFilters": "Query Filters",
"linkQualifier": "Link Qualifier",
"conditionFilter": "Condition Filter",
"empty": "none",
"save": "Save and Reconcile",
"resetMsg": "Are you sure you want to undo all pending changes?",
"resetTitle": "Reset Form",
"changesPending": "You have pending changes.",
"selectLQ": "Select a link qualifier",
"noLQ": "No link qualifiers are defined, so you cannot create a query.",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"edited": "Edited",
"added": "Added",
"missingLQMsg": "This correlation query is referencing an undefined link qualifier. You should remove this correlation query or create the link qualifier.",
"notAvailableMsg1": "The link qualifier, ",
"noLQdefined": "No link qualifiers defined",
"notAvailableMsg2": " associated with this property is not available. Add this link qualifier or update the condition.",
"conditionScriptInfo": "Define how to conditionally update a property, using either a link qualifier or a script.",
"linkQualifierInfo": "Link one record in the source system to multiple records in the target system.",
"linkQualifierStaticInfo" : "Static lists will apply each qualifier to every source record.",
"linkQualifierScriptInfo" : "Dynamic scripts may return different qualifiers for each source record.",
"noCondition": "No Condition",
"undo": "Undo",
"query": {
"correlationDescription": "List the fields which will be used to match existing items in your source to items in your target:",
"correlationAny": "Any of the following fields",
"correlationAll": "All of the following fields",
"addField": "Add Field",
"addGroup": "Add Group",
"and": "AND",
"or": "OR",
"removeTitle": "Remove this item",
"addTitle": "Add new field or group item"
"notFound": "Not Found",
"multipleMatchesFound": "Multiple Matches Found"
"scheduler": {
"scheduler": "Scheduler",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"basicCron": "Basic Cron",
"advanced": "Advanced",
"complex": "Your expression is too complex for the editor.",
"persisted": "Persisted",
"misfirePolicy": "Misfire Policy",
"fireAndProceed": "Fire and proceed",
"doNothing": "Do Nothing",
"deleteSchedule": "Delete Schedule",
"saveSchedule": "Save Changes",
"reconciliation": "Reconciliation",
"liveSync": "LiveSync",
"fireEvery": "Fire every",
"seconds": "second(s)",
"addSchedule": "Add Schedule"
"workflows": {
"tasks": {
"title": "Workflow Tasks",
"newTask": "New Task",
"assigned": "Assigned To",
"task": "Task",
"process": "Process",
"assignee": "Assignee",
"created": "Created",
"due": "Due",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"unassigned": "Unassigned",
"noActiveTasks": "No Active Tasks"
"processes" : {
"processInstance" : "Process Instance",
"processDefinitions" : "Process Definitions",
"processDefinition" : "Process Definition",
"created" : "Created",
"startedBy" : "Started By",
"processes" : "Workflow Processes",
"startedByFilter" : "Started By: ",
"filterByType" : "Filter by Type: ",
"activeProcesses" : "Active",
"processDefinitions" : "Definitions",
"processesCompleted" : "Completed",
"noActiveProcesses" : "No Active Processes",
"noCompletedProcesses" : "No Completed Processes",
"noProcessesDefinitions" : "No Process Definitions",
"cancelProcessDialog" : "Are you sure you wish to cancel this active process?"
"sync": "These data properties are sent when the workflow is triggered",
"nonSync": "Workflow scripts can access these object/properties.",
"noWorkflows": "No Available Workflows",
"dataType": "A datatype of ",
"dataRequired": " is <strong>required</strong>",
"dataExpected": "is expected",
"noProps": "This workflow includes no definable properties."
"situationalPolicies": {
"currentPolicy": "Current Policy",
"policies": "Policies",
"situation": "Situation",
"starDef": "Default",
"hollowStarDef": "Valid action",
"dialogTitle": "Situational Policy Configuration",
"situation": "Situation",
"condition": "Condition",
"action": "Action",
"onComplete": "On Complete",
"addPolicyBtn": "Add a Policy",
"pendingChanges": "You have pending changes.",
"actionHelp": "Assign a default action, workflow or script.",
"workflow": "Workflow",
"defaultAction": "Default Action",
"script": "Script",
"activeHelp": "Creates a new record in the target system.",
"restrictHelp": "Specify query filters or add a script to restrict policy actions.",
"filter": "Filter",
"actionCompleteHelp": "Set up a script to execute after your action is complete.",
"confirmChange": "Confirm Change",
"confirmChangeMsg": "All pending changes will be lost.",
"editPolicy": "Edit Policy for Situation:",
"addPolicy": "Add Policy for Situation:",
"conditionPhrase": "When these <strong>Conditions</strong> apply",
"actionPhrase": "Perform this <strong>Action</strong>",
"onCompletePhrase": "And <strong>On Complete</strong>",
"actionAlert": "You must provide a value for the action."
"audit": {
"eventHandlers": {
"title": "Event Handlers",
"desc": "Select and customize Event Handlers",
"name": "Name",
"type": "Type",
"auditEvents": "Audit Events",
"useForQueries": "Use for queries",
"addOption": "Add an event handler...",
"addButton": "Add Event Handler",
"dialog": {
"add": "Add Audit Event Handler",
"edit": "Edit Audit Event Handler"
"events": {
"title": "Event Topics",
"desc": "Configured events are written through one or more Event Handlers.",
"addCustom": "Add a Custom Event",
"default": "Default",
"custom": "Custom",
"eventDef": "Event",
"type": "Type",
"dialog": {
"addEvent": "Add Event",
"editEvent": "Edit Event",
"name": "Name your event",
"exampleName": "e.g. Example event name",
"schema": "Schema",
"filterActions": "Filter Actions",
"filterFields": "Filter Fields",
"filterScript": "Filter Script",
"filterTriggers": "Filter Triggers",
"watchedFields": "Watched Fields",
"passwordFields": "Password Fields",
"filterActionsDesc": "Configure actions to be audited",
"noActions": "There are no actions for this type of event.",
"filterFieldsDesc": "Limit audit logs by entry type and value",
"filterFieldDelete": "Delete Field",
"filterFieldAddField": "Add Field",
"filterScriptDesc": "Create a script to filter audit log data.",
"triggerDesc": "Actions to be logged for",
"watchedFieldsDesc": "Defines properties to monitor (e.g. email, address)",
"passwordFieldsDesc": "Identify attributes to treat as password fields."
