FilterEvaluator.js revision e26e5073e1266868172d72453c97f413fe2fb603
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/*global define */
define("org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/util/FilterEvaluator", [
], function (_) {
return {
getValueFromJSONPointer: function (pointer, object) {
var parts = pointer.split('/');
if (parts[0] === "") {
parts = parts.splice(1);
return _.reduce(parts, function (entry, key) {
return entry ? entry[key] : undefined;
}, object);
evaluate: function (filter, object) {
var value;
switch (filter.op) {
case "none":
// no filter means everything evaluates to true
return true;
case "and":
return _.reduce(filter.children, function (currentResult, child) {
if (currentResult) { // since this is "and" we can short-circuit evaluation by only continuing to evaluate if we haven't yet hit a false result
return this.evaluate(child, object);
} else {
return currentResult;
}, true, this);
case "or":
return _.reduce(filter.children, function (currentResult, child) {
if (!currentResult) { // since this is "or" we can short-circuit evaluation by only continuing to evaluate if we haven't yet hit a true result
return this.evaluate(child, object);
} else {
return currentResult;
}, false, this);
case "expr":
value = this.getValueFromJSONPointer(, object);
switch (filter.tag) {
case "equalityMatch":
return value === filter.value;
case "ne":
return value !== filter.value;
case "approxMatch":
return value.indexOf(filter.value) === 0;
case "co":
return value.indexOf(filter.value) !== -1;
case "greaterOrEqual":
return value >= filter.value;
case "gt":
return value > filter.value;
case "lessOrEqual":
return value <= filter.value;
case "lt":
return value < filter.value;
case "pr":
return value !== null && value !== undefined;