revision 5c6fc9459842796234027c8bb8f58886d69ebc8f
* Copyright © 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
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* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
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package org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.impl;
import static org.forgerock.openidm.repo.QueryConstants.PAGED_RESULTS_OFFSET;
import static org.forgerock.openidm.repo.QueryConstants.PAGE_SIZE;
import static org.forgerock.openidm.repo.QueryConstants.SORT_KEYS;
import static org.forgerock.openidm.repo.util.Clauses.where;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonPointer;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.InternalServerErrorException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.PreconditionFailedException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryFilter;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Resource;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.SortKey;
import org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.ErrorType;
import org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.SQLExceptionHandler;
import org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.TableHandler;
import org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.impl.query.QueryResultMapper;
import org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.impl.query.TableQueries;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Handling of tables in a generic (not object specific) layout
* @author aegloff
public class GenericTableHandler implements TableHandler {
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericTableHandler.class);
* Maximum length of searchable properties.
* This is used to trim values due to database index size limitations.
protected static final int SEARCHABLE_LENGTH = 2000;
SQLExceptionHandler sqlExceptionHandler;
GenericTableConfig cfg;
final String mainTableName;
final String propTableName;
final String dbSchemaName;
// Jackson parser
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// Type information for the Jackson parser
final TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String,Object>> typeRef = new TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String,Object>>() {};
final TableQueries queries;
Map<QueryDefinition, String> queryMap;
final boolean enableBatching; // Whether to use JDBC statement batching.
int maxBatchSize; // The maximum number of statements to batch together. If max batch size is 1, do not use batching.
public enum QueryDefinition {
public boolean queryIdExists(String queryId) {
return queries.queryIdExists(queryId);
* Create a generic table handler using a QueryFilterVisitor that uses generic object property tables to process
* query filters.
* @param tableConfig the table config
* @param dbSchemaName the schem name
* @param queriesConfig a map of named queries
* @param commandsConfig a map of named commands
* @param maxBatchSize the maximum batch size
* @param sqlExceptionHandler a handler for SQLExceptions
public GenericTableHandler(JsonValue tableConfig,
String dbSchemaName,
JsonValue queriesConfig,
JsonValue commandsConfig,
int maxBatchSize,
SQLExceptionHandler sqlExceptionHandler) {
cfg = GenericTableConfig.parse(tableConfig);
this.mainTableName = cfg.mainTableName;
this.propTableName = cfg.propertiesTableName;
this.dbSchemaName = dbSchemaName;
if (maxBatchSize < 1) {
this.maxBatchSize = 1;
} else {
this.maxBatchSize = maxBatchSize;
if (sqlExceptionHandler == null) {
this.sqlExceptionHandler = new DefaultSQLExceptionHandler();
} else {
this.sqlExceptionHandler = sqlExceptionHandler;
queries = new TableQueries(this, mainTableName, propTableName, dbSchemaName, getSearchableLength(), new GenericQueryResultMapper());
queryMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(initializeQueryMap());
queries.setConfiguredQueries(queriesConfig, commandsConfig, queryMap);
// TODO: Consider taking into account DB meta-data rather than just configuration
//DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData();
//boolean isBatchingSupported = metadata.supportsBatchUpdates();
//if (!isBatchingSupported) {
// maxBatchSize = 1;
enableBatching = (this.maxBatchSize > 1);
if (enableBatching) {"JDBC statement batching enabled, maximum batch size {}", this.maxBatchSize);
} else {"JDBC statement batching disabled.");
* Get the length of the searchable index.