"exceptionFormatter": {
"title": "Exception Formatter",
"desc": "Specify script to handle display of exceptions to audit logger."
"audit": "Audit",
"notice": "Notice",
"changesPending": "Changes Pending",
"undo": "Undo Changes"
"update": {
"title": "Update",
"versions": {
"header": "Available Updates",
"noVersions": "To update OpenIDM, download the desired binary (in zip format), and copy it to the openidm/bin/update directory.",
"currentVersion": "Current Version",
"cli1": "You may update a clustered instance only via the CLI. Read more",
"cli2": "here",
"description": "You can update OpenIDM with one of the binaries found in the openidm/bin/update/ directory.",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"error": "You can restart the update process here or via the CLI",
"failedClusterInfo": "Failed to retrieve cluster information.",
"noVersionsBG": "There are no versions available",
"file": "File",
"revision": "Revision",
"date": "Date",
"install": "Install",
"enableMaintenanceMode": "Enable Maintenance Mode",
"enableMaintenanceModeDesc": "When you confirm, OpenIDM allows running jobs to finish. Scheduled jobs are paused and OpenIDM goes into maintenance mode.",
"confirmAndInstall": "Confirm and Install"
"maintenanceMode": {
"shuttingDownScheduler": "Pausing scheduler...",
"numRemainingJobs": "Completing scheduled jobs.",
"remaining": "Remaining",
"noJobs": "All scheduled jobs complete, scheduler is shut down.",
"enterMaintenanceMode": "Successfully entered maintenance mode.",
"gettingInstallPreview": "Getting update preview...",
"exiting": "Exiting maintenance mode...",
"resumingSchedules": "Resuming scheduled jobs...",
"success": "Success",
"errorFailedToExit": "Failed to exit maintenance mode.",
"errorFailedToEnter": "Failed to enter maintenance mode."
"preview": {
"ready": "Ready to update",
"versionIsReady": "You're ready to update to",
"releaseNotes": "View release notes",
"header": "Installation Preview",
"description": "Review files to be replaced below. OpenIDM will save customized files for future access.",
"installUpdateBtn": "Install Update",
"view": "View",
"modified": "Modified",
"allFiles": "All Files",
"expand": "Expand All",
"collapse": "Collapse All",
"file": "File",
"status": "Status",
"noFiles": "There are no files to preview",
"licenseAgreement": "License Agreement",
"acceptLicense": "Accept License Agreement",
"errorInitiatingUpdate": "Update error: failed to start update",
"errorPreview": "Error retrieving update file preview",
"fileStates": {
"previewName": "Unexpected",
"desc": "Existing file not from the original installation"
"previewName": "Nonexistent",
"desc": "The file does not exist on disk nor in the list of known files for the original distribution."
"previewName": "Deleted",
"desc": "OpenIDM reinstalls this file during the update"
"previewName": "Changed",
"desc": "OpenIDM backs up the modified file during the update."
"previewName": "Unchanged",
"desc": "File unchanged."
"previewName": "Preserved",
"desc": "OpenIDM reinstalls this customized file during the update."
"install": {
"installingUpdate": "Installing Update",
"successfulUpdate": "Successfully Installed",
"restartNow": "Restart Now.",
"download": "Download Update Report",
"restartIn": "OpenIDM will restart in",
"seconds": "seconds.",
"details": "When OpenIDM restarts, you'll see the full report.",
"restarting": "Restarting...",
"reverted": "There was an error updating, your copy of IDM has been reverted.",
"failedStatus": "Failed to get the status of the install with id: ",
"genericFail": "Failed to update."
"review": {
"noFilesError": "There are no files to report on.",
"successHeader": "Installation complete.",
"successMsg": "You have successfully update OpenIDM to version",
"header": "Installation Report",
"desc": "All files were successfully installed. Modified files were backed up to locations specified below. You will need to refresh your browser to see any UI changes.",
"expand": "Expand All",
"collapse": "Collapse All",
"download": "Download Report",
"file": "File",
"status": "Status",
"back": "Back to Available Updates",
"actionTaken": {
"reportName": "Replaced",
"desc": "File updated/replaced for proper operation."
"reportName": "Preserved",
"desc": "Modified file saved; updated file available in same directory."
"reportName": "Applied",
"desc": "Patch applied to configuration file. Backup not made."
