ObjectMapping.java revision 1efcf1f855dad06a6ee70d96ffa9ea8145e6fc9b
* Copyright (c) 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
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package org.forgerock.openidm.sync.impl;
// Java SE
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonPointer;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValueException;
import org.forgerock.json.patch.JsonPatch;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Context;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.CreateRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.DeleteRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResult;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResultHandler;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Requests;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Resource;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.RootContext;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.SecurityContext;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ServerContext;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.UpdateRequest;
import org.forgerock.openidm.config.enhanced.InternalErrorException;
import org.forgerock.openidm.sync.TriggerContext;
import org.forgerock.openidm.sync.impl.Scripts.Script;
import org.forgerock.openidm.smartevent.EventEntry;
import org.forgerock.openidm.smartevent.Name;
import org.forgerock.openidm.smartevent.Publisher;
import org.forgerock.openidm.util.DateUtil;
import org.forgerock.script.exception.ScriptThrownException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
* TODO: Description.
* @author Paul C. Bryan
* @author aegloff
class ObjectMapping {
* Event names for monitoring ObjectMapping behavior
public static final Name EVENT_CREATE_OBJ = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/create-object");
public static final Name EVENT_SOURCE_ASSESS_SITUATION = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/source/assess-situation");
public static final Name EVENT_SOURCE_DETERMINE_ACTION = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/source/determine-action");
public static final Name EVENT_SOURCE_PERFORM_ACTION = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/source/perform-action");
public static final Name EVENT_CORRELATE_TARGET = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/source/correlate-target");
public static final Name EVENT_UPDATE_TARGET = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/update-target");
public static final Name EVENT_DELETE_TARGET = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/delete-target");
public static final Name EVENT_TARGET_ASSESS_SITUATION = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/target/assess-situation");
public static final Name EVENT_TARGET_DETERMINE_ACTION = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/target/determine-action");
public static final Name EVENT_TARGET_PERFORM_ACTION = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/target/perform-action");
public static final String EVENT_OBJECT_MAPPING_PREFIX = "openidm/internal/discovery-engine/sync/objectmapping/";
* Event names for monitoring Reconciliation behavior
public static final Name EVENT_RECON = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/reconciliation");
public static final Name EVENT_RECON_ID_QUERIES = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/reconciliation/id-queries-phase");
public static final Name EVENT_RECON_SOURCE = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/reconciliation/source-phase");
public static final Name EVENT_RECON_TARGET = Name.get("openidm/internal/discovery-engine/reconciliation/target-phase");
* Date util used when creating ReconObject timestamps
private static final DateUtil dateUtil = DateUtil.getDateUtil("UTC");
/** TODO: Description. */
private enum Status { SUCCESS, FAILURE }
/** TODO: Description. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ObjectMapping.class);
/** TODO: Description. */
private String name;
/** The raw mapping configuration */
private JsonValue config;
/** The name of the links set to use. Defaults to mapping name. */
private String linkTypeName;
/** The link type to use */
LinkType linkType;
* Whether to link source IDs in a case sensitive fashion.
* Only effective if this mapping defines links, is ignored if this
* mapping re-uses another mapping's links
* Default to {@code TRUE}
private Boolean sourceIdsCaseSensitive;
* Whether to link target IDs in a case sensitive fashion.
* Only effective if this mapping defines links, is ignored if this
* mapping re-uses another mapping's links
* Default to {@code TRUE}
private Boolean targetIdsCaseSensitive;
/** TODO: Description. */
private String sourceObjectSet;
/** TODO: Description. */
private String targetObjectSet;
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script validSource;
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script validTarget;
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script correlationQuery;
/** TODO: Description. */
private ArrayList<PropertyMapping> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyMapping>();
/** TODO: Description. */
private ArrayList<Policy> policies = new ArrayList<Policy>();
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script onCreateScript;
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script onUpdateScript;
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script onDeleteScript;
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script onLinkScript;
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script onUnlinkScript;
/** TODO: Description. */
private Script resultScript;
private JsonValue sourceCondition;
* Whether existing links should be fetched in one go along with the source and target id lists.
* false indicates links should be retrieved individually as they are needed.
private Boolean prefetchLinks;
* Whether when at the outset of correlation the target set is empty (query all ids returns empty),
* it should try to correlate source entries to target when necessary.
* Default to {@code FALSE}
private Boolean correlateEmptyTargetSet;
* Whether to maintain links for sync-d targets
* Default to {@code TRUE}
private Boolean linkingEnabled;
* The number of processing threads to use in reconciliation
// TODO: make configurable
int taskThreads = 10;
/** TODO: Description. */
private SynchronizationService service;
/** Whether synchronization (automatic propagation of changes as they are detected) is enabled on that mapping */
private Boolean syncEnabled;
* Create an instance of a mapping between source and target
* @param service The associated sychronization service
* @param config The configuration for this mapping
* @throws JsonValueException if there is an issue initializing based on the configuration.
public ObjectMapping(SynchronizationService service, JsonValue config) throws JsonValueException {
this.service = service;
this.config = config;
name = config.get("name").required().asString();
linkTypeName = config.get("links").defaultTo(name).asString();
sourceObjectSet = config.get("source").required().asString();
targetObjectSet = config.get("target").required().asString();
sourceIdsCaseSensitive = config.get("sourceIdsCaseSensitive").defaultTo(Boolean.TRUE).asBoolean();
targetIdsCaseSensitive = config.get("targetIdsCaseSensitive").defaultTo(Boolean.TRUE).asBoolean();
validSource = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("validSource"));
validTarget = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("validTarget"));
sourceCondition = config.get("sourceCondition").expect(Map.class);
correlationQuery = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("correlationQuery"));
for (JsonValue jv : config.get("properties").expect(List.class)) {
properties.add(new PropertyMapping(service, jv));
for (JsonValue jv : config.get("policies").expect(List.class)) {
policies.add(new Policy(service, jv));
onCreateScript = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("onCreate"));
onUpdateScript = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("onUpdate"));
onDeleteScript = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("onDelete"));
onLinkScript = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("onLink"));
onUnlinkScript = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("onUnlink"));
resultScript = Scripts.newInstance("ObjectMapping", config.get("result"));
prefetchLinks = config.get("prefetchLinks").defaultTo(Boolean.TRUE).asBoolean();
Integer confTaskThreads = config.get("taskThreads").asInteger();
if (confTaskThreads != null) {
taskThreads = confTaskThreads.intValue();
correlateEmptyTargetSet = config.get("correlateEmptyTargetSet").defaultTo(Boolean.FALSE).asBoolean();
syncEnabled = config.get("enableSync").defaultTo(Boolean.TRUE).asBoolean();
linkingEnabled = config.get("enableLinking").defaultTo(Boolean.TRUE).asBoolean();
LOGGER.debug("Instantiated {}", name);
public boolean isSyncEnabled() {
return syncEnabled.booleanValue();
public boolean isLinkingEnabled() {
return linkingEnabled.booleanValue();
* Mappings can share the same link tables.
