AppConfiguration.js revision 62467e72606331d973e7610f7fc82ba9749282aa
* Copyright (c) 2011-2012 ForgeRock AS. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
/*global define*/
* @author yaromin
define("config/AppConfiguration", [
], function(constants, eventManager) {
var obj = {
moduleDefinition: [
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/login/LoginCtrl",
configuration: {
loginHelperClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/login/InternalLoginHelper",
showCredentialFields: true,
hideLoginButton: false,
loginButtonDisabledByDefault: true
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/login/OpenAMLoginHelper",
configuration: {
loginURL: "",
logoutURL: "",
passwordParameterName: "IDToken2",
userNameParameterName: "IDToken1",
logoutTestOnly: false,
loginTestOnly: false,
ajaxLogout: false
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/main/Router",
configuration: {
routes: {
"": {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/apps/dashboard/DashboardView",
role: "openidm-authorized",
url: ""
"profile": {
view: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/profile/UserProfileView",
role: "openidm-authorized",
excludedRole: "openidm-admin",
url: "profile/"
"siteIdentification": {
base: "profile",
dialog: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/profile/ChangeSiteIdentificationDialog",
url: "profile/site_identification/",
role: "openidm-authorized",
excludedRole: "openidm-admin"
"adminUsers": {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/users/UsersView",
url: "users/",
role: "admin"
"adminUsersAdd" : {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/users/AdminUserRegistrationView",
role: "admin",
url: "users/add/"
"adminUserProfile" : {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/users/AdminUserProfileView",
role: "admin",
url: /^users\/(([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4}))\/$/,
pattern: "users/?/"
"adminUserChangePassword" : {
base: "adminUserProfile",
dialog: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/users/ChangeUserPasswordDialog",
url: /^users\/(([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4}))\/change_password\/$/,
pattern: "users/?/change_password/",
role: "admin"
"register": {
view: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/UserRegistrationView",
url: "register/"
"termsOfUse": {
base: "register",
dialog: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/TermsOfUseDialog",
url: "register/terms_of_use/"
"login" : {
view: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/LoginView",
url: "login/"
"forgottenPassword" : {
base: "login",
dialog: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/ForgottenPasswordDialog",
url: "profile/forgotten_password/"
"enterOldPassword": {
base: "profile",
dialog: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/profile/EnterOldPasswordDialog",
role: "openidm-authorized",
url: "profile/old_password/",
excludedRoles: "openidm-admin"
"changeSecurityData": {
base: "profile",
dialog: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/user/profile/ChangeSecurityDataDialog",
role: "openidm-authorized",
url: "profile/change_security_data/",
excludedRole: "openidm-admin"
"addMoreAppsView": {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/apps/AddMoreAppsView",
role: "openidm-authorized",
url: "applications/addmore/"
"allApps": {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/apps/AllAppsView",
role: "openidm-authorized",
url: "applications/all/"
"apps": {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/apps/AppsView",
role: "openidm-authorized",
url: "applications/"
"tasks": {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/tasks/TasksView",
role: "openidm-admin",
url: "tasks/"
"taskDetails": {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/tasks/TaskDetailsView",
role: "openidm-admin",
url: "tasks/:id"
"tasksWithMenu": {
view: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/tasks/TasksWithMenuView",
role: "openidm-admin",
url: "tasksmenu/"
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/main/ProcessConfiguration",
configuration: {
processConfigurationFiles: [
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/main/ServiceInvoker",
configuration: {
defaultHeaders: {
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/main/ErrorsHandler",
configuration: {
defaultHandlers: {
"unauthorized": {
status: "401",
event: constants.EVENT_UNAUTHORIZED
"serverError": {
status: "503",
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/components/Navigation",
configuration: {
links: {
"admin" : {
"role": "admin",
"urls": {
"users": {
"url": "#users/",
"name": "Users"
"groups": {
"url": "#groups/",
"name": "Groups"
"tasks": {
"url": "#tasks/",
"name": "Tasks"
/*"tasksMenu": {
"baseUrl": "#tasksmenu/",
"url": "#tasksmenu/",
"name": "Tasks with menu",
"urls": {
"myTasks": {
"url": "#tasksmenu/",
"name": "My tasks (4)"
"groupsTasks": {
"url": "#tasksmenu/groups",
"name": "Groups queue"
"usersTasks": {
"url": "#tasksmenu/users",
"name": "Users queue"
"user" : {
"urls": {
"apps": {
"baseUrl": "#applications/",
"url": "#applications/all/",
"name": "Applications",
"urls": {
"allApps": {
"url": "#applications/all/",
"name": "All applications"
"addMore": {
"url": "#applications/addmore/",
"name": "Add more apps"
"groups": {
"url": "#groups/",
"name": "Groups"
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/apps/dashboard/NotificationViewHelper",
configuration: {
typeToIconMapping: {
"1": "images/notifications/pending.png",
"2": "images/notifications/group_added.png",
"3": "images/notifications/approved.png",
"4": "images/notifications/removed.png"
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/tasks/TasksFormManager",
configuration: {
forms: {
"applicationAcceptance": "org/forgerock/openidm/ui/admin/tasks/ApplicationAcceptanceTask"
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/util/UIUtils",
configuration: {
templateUrls: [
moduleClass: "org/forgerock/commons/ui/common/components/Messages",
configuration: {
messages: {
"invalidCredentials": {
msg: "Login/password combination is invalid.",
type: "error"
"serviceUnavailable": {
msg: "Service unavailable",
type: "error"
"changedPassword": {
msg: "Password has been changed",
type: "info"
"userAlreadyExists": {
msg: "User already exists",
type: "error"
"unknown": {
msg: "Unknown error. Please contact with administrator",
type: "error"
"profileUpdateFailed": {
msg: "Problem during profile update",
type: "error"
"profileUpdateSuccessful": {
msg: "Profile has been updated",
type: "info"
"userNameUpdated": {
msg: "Username has been modified succesfully.",
type: "info"
"afterRegistration": {
msg: "User has been registered successfully",
type: "info"
"loggedIn": {
msg: "You have been successfully logged in.",
type: "info"
"errorFetchingData": {
msg: "Error fetching user data",
type: "error"
"loggedOut": {
msg: "You have been logged out.",
type: "info"
"cannotDeleteYourself": {
msg: "You can't delete yourself",
type: "error"
"userDeleted": {
msg: "User has been deleted",
type: "info"
"userDeleteError": {
msg: "Error when deleting user",
type: "error"
"siteIdentificationChanged": {
msg: "Site identification image has been changed",
type: "info"
"securityDataChanged": {
msg: "Security data has been changed",
type: "info"
"unauthorized": {
msg: "Unauthorized access",
type: "error"
"userApplicationsUpdate": {
msg: "Application settings have been changed.",
type: "info"
"completedTask": {
msg: "Task has been completed.",
type: "info"
loggerLevel: 'debug'
return obj;