"auth": {
"sessionInfo": "The Session Module sets token life and idle time limits on user sessions.",
"authInfo": "Configure desired Authentication Modules to verify identities. OpenIDM evaluates these modules in the order specified.",
"errorsmsg": "Please address the errors in the Authentication modules before saving.",
"addNew": "Add New Authentication Module",
"errors": "Errors",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"defaultTitle": "Select an Authentication Module Type",
"authFieldsetName": "Authentication Module",
"authTitle": "Configure Authentication",
"sessionFieldsetName": "Session Module",
"sessionOnlyTitle": "Session Only",
"idleTimeTitle": "Token Idle Time (in seconds)",
"maxLifeTitle": "Max Token Life (in seconds)",
"type": "Type",
"clientCertMessage": "Enables authentication with a certificate",
"moduleEnabled": "Module Enabled",
"queryOnResource": "Query on Resource",
"queryId": "Use Query ID",
"defaultUserRole": "Default User Roles",
"role": "Role",
"propertyMapping": "Property Mappings",
"static" : {
"message" : "Anonymous authentication",
"username" : "Static user name",
"password" : "Static user password",
"userRole" : "Static user role"
"internalUserMessage" : "Queries the internal OpenIDM repository",
"managedUserMessage" : "Queries the OpenIDM repository for external users",
"passthroughMessage" : "Queries an external system for authentication",
"authId": "Authentication ID",
"userCred": "User Credential",
"userOrGroup": "User Roles or Group Membership",
"selectOption": "Select an option",
"userRoles": "User Roles",
"groupMembership": "Group Membership",
"customProp": "Custom Properties",
"property": "Property",
"propertyName": "Property Name",
"propertyType": "Property Type",
"string": "String",
"simpleArray": "Simple Array",
"value": "Value",
"groupRoleMapping": "Group Role Mapping",
"roleName": "Role Name",
"groupMappings": "Group Mappings",
"group": "Group",
"augmentSecurityContext": "Augment Security Context",
"basicProperties": "BASIC PROPERTIES",
"advancedProperties": "ADVANCED PROPERTIES",
"allowedAuthIdPatterns": "Allowed Authentication ID Patterns",
"pattern": "Pattern",
"iwaMessage" : "Passthrough authentication via LDAP connector to Active Directory",
"servicePrincipal": "Kerberos Service Principal",
"keytabFileName": "Keytab File Name",
"kerberosRealm": "Kerberos Realm",
"kerberosServerName": "Kerberos Server Name",
"groupComparisonMethod": "Group Comparison Method",
"groupComparisonMethodMessage" : "Data store for group roles",
"truststorePassword": "Truststore Password",
"truststoreFile": "Truststore File",
"truststoreType": "Truststore Type",
"openamSessionMessage" : "Uses OpenAM for authentication",
"openamUserAttribute": "OpenAM User Attribute",
"openamSSOTokenCookieName": "OpenAM SSO Token Cookie Name",
"openamDeploymentUrl": "OpenAM Deployment URL",
"openamDeploymentUrlConfirmation" : "OpenAM Deployment URL is invalid. Would you like to continue?",
"openamLoginUrl": "OpenAM Login URL",
"openamLoginLinkText": "OpenAM Login Link Text",
"openamUseExclusively": "Require OpenAM Authentication",
"routeToOpenAMUserDataStore": "Route to OpenAM User Datastore",
"openamUserDatastoreMappingName": "OpenAM User Datastore Mapping Name",
"openIdConnectMessage" : "Supports OpenID Connect 1.0",
"openIdConnectHeader": "OpenID Connect Header",
"resolvers": "Resolvers",
"resolver": "Resolver",
"name": "Name",
"icon": "Icon",
"clientId": "Client ID",
"clientSecret": "Client Secret",
"authorizationEndpoint": "Authorization Endpoint",
"tokenEndpoint": "Token Endpoint",
"userinfoEndpoint": "User Info Endpoint",
"wellKnown": "Well Known",
"managedUserLink": "Managed User Link",
"moduleType": "Module Type",
"select": "Make a Selection"
"selfService": {
"title": "Self-Service UI",
"endUserConfigTitle": "Self-Service UI Features",
"urlDesc": "Application for end-users to perform self-service tasks (profile updates, workflow tasks, etc...)",
"url": "Relative URL"
"emailConfig": {
"title": "Email",
"desc": "Configure the outbound email service",
"host": "Host",
"port": "Port",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"smtp": "Use SMTP Authentication",
"tls": "Use STARTTLS",
"from": "Sender Email Address"
"connector" : {
"backToConnectorList" : "Back to Connectors",
"addObjectType" : "Add Object Type",
"saveConnector" : "Save Connector Changes",
"saveObjectType" : "Save Object Type Changes",
"saveSync" : "Save Sync Changes",
"groovy_ScriptedConnector":"Groovy Connector",
"groovy_ScriptedPoolableConnector":"Groovy Poolable Connector",
"scriptedsql_ScriptedSQLConnector":"Scripted SQL Connector",
"xml_XMLConnector":"XML Connector",
"csvfile_CSVFileConnector":"CSV Connector",
"googleapps_GoogleAppsConnector" : "GoogleApps Connector",
"salesforce_Salesforce":"Salesforce Connector",
"databasetable_DatabaseTableConnector":"Database Table Connector",
"ldap_LdapConnector":"LDAP Connector",
"scriptedcrest_ScriptedCRESTConnector" : "Scripted CREST Connector",
"scriptedrest_ScriptedRESTConnector" : "Scripted REST Connector",
"connectorName" : "Connector Name",
"connectorEnabled" : "Enabled",
"connectorType" : "Connector Type",
"connectorDelete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this connector?",
"connectorError" : "Invalid connector configuration",
"connectorNameUnknown" : "Unknown",
"editTitle" : "Edit Connector",
"addButtonTitle" : "Add",
"updateButtonTitle" : "Update",
"addObjectTypeTitle": "Add Object Type",
"editObjectTypeTitle": "Edit Object Type",
"readSchema": "Read Schema",
"validateConnector": "Validate Connector",
"addConnectorTitle" : "Add Connector",
"connectorTitle" : "Connectors",
"activeState" : "Active",
"errorState" : "Error",
"baseTitle" : "Base Connector Details",
"resources" : "Resources",