* Establish the relationship between the mappings and determine the proper
* link type to use
* @param syncSvc the associated synchronization service
* @param allMappings The list of all existing mappings
public void initRelationships(SynchronizationService syncSvc, List<ObjectMapping> allMappings) {
linkType = LinkType.getLinkType(this, allMappings);
* @return the associated synchronization service
SynchronizationService getService() {
return service;
* @return The name of the object mapping
public String getName() {
return name;
* @return The raw config associated with the object mapping
public JsonValue getConfig() {
return config;
* @return The configured name of the link set to use for this object mapping
public String getLinkTypeName() {
return linkTypeName;
* @return The resolved name of the link set to use for this object mapping
public LinkType getLinkType() {
return linkType;
* @return The mapping source object set
public String getSourceObjectSet() {
return sourceObjectSet;
* @return The mapping target object set
public String getTargetObjectSet() {
return targetObjectSet;
* @return The setting for whether to link
* source IDs in a case sensitive fashion.
* Only effective if the mapping defines the links,
* not if the mapping re-uses another mapping's links
public boolean getSourceIdsCaseSensitive() {
return sourceIdsCaseSensitive.booleanValue();
* @return The setting for whether to link
* target IDs in a case sensitive fashion.
* Only effective if the mapping defines the links,
* not if the mapping re-uses another mapping's links
public boolean getTargetIdsCaseSensitive() {
return targetIdsCaseSensitive.booleanValue();
* @see doSourceSync(String id, JsonValue value)
* Convenience function with deleted defaulted to false and oldValue defaulted to null
private void doSourceSync(String id, JsonValue value) throws SynchronizationException {
doSourceSync(id, value, false, null);
* Source synchronization
* @param id fully-qualified source object identifier.
* @param value null to have it query the source state if applicable,
* or JsonValue to tell it the value of the existing source to sync
* @param sourceDeleted Whether the source object has been deleted
* @throws SynchronizationException if sync-ing fails.
private void doSourceSync(String id, JsonValue value, boolean sourceDeleted, JsonValue oldValue) throws SynchronizationException {
LOGGER.trace("Start source synchronization of {} {}", id, (value == null ? "without a value" : "with a value"));
String localId = id.substring(sourceObjectSet.length() + 2); // skip the slashes
// TODO: one day bifurcate this for synchronous and asynchronous source operation
SourceSyncOperation op = new SourceSyncOperation();
op.oldValue = oldValue;
if (sourceDeleted) {
op.sourceObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, sourceObjectSet, localId, null);
} else if (value != null) {
value.put("_id", localId); // unqualified
op.sourceObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, sourceObjectSet, localId, value);
} else {
op.sourceObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, sourceObjectSet, localId);
* TODO: Description.
* @param query TODO.
* @return TODO.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private Map<String, Object> queryTargetObjectSet(Map<String, Object> query)
throws SynchronizationException {
try {
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
final Collection<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
result.put(QueryResult.FIELD_RESULT, list);
QueryRequest r = Requests.newQueryRequest(targetObjectSet);
// FIXME Decide what to do wrt query constants and leading underscores
r.setQueryId((String)query.get("_" + QueryRequest.FIELD_QUERY_ID));
r.setQueryExpression((String)query.get("_" + QueryRequest.FIELD_QUERY_EXPRESSION));
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e: query.entrySet()) {
r.setAdditionalParameter(e.getKey(), String.valueOf(e.getValue()));
service.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().query(service.getRouter(), r, new QueryResultHandler() {
public void handleError(ResourceException error) {
// ignore
public boolean handleResource(Resource resource) {
return true;
public void handleResult(QueryResult result) {
return result;
} catch (ResourceException ose) {
throw new SynchronizationException(ose);
// TODO: maybe move all this target stuff into a target object wrapper to keep this class clean
* TODO: Description.
* @param target TODO.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private LazyObjectAccessor createTargetObject(JsonValue target) throws SynchronizationException {
EventEntry measure = Publisher.start(EVENT_CREATE_OBJ, target, null);
LazyObjectAccessor targetObject = null;
LOGGER.trace("Create target object {}/{}", targetObjectSet, target.get("_id").asString());
try {
CreateRequest cr = Requests.newCreateRequest(targetObjectSet, target.get("_id").asString(), target);
Resource r = service.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().create(service.getRouter(), cr);
targetObject = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet, r.getId(), target);
} catch (JsonValueException jve) {
throw new SynchronizationException(jve);
} catch (ResourceException ose) {
LOGGER.warn("Failed to create target object", ose);
throw new SynchronizationException(ose);
} finally {
return targetObject;
// TODO: maybe move all this target stuff into a target object wrapper to keep this class clean
* TODO: Description.
* @param target TODO.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private void updateTargetObject(JsonValue target) throws SynchronizationException {
EventEntry measure = Publisher.start(EVENT_UPDATE_TARGET, target, null);
try {
String id = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(targetObjectSet,
LOGGER.trace("Update target object {}", id);
UpdateRequest ur = Requests.newUpdateRequest(id, target);
service.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().update(service.getRouter(), ur);
} catch (JsonValueException jve) {
throw new SynchronizationException(jve);
} catch (ResourceException ose) {
LOGGER.warn("Failed to update target object", ose);
throw new SynchronizationException(ose);
} finally {
// TODO: maybe move all this target stuff into a target object wrapper to keep this class clean
* TODO: Description.
* @param target TODO.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private void deleteTargetObject(JsonValue target) throws SynchronizationException {
if (target != null && target.get("_id").isString()) { // forgiving delete
EventEntry measure = Publisher.start(EVENT_DELETE_TARGET, target, null);
try {
String id = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(targetObjectSet,
LOGGER.trace("Delete target object {}", id);
DeleteRequest ur = Requests.newDeleteRequest(id);
service.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().delete(service.getRouter(), ur);
} catch (JsonValueException jve) {
throw new SynchronizationException(jve);
} catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
// forgiving delete
} catch (ResourceException ose) {
LOGGER.warn("Failed to delete target object", ose);
throw new SynchronizationException(ose);
} finally {
* TODO: Description.
