ResourceCollectionUtils.js revision 90929d4c6b284dd318f4a78c2aa407afb7423747
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS.
/*global define */
/*jslint evil:true */
define("org/forgerock/openidm/ui/common/util/ResourceCollectionUtils", [
], function ($, _, Handlebars, constants, eventManager, searchDelegate) {
var obj = {};
obj.resourceCollectionCache = {};
obj.displayTextDelimiter = ", ";
obj.getDisplayText = function(prop, item, resourceCollectionIndex){
var pathToResource = (prop.items) ? prop.items.resourceCollection[resourceCollectionIndex].path : prop.resourceCollection[resourceCollectionIndex].path,
resourceKey = (prop.items) ? item._ref : pathToResource + "/" + item._id,
validDisplayProps = _.reject(obj.autocompleteProps(prop, resourceCollectionIndex),function(p){
return (p && !p.length) || !eval("item." + p);
txt =, function(p){
return eval("item." + p);
if(!obj.resourceCollectionCache[resourceKey]) {
obj.resourceCollectionCache[resourceKey] = txt;
return txt;
obj.autocompleteProps = function(prop, resourceCollectionIndex, showRaw) {
var fields = (prop.items) ? prop.items.resourceCollection[resourceCollectionIndex].query.fields : prop.resourceCollection[resourceCollectionIndex].query.fields;
if(showRaw) {
return fields;
} else {
return, function(field) {
return field.replace("/",".");
obj.setupAutocompleteField = function(autocompleteField, prop, opts, resourceCollectionIndex, propertyValue) {
obj.resourceCollectionIndex = resourceCollectionIndex;
var pathToResource = (prop.items) ? prop.items.resourceCollection[resourceCollectionIndex].path : prop.resourceCollection[resourceCollectionIndex].path,
initialLoad = true,
defaultOpts = {
valueField: '_id',
searchField: obj.autocompleteProps(prop, resourceCollectionIndex),
create: false,
preload: true,
placeholder: $.t("",{ objectTitle: prop.title || }),
render: {
item: function(item, escape) {
var txt = obj.getDisplayText(prop, item, resourceCollectionIndex);
return "<div>" + txt + "</div>";
option: function(item, escape) {
var txt = obj.getDisplayText(prop, item, resourceCollectionIndex);
return "<div>" + txt + "</div>";
load: function(query, callback) {
searchDelegate.searchResults(pathToResource, obj.autocompleteProps(prop, resourceCollectionIndex, true), query).then(function(result) {
var convertNestedProps = function(item) {
_.each(obj.autocompleteProps(prop, resourceCollectionIndex), function(propName) {
if(propName.indexOf(".") > -1) {
item[propName] = eval("item." + propName);
return item;
modifiedResult =, function(item){
return convertNestedProps(item);
if (prop.parentObjectId) {
//filter out any values that are the same as the parentObjectId
modifiedResult = _.reject(modifiedResult, function (mr) { return mr._id === prop.parentObjectId; });
onLoad: function(data) {
if(initialLoad && propertyValue && !_.isEmpty(propertyValue)){
initialLoad = false;
if(autocompleteField[0].selectize) {
autocompleteField[0].selectize = null;;
autocompleteField.selectize(_.extend({}, defaultOpts, opts || {}));
obj.getHeaderValues = function(fields, schema) {
return, function(field) {
var propField = function() {
return eval("schema." + field.replace("/",".properties."));
if(schema && propField() && propField().title && propField().title.length) {
return propField().title;
} else {
return field;
obj.showResource = function(resourcePath) {
var args = resourcePath.split("/"),
routeName = (args[0] !== "system") ? "adminEditManagedObjectView" : "adminEditSystemObjectView";
if(args.length >= 3) {
eventManager.sendEvent(constants.ROUTE_REQUEST, {routeName: routeName, args: args});
* convertRelationshipTypes loops over every property looking for
* arrays of relationship types or single value relationship types
* once found the type is converted to "string" for jsonEditor and the
* typeRelationship flag is set to true
* this function is recursive...when a property is an object the function
* calls itself to deal with cases where relationship types are nested
* @param {Object[]} properties
* @returns {Object[]}
obj.convertRelationshipTypes = function (properties) {
_.each(properties, function(prop,key) {
if (prop.type === "object") {
prop = obj.convertRelationshipTypes(;
if (prop.type === "array") {
if(prop.items.type === "relationship" && _.has(properties,key)) {
prop.items.type = "string";
prop.items.typeRelationship = true;
if(prop.type === "relationship" && _.has(properties,key)) {
prop.type = "string";
prop.typeRelationship = true;
return properties;
* getFieldsToExpand loops over every property looking for single value relationship types
* once found a string of a list of properties defined in the resourceCollection.query.fields property
* is constructed for the use in the _fields parameter of a query url
* this function is recursive...when a property is an object the function
* calls itself to deal with cases where relationship types are nested
* @param {Object[]} properties
* @returns {String}
obj.getFieldsToExpand = function (properties) {
var fieldsArray = ["*"],
addFields = function (propName, fields) {
fieldsArray.push(propName + "/_id");
_.each(fields, function (field) {
if (field.indexOf("/") > 0) {
field = field.split("/")[0];
fieldsArray.push(propName + "/" + field);
_.each(properties, function(prop,key) {
if (prop.type === "object") {
prop = obj.getFieldsToExpand(;
if(prop.type === "relationship") {
if (prop.resourceCollection && prop.resourceCollection.length) {, function (resourceCollection) {
addFields(key, resourceCollection.query.fields);
return fieldsArray.join(",");
* takes in a relationship object, turns the _ref property into an array,
* drops off the last array item (the _id of the object), and returns
* just the path to the resource collection it comes from
* example: passing in "managed/user/88b0a909-9b19-4bc0-bd83-902ad1d20439"
* returns "managed/user"
* @param {Object} propertyValue
* @returns {string}
obj.getPropertyValuePath = function (propertyValue) {
var propertyValuePathArr = propertyValue._ref.split("/");
return propertyValuePathArr.join("/");
* finds the index of the resource collection in a relationship property's schema definition
* based on the resource collection's path
* @param {Object} schema
* @param {Object} propertyValue
* @param {string} propName
* @returns {int}
obj.getResourceCollectionIndex = function (schema, propertyValuePath, propName) {
var resourceCollections =[propName].resourceCollection,
if ([propName].items) {
resourceCollections =[propName].items.resourceCollection;
resourceCollectionIndex = _.findIndex(resourceCollections, _.bind(function (resourceCollection) {
return resourceCollection.path === propertyValuePath;
}, this));
if (resourceCollectionIndex === -1) {
resourceCollectionIndex = 0;
return resourceCollectionIndex;
Handlebars.registerHelper('nestedLookup', function(property,key) {
return property[key];
return obj;