"resourcesHelpNoConnectorsTitle" : "To allow OpenIDM to manage external data, set up a connector.",
"resourcesHelpNoConnectorsBody" : "To get started, create a connector. With multiple connectors, you can map objects between different data sources.",
"whatIsAConnector" : "Connectors provide interfaces to external systems, databases, directory services, and more.",
"whatIsAManagedObject" : "Managed Objects represent identity data.",
"addConnector" : "New Connector",
"addManagedObject" : "New Managed Object",
"addMapping" : "New Mapping",
"help" : "Help",
"managedObjectType" : "Managed Object",
"pendingSync" : "Click Save Sync Changes to save your pending sync changes.",
"pendingObjectTypes" : "Click Save Object Types to save your pending object type changes.",
"pendingConnectorChanges" : "Click Save Connector changes to save your pending connector changes.",
"liveSync": {
"title": "LiveSync Options",
"liveSyncFailure": "LiveSync Failure Options",
"doNotReattempt": "Do not re-attempt",
"retryIndefinitely": "Retry indefinitely",
"specificAmount": "Retry a specific number of times",
"retryAttempts": "LiveSync retry attempt(s)",
"action": "Action to perform after retry attempts",
"schedules": "LiveSync Schedules",
"noName": "You must specify a name for the connector before you can add LiveSync schedules.",
"noObjects": "There are no available objects. Please validate your connector to retrieve any default objects. You might have to manually add objects after validating.",
"addLiveSync": "Add a LiveSync schedule for:"
"objectTypes": {
"saveObjectType": "Save Object Type and Close",
"discardEdits": "Discard Changes and Close",
"bulkDeleteMsg": "You can only perform bulk deletes. Please select one Object Type to make edits",
"deleteObjectTypes": "Delete Selected Object Types",
"addNewObjecttype": "Add a New Object Type",
"deleteObject": "Delete Object",
"saveObject": "Save Object",
"objectTypeConfigs" : "Object Type Configs",
"objectTypeGenerator" : "Object Type Generator",
"changeConfiguration" : "<p>Are you sure you want to change your LDAP Object Type to a default or saved configuration?</p><p>Please note making this change will cause any unsaved or custom changes to be lost.</p>"
"errorMessages": {
"unknownHost" : "Unknown Host",
"portOutOfRange" : "Port Out of Range",
"connectionRefused" : "Connection Refused",
"operationTimedOut" : "Operation Timed Out",
"sslHandshakeException" : "SSL Handshake Exception",
"invalidCredentials" : "Invalid Username or Password",
"badBaseContext" : "Bad Base Context(s)"
"scriptedCrest" : {
"serviceAddress" : "Service Address",
"proxyAddress" : "Proxy Address",
"username" : "Username",
"password" : "Password",
"defaultAuthMethod":"Default Authentication Method",
"defaultContentType" : "Default Content Type",
"sourceEncoding":"Source Encoding",
"minimumRecompilationInterval" : "Minimum Recompilation Interval",
"warningLevel" : "Warning Level",
"tolerance" : "Tolerance",
"targetDirectory" : "Target Directory",
"recompileGroovySource" : "Recompile Groovy Source",
"debug" : "Debug",
"verbose" : "Verbose",
"defaultHeadersTitle" : "Default Request Headers",
"addDefaultRequestHeaders" : "Add Request Header",
"defaultRequestHeaders" : "Default Request Header",
"scriptExtensionsTitle" : "Script Extensions",
"addScriptExtensions" : "Add Script Extension",
"scriptExtensions" : "Script Extension",
"disabledGlobalASTTransformationsTitle" : "Disabled Global AST Transformations",
"addDisabledGlobalASTTransformations" : "Add AST",
"disabledGlobalASTTransformations" : "Disabled Global AST Transformation",
"classpathTitle" : "Classpaths",
"classpath" : "Classpath",
"addClasspath" : "Add Classpath"
"groovyConnector": {
"scriptTitle":"Script Files",
"classpath" : "Classpath",
"authenticateScriptFileName" : "Authenticate Script",
"createScriptFileName" : "Create Script",
"deleteScriptFileName" : "Delete Script",
"resolveUsernameScriptFileName" : "Resolve Username Script",
"schemaScriptFileName" : "Schema Script File",
"scriptResourceFileName" : "Script On Resource Script File Name",
"searchScriptFileName" : "Search Script File Name",
"syncScriptFileName" : "SYNC Script File Name",
"testScriptFileName" : "Test Script File Name",
"updateScriptFileName" : "Update Script File Name"
"groovyPoolableConnector" : {
"scriptTitle":"Script Files",
"authenticateScriptFileName" : "Authenticate Script File Name",
"warningLevel" : "Warning Level",
"minimumRecompilationInterval" : "Minimum Recompilation Interval",
"deleteScriptFileName" : "Delete Script File Name",
"schemaScriptFileName" : "Schema Script File Name",
"customizerScriptFileName" : "Customizer Script File Name",
"resolveUsernameScriptFileName" : "Resolve Username Script File Name",
"debug" : "Debug",
"targetDirectory" : "Target Directory",
"disabledGlobalAst" : "Disabled Global ASTTransformations",
"classpath" : "Classpath",
"scriptExtensions" : "Script Extensions",
"testScriptFileName" : "Test Script File Name",
"updateScriptFileName" : "Update Script File Name",
"sourceEncoding" : "Source Encoding",
"searchScriptFileName" : "Search Script File Name",
"scriptOnResourceFileName" : "Script On Resource Script File Name",
"scriptBaseClass" : "Script Base Class",
"verbose" : "Verbose",
"createScriptFileName" : "Create Script File Name",
"recompileGroovySource" : "Recompile Groovy Source",
"tolerance" : "Tolerance",
"syncScriptFileName" : "Sync Script File Name"
"csvConnector" : {
"filePath" : "File Path",
"uniqueAttribute" : "Unique Attribute",
"nameAttribute" : "Name Attribute",
"passwordAttribute" : "Password Attribute"
"xmlConnector" : {
"xsdicfFilePath" : "XSD ICF File Path",
"xsdFilePath" : "XSD File Path",
"xmlFilePath" : "XML File Path",
"createIfNotExists" : "Create file if it does not exist."