* @param source TODO.
* @param target TODO.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private void applyMappings(JsonValue source, JsonValue target) throws SynchronizationException {
EventEntry measure = Publisher.start(getObjectMappingEventName(), source, null);
try {
for (PropertyMapping property : properties) {
property.apply(source, target);
} finally {
* @return an event name for monitoring this object mapping
private Name getObjectMappingEventName() {
return Name.get(EVENT_OBJECT_MAPPING_PREFIX + name);
* Returns {@code true} if the specified object identifer is in this mapping's source
* object set.
private boolean isSourceObject(String id) {
return (id.startsWith("/" + sourceObjectSet + '/') && id.length() > sourceObjectSet.length() + 2);
public void onCreate(String id, JsonValue value) throws SynchronizationException {
if (isSourceObject(id)) {
if (value == null || value.getObject() == null) { // notification without the actual value
value = LazyObjectAccessor.rawReadObject(service.getRouter(), service.getConnectionFactory(), id);
doSourceSync(id, value); // synchronous for now
public void onUpdate(String id, JsonValue oldValue, JsonValue newValue) throws SynchronizationException {
if (isSourceObject(id)) {
if (newValue == null || newValue.getObject() == null) { // notification without the actual value
newValue = LazyObjectAccessor.rawReadObject(service.getRouter(), service.getConnectionFactory(), id);
// TODO: use old value to project incremental diff without fetch of source
if (oldValue == null || oldValue.getObject() == null || JsonPatch.diff(oldValue, newValue).size() > 0) {
doSourceSync(id, newValue); // synchronous for now
} else {
LOGGER.trace("There is nothing to update on {}", id);
public void onDelete(String id, JsonValue oldValue) throws SynchronizationException {
if (isSourceObject(id)) {
doSourceSync(id, null, true, oldValue); // synchronous for now
* Perform the reconciliation action on a pre-assessed job.
* <p/>
* For the input parameters see {@link org.forgerock.openidm.sync.impl.ObjectMapping.SourceSyncOperation#toJsonValue()} or
* {@link org.forgerock.openidm.sync.impl.ObjectMapping.TargetSyncOperation#toJsonValue()}.
* <p/>
* Script example:
* <pre>
* try {
* openidm.action('sync',recon.actionParam)
* } catch(e) {
* };
* </pre>
* @param params the input parameters to proceed with the pre-assessed job
* includes state from previous pre-assessment (source or target sync operation),
* plus instructions of what to execute. Specifically beyond the pre-asessed state
* it expects changes to params
* - action: the desired action to execute
* - situation (optional): the situation to expect before executing the action.
* To enforce that the action is only executed if the situation didn't change,
* supply the situation from the pre-assessment.
* To attempt execution of the action without enforcing the situation check,
* supply no situation param
* @throws SynchronizationException
public void performAction(JsonValue params) throws SynchronizationException {
// If reconId is set this action is part of a reconciliation run
String reconId = params.get("reconId").asString();
ServerContext context = ObjectSetContext.get();
if (reconId != null) {
context = new TriggerContext(context, "recon");
try {
Context rootContext = context.asContext(RootContext.class);
Action action = params.get("action").required().asEnum(Action.class);
SyncOperation op = null;
ReconEntry entry = null;
SynchronizationException exception = null;
try {
if (params.get("target").isNull()) {
SourceSyncOperation sop = new SourceSyncOperation();
op = sop;
entry = new ReconEntry(sop, rootContext, dateUtil);
entry.sourceId = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(sourceObjectSet, sop.getSourceObjectId());
if (null == sop.getSourceObject()) {
exception = new SynchronizationException(
"Source object " + entry.sourceId + " does not exists");
throw exception;
//TODO blank check
String targetId = params.get("targetId").asString();
if (null != targetId){
op.targetObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet, targetId);
if (null == sop.getTargetObject()) {
exception = new SynchronizationException(
"Target object " + targetId + " does not exists");
throw exception;
} else {
TargetSyncOperation top = new TargetSyncOperation();
op = top;
String targetId = params.get("targetId").required().asString();
entry = new ReconEntry(top, rootContext, dateUtil);
entry.targetId = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(targetObjectSet, targetId);
top.targetObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet, targetId);
if (null == top.getTargetObject()) {
exception = new SynchronizationException(
"Target object " + entry.targetId + " does not exists");
throw exception;
// IF an expected situation is supplied, compare and reject if current situation changed
if (params.isDefined("situation")) {
Situation situation = params.get("situation").required().asEnum(Situation.class);
if (!situation.equals(op.situation)) {
exception = new SynchronizationException(
"Expected situation does not match. Expect: " + situation.name()
+ " Found: " + op.situation.name());
throw exception;
op.action = action;
} catch (SynchronizationException se) {
if (op.action != Action.EXCEPTION) {
entry.status = Status.FAILURE; // exception was not intentional
if (reconId != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Unexpected failure during source reconciliation {}", reconId, se);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Unexpected failure in performing action {}", params, se);
setReconEntryMessage(entry, se);
if (reconId != null && !Action.NOREPORT.equals(action) && (entry.status == Status.FAILURE || op.action != null)) {
entry.timestamp = new Date();
if (op instanceof SourceSyncOperation) {
entry.reconciling = "source";
if (op.getTargetObject() != null) {
entry.targetId = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(targetObjectSet,
entry.setAmbiguousTargetIds(((SourceSyncOperation) op).getAmbiguousTargetIds());
} else {
entry.reconciling = "target";
if (op.getSourceObject() != null) {
entry.sourceId = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(sourceObjectSet,
entry.actionId = op.actionId;
if (exception != null) {
throw exception;
} finally {
if (reconId != null) {
ObjectSetContext.pop(); // pop the TriggerContext
private void doResults(ReconciliationContext reconContext) throws SynchronizationException {
if (resultScript != null) {
Map<String, Object> scope = service.newScope();
scope.put("source", reconContext.getStatistics().getSourceStat().asMap());
scope.put("target", reconContext.getStatistics().getSourceStat().asMap());
scope.put("global", reconContext.getStatistics().asMap());
try {
} catch (ScriptException se) {
LOGGER.debug("{} result script encountered exception", name, se);
throw new SynchronizationException(se);
* Execute a full reconciliation
* @param reconContext the context specific to the reconciliation run
* @throws SynchronizationException if any unforseen failure occurs during the reconciliation
public void recon(ReconciliationContext reconContext) throws SynchronizationException {
EventEntry measure = Publisher.start(EVENT_RECON, reconContext.getReconId(), null);
* TEMPORARY. Future version will have this break-down into discrete units of work.