int getSearchableLength() {
protected Map<QueryDefinition, String> initializeQueryMap() {
Map<QueryDefinition, String> result = new EnumMap<QueryDefinition, String>(QueryDefinition.class);
String typeTable = dbSchemaName == null ? "objecttypes" : dbSchemaName + ".objecttypes";
String mainTable = dbSchemaName == null ? mainTableName : dbSchemaName + "." + mainTableName;
String propertyTable = dbSchemaName == null ? propTableName : dbSchemaName + "." + propTableName;
// objecttypes table
result.put(QueryDefinition.CREATETYPEQUERYSTR, "INSERT INTO " + typeTable + " (objecttype) VALUES (?)");
result.put(QueryDefinition.READTYPEQUERYSTR, "SELECT id FROM " + typeTable + " objtype WHERE objtype.objecttype = ?");
// Main object table
result.put(QueryDefinition.READFORUPDATEQUERYSTR, "SELECT obj.* FROM " + mainTable + " obj INNER JOIN " + typeTable + " objtype ON obj.objecttypes_id = AND objtype.objecttype = ? WHERE obj.objectid = ? FOR UPDATE");
result.put(QueryDefinition.READQUERYSTR, "SELECT obj.rev, obj.fullobject FROM " + typeTable + " objtype, " + mainTable + " obj WHERE obj.objecttypes_id = AND objtype.objecttype = ? AND obj.objectid = ?");
result.put(QueryDefinition.CREATEQUERYSTR, "INSERT INTO " + mainTable + " (objecttypes_id, objectid, rev, fullobject) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
result.put(QueryDefinition.UPDATEQUERYSTR, "UPDATE " + mainTable + " obj SET obj.objectid = ?, obj.rev = ?, obj.fullobject = ? WHERE = ?");
result.put(QueryDefinition.DELETEQUERYSTR, "DELETE obj FROM " + mainTable + " obj INNER JOIN " + typeTable + " objtype ON obj.objecttypes_id = AND objtype.objecttype = ? WHERE obj.objectid = ? AND obj.rev = ?");
/* DB2 Script
deleteQueryStr = "DELETE FROM " + dbSchemaName + "." + mainTableName + " obj WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM " + dbSchemaName + ".objecttypes objtype WHERE obj.objecttypes_id = AND objtype.objecttype = ?) AND obj.objectid = ? AND obj.rev = ?";
// Object properties table
result.put(QueryDefinition.PROPCREATEQUERYSTR, "INSERT INTO " + propertyTable + " ( " + mainTableName + "_id, propkey, proptype, propvalue) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
result.put(QueryDefinition.PROPDELETEQUERYSTR, "DELETE prop FROM " + propertyTable + " prop INNER JOIN " + mainTable + " obj ON prop." + mainTableName + "_id = INNER JOIN " + typeTable + " objtype ON obj.objecttypes_id = WHERE objtype.objecttype = ? AND obj.objectid = ?");
// Default object queries
String tableVariable = dbSchemaName == null ? "${_mainTable}" : "${_dbSchema}.${_mainTable}";
result.put(QueryDefinition.QUERYALLIDS, "SELECT obj.objectid FROM " + tableVariable + " obj INNER JOIN " + typeTable + " objtype ON obj.objecttypes_id = WHERE objtype.objecttype = ${_resource}");
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.impl.TableHandler#read(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.sql.Connection)
public Resource read(String fullId, String type, String localId, Connection connection)
throws ResourceException, SQLException, IOException {
Resource result = null;
Map<String, Object> resultMap = null;
PreparedStatement readStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
readStatement = getPreparedStatement(connection, QueryDefinition.READQUERYSTR);
logger.trace("Populating prepared statement {} for {}", readStatement, fullId);
readStatement.setString(1, type);
readStatement.setString(2, localId);
logger.debug("Executing: {}", readStatement);
rs = readStatement.executeQuery();
if ( {
String rev = rs.getString("rev");
String objString = rs.getString("fullobject");
resultMap = mapper.readValue(objString, typeRef);
resultMap.put("_rev", rev);
logger.debug(" full id: {}, rev: {}, obj {}", fullId, rev, resultMap);
result = new Resource(localId, rev, new JsonValue(resultMap));
} else {
throw ResourceException.getException(ResourceException.NOT_FOUND,
"Object " + fullId + " not found in " + type);
} finally {
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.impl.TableHandler#create(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map, java.sql.Connection)
public void create(String fullId, String type, String localId, Map<String, Object> obj, Connection connection)
throws SQLException, IOException, InternalServerErrorException {
long typeId = getTypeId(type, connection); // Note this call can commit and start a new transaction in some cases
PreparedStatement createStatement = null;
try {
createStatement = queries.getPreparedStatement(connection, queryMap.get(QueryDefinition.CREATEQUERYSTR), true);
logger.debug("Create with fullid {}", fullId);
String rev = "0";
obj.put("_id", localId); // Save the id in the object
obj.put("_rev", rev); // Save the rev in the object, and return the changed rev from the create.