"scriptedSQLConnector" : {
"host" : "Host",
"port" : "Port",
"user" : "User",
"password" : "Password",
"database" : "Database",
"createIfNotExists" : "Create file if it does not exist.",
"reloadScriptOnExecution" : "Reload Script On Execution",
"jdbcDriver" : "JDBC Driver",
"jdbcConnectionUrl" : "JDBC Connection Url",
"url" : "Url",
"jdbcUrlTemplate" : "JDBC Url Template",
"createScriptFileName" : "Create File Name",
"testScriptFileName" : "Test File Name",
"searchScriptFileName" : "Search File Name",
"authenticateScriptFileName" : "Authentication File Name",
"deleteScriptFileName" : "Delete File Name",
"updateScriptFileName" : "Update File Name",
"syncScriptFileName" : "Sync File Name",
"schemaScriptFileName" : "Schema File Name",
"driverClassName" : "Driver Class Name",
"addClasspath" : "Add Classpath",
"classpath" : "Classpath",
"autoCommit": "Auto Commit",
"scriptFiles": "Script Files"
"databaseTableConnector" : {
"quoting" : "Quoting",
"host" : "Host",
"port" : "Port",
"user" : "User",
"password" : "Password",
"database" : "Database",
"table" : "Table",
"keyColumn" : "Key Column",
"passwordColumn" : "Password Column",
"jdbcDriver" : "JDBC Driver",
"jdbcUrlTemplate" : "JDBC Url Template",
"enableEmptyString" : "Enable Empty String",
"rethrowSQL" : "Rethrow All SQL Exceptions",
"nativeTimestamps" : "Native Timestamps",
"allNative" : "All Native",
"validConnectionQuery" : "Valid Connection Query",
"changeLogColumn" : "Change Log Column",
"dataSource" : "Data Source",
"jndiProperties" : "JNDI Properties"
"ldapConnector" : {
"ldapType" : "LDAP Type",
"ldapTypeChange" : "Are you sure you want to change to these LDAP details? Any unsaved work will be lost.",
"link": "Setup Active Directory",
"title": "Data Source: Active Directory",
"host": "Host Name or IP",
"port": "Port",
"ssl": "Use SSL?",
"syncMessage": "Use these same base contexts for LiveSync?",
"baseContextSyncTitle" : "Contexts to Synchronize",
"baseContextToSync" : "Base Contexts to Synchronize",
"baseContextToSyncNote" : "During LiveSync operations, OpenIDM searches these base contexts for changes.",
"certificate": "SSL Certificate",
"certificateHint": "Paste your server's Base64-encoded X509 certificate here, if self-signed or signed by an unknown Certificate Authority",
"username": "Account Distinguished Name (DN)",
"password": "Password",
"accountUserNameAttributes": "Attribute used for login",
"baseContextTitle":"Base Context",
"baseContext": "Enter your base DN",
"baseContextNote": "Be sure to add base contexts which include both your users and your groups.",
"baseContextAdd":"Add Base Context",
"accountObjectClasses" : "Object Classes for users",
"addAccountObjectClasses" : "Add Object Class",
"addUsersTitle": "User Details",
"groupObjectClasses": "Object Classes for groups",
"addGroupObjectClasses" : "Add Object Class",
"addGroupTitle" : "Group Details",
"accountSearchFilter": "User Filter",
"groupSearchFilter": "Group Filter",
"validate": "Validate settings",
"checking": "Checking Active Directory settings...",
"connected": "Connection to Active Directory successful",
"failed": "Connection to Active Directory failed",
"authorizeGroups": "Save and Assign Admins",
"hideCert": "Hide certificate",
"showCert": "Show certificate",
"filterTitle": "Update __type__",
"errorMessages": {
"unknownHost" : "Unknown Host",
"portOutOfRange" : "Port Out of Range",
"connectionRefused" : "Connection Refused",
"operationTimedOut" : "Operation Timed Out",
"sslHandshakeException" : "SSL Handshake Exception",
"invalidCredentials" : "Invalid Username or Password",
"badBaseContext" : "Bad Base Context(s)"
"google" : {
"listHeader" : "You must grant this project access to all of the following APIs:",
"callbackUrlMessage" : "Be sure your project is configured to use this callback URL",
"listItemOne" : "Admin SDK API",
"gettingStarted" : "Need help getting started?",
"listItemTwo" : "Enterprise License Manager API",
"needHelp" : "Need help locating your client ID and secret?",
"changeHeader" : "Note for new and recently-changed projects",
"changeDetails" : "When you create a new project in Google, it can take up to 24 hours for the data to be propagated through Google. If you are setting up OpenIDM with a project that you have just created, or if you have recently changed the Callback URL of your project, you might receive an error when you attempt to validate the client ID and secret."