* @param reconId
* @throws SynchronizationException
private void doRecon(ReconciliationContext reconContext) throws SynchronizationException {
String reconId = reconContext.getReconId();
EventEntry measureIdQueries = Publisher.start(EVENT_RECON_ID_QUERIES, reconId, null);
ServerContext context = ObjectSetContext.get();
try {
context = new TriggerContext(context, "recon");
Context rootContext = context.asContext(RootContext.class);
logReconStart(reconId, rootContext, context);
// Get the relevant source (and optionally target) identifiers before we assess the situations
Iterator<String> sourceIdsIter = reconContext.querySourceIdsIter();
if (!sourceIdsIter.hasNext()) {
throw new SynchronizationException("Cowardly refusing to perform reconciliation with an empty source object set");
// If we will handle a target phase, pre-load all relevant target identifiers
Collection<String> remainingTargetIds = null;
if (reconContext.getReconHandler().isRunTargetPhase()) {
remainingTargetIds = reconContext.getReconHandler().queryTargetIds();
reconContext.setTargetIds(new ArrayList(remainingTargetIds));
} else {
remainingTargetIds = new ArrayList<String>();
// Optionally get all links up front as well
Map<String, Link> allLinks = null;
if (prefetchLinks) {
allLinks = Link.getLinksForMapping(ObjectMapping.this);
EventEntry measureSource = Publisher.start(EVENT_RECON_SOURCE, reconId, null);
SourceReconPhase sourcePhase = new SourceReconPhase(sourceIdsIter, reconContext, context,
rootContext, allLinks, remainingTargetIds);
LOGGER.debug("Remaining targets after source phase : {}", remainingTargetIds);
if (reconContext.getReconHandler().isRunTargetPhase()) {
EventEntry measureTarget = Publisher.start(EVENT_RECON_TARGET, reconId, null);
for (String targetId : remainingTargetIds) {
TargetSyncOperation op = new TargetSyncOperation();
op.reconContext = reconContext;
ReconEntry entry = new ReconEntry(op, rootContext, dateUtil);
entry.targetId = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(targetObjectSet, targetId);
op.reconId = reconId;
try {
op.targetObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet, targetId);
} catch (SynchronizationException se) {
if (op.action != Action.EXCEPTION) {
entry.status = Status.FAILURE; // exception was not intentional
LOGGER.warn("Unexpected failure during target reconciliation {}", reconId, se);
setReconEntryMessage(entry, se);
if (!Action.NOREPORT.equals(op.action) && (entry.status == Status.FAILURE || op.action != null)) {
entry.timestamp = new Date();
entry.reconciling = "target";
if (op.getSourceObjectId() != null) {
entry.sourceId = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(sourceObjectSet, op.getSourceObjectId());
entry.actionId = op.actionId;
logReconEnd(reconContext, rootContext, context);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new SynchronizationException("Interrupted execution of reconciliation", ex);
} finally {
ObjectSetContext.pop(); // pop the TriggerContext
if (!reconContext.getStatistics().hasEnded()) {
// TODO: cleanup orphan link objects (no matching source or target) here
* Reconcile a given source ID
* @param sourceId the id to reconcile
* @param reconContext reconciliation context
* @param rootContext json resource root ctx
* @param allLinks all links if pre-queried, or null for on-demand link querying
* @param remainingTargetIds The set to update/remove any targets that were matched
* @throws SynchronizationException if there is a failure reported in reconciling this id
void reconSourceById(String sourceId, ReconciliationContext reconContext, Context rootContext,
Map<String, Link> allLinks, Collection<String> remainingTargetIds) throws SynchronizationException {
SourceSyncOperation op = new SourceSyncOperation();
op.reconContext = reconContext;
ReconEntry entry = new ReconEntry(op, rootContext, dateUtil);
op.sourceObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, sourceObjectSet, sourceId);
if (allLinks != null) {
String normalizedSourceId = linkType.normalizeSourceId(sourceId);
entry.sourceId = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(sourceObjectSet, sourceId);
op.reconId = reconContext.getReconId();
try {
} catch (SynchronizationException se) {
if (op.action != Action.EXCEPTION) {
entry.status = Status.FAILURE; // exception was not intentional
LOGGER.warn("Unexpected failure during source reconciliation {}", op.reconId, se);
setReconEntryMessage(entry, se);
String[] targetIds = op.getTargetIds();
for (String handledId : targetIds) {
// If target system has case insensitive IDs, remove without regard to case
String normalizedHandledId = linkType.normalizeTargetId(handledId);
LOGGER.trace("Removed target from remaining targets: {}", normalizedHandledId);
if (!Action.NOREPORT.equals(op.action) && (entry.status == Status.FAILURE || op.action != null)) {
entry.timestamp = new Date();
entry.reconciling = "source";
try {
if (op.hasTargetObject()) {
entry.targetId = LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(targetObjectSet, op.getTargetObjectId());
} catch (SynchronizationException ex) {
entry.message = "Failure in preparing recon entry " + ex.getMessage()
+ " for target: " + op.getTargetObjectId() + " original status: " + entry.status
+ " message: " + entry.message;
entry.status = Status.FAILURE;
entry.actionId = op.actionId;
public void setReconEntryMessage(ReconEntry entry, Exception se) {
ResourceException jre = null;
Throwable throwable = se;
entry.exception = se;
while (throwable.getCause() != null) { // want message associated with original cause
if (jre == null && throwable instanceof ResourceException) {
jre = (ResourceException) throwable;
throwable = throwable.getCause();
if (se != throwable) {
entry.message = se.getMessage() + ". Root cause: " + throwable.getMessage();
} else {
entry.message = throwable.getMessage();
if (jre != null) {
entry.messageDetail = jre.toJsonValue();
* Wrapper to submit source recon for a given id for concurrent processing
* @author aegloff
class SourceReconTask implements Callable<Void> {
String sourceId;
ReconciliationContext reconContext;
ServerContext parentContext;
Context rootContext;
Map<String, Link> allLinks;
Collection<String> remainingTargetIds;
public SourceReconTask(String sourceId, ReconciliationContext reconContext,
ServerContext parentContext, Context rootContext,
Map<String, Link> allLinks, Collection<String> remainingTargetIds) {
this.sourceId = sourceId;
this.reconContext = reconContext;
this.parentContext = parentContext;
this.rootContext = rootContext;
this.allLinks = allLinks;
this.remainingTargetIds = remainingTargetIds;
public Void call() throws SynchronizationException {
//TODO I miss the Request Context
ObjectSetContext.push(new ServerContext(parentContext));
try {
reconSourceById(sourceId, reconContext, rootContext, allLinks, remainingTargetIds);
} finally {
return null;
* Reconcile the source phase, multi threaded or single threaded.
