TaskScannerJob.java revision 21dcdac963f79c098a5ea1a2c5c5e109429c9786
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
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* Portions copyright 2012-2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openidm.scheduler.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
import org.forgerock.services.context.Context;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonPointer;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValueException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ConnectionFactory;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.PreconditionFailedException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResourceHandler;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Requests;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.UpdateRequest;
import org.forgerock.openidm.quartz.impl.ExecutionException;
import org.forgerock.openidm.util.ConfigMacroUtil;
import org.forgerock.openidm.util.DateUtil;
import org.forgerock.openidm.util.RequestUtil;
import org.forgerock.script.Script;
import org.forgerock.script.ScriptEntry;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.ReadablePeriod;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class TaskScannerJob {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TaskScannerJob.class);
private final static DateUtil DATE_UTIL = DateUtil.getDateUtil("UTC");
private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
private TaskScannerContext taskScannerContext;
public TaskScannerJob(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TaskScannerContext context)
throws ExecutionException {
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
this.taskScannerContext = context;
* Starts the task associated with a task scanner event.
* This method may run synchronously or launch a new thread depending upon the settings in the TaskScannerContext
* @return identifier associated with this task scan job
* @throws ExecutionException
public String startTask() throws ExecutionException {
int numberOfThreads = taskScannerContext.getNumberOfThreads();
final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads);
if (taskScannerContext.getWaitForCompletion()) {
try {
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
throw ex;
} finally {
} else {
// Launch a new thread for the whole taskscan process
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warn("Taskscanner failed with unexpected exception", ex);
} finally {
new Thread(command).start();
// Shouldn't need to keep ahold of this, I don't think? Can just start it and let it go
return taskScannerContext.getTaskScanID();
* Performs the task associated with the task scanner event.
* Runs the query and executes the script across each resulting object.
* @param executor ExecutorService in which to invoke this task.
* @throws ExecutionException
private void performTask(ExecutorService executor)
throws ExecutionException {
logger.info("Task {} started from {} with script {}",
new Object[] { taskScannerContext.getTaskScanID(), taskScannerContext.getInvokerName(), taskScannerContext.getScriptName() });
JsonValue results;
try {
results = fetchAllObjects();
} catch (ResourceException e1) {
throw new ExecutionException("Error during query", e1);
Integer maxRecords = taskScannerContext.getMaxRecords();
if (maxRecords == null) {
} else {
taskScannerContext.setNumberOfTasksToProcess(Math.min(results.size(), maxRecords));
logger.debug("TaskScan {} query results: {}", taskScannerContext.getInvokerName(), results.size());
// TODO jump out early if it's empty?
// Split and prune the result set according to our max and if we're synchronous or not
List<JsonValue> resultSets = splitResultsOverThreads(results, taskScannerContext.getNumberOfThreads(), maxRecords);
logger.debug("Split result set into {} units", resultSets.size());
List<Callable<Object>> todo = new ArrayList<Callable<Object>>();
for (final JsonValue result : resultSets) {
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warn("Taskscanner failed with unexpected exception", ex);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Mark it interrupted
logger.warn("Task scan '" + taskScannerContext.getTaskScanID() + "' interrupted");
// Don't mark the job as completed if its been deactivated
if (!taskScannerContext.isInactive()) {
logger.info("Task '{}' completed. Total time: {}ms. Query time: {}ms. Progress: {}",
new Object[] { taskScannerContext.getTaskScanID(),
private List<JsonValue> splitResultsOverThreads(JsonValue results, int numberOfThreads, Integer max) {
List<List<Object>> resultSets = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) {
resultSets.add(new ArrayList<Object>());
int i = 0;
for (JsonValue obj : results) {
if (max != null && i >= max) {
resultSets.get(i % numberOfThreads).add(obj.getObject());
List<JsonValue> jsonSets = new ArrayList<JsonValue>();
for (List<Object> set : resultSets) {
jsonSets.add(new JsonValue(set));
return jsonSets;
private void performTaskOverSet(JsonValue results)
throws ExecutionException {
for (JsonValue input : results) {
if (taskScannerContext.isCanceled()) {
logger.info("Task '" + taskScannerContext.getTaskScanID() + "' cancelled. Terminating execution.");
break; // Jump out quick since we've cancelled the job
// Check if this object has a STARTED time already
JsonValue startTime = input.get(taskScannerContext.getStartField());
String startTimeString = null;
if (startTime != null && !startTime.isNull()) {
startTimeString = startTime.asString();
DateTime startedTime = DATE_UTIL.parseTimestamp(startTimeString);
// Skip if the startTime + interval has not been passed
ReadablePeriod period = taskScannerContext.getRecoveryTimeout();
DateTime expirationDate = startedTime.plus(period);
if (expirationDate.isAfterNow()) {
logger.debug("Object already started and has not expired. Started at: {}. Timeout: {}. Expires at: {}",
new Object[] {
try {
claimAndExecScript(input, startTimeString);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Error during claim and execution phase", e);
* Flatten a list of parameters and perform a query to fetch all objects from storage.