"salesforce" : {
"callbackUrlMessage" : "Your application must be configured to use this Callback URL",
"listHeader" : "You must grant this application all of the following OAuth Scopes:",
"listItemOne" : "Access your basic information",
"listItemTwo" : "Access and manage your data",
"listItemThree" : "Perform requests on your behalf at any time",
"changeHeader" : "Note for new and recently-changed applications",
"changeDetails" : "When you create a new Connected App, or update your Connected App in Salesforce, it takes some time (at least five minutes) for the data to be propagated through all the Salesforce servers. If you are setting up OpenIDM with a Connected App that you have just created, or if you have recently changed the Callback URL of your Connected App, you might receive an error when you attempt to validate the consumer key and consumer secret. You should therefore wait at least five minutes after creating or updating your Connected App before you attempt to set up OpenIDM with that App.",
"needHelpKey" : "Need help locating your consumer key and secret?",
"loginUrl" : "Login URL",
"clientSecret" : "Consumer Secret",
"clientId" : "Consumer Key"
"oAuthGeneral" : {
"base" : "Base OAuth Details",
"clientSecret": "Client Secret",
"clientId" : "Client ID"
"mapping": {
"attributesGrid" : "Attributes Grid",
"backToMapping" : "Back to Mappings",
"conditionalUpon" : "Conditional Upon:",
"validLinkQualifierScript" : "Requires a valid Link Qualifier script.",
"linkQualifierNotArray" : "Valid Link Qualifier must be an array.",
"transformationScriptApplied" : "Transformation script applied",
"attributes": "Attributes",
"badScript" : "Invalid; a Link Qualifier script must return an array of strings",
"linkQualifiers": "Link Qualifiers",
"uniqueLinkQualifiers": "The link qualifier must be unique.",
"linkQualifier" : "Link Qualifier",
"mappings": "Mappings",
"source": "Source",
"target": "Target",
"more" : "more...",
"mappingListingTitle": "Mappings",
"mappingDetailTitle": "Mapping Detail",
"addToMapping" : "Add to Mapping",
"newMapping" : "New Mapping",
"syncNow": "Reconcile Now",
"stopSync": "Stop Reconciliation",
"stoppingSync": "Stopping Reconciliation",
"syncComplete": "Reconciliation complete. Please wait...",
"pleaseStandBy": "Please wait.",
"syncInProgress": "Reconciliation in progress.",
"lastSyncCanceled": "Last reconciliation canceled.",
"inProgress": "In Progress",
"notYetSynced": "Not yet reconciled.",
"syncStatus": "Reconciliation Status",
"lastSynced": "Last reconciled",
"createMappingDialog" : "Create mapping.",
"noObjectType" : "No object type.",
"editMapping": "Edit mapping.",
"addMapping": "Add mapping.",
"saveNewMapping": "Save new mapping.",
"createNewMapping": "Create a new mapping.",
"deleteMapping": "Delete mapping.",
"selectAnotherResource" : "Select another resource.",
"selectSourceResource" : "Select a source resource.",
"selectTargetResource" : "Select a target resource.",
"noConnectors" : "No connectors available.",
"noManagedObjects" : "No managed objects available.",
"noResourceSelected" : "No resource selected.",
"createMapping" : "Create mapping",
"createMappingMessage" : "Click this button to create a mapping between these two sources. ",
"saveMappingMessage" : "Please enter a unique mapping name.",
"mappingName" : "Mapping Name",
"linkedMapping" : "Linked Mapping",
"noLinkedMapping" : "No Linked Mapping",
"properties": "Properties",
"property": "Property",
"confirmDeleteMapping": "Are you sure you want to delete the &quot;__mappingName__&quot; mapping?<br/><br/>**Caution: this action cannot be reversed.",
"noMappingsDefined": "No mappings defined.",
"addProperty": "Add property",
"sampleSource": "Sample source.",
"confirmRemoveProperty": "Are you sure you want to remove the &quot;__property__&quot; property mapping?",
"transformRequiredForMulti": "A transformation script is required when mapping from a multiple-value source to a single-value target.",
"validPropertyRequired": "You must select a valid property name.",
"invalidScript": "You cannot save a transformation script that contains errors.",
"invalidConditionScript": "You cannot save a condition script that contains errors.",
"completeSourceObject": "Complete source object.",
"changesPending": "Changes pending.",
"sampleSource" : "Sample Source",
"undoAllChanges": "Undo All Changes",
"saveProperties": "Save Properties",
"noPropertiesMapped": "No properties mapped.",
"conditionScriptApplied": "Conditional update script applied.",
"mappingExists": "Mapping for this target property already exists.",
"allPropertiesMapped": "*All target properties have been mapped",
"numRepresentativeProps":"Number of representative properties",
"missingRequiredProperties": "Missing Required Properties",
"roleEntitlementsDescription": "View role entitlements assigned to this mapping.",
"roleEntitlements": "Role Entitlements",
"targetProperty": "Target Property",
"propertyEdit": {
"title": "Target Property: __property__",
"valueMapping": "Value Mapping",
"valuePrecedence": "Value Precedence",
"valuePrecedenceNote": "Since the values mapped might result in multiple values, sort them here to establish which should take precedence (the first value matched will be used).",
"propertyListLabel": "Enter or select the source property that you need",
"propertyListHeader": "Property List",
"transformationHeader": "Transformation Script",
"conditionalUpdateHeader": "Conditional Updates",
"defaultValuesHeader": "Default Values",
"transformationSciptLabel": "Enter a transformation script for complex properties.",
"conditionSciptLabel": "Enter a conditional update script for",
"defaultValuesLabel": "Set a default value for this property mapping.",
"conditionScriptAction": "Action for user.",
"exampleResult": "Example result.",
"currentSourceValue": "Current value for &quot;source&quot;",
"transformScriptNote": "Use JavaScript code above to perform advanced mapping operations.<br>This script will be processed for each source object that is mapped, to calculate its value for this property.<br>The result of the final statement in the script will be used as the value for this property.<br>This script has the &quot;source&quot; variable available to it as input.<br>The value for the &quot;source&quot; variable depends on how you have defined the attribute mapping in the &quot;Attribute List&quot; tab.<br>If you haven't selected any value in the &quot;Property List&quot; tab, then &quot;source&quot; will be the complete source object with properties for each directory property.<br>If you have selected a value in &quot;Property List&quot;, then &quot;source&quot; will be that value.",
"conditionScriptNote": "Use JavaScript code above to prevent target data from being updated in certain conditions.<br/>This script will be processed for each source object that is mapped.<br/>If the result is true or if there is no script the property will be updated, otherwise updates will not be sent to the target.<br/>This script has the &quot;object&quot; variable available to it as a global.<br/>The &quot;object&quot; variable represents the complete source record with properties for each source property mapping."