* @author aegloff
class SourceReconPhase extends ReconFeeder {
ServerContext parentContext;
Context rootContext;
Map<String, Link> allLinks;
Collection<String> remainingTargetIds;
public SourceReconPhase(Iterator<String> sourceIdsIter, ReconciliationContext reconContext,
ServerContext parentContext, Context rootContext,
Map<String, Link> allLinks, Collection<String> remainingTargetIds) {
super(sourceIdsIter, reconContext);
this.parentContext = parentContext;
this.rootContext = rootContext;
this.allLinks = allLinks;
this.remainingTargetIds = remainingTargetIds;
Callable createTask(String sourceId) throws SynchronizationException {
return new SourceReconTask(sourceId, reconContext, parentContext, rootContext,
allLinks, remainingTargetIds);
* @return the configured number of threads to use for processing tasks.
* 0 to process in a single thread.
int getTaskThreads() {
return taskThreads;
* TODO: Description.
* @param entry TODO.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private void logReconEntry(ReconEntry entry) throws SynchronizationException {
try {
CreateRequest cr = Requests.newCreateRequest("audit/recon",entry.toJsonValue());
service.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().create(service.getRouter(), cr);
} catch (ResourceException ose) {
throw new SynchronizationException(ose);
private void logReconStart(String reconId, Context rootContext, ServerContext context) throws SynchronizationException {
ReconEntry reconStartEntry = new ReconEntry(null, rootContext, ReconEntry.RECON_START, dateUtil);
reconStartEntry.timestamp = new Date();
reconStartEntry.reconId = reconId;
reconStartEntry.message = "Reconciliation initiated by " + context.asContext(SecurityContext.class).getAuthenticationId();
private void logReconEnd(ReconciliationContext reconContext, Context rootContext, ServerContext context) throws SynchronizationException {
ReconEntry reconEndEntry = new ReconEntry(null, rootContext, ReconEntry.RECON_END, dateUtil);
reconEndEntry.timestamp = new Date();
reconEndEntry.reconId = reconContext.getReconId();
String simpleSummary = reconContext.getStatistics().simpleSummary();
reconEndEntry.message = simpleSummary;
reconEndEntry.messageDetail = new JsonValue(reconContext.getSummary());
LOGGER.info("Reconciliation completed. " + simpleSummary);
* Execute a sync engine action explicitly, without going through situation assessment.
* @param sourceObject the source object if applicable to the action
* @param targetObject the target object if applicable to the action
* @param situation an optional situation that was originally assessed. Null if not the result of an earlier situation assessment.
* @param action the explicit action to invoke
* @param reconId an optional identifier for the recon context if this is done in the context of reconciliation
public void explicitOp(JsonValue sourceObject, JsonValue targetObject, Situation situation, Action action, String reconId)
throws SynchronizationException {
ExplicitSyncOperation linkOp = new ExplicitSyncOperation();
linkOp.init(sourceObject, targetObject, situation, action, reconId);
* TODO: Description.
abstract class SyncOperation {
/** TODO: Description. */
public String reconId;
/** An optional reconciliation context */
public ReconciliationContext reconContext;
/** Access to the source object */
public LazyObjectAccessor sourceObjectAccessor;
/** Access to the target object */
public LazyObjectAccessor targetObjectAccessor;
/** Optional value of the object before the change that triggered this sync, or null if not supplied */
public JsonValue oldValue;
* Holds the link representation
* An initialized link can be interpreted as representing state retrieved from the repository,
* i.e. a linkObject with id of null represents a link that does not exist (yet)
public Link linkObject = new Link(ObjectMapping.this);
// This operation newly created the link.
// linkObject above may not be set for newly created links
boolean linkCreated;
/** TODO: Description. */
public Situation situation;
/** TODO: Description. */
public Action action;
public String actionId;
public boolean ignorePostAction = false;
public Policy activePolicy = null;
* TODO: Description.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
public abstract void sync() throws SynchronizationException;
protected abstract boolean isSourceToTarget();
* @return the source object, potentially loaded on demand and/or cached, or null if does not exist
* @throws SynchronizationException if on-demand load of the object failed
protected JsonValue getSourceObject() throws SynchronizationException {
if (sourceObjectAccessor == null || sourceObjectAccessor.getLocalId() == null) {
return null;
} else {
return sourceObjectAccessor.getObject();
* @return the target object, potentially loaded on demand and/or cached, or null if does not exist
* @throws SynchronizationException if on-demand load of the object failed
protected JsonValue getTargetObject() throws SynchronizationException {
if (targetObjectAccessor == null || (!targetObjectAccessor.isLoaded() && targetObjectAccessor.getLocalId() == null)) {
return null;
} else {
return targetObjectAccessor.getObject();
* The set unqualified (local) source object ID
* That a source identifier is set does not automatically imply that the source object exists.
* @return local identifier of the source object, or null if none
protected String getSourceObjectId() {
return sourceObjectAccessor == null ? null : sourceObjectAccessor.getLocalId();
* The set unqualified (local) targt object ID
* That a target identifier is set does not automatically imply that the target object exists.
* @return local identifier of the target object, or null if none
protected String getTargetObjectId() {
return targetObjectAccessor == null ? null : targetObjectAccessor.getLocalId();
* @return Whether the target representation is loaded, i.e. the getObject represents what it found.
* IF a target was not found, the state is loaded with a payload / object of null.
protected boolean isTargetLoaded() {
return targetObjectAccessor == null ? false : targetObjectAccessor.isLoaded();
* @return Whether the source object exists. May cause the loading of the (lazy) source object,
* or in the context of reconciliation may check against the bulk existing source/target IDs if
* the object existed at that point.