String objString = mapper.writeValueAsString(obj);
logger.trace("Populating statement {} with params {}, {}, {}, {}",
createStatement, typeId, localId, rev, objString);
createStatement.setLong(1, typeId);
createStatement.setString(2, localId);
createStatement.setString(3, rev);
createStatement.setString(4, objString);
logger.debug("Executing: {}", createStatement);
int val = createStatement.executeUpdate();
ResultSet keys = createStatement.getGeneratedKeys();
boolean validKeyEntry =;
if (!validKeyEntry) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Object creation for " + fullId + " failed to retrieve an assigned ID from the DB.");
long dbId = keys.getLong(1);
logger.debug("Created object for id {} with rev {}", fullId, rev);
JsonValue jv = new JsonValue(obj);
writeValueProperties(fullId, dbId, localId, jv, connection);
} finally {
* Writes all properties of a given resource to the properties table and links them to the main table record.
* @param fullId the full URI of the resource the belongs to
* @param dbId the generated identifier to link the properties table with the main table (foreign key)
* @param localId the local identifier of the resource these properties belong to
* @param value the JSON value with the properties to write
* @param connection the DB connection
* @throws SQLException if the insert failed
void writeValueProperties(String fullId, long dbId, String localId, JsonValue value, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
if (cfg.hasPossibleSearchableProperties()) {
Integer batchingCount = 0;
PreparedStatement propCreateStatement = getPreparedStatement(connection, QueryDefinition.PROPCREATEQUERYSTR);
try {
batchingCount = writeValueProperties(fullId, dbId, localId, value, connection, propCreateStatement, batchingCount);
if (enableBatching && batchingCount > 0) {
int[] numUpdates = propCreateStatement.executeBatch();
logger.debug("Batch update of objectproperties updated: {}", numUpdates);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Writing batch of objectproperties, updated: {}", Arrays.asList(numUpdates));
} finally {
* Internal recursive function to add/write properties.
* If batching is enabled, prepared statements are added to the batch and only executed if they hit the max limit.
* After completion returns the number of properties that have only been added to the batch but not yet executed.
* The caller is responsible for executing the batch on remaining items when it deems the batch complete.
* If batching is not enabled, prepared statements are immediately executed.
* @param fullId the full URI of the resource the belongs to
* @param dbId the generated identifier to link the properties table with the main table (foreign key)
* @param localId the local identifier of the resource these properties belong to
* @param value the JSON value with the properties to write
* @param connection the DB connection
* @param propCreateStatement the prepared properties insert statement
* @param batchingCount the current number of statements that have been batched and not yet executed on the prepared statement
* @return status of the current batchingCount, i.e. how many statements are not yet executed in the PreparedStatement
* @throws SQLException if the insert failed
private int writeValueProperties(String fullId, long dbId, String localId, JsonValue value, Connection connection,
PreparedStatement propCreateStatement, int batchingCount) throws SQLException {
for (JsonValue entry : value) {
JsonPointer propPointer = entry.getPointer();
if (cfg.isSearchable(propPointer)) {
String propkey = propPointer.toString();
if (entry.isMap() || entry.isList()) {
batchingCount = writeValueProperties(fullId, dbId, localId, entry, connection, propCreateStatement, batchingCount);
} else {
String propvalue = null;
Object val = entry.getObject();
if (val != null) {
propvalue = StringUtils.left(val.toString(), getSearchableLength());
String proptype = null;
if (propvalue != null) {
proptype = entry.getObject().getClass().getName(); // TODO: proper type info
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Populating statement {} with params {}, {}, {}, {}, {}",
propCreateStatement, dbId, localId, propkey, proptype, propvalue);
propCreateStatement.setLong(1, dbId);
propCreateStatement.setString(2, propkey);
propCreateStatement.setString(3, proptype);
propCreateStatement.setString(4, propvalue);
logger.debug("Executing: {}", propCreateStatement);
if (enableBatching) {
} else {
int numUpdate = propCreateStatement.executeUpdate();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Inserting objectproperty id: {} propkey: {} proptype: {}, propvalue: {}", fullId, propkey, proptype, propvalue);
if (enableBatching && batchingCount >= maxBatchSize) {
int[] numUpdates = propCreateStatement.executeBatch();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Batch limit reached, update of objectproperties updated: {}", Arrays.asList(numUpdates));
batchingCount = 0;
return batchingCount;
* @inheritDoc
