reconTests.js revision 90929d4c6b284dd318f4a78c2aa407afb7423747
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* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
/*global require, define, QUnit, $, module */
], function (sinon, eventManager, PoliciesView) {
$("body").append("<div id='policyPattern'></div>");
return {
executeAll: function (server) {
module("Admin Mapping tab, Recon sub-tab tests");
QUnit.asyncTest("Situational Policy Renders", function () {
QUnit.equal(PoliciesView.$el.children().length, 0, "There are no children in the container before render.");
PoliciesView.render({}, function() {
QUnit.ok(PoliciesView.$el.children().length > 0, "After rendering there are now child elements");
// -1 because of the source row used to create the others is still on the page but hidden
QUnit.equal(PoliciesView.$el.find("#situationalPolicies table tbody tr.event-hook").length,
_.size(PoliciesView.model.allPatterns["Default Actions"].policies),
"All default situations are present");
PoliciesView.$el.find("#policyPatterns option").length,
"Patterns rendered are the same as the stored patterns");
var messages = true;
_.each(PoliciesView.model.allPatterns["Default Actions"].policies, function(situation, index) {
if ($.t(situation.note) !== PoliciesView.$el.find("#situationalPolicies table tbody tr.event-hook:eq("+index+") td:eq(1) [data-title]").attr("data-title")) {
messages = false;
QUnit.ok(messages, "The help tooltips have been set");
QUnit.equal(PoliciesView.$el.find("#situationalPolicies table tbody .failure-display").length, 7, "There are 7 situations with error classes");
QUnit.equal(PoliciesView.$el.find("#situationalPolicies table tbody .warning-display").length, 3, "There are 3 situations with warning classes");
QUnit.equal(PoliciesView.$el.find("#situationalPolicies table tbody .success-display").length, 3, "There are 3 situations with success classes");
var readOnly = true, defaultActions = true;
_.each(PoliciesView.$el.find(".situationRow"), function(row, index) {
if ($(row).find(".action").val() !== "ASYNC" && index < PoliciesView.model.allPatterns["Read-only"].policies.length) {
readOnly = false
QUnit.ok(readOnly, "When the pattern changes to Read-Only all actions are set to Async");
PoliciesView.$el.find("#policyPatterns").val("Default Actions").change();
_.each(PoliciesView.$el.find(".situationRow"), function(row, index) {
if ($(row).find(".action :selected").text().indexOf("★") < 0 && index < PoliciesView.model.allPatterns["Read-only"].policies.length) {
defaultActions = false
QUnit.ok(defaultActions, "When the pattern changes to Default-Actions all actions are set to the starred value");
PoliciesView.$el.find(".ABSENT .action").val("LINK");
var callback = sinon.spy(eventManager, "sendEvent"),
mappingUpdated = false,
deferredRead = $.Deferred(),
deferredWrite = $.Deferred(),
stubbedRead = sinon.stub(ConfigDelegate, "readEntity", function () {
return deferredRead.promise();
stubbedWrite = sinon.stub(ConfigDelegate, "updateEntity", function (name, data) {
_.each(data.mappings, function(mapping) {
if( === mappingName) {
_.each(mapping.policies, function(policy) {
if (policy.action === "LINK" && policy.situation === "ABSENT") {
mappingUpdated = true;
QUnit.ok(mappingUpdated, "The policy mapping was updated properly.");
return deferredWrite.promise();
deferredRead.done(function() {
deferredRead.resolve({mappings: sync});
QUnit.ok(callback.called, "The policy successfully saves");