CommonIDMConfig.js revision 90929d4c6b284dd318f4a78c2aa407afb7423747
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS.
/*global define */
define("config/process/CommonIDMConfig", [
], function($, _, constants, eventManager) {
var ignorePassword = false,
obj = [
startEvent: constants.EVENT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_ROUTE,
description: "",
override: true,
dependencies: [
processDescription: function(event, router, conf, ModuleLoader, SiteConfigurator) {
eventManager.sendEvent(constants.EVENT_CHANGE_VIEW, {route: router.configuration.routes.landingPage });
/* if (conf.loggedUser.has("needsResetPassword") && !ignorePassword) {
ModuleLoader.load(SiteConfigurator.configuration.delegate).then(function (configurationDelegate) {
if (typeof configurationDelegate.checkForDifferences === "function") {
eventManager.sendEvent(constants.EVENT_SHOW_DIALOG, { route: router.configuration.routes.mandatoryPasswordChangeDialog, base: router.configuration.routes.mandatoryPasswordChangeDialog.base });
ignorePassword = true;
} else {
eventManager.sendEvent(constants.EVENT_CHANGE_VIEW, {route: router.configuration.routes.landingPage });
startEvent: constants.EVENT_POLICY_FAILURE,
description: "Failure to save record due to policy validation",
dependencies: [ ],
processDescription: function(event) {
var response = event.error.responseObj,
errors = "Unknown";
if (typeof response === "object" && response !== null &&
typeof response.detail === "object" && (response.message === "Failed policy validation" || response.message === "Policy validation failed")) {
errors = _.chain(response.detail.failedPolicyRequirements)
.map(function (a) {
return " - " + a[0] + ": " +
.map(function (pr) {
return, function (p) {
return $.t("common.form.validation." + p.policyRequirement, p.params);
.join(", ");
.join(" <br/> ");
eventManager.sendEvent(constants.EVENT_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_REQUEST, {key: "resourceValidationError", validationErrors: errors});
return obj;