public boolean isErrorType(SQLException ex, ErrorType errorType) {
return sqlExceptionHandler.isErrorType(ex, errorType);
* @inheritDoc
public boolean isRetryable(SQLException ex, Connection connection) {
return sqlExceptionHandler.isRetryable(ex, connection);
// Ensure type is in objecttypes table and get its assigned id
// Callers should note that this may commit a transaction and start a new one if a new type gets added
long getTypeId(String type, Connection connection) throws SQLException, InternalServerErrorException {
Exception detectedEx = null;
long typeId = readTypeId(type, connection);
if (typeId < 0) {
connection.setAutoCommit(true); // Commit the new type right away, and have no transaction isolation for read
try {
createTypeId(type, connection);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
// Rather than relying on DB specific ignore if exists functionality handle it here
// Could extend this in the future to more explicitly check for duplicate key error codes, but these again can be DB specific
detectedEx = ex;
typeId = readTypeId(type, connection);
if (typeId < 0) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Failed to populate and look up objecttypes table, no id could be retrieved for " + type, detectedEx);
connection.setAutoCommit(false); // Start another transaction
return typeId;
* @param type the object type URI
* @param connection the DB connection
* @return the typeId for the given type if exists, or -1 if does not exist
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
long readTypeId(String type, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
long typeId = -1;
Map<String, Object> result = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement readTypeStatement = null;
try {
readTypeStatement = getPreparedStatement(connection, QueryDefinition.READTYPEQUERYSTR);
logger.trace("Populating prepared statement {} for {}", readTypeStatement, type);
readTypeStatement.setString(1, type);
logger.debug("Executing: {}", readTypeStatement);
rs = readTypeStatement.executeQuery();
if ( {
typeId = rs.getLong("id");
logger.debug("Type: {}, id: {}", type, typeId);
} finally {
return typeId;
* @param type the object type URI
* @param connection the DB connection
* @return true if a type was inserted
* @throws SQLException if the insert failed (e.g. concurrent insert by another thread)
boolean createTypeId(String type, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement createTypeStatement = getPreparedStatement(connection, QueryDefinition.CREATETYPEQUERYSTR);
try {
logger.debug("Create objecttype {}", type);
createTypeStatement.setString(1, type);
logger.debug("Executing: {}", createTypeStatement);
int val = createTypeStatement.executeUpdate();
return (val == 1);
} finally {
* Reads an object with for update locking applied
* Note: statement associated with the returned resultset
* is not closed upon return.
* Aside from taking care to close the resultset it also is
* the responsibility of the caller to close the associated
* statement. Although the specification specifies that drivers/pools
* should close the statement automatically, not all do this reliably.
* @param fullId qualified id of component type and id
* @param type the component type
* @param localId the id of the object within the component type
* @param connection the connection to use
* @return the row for the requested object, selected FOR UPDATE
* @throws NotFoundException if the requested object was not found in the DB
* @throws java.sql.SQLException for general DB issues
public ResultSet readForUpdate(String fullId, String type, String localId, Connection connection)
throws NotFoundException, SQLException {
PreparedStatement readForUpdateStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
readForUpdateStatement = getPreparedStatement(connection, QueryDefinition.READFORUPDATEQUERYSTR);
logger.trace("Populating prepared statement {} for {}", readForUpdateStatement, fullId);
readForUpdateStatement.setString(1, type);
readForUpdateStatement.setString(2, localId);
logger.debug("Executing: {}", readForUpdateStatement);
rs = readForUpdateStatement.executeQuery();
if ( {
logger.debug("Read for update full id: {}", fullId);
return rs;
} else {
throw new NotFoundException("Object " + fullId + " not found in " + type);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw ex;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.impl.TableHandler#update(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map, java.sql.Connection)
public void update(String fullId, String type, String localId, String rev, Map<String, Object> obj, Connection connection)
throws SQLException, IOException, PreconditionFailedException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException {
logger.debug("Update with fullid {}", fullId);
int revInt = Integer.parseInt(rev);
String newRev = Integer.toString(revInt);
obj.put("_rev", newRev); // Save the rev in the object, and return the changed rev from the create.