* @throws SynchronizationException if on-demand load of the object failed
protected boolean hasSourceObject() throws SynchronizationException {
boolean defined = false;
if (sourceObjectAccessor == null || sourceObjectAccessor.getLocalId() == null) {
defined = false;
} else {
if (sourceObjectAccessor.isLoaded() && sourceObjectAccessor.getObject() != null) {
// Check against already laoded/defined object first, without causing new load
defined = true;
} else if (reconContext != null && reconContext.getSourceIds() != null) {
// If available, check against all queried existing IDs
defined = reconContext.getSourceIds().contains(sourceObjectAccessor.getLocalId());
} else {
// If no lists of existing ids is available, do a load of the object to check
defined = (sourceObjectAccessor.getObject() != null);
return defined;
* @return Whether the target object exists. May cause the loading of the (lazy) source object,
* or in the context of reconciliation may check against the bulk existing source/target IDs if
* the object existed at that point.
* @throws SynchronizationException if on-demand load of the object failed
protected boolean hasTargetObject() throws SynchronizationException {
boolean defined = false;
if (isTargetLoaded()) {
// Check against already laoded/defined object first, without causing new load
defined = (targetObjectAccessor.getObject() != null);
} else if (targetObjectAccessor == null || targetObjectAccessor.getLocalId() == null) {
// If it's not loaded, but no id to load is available it has no target
defined = false;
} else {
// Either check against a list of all targets, or load to check for existence
if (reconContext != null && reconContext.getTargetIds() != null) {
// If available, check against all queried existing IDs
// If target system has case insensitive IDs, compare without regard to case
String normalizedTargetId = linkType.normalizeTargetId(targetObjectAccessor.getLocalId());
defined = reconContext.getTargetIds().contains(normalizedTargetId);
} else {
// If no lists of existing ids is available, do a load of the object to check
defined = (targetObjectAccessor.getObject() != null);
return defined;
* @return true if it knows there were no objects in the target set during a bulk query
* at the outset of reconciliation.
* false if there were objects, or it does not know.
* Does not take into account objects getting added during reconciliation, or data getting added
* by another process concurrently
protected boolean hadEmptyTargetObjectSet() {
if (reconContext != null && reconContext.getTargetIds() != null) {
// If available, check against all queried existing IDs
return (reconContext.getTargetIds().size() == 0);
} else {
return false;
* @return the found unqualified (local) link ID, null if none
protected String getLinkId() {
if (linkObject != null && linkObject.initialized) {
return linkObject._id;
} else {
return null;
* Initializes the link representation
* @param link the link object for links that were found/exist in the repository, null to represent no existing link
protected void initializeLink(Link link) {
if (link != null) {
this.linkObject = link;
} else {
// Keep track of the fact that we did not find a link
this.linkObject.initialized = true;
protected Action getAction() {
return (this.action == null ? Action.IGNORE : this.action);
* TODO: Description.
* @param sourceAction sourceAction true if the {@link Action} is determined for the {@link SourceSyncOperation}
* and false if the action is determined for the {@link TargetSyncOperation}.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
protected void determineAction(boolean sourceAction) throws SynchronizationException {
if (situation != null) {
action = situation.getDefaultAction(); // start with a reasonable default
for (Policy policy : policies) {
if (situation == policy.getSituation()) {
activePolicy = policy;
action = activePolicy.getAction(sourceObjectAccessor, targetObjectAccessor, this);
// TODO: Consider limiting what actions can be returned for the given situation.
LOGGER.debug("Determined action to be {}", action);
* TODO: Description.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
protected void performAction() throws SynchronizationException {
switch (getAction()) {
case CREATE:
case UPDATE:
case LINK:
case DELETE:
case UNLINK:
try {
actionId = ObjectSetContext.get().getId();
switch (getAction()) {
case CREATE:
if (getSourceObject() == null) {
throw new SynchronizationException("no source object to create target from");
if (getTargetObject() != null) {
throw new SynchronizationException("target object already exists");
JsonValue createTargetObject = new JsonValue(new HashMap<String, Object>());
applyMappings(getSourceObject(), createTargetObject); // apply property mappings to target
targetObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet,
createTargetObject.get("_id").asString(), createTargetObject);
execScript("onCreate", onCreateScript);
ServerContext context = ObjectSetContext.get();
// Allow the early link creation as soon as the target identifier is known
String sourceId = getSourceObjectId();
if (isLinkingEnabled()) {
PendingLink.populate(context, ObjectMapping.this.name, sourceId, getSourceObject(),
reconId, situation);
targetObjectAccessor = createTargetObject(createTargetObject);
if (!isLinkingEnabled()) {
"Linking disabled for {} during {}, skipping additional link processing",
sourceId, reconId);
boolean wasLinked = PendingLink.wasLinked(context);
if (wasLinked) {
linkCreated = true;
"Pending link for {} during {} has already been created, skipping additional link processing",
sourceId, reconId);
} else {
"Pending link for {} during {} not yet resolved, proceed to link processing",
sourceId, reconId);
PendingLink.clear(context); // We'll now handle link creation ourselves
// falls through to link the newly created target
case UPDATE:
case LINK:
String targetId = getTargetObjectId();
if (getTargetObjectId() == null) {
throw new SynchronizationException("no target object to link");
if (isLinkingEnabled() && linkObject._id == null) {
try {
createLink(getSourceObjectId(), targetId, reconId);
linkCreated = true;
} catch (SynchronizationException ex) {
// Allow for link to have been created in the meantime, e.g. programmatically
// create would fail with a failed precondition for link already existing
// Try to read again to see if that is the issue
if (linkObject._id == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Failed to create link between {}-{}",
new Object[] {LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(sourceObjectSet, getSourceObjectId()),
LazyObjectAccessor.qualifiedId(targetObjectSet, targetId), ex});
throw ex; // it was a different issue
if (isLinkingEnabled() && linkObject._id != null && !linkObject.targetEquals(targetId)) {
linkObject.targetId = targetId;
// TODO: Detect change of source id, and update link accordingly.