"propertyAdd": {
"title": "Choose Target Property",
"listLabel": "Property:",
"choicePrompt": "Choose One"
"analysis": {
"analysis": "Analysis",
"all": "All",
"view": "View",
"linkQualifier" : "Link Qualifier:",
"noLinkQualifier" : "No Link Qualifier",
"allSituations": "ALL SITUATIONS",
"clickToAnalyze": " to start analyzing relationships between Source and Target data.",
"enterSearchTerms": "Enter Search Terms",
"changeAssociation": "Change Source to Target Association",
"noResultsFound": "No Results Found",
"infoFromSource": "Information from Source",
"searchTarget": "Search Target",
"linkToSourceObject": "Link To Source Object",
"newLinkCreated": "New link created. No changes until after the next reconciliation.",
"newLinksWarning": "__count__ records have changed since last Reconciliation.",
"oneNewLinkWarning": "1 record has changed since last Reconciliation",
"forResultsToTakeEffect": " for the result of these changes to take effect.",
"existingLink": "Existing Link",
"reconcileSelectedRecord": "Reconcile Selected Record"
"reconAnalysis": {
"inProgress" : "In Progress: ",
"status" : "Status: ",
"completed" : "Completed: ",
"entries" : "entries",
"completion" : "completion",
"success" : "SUCCESS",
"failure" : "FAILURE",
"duration" : "DURATION",
"ambiguous" : "Ambiguous:",
"ambiguousMessage" : "Source object correlates to multiple target objects, without a link.",
"sourceMissing" : "Source missing:",
"sourceMissingMessage" : "Valid target found, link found.",
"missing" : "Missing (target):",
"missingMessage" : "The source links to a missing target object.",
"foundAlreadyLinked" : "Found Already Linked",
"foundAlreadyLinkedMessage" : "Correlation from source points to a target object already linked to a different source.",
"unqualified" : "Unqualified:",
"unqualifiedMessage" : "Source object not qualified, but target objects found.",
"unassigned" : "Unassigned:",
"unassignedMessage" : "Valid target found, no link.",
"targetIgnored" : "Target ignored:",
"targetIgnoredMessage" : "Does not pass validTarget script.",
"sourceIgnored" : "Source ignored:",
"sourceIgnoredMessage" : "Does not pass validSource script.",
"allGone": "All Gone",
"allGoneMessage": "Source object removed, link not found, correlation not possible.",
"linkOnlyMessage": "Link found, target object not found.",
"confirmed" : "Confirmed:",
"confirmedMessage" : "Valid source and target objects linked.",
"found" : "Found:",
"foundMessage" : "Correlation query from source points to one target object.",
"absent" : "Absent:",
"absentMessage" : "Source object has no matching target.",
"noSync" : "No Sync Details Available"
"common" : {
"form" : {
"add" : "Add",
"userView" : "Self Service",
"removeAttribute" : "Remove Attribute",
"ok" : "Okay",
"list" : "List",
"confirm" :"Confirmation",
"true" : "True",
"false" : "False",
"update" : "Update",
"save" : "Save",
"create" : "Create",
"cancel" : "Cancel",
"close" : "Close",
"logout" : "Log out",
"register" : "Register",
"home" : "Home",
"start" : "Start",
"continue" : "Continue",
"back" : "Back",
"delete" : "Delete",
"deleteSelected" : "Delete Selected",
"edit" : "Edit",
"details" : "Details",
"pleaseSelect" : "Please Select",
"addUser" : "Add user",
"decision" : "Decision",
"accept" : "Accept",
"reject" : "Reject",
"createdAt" : "Created at",
"created" : "Created",
"generalDetails" : "General Details",
"search" : "Search",
"settings": "Settings",
"submit" : "Submit",
"actions" : "Actions",
"complete" : "Complete",
"reset" : "Reset",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"ok": "Ok",
"list" : "List",
"add" : "Add",
"edit" : "Edit",
"copyright" : "Copyright 2010-15 ForgeRock AS.",
"sessionExpired" : "Session Expired",
"enableCookies" : "Cookies must be enabled to login",
"reloadGrid" : "Reload Grid",
"clearFilters" : "Clear Filters",
"showAllItems" : "Show All Items",
"error" : "Error",
"warning" : "Warning",
"filter" : "Filter...",
"validation" : {
"VALID_PHONE_FORMAT": "Must be a valid phone number",
"VALID_NAME_FORMAT": "Must have valid name characters",
"VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FORMAT": "Must be a valid email address",
"AT_LEAST_X_CAPITAL_LETTERS" : "At least __numCaps__ capital letters",
"AT_LEAST_X_NUMBERS" : "At least __numNums__ numbers",
"CANNOT_CONTAIN_OTHERS" : "Cannot contain values from: __disallowedFields__",
"CANNOT_CONTAIN_CHARACTERS" : "Cannot contain characters: __forbiddenChars__",
"MIN_LENGTH" : "At least __minLength__ characters",
"REQUIRED" : "Cannot be blank",
"VALID_DATE" : "Must be a valid date",
"UNIQUE" : "Already exists",
"formContainsErrors" : "Form contains validation errors",
"atLeastOneCapitalLetter" : "At least one capital letter",
"atLeastOneNumber" : "At least one number",
"atLeast8Characters" : "At least 8 characters",
"cannotMatchLogin" : "Cannot match login",
"confirmationMatchesPassword" : "Passwords do not match",
"usernameExists" : "Username already exists",
"emailAddressAlreadyExists" : "Email address already exists",
"onlyAlphabeticCharacters" : "Only alphabetic characters",
"onlyNumbersAndSpecialCharacters" : "Only numbers and special characters",
"cannotMatchOldPassword" : "Cannot match old password",
"minimum4Characters" : "Minimum 4 characters",
"acceptanceRequiredForRegistration" : "Acceptance required for registration",
"incorrectPassword" : "Incorrect password",
"incorrectSecurityAnswer" : "Incorrect answer",
"required" : "Required",
"emailNotValid" : "Not a valid email address.",
"emailExists" : "Email address already exists.",
"shouldBeLong" : "Should be long value",
"wrongDateFormat" : "Wrong format",