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement updateStatement = null;
PreparedStatement deletePropStatement = null;
try {
rs = readForUpdate(fullId, type, localId, connection);
String existingRev = rs.getString("rev");
long dbId = rs.getLong("id");
long objectTypeDbId = rs.getLong("objecttypes_id");
logger.debug("Update existing object {} rev: {} db id: {}, object type db id: {}", fullId, existingRev, dbId, objectTypeDbId);
if (!existingRev.equals(rev)) {
throw new PreconditionFailedException("Update rejected as current Object revision " + existingRev + " is different than expected by caller (" + rev + "), the object has changed since retrieval.");
updateStatement = getPreparedStatement(connection, QueryDefinition.UPDATEQUERYSTR);
deletePropStatement = getPreparedStatement(connection, QueryDefinition.PROPDELETEQUERYSTR);
// Support changing object identifier
String newLocalId = (String) obj.get("_id");
if (newLocalId != null && !localId.equals(newLocalId)) {
logger.debug("Object identifier is changing from " + localId + " to " + newLocalId);
} else {
newLocalId = localId; // If it hasn't changed, use the existing ID
obj.put("_id", newLocalId); // Ensure the ID is saved in the object
String objString = mapper.writeValueAsString(obj);
logger.trace("Populating prepared statement {} for {} {} {} {} {}", updateStatement, fullId, newLocalId, newRev, objString, dbId);
updateStatement.setString(1, newLocalId);
updateStatement.setString(2, newRev);
updateStatement.setString(3, objString);
updateStatement.setLong(4, dbId);
logger.debug("Update statement: {}", updateStatement);
int updateCount = updateStatement.executeUpdate();
logger.trace("Updated rows: {} for {}", updateCount, fullId);
if (updateCount != 1) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Update execution did not result in updating 1 row as expected. Updated rows: " + updateCount);
JsonValue jv = new JsonValue(obj);
// TODO: only update what changed?
logger.trace("Populating prepared statement {} for {} {} {}", deletePropStatement, fullId, type, localId);
deletePropStatement.setString(1, type);
deletePropStatement.setString(2, localId);
logger.debug("Update properties del statement: {}", deletePropStatement);
int deleteCount = deletePropStatement.executeUpdate();
logger.trace("Deleted child rows: {} for: {}", deleteCount, fullId);
writeValueProperties(fullId, dbId, localId, jv, connection);
} finally {
if (rs != null) {
// Ensure associated statement also is closed
Statement rsStatement = rs.getStatement();
* @see org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.impl.GenericTableHandler#delete(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.sql.Connection)
public void delete(String fullId, String type, String localId, String rev, Connection connection)
throws PreconditionFailedException, InternalServerErrorException, NotFoundException, SQLException, IOException {
logger.debug("Delete with fullid {}", fullId);
// First check if the revision matches and select it for UPDATE
ResultSet existing = null;
PreparedStatement deleteStatement = null;
try {
try {
existing = readForUpdate(fullId, type, localId, connection);
} catch (NotFoundException ex) {
throw new NotFoundException("Object does not exist for delete on: " + fullId);
String existingRev = existing.getString("rev");
if (!"*".equals(rev) && !rev.equals(existingRev)) {
throw new PreconditionFailedException("Delete rejected as current Object revision " + existingRev + " is different than "