if (action == Action.CREATE || action == Action.LINK) {
break; // do not update target
if (getSourceObject() != null && getTargetObject() != null) {
JsonValue oldTarget = getTargetObject().copy();
applyMappings(getSourceObject(), getTargetObject());
execScript("onUpdate", onUpdateScript, oldTarget);
if (JsonPatch.diff(oldTarget, getTargetObject())
.size() > 0) { // only update if target changes
break; // terminate UPDATE
case DELETE:
if (getTargetObjectId() != null && getTargetObject() != null) { // forgiving; does nothing if no target
execScript("onDelete", onDeleteScript);
// Represent as not existing anymore so it gets removed from processed targets
targetObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service,
targetObjectSet, getTargetObjectId(), null);
// falls through to unlink the deleted target
case UNLINK:
if (linkObject._id != null) { // forgiving; does nothing if no link exists
execScript("onUnlink", onUnlinkScript);
break; // terminate DELETE and UNLINK
throw new SynchronizationException("Situation " + situation + " marked as EXCEPTION"); // aborts change; recon reports
} catch (JsonValueException jve) {
throw new SynchronizationException(jve);
case REPORT:
if (!ignorePostAction) {
if (null == activePolicy) {
for (Policy policy : policies) {
if (situation == policy.getSituation()) {
activePolicy = policy;
case ASYNC:
case IGNORE:
* TODO: Description.
* @param sourceAction sourceAction true if the {@link Action} is determined for the {@link SourceSyncOperation}
* and false if the action is determined for the {@link TargetSyncOperation}.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
protected void postAction(boolean sourceAction) throws SynchronizationException {
if (null != activePolicy) {
activePolicy.evaluatePostAction(sourceObjectAccessor, targetObjectAccessor, action, sourceAction);
protected void createLink(String sourceId, String targetId, String reconId) throws SynchronizationException {
Link linkObject = new Link(ObjectMapping.this);
execScript("onLink", onLinkScript);
linkObject.sourceId = sourceId;
linkObject.targetId = targetId;
LOGGER.debug("Established link sourceId: {} targetId: {} in reconId: {}", new Object[] {sourceId, targetId, reconId});
* Checks any declared source conditions on the source object
* @return true if the conditions pass, false otherwise
* @throws SynchronizationException
protected boolean checkSourceConditions() throws SynchronizationException {
if (!sourceCondition.isNull()) {
for (String key : sourceCondition.keys()) {
JsonPointer pointer = new JsonPointer(key);
JsonValue source = sourceObjectAccessor.getObject();
if (!source.isNull() && source.get(pointer) != null) {
JsonValue value = source.get(pointer);
if (value.isList()) {
if (!value.asList().contains(sourceCondition.get(key).getObject())) {
return false;
} else if (!value.getObject().equals(sourceCondition.get(key).getObject())) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Evaluated source valid on source object
* @see isSourceValid(JsonValue)
protected boolean isSourceValid() throws SynchronizationException {
return isSourceValid(null);
* Evaluates source valid for the supplied sourceObjectOverride, or the source object
* associated with the sync operation if null
* @return whether valid for this mapping or not.
* @throws SynchronizationException if evaluation failed.
protected boolean isSourceValid(JsonValue sourceObjectOverride) throws SynchronizationException {
boolean result = false;
if (hasSourceObject() || sourceObjectOverride != null) { // must have a source object to be valid
if (validSource != null) {
Map<String, Object> scope = service.newScope();
if (sourceObjectOverride != null) {
scope.put("source", sourceObjectOverride.asMap());
} else {
// TODO: This forced load into memory is necessary until we can do on demand get in script engine
JsonValue sourceValue = getSourceObject();
scope.put("source", null != sourceValue ? sourceValue.getObject() : null);
try {
Object o = validSource.exec(scope);
if (o == null || !(o instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new SynchronizationException("Expecting boolean value from validSource");
result = (Boolean) o;
} catch (ScriptException se) {
LOGGER.debug("{} validSource script encountered exception", name, se);
throw new SynchronizationException(se);
} else { // no script means true
result = true;
if (sourceObjectOverride == null) {
LOGGER.trace("isSourceValid of {} evaluated: {}", getSourceObjectId(), result);
return result;
* TODO: Description.
* @return TODO.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
protected boolean isTargetValid() throws SynchronizationException {
boolean result = false;
if (hasTargetObject()) { // must have a target object to qualify
if (validTarget != null && getTargetObject() != null) { // forces pulling object into memory
Map<String, Object> scope = service.newScope();
scope.put("target", getTargetObject().asMap());
try {
Object o = validTarget.exec(scope);
if (o == null || !(o instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new SynchronizationException("Expecting boolean value from validTarget");
result = (Boolean) o;
} catch (ScriptException se) {
LOGGER.debug("{} validTarget script encountered exception", name, se);
throw new SynchronizationException(se);
} else { // no script means true
result = true;
LOGGER.trace("isTargetValid of {} evaluated: {}", getTargetObjectId(), result);
return result;
* @see #execScript with oldTarget null
private void execScript(String type, Script script) throws SynchronizationException {
execScript(type, script, null);
* Executes the given script with the appropriate context information
* @param type The script hook name
* @param script The script to execute
* @param oldTarget optional old target object before any mappings were applied,
* such as before an update
* null if not applicable to this script hook
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private void execScript(String type, Script script, JsonValue oldTarget) throws SynchronizationException {
if (script != null) {
Map<String, Object> scope = service.newScope();
// TODO: Once script engine can do on-demand get replace these forced loads
if (getSourceObjectId() != null) {
JsonValue source = getSourceObject();
scope.put("source", null != source ? source.getObject() : null);
// Target may not have ID yet, e.g. an onCreate with the target object defined,
// but not stored/id assigned.
if (isTargetLoaded() || getTargetObjectId() != null) {
if (getTargetObject() != null) {
scope.put("target", getTargetObject().asMap());
if (oldTarget != null) {
scope.put("oldTarget", oldTarget.asMap());
if (situation != null) {
scope.put("situation", situation.toString());
try {
} catch (ScriptThrownException se) {
LOGGER.debug("{} script encountered exception", name + " " + type, se);
throw new SynchronizationException(
name + " " + type + " script encountered exception"));
} catch (ScriptException se) {
LOGGER.debug("{} script encountered exception", name + " " + type, se);
throw new SynchronizationException(
new InternalErrorException(name + " " + type + " script encountered exception", se));
* Explicit execution of a sync operation where the appropriate
* action is known without having to assess the situation and apply
* policy to decide the action
private class ExplicitSyncOperation extends SyncOperation {
protected boolean isSourceToTarget() {
//TODO: detect by the source id match
return true;
public void init(JsonValue sourceObject, JsonValue targetObject, Situation situation, Action action, String reconId) {
this.reconId = reconId;
this.sourceObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, sourceObjectSet, sourceObject.get("_id").required().asString(), sourceObject);
this.targetObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet, targetObject.get("_id").required().asString(), targetObject);
this.situation = situation;
this.action = action;
this.ignorePostAction = true;
public void sync() throws SynchronizationException {
LOGGER.debug("Initiate explicit operation call for situation: {}, action: {}", situation, action);
LOGGER.debug("Complected explicit operation call for situation: {}, action: {}", situation, action);
* TODO: Description.
class SourceSyncOperation extends SyncOperation {
// If it can not uniquely identify a target, the list of ambiguous target ids
public List<String> ambiguousTargetIds;
public void sync() throws SynchronizationException {
EventEntry measureSituation = Publisher.start(EVENT_SOURCE_ASSESS_SITUATION, getSourceObjectId(), null);
try {
} finally {
EventEntry measureDetermine = Publisher.start(EVENT_SOURCE_DETERMINE_ACTION, getSourceObjectId(), null);
boolean linkExisted = (getLinkId() != null);
try {
} finally {
EventEntry measurePerform = Publisher.start(EVENT_SOURCE_PERFORM_ACTION, getSourceObjectId(), null);
try {
} finally {
if (reconContext != null){
// The link ID presence after the action can not be interpreted as an indication if the link has been created
reconContext.getStatistics().getSourceStat().processed(getSourceObjectId(), getTargetObjectId(),
linkExisted, getLinkId(), linkCreated, situation, action);
protected boolean isSourceToTarget() {
return true;
* @return all found matching target identifier(s), or a 0 length array if none.
* More than one target identifier is possible for ambiguous matches
public String[] getTargetIds() {
String[] targetIds = null;
if (ambiguousTargetIds != null) {
targetIds = ambiguousTargetIds.toArray(new String[ambiguousTargetIds.size()]);
} else if (getTargetObjectId() != null) {
targetIds = new String[] { getTargetObjectId() };
} else {
targetIds = new String[0];
return targetIds;
* @return the ambiguous target identifier(s), or an empty list if no ambiguous entries are present
public List getAmbiguousTargetIds() {
return ambiguousTargetIds;
private void setAmbiguousTargetIds(JsonValue results) {
ambiguousTargetIds = new ArrayList<String>(results == null ? 0 : results.size());
for (JsonValue resultValue : results) {
String anId = resultValue.get("_id").required().asString();
public void fromJsonValue(JsonValue params) {
reconId = params.get("reconId").asString();
sourceObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, sourceObjectSet, params.get("sourceId").required().asString());
ignorePostAction = params.get("ignorePostAction").defaultTo(false).asBoolean();
public JsonValue toJsonValue() {
JsonValue actionParam = new JsonValue(new HashMap<String,Object>());
actionParam.put("reconId", reconId);
actionParam.put("mapping", ObjectMapping.this.getName());
actionParam.put("situation", situation.name());
actionParam.put("action", situation.getDefaultAction().name());
actionParam.put("sourceId", getSourceObjectId());
if (targetObjectAccessor != null && targetObjectAccessor.getLocalId() != null) {
actionParam.put("targetId", targetObjectAccessor.getLocalId());
return actionParam;
* TODO: Description.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private void assessSituation() throws SynchronizationException {
situation = null;
if (!isLinkingEnabled()) {
initializeLink(null); // If we're not linking, set link to none
if (getSourceObjectId() != null && linkObject.initialized == false) { // In case the link was not pre-read get it here
if (linkObject._id != null) {
targetObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet, linkObject.targetId);
if (!hasSourceObject()) {
For sync of delete. For recon these are assessed instead in target phase
no source, link, target & valid target - source missing
no source, link, target & not valid target - target ignored
no source, link, no target - link only
no source, no link - can't correlate (no previous object available) - all gone
no source, no link - (correlate)
no target - all gone
1 target & valid (source) - unassigned
1 target & not valid (source) - target ignored
> 1 target & valid (source) - ambiguous
> 1 target & not valid (source) - unqualified
if (linkObject._id != null) {
if (hasTargetObject()) {
if (isTargetValid()) {
situation = Situation.SOURCE_MISSING;
} else {
// target is not valid for this mapping; ignore it
situation = Situation.TARGET_IGNORED;
} else {
situation = Situation.LINK_ONLY;
} else {
if (oldValue == null) {
// If there is no previous value known we can not correlate
situation = Situation.ALL_GONE;
} else {
// Correlate the old value to potential target(s)
JsonValue results = correlateTarget(oldValue);
boolean valid = isSourceValid(oldValue);
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) {
// Results null means no correlation query defined, size 0 we know there is no target
situation = Situation.ALL_GONE;
} else if (results.size() == 1) {
JsonValue resultValue = results.get((Integer) 0).required();
targetObjectAccessor = getCorrelatedTarget(resultValue);
if (valid) {
situation = Situation.UNASSIGNED;
} else {
// target is not valid for this mapping; ignore it
situation = Situation.TARGET_IGNORED;
} else if (results.size() > 1) {
if (valid) {
// Note this situation is used both when there is a source and a deleted source
// with multiple matching targets
situation = Situation.AMBIGUOUS;
} else {
situation = Situation.UNQUALIFIED;
} else if (isSourceValid() && checkSourceConditions()) { // source is valid for mapping
if (linkObject._id != null) { // source object linked to target
if (hasTargetObject()) {
situation = Situation.CONFIRMED;
} else {
situation = Situation.MISSING;
} else { // source object not linked to target
JsonValue results = correlateTarget();
if (results == null) { // no correlationQuery defined
situation = Situation.ABSENT;
} else if (results.size() == 1) {
JsonValue resultValue = results.get((Integer) 0).required();
targetObjectAccessor = getCorrelatedTarget(resultValue);
Link checkExistingLink = new Link(ObjectMapping.this);
if (checkExistingLink._id == null || checkExistingLink.sourceId == null) {
situation = Situation.FOUND;
} else {
situation = Situation.FOUND_ALREADY_LINKED;
// TODO: consider enhancements:
// For reporting, should it log existing link and source
// What actions should be available for a found, already linked
} else if (results.size() == 0) {
situation = Situation.ABSENT;
} else {
situation = Situation.AMBIGUOUS;
} else { // mapping does not qualify for target
if (linkObject._id != null) {
situation = Situation