Gruntfile.js revision 90929d4c6b284dd318f4a78c2aa407afb7423747
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
If your system has never been configured to use increased processes you will need to increase the limit on your system (for Mac not sure about
Type the following in terminal:
launchctl limit maxfiles 2048 2048 && ulimit -n 2048
You will also need to configure an environment variable
export FORGEROCK_UI_SRC=PATH TO COMMONS (Example: ~/Documents/workspace/forgerock-ui)
forgerockui: process.env.FORGEROCK_UI_SRC,
watch: {
sync_and_test: {
files: [
'<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-commons/src/main/js/**',
'<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-commons/src/main/resources/**',
'<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-user/src/main/js/**',
'<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-user/src/main/resources/**',
tasks: [ 'sync:target', 'less', 'sync:zip' ]
less: {
admin: {
files: {
"openidm-ui-admin/target/www/css/theme.css": "openidm-ui-admin/target/www/css/theme.less",
"openidm-ui-admin/target/www/css/structure.css": "openidm-ui-admin/target/www/css/structure.less"
enduser: {
files: {
"openidm-ui-admin/target/www/css/theme.css": "openidm-ui-admin/target/www/css/theme.less",
"openidm-ui-admin/target/www/css/structure.css": "openidm-ui-admin/target/www/css/structure.less"
sync: {
target: {
files: [
cwd : '<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-commons/src/main/js',
src : ['**/*'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/www'
cwd : '<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-commons/src/main/resources',
src : ['**/*'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/www'
cwd : '<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-commons/src/main/js',
src : ['**/*'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www'
cwd : '<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-commons/src/main/resources',
src : ['**/*'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www'
cwd : '<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-user/src/main/js',
src : ['**/*'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www'
cwd : '<%= forgerockui %>/forgerock-ui-user/src/main/resources',
src : ['**/*'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www'
// common test libs
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/target/test/libs',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/test/libs'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/target/test/libs',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/test/libs'
// openidm-ui-common main
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/main/resources',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/www'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/main/js',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/www'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/main/resources',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/main/js',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www'
// openidm-ui-admin main
cwd : 'openidm-ui-admin/src/main/js',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/www'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-admin/src/main/resources',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/www'
// openidm-ui-enduser main
cwd : 'openidm-ui-enduser/src/main/js',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-enduser/src/main/resources',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www'
// openidm-ui-common test
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/test/resources',
src : ['css/**', 'qunit.html'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/test'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/test/qunit',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/test/tests'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/test/js',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/test'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/test/resources',
src : ['css/**', 'qunit.html'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/test'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/test/qunit',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/test/tests'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-common/src/test/js',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/test'
// openidm-ui-admin test
cwd : 'openidm-ui-admin/src/test/qunit',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/test/tests'
// openidm-ui-enduser test
cwd : 'openidm-ui-enduser/src/test/qunit',
src : ['**'],
dest : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/test/tests'
zip: {
files: [
cwd : 'openidm-ui-admin/target/www',
src : ['**'],
dest : '../openidm-zip/target/openidm/ui/admin/default'
cwd : 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/www',
src : ['**'],
dest : '../openidm-zip/target/openidm/ui/selfservice/default'
qunit: {
admin: 'openidm-ui-admin/target/test/qunit.html',
enduser: 'openidm-ui-enduser/target/test/qunit.html'
notify_hooks: {
options: {
enabled: true,
title: "QUnit Tests"
grunt.registerTask('default', ['sync:target', 'less', 'sync:zip', 'watch']);