+ "expected by caller " + rev + ", the object has changed since retrieval.");
// Proceed with the valid delete
deleteStatement = getPreparedStatement(connection, QueryDefinition.DELETEQUERYSTR);
logger.trace("Populating prepared statement {} for {} {} {} {}", deleteStatement, fullId, type, localId, rev);
// Rely on ON DELETE CASCADE for connected object properties to be deleted
deleteStatement.setString(1, type);
deleteStatement.setString(2, localId);
deleteStatement.setString(3, rev);
logger.debug("Delete statement: {}", deleteStatement);
int deletedRows = deleteStatement.executeUpdate();
logger.trace("Deleted {} rows for id : {} {}", deletedRows, localId);
if (deletedRows < 1) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Deleting object for " + fullId + " failed, DB reported " + deletedRows + " rows deleted");
} else {
logger.debug("delete for id succeeded: {} revision: {}", localId, rev);
} finally {
if (existing != null) {
// Ensure associated statement also is closed
Statement existingStatement = existing.getStatement();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc.impl.TableHandler#delete(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.sql.Connection)
public List<Map<String, Object>> query(String type, Map<String, Object> params, Connection connection)
throws ResourceException {
return queries.query(type, params, connection);
public Integer command(String type, Map<String, Object> params, Connection connection) throws SQLException, ResourceException {
return queries.command(type, params, connection);
public String toString() {
return "Generic handler mapped to [" + mainTableName + ", " + propTableName + "]";
protected PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(Connection connection, QueryDefinition queryDefinition) throws SQLException {
return queries.getPreparedStatement(connection, queryMap.get(queryDefinition));
* Render and SQL SELECT statement with placeholders for the given query filter.
* @param filter the query filter
* @param replacementTokens a map to store any replacement tokens
* @param params a map containing query parameters
* @return an SQL SELECT statement
public String renderQueryFilter(QueryFilter filter, Map<String, Object> replacementTokens, Map<String, Object> params) {
final int offsetParam = Integer.parseInt((String) params.get(PAGED_RESULTS_OFFSET));
final int pageSizeParam = Integer.parseInt((String) params.get(PAGE_SIZE));
SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder() {
public String toSQL() {
return "SELECT " + getColumns().toSQL()
+ getFromClause().toSQL()
+ getWhereClause().toSQL()
+ getOrderByClause().toSQL()
+ " LIMIT " + pageSizeParam
+ " OFFSET " + offsetParam;
// "SELECT obj.* FROM mainTable obj..."
.from("${_dbSchema}.${_mainTable} obj")
// join objecttypes to fix OPENIDM-2773
.join("${_dbSchema}.objecttypes", "objecttypes")
.on(where("obj.objecttypes_id =")
.and("objecttypes.objecttype = ${otype}"))
// construct where clause by visiting filter
.where(filter.accept(new GenericSQLQueryFilterVisitor(SEARCHABLE_LENGTH, builder), replacementTokens));
// other half of OPENIDM-2773 fix
replacementTokens.put("otype", params.get("_resource"));
// JsonValue-cheat to avoid an unchecked cast
final List<SortKey> sortKeys = new JsonValue(params).get(SORT_KEYS).asList(SortKey.class);
// Check for sort keys and build up order-by syntax
prepareSortKeyStatements(builder, sortKeys, replacementTokens);
return builder.toSQL();
* Loops through sort keys constructing the inner join and key statements.