"spaceNotAllowed" : "Cannot contain a space",
"unique" : "Unique value required"
"user" : {
"passwordReset" : {
"title": "Reset Your Password",
"completed": "Your password has been successfully reset.",
"failed": "Unable to reset your password",
"tryAgain": "Try Resetting Your Password Again",
"return": "Return to Login Page"
"selfRegistration" : {
"title": "Register Your Account",
"completed": "Your account has been successfully registered.",
"failed": "Unable to register your account",
"tryAgain": "Try Registering Again",
"return": "Return to Login Page"
"kba" : {
"answerQuestions": "Answer security questions below to reset your password.",
"description": "The Security Question selected and corresponding answer provided by you will be used to help identify you in the event that you forget your password.",
"provideAnother": "Add another question",
"selectQuestion": "Select a security question",
"provideYourOwn": "Provide your own",
"customQuestion": "Custom Security Question",
"answer": "Security Answer"
"userIdValidation" : "Enter the username or email address associated with your account. We will send you an email with a link that will allow you to reset your password.",
"emailValidation" : "Enter your email address to proceed. We will send you an email with a link that will allow you to continue registering.",
"send": "Send",
"validateCode" : "An email has been sent to the address you entered. Click the link in that email to proceed.",
"manager" : "Manager",
"user" : "User",
"login" : "Login",
"profile" : "Profile",
"myProfile" : "My Profile",
"userProfile" : "User profile",
"username" : "Username",
"emailAddress" : "Email address",
"givenName" : "First Name",
"sn" : "Last Name",
"basicInfo": "Basic Info",
"changePassword" : "Change password",
"accountStatus" : "Account status",
"active" : "Active",
"inactive" : "Inactive",
"address" : "Address",
"address1" : "Address 1",
"address2" : "Address 2",
"country" : "Country",
"city" : "City",
"role" : "Role",
"stateProvince" : "State/Province",
"phoneNumber" : "Mobile Phone",
"postalCode" : "Postal Code",
"lastPasswordSet" : "Last password set",
"siteImage" : "Site Image",
"sitePhrase" : "Site Phrase",
"securityQuestion" : "Security question",
"securityAnswer" : "Security answer",
"adaptiveAuthMethod" : "Adaptive authentication method",
"SMS" : "SMS",
"OAuth" : "OAuth",
"createNewUser" : "Create New User",
"password" : "Password",
"currentPassword" : "Current Password",
"confirmPassword" : "Retype Password",
"newPassword" : "New password",
"oldPassword" : "Old password",
"confirmNewPassword" : "Confirm new password",
"usersList" : "Users list",
"addUsers" : "Add users",
"name" : "Name",
"status" : "Status",
"email" : "Email",
"system" : "System",
"changePhoto" : "Change photo",
"googlePlus" : "Google+"
"task" : {
"unassigned" : "Unassigned",
"unassign" : "Unassign",
"assignToMe" : "Assign to me",
"claim" : "Claim",
"unclaim" : "Unclaim",
"approve" : "Approve",
"deny" : "Deny",
"requeue" : "Requeue",
"taskName" : "Task Name",
"processName" : "Process Name",
"startProcess" : "Start Process",
"assignee" : "Assignee",
"taskDetails" : "Task Details",
"myTasks" : "My tasks",
"tasksList" : "Tasks list",
"processes" : "Processes",
"starting": "Starting...",
"inProgress": "In Progress..."
"application" : {
"applicationName" : "Application Name",
"requestedBy" : "Requested by",
"yourFrequentlyUsedApplications" : "Your frequently used applications.",
"applicationsYouHaveAdded" : "Applications you have added.",
"defaultApplications" : "Default applications.",
"addMoreApplications" : "Add more applications,",
"allAvailableApps" : "All available applications.",
"dropApplicationsHere" : "Drop applications here."
"notification" : {
"notifications" : "Notifications",
"deleteThisMessage" : "Delete this message.",
"type" : "Notification type",
"message" : "Message",
"types" : {
"info" : "Info",
"warning" : "Warning",
"error" : "Error"
"openidm" : {
"admin": {
"label": "Admin View",
"revision": "revision"
"ui" : {
"common" : {
"components" : {
"LineTableView" : {
"seeMoreItems" : "see more",
"noItems" : "No items"
"admin" : {
"tasks" : {
"TasksMenuView" : {
"noTasksAssigned" : "No tasks assigned.",
"noTasksInGroupQueue" : "Your group has no tasks at this time.",
"denyDefaultReason" : "Enter a reason for denying this request.",
"acceptanceForm" : {
"for" : "For",
"application" : "Application",
"requested" : "Requested",
"actions" : "Actions"
"headers" : {
"initiator" : "Initiator",
"key" : "Key",
"requested" : "Requested",
"inQueue" : "In queue",
"actions" : "Actions"
"TasksWithMenuView" : {
"chooseTask" : "Choose a task"
"StartProcessDashboardView" : {
"chooseProcess" : "Please choose a process to start.",
"noProcesses": "No processes in your queue.",
"noDataRequired": "No data required"
"users" : {
"UsersView" : {
"display" : "Display",
"perPage" : "per page"
"AdminUserProfileView" : {
"profileOwnership" : "%s's profile",
"profileWillBeDeleted" : "%s account will be deleted."
"ChangeUserPasswordDialog" : {
"securityDataChangeForWhom" : "Security data change for %s"
"apps" : {
"dashboard" : {
"NotificationsView" : {
"noNotifications" : "No notifications.",
"seeMoreNotifications" : "See more notifications."
"BaseApplicationsView" : {
"noApplicationsHere" : "You have no applications here.",
"noDefaultApplications" : "You have no default applications.",
"noFrequentlyUsedApplications" : "You have no frequently used applications."
"UsersApplicationsView" : {
"noApplications" : "You have no applications."
"FrequentlyUsedApplicationsView" : {
"clickHereToAdd" : "Click %shere%s to add."