* @return JsonValue containing a list of all the retrieved objects
* @throws ResourceException
private JsonValue fetchAllObjects() throws ResourceException {
JsonValue flatParams = flattenJson(taskScannerContext.getScanValue());
return performQuery(taskScannerContext.getObjectID(), flatParams);
* Performs a query on a resource and returns the result set
* @param resourceID the identifier of the resource to query
* @param params parameters to supply to the query
* @return the set of results from the performed query
* @throws ResourceException
private JsonValue performQuery(String resourceID, JsonValue params) throws ResourceException {
final JsonValue queryResults = new JsonValue(new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());;
QueryRequest request = RequestUtil.buildQueryRequestFromParameterMap(resourceID, params.asMap());
connectionFactory.getConnection().query(taskScannerContext.getContext(), request, new QueryResourceHandler() {
public boolean handleResource(ResourceResponse resource) {
return true;
return queryResults;
* Performs a read on a resource and returns the result
* @param resourceID the identifier of the resource to read
* @return the results from the performed read
* @throws ResourceException
private JsonValue performRead(String resourceID) throws ResourceException {
JsonValue readResults = null;
readResults = connectionFactory.getConnection().read(taskScannerContext.getContext(), Requests.newReadRequest(resourceID)).getContent();
return readResults;
* Adds an object to a JsonValue and performs an update
* @param resourceID the resource identifier that the updated value belongs to
* @param value value to perform the update with
* @param path JsonPointer to the updated/added field
* @param obj object to add to the field
* @return the updated JsonValue
* @throws ResourceException
private JsonValue updateValueWithObject(String resourceID, JsonValue value, JsonPointer path, Object obj) throws ResourceException {
ensureJsonPointerExists(path, value);
value.put(path, obj);
return performUpdate(resourceID, value);
* Performs an update on a given resource with a supplied JsonValue
* @param resourceID the resource identifier to perform the update on
* @param value the object to update with
* @return the updated object
* @throws ResourceException
private JsonValue performUpdate(String resourceID, JsonValue value) throws ResourceException {
String id = value.get("_id").required().asString();
String fullID = retrieveFullID(resourceID, value);
String rev = value.get("_rev").required().asString();
UpdateRequest updateRequest = Requests.newUpdateRequest(fullID, value);
connectionFactory.getConnection().update(taskScannerContext.getContext(), updateRequest);
return retrieveObject(resourceID, id);
* Constructs a full object ID from the supplied resourceID and the JsonValue
* @param resourceID resource ID that the value originates from
* @param value JsonValue to create the full ID with
* @return string indicating the full id
private String retrieveFullID(String resourceID, JsonValue value) {
String id = value.get("_id").required().asString();
return retrieveFullID(resourceID, id);
* Constructs a full object ID from the supplied resourceID and the objectID
* @param resourceID resource ID that the object originates from
* @param objectID ID of some object
* @return string indicating the full ID
private String retrieveFullID(String resourceID, String objectID) {
return resourceID + '/' + objectID;
* Fetches an updated copy of some specified object from the given resource
* @param resourceID the resource identifier to fetch an object from
* @param value the value to retrieve an updated copy of
* @return the updated value
* @throws ResourceException
private JsonValue retrieveUpdatedObject(String resourceID, JsonValue value)
throws JsonValueException, ResourceException {
return retrieveObject(resourceID, value.get("_id").required().asString());
* Retrieves a specified object from a resource
* @param resourceID the resource identifier to fetch the object from
* @param id the identifier of the object to fetch
* @return the object retrieved from the resource
* @throws ResourceException
private JsonValue retrieveObject(String resourceID, String id) throws ResourceException {
return performRead(retrieveFullID(resourceID, id));
private void claimAndExecScript(JsonValue input, String expectedStartDateStr)
throws ExecutionException, ResourceException {
String id = input.get("_id").required().asString();
boolean claimedTask = false;
boolean retryClaimTask = false;
JsonPointer startField = taskScannerContext.getStartField();
JsonPointer completedField = taskScannerContext.getCompletedField();
String resourceID = taskScannerContext.getObjectID();
JsonValue _input = input;
do {
try {
retryClaimTask = false;
_input = updateValueWithObject(resourceID, _input, startField, DATE_UTIL.now());
_input = updateValueWithObject(resourceID, _input, completedField, null);
logger.debug("Claimed task and updated StartField: {}", _input);
claimedTask = true;
} catch (PreconditionFailedException ex) {
// If the object changed since we queried, get the latest
// and check if it's still in a state we want to process the task.
_input = retrieveObject(resourceID, id);
String currentStartDateStr = (_input.get(startField) == null) ? null : _input.get(startField).asString();
String currentCompletedDateStr = (_input.get(completedField) == null) ? null : _input.get(completedField).asString();
if (currentCompletedDateStr == null && (currentStartDateStr == null || currentStartDateStr.equals(expectedStartDateStr))) {
retryClaimTask = true;
} else {
// Someone else managed to update the started field first,
// claimed the task. Do not execute it here this run.
logger.debug("Task for {} {} was already claimed, ignore.", resourceID, id);
} while (retryClaimTask && !taskScannerContext.isCanceled());
if (claimedTask) {
* Performs the individual executions of the supplied script
* Passes <b>"input"</b> and <b>"objectID"</b> to the script.<br>
* <b>"objectID"</b> contains the full ID of the supplied object (including resource identifier).
* Useful for performing updates.<br>
* <b>"input"</b> contains the supplied object
* @param input value to input to the script
* @throws ExecutionException
* @throws ResourceException
private void execScript(JsonValue input)
throws ExecutionException, ResourceException {
ScriptEntry script = taskScannerContext.getScriptEntry();
if (script != null) {
String resourceID = taskScannerContext.getObjectID();
Context context = taskScannerContext.getContext();
try {
Script scope = script.getScript(context);
scope.put("input", input.getObject());
scope.put("objectID", retrieveFullID(resourceID, input));
Object returnedValue = scope.eval();
JsonValue _input = retrieveUpdatedObject(resourceID, input);
logger.debug("After script execution: {}", _input);
if (returnedValue == Boolean.TRUE) {
_input = updateValueWithObject(resourceID, _input, taskScannerContext.getCompletedField(), DATE_UTIL.now());
logger.debug("Updated CompletedField: {}", _input);
} else {
} catch (ScriptException se) {
String msg = taskScannerContext.getScriptName() + " script invoked by " +
taskScannerContext.getInvokerName() + " encountered exception";
logger.debug(msg, se);
throw new ExecutionException(msg, se);
* Flattens JsonValue into a one-level-deep object
* @param original original JsonValue object
* @return flattened JsonValue
private static JsonValue flattenJson(JsonValue original) {
return flattenJson("", original);
* Flattens JsonValue into a one-level-deep object
* @param parent name of the parent object (for nested objects)
* @param original original JsonValue object
* @return flattened JsonValue
private static JsonValue flattenJson(String parent, JsonValue original) {
JsonValue flattened = new JsonValue(new HashMap<String, Object>());
Iterator<String> iter = original.keys().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String oKey = iter.next();
String key = (parent.isEmpty() ? "" : parent + ".") + oKey;
JsonValue value = original.get(oKey);
if (value.isMap()) {
addAllToJson(flattened, flattenJson(key, value));
} else {
flattened.put(key, value.getObject());
return flattened;
* Adds all objects from one JsonValue to another (performs a merge).
* Any values contained in both objects will be overwritten to reflect the values in <b>from</b>
* <br><br>
* <i><b>NOTE:</b> this should be a part of JsonValue itself (so we can support merging two JsonValue objects)</i>
* @param to JsonValue that will have objects added to it
* @param from JsonValue that will be used as reference for updating
private static void addAllToJson(JsonValue to, JsonValue from) {
Iterator<String> iter = from.keys().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key = iter.next();
to.put(key, from.get(key).getObject());
* Ensure that some JsonPointer exists within a supplied object so that some object can be placed in that field
* @param ptr JsonPointer to ensure exists at each level
* @param obj object to ensure the JsonPointer exists within
private static void ensureJsonPointerExists(JsonPointer ptr, JsonValue obj) {
JsonValue refObj = obj;
for (String p : ptr) {
if (!refObj.isDefined(p)) {
refObj.put(p, new JsonValue(new HashMap<String, Object>()));
refObj = refObj.get(p);