* @param builder the SQL builder
* @param sortKeys a {@link java.util.List} of sort keys
* @param replacementTokens a {@link java.util.Map} containing replacement tokens for the {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement}
protected void prepareSortKeyStatements(SQLBuilder builder, List<SortKey> sortKeys, Map<String, Object> replacementTokens) {
if (sortKeys == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < sortKeys.size(); i++) {
final SortKey sortKey = sortKeys.get(i);
final String tokenName = "sortKey" + i;
final String tableAlias = "orderby" + i;
builder.join("${_dbSchema}.${_propTable}", tableAlias)
.on(where(tableAlias + ".${_mainTable}_id =").and(tableAlias + ".propkey = ${" + tokenName + "}"))
.orderBy(tableAlias + ".propvalue", sortKey.isAscendingOrder());
replacementTokens.put(tokenName, sortKey.getField().toString());
class GenericQueryResultMapper implements QueryResultMapper {
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericQueryResultMapper.class);
// Jackson parser
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// Type information for the Jackson parser
TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String,Object>> typeRef = new TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String,Object>>() {};
public List<Map<String, Object>> mapQueryToObject(ResultSet rs, String queryId, String type, Map<String, Object> params, TableQueries tableQueries)
throws SQLException, IOException {
List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData();
boolean hasFullObject = tableQueries.hasColumn(rsMetaData, "fullobject");
boolean hasId = false;
boolean hasRev = false;
boolean hasPropKey = false;
boolean hasPropValue = false;
boolean hasTotal = false;
if (!hasFullObject) {
hasId = tableQueries.hasColumn(rsMetaData, "objectid");
hasRev = tableQueries.hasColumn(rsMetaData, "rev");
hasPropKey = tableQueries.hasColumn(rsMetaData, "propkey");
hasPropValue = tableQueries.hasColumn(rsMetaData, "propvalue");
hasTotal = tableQueries.hasColumn(rsMetaData, "total");
while ( {
if (hasFullObject) {
String objString = rs.getString("fullobject");
Map<String, Object> obj = mapper.readValue(objString, typeRef);
// TODO: remove data logging
logger.trace("Query result for queryId: {} type: {} converted obj: {}", new Object[] {queryId, type, obj});
} else {
Map<String, Object> obj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (hasId) {
obj.put("_id", rs.getString("objectid"));
if (hasRev) {
obj.put("_rev", rs.getString("rev"));
if (hasTotal) {
obj.put("total", rs.getInt("total"));
// Results from query on individual searchable property
if (hasPropKey && hasPropValue) {
String propKey = rs.getString("propkey");
Object propValue = rs.getObject("propvalue");
JsonPointer pointer = new JsonPointer(propKey);
JsonValue wrapped = new JsonValue(obj);
wrapped.put(pointer, propValue);
return result;
class GenericTableConfig {
public String mainTableName;
public String propertiesTableName;
public boolean searchableDefault;
public GenericPropertiesConfig properties;
public boolean isSearchable(JsonPointer propPointer) {
// More specific configuration takes precedence
Boolean explicit = null;
while (!propPointer.isEmpty() && explicit == null) {
explicit = properties.explicitlySearchable.get(propPointer);
propPointer = propPointer.parent();
if (explicit != null) {
return explicit.booleanValue();
} else {
return searchableDefault;
* @return Approximation on whether this may have searchable properties
* It is only an approximation as we do not have an exhaustive list of possible properties
* to consider against a default setting of searchable.
public boolean hasPossibleSearchableProperties() {
return ((searchableDefault) ? true : properties.explicitSearchableProperties);
public static GenericTableConfig parse(JsonValue tableConfig) {
GenericTableConfig cfg = new GenericTableConfig();
cfg.mainTableName = tableConfig.get("mainTable").required().asString();
cfg.propertiesTableName = tableConfig.get("propertiesTable").required().asString();
cfg.searchableDefault = tableConfig.get("searchableDefault").defaultTo(Boolean.TRUE).asBoolean(); = GenericPropertiesConfig.parse(tableConfig.get("properties"));
return cfg;
class GenericPropertiesConfig {
public Map<JsonPointer, Boolean> explicitlySearchable = new HashMap<JsonPointer, Boolean>();
public String mainTableName;
public String propertiesTableName;
public boolean searchableDefault;
public GenericPropertiesConfig properties;
// Whether there are any properties explicitly set to searchable true
public boolean explicitSearchableProperties;
public static GenericPropertiesConfig parse(JsonValue propsConfig) {
GenericPropertiesConfig cfg = new GenericPropertiesConfig();
if (!propsConfig.isNull()) {
for (String propName : propsConfig.keys()) {
JsonValue detail = propsConfig.get(propName);
boolean propSearchable = detail.get("searchable").asBoolean();
cfg.explicitlySearchable.put(new JsonPointer(propName), propSearchable);
if (propSearchable) {
cfg.explicitSearchableProperties = true;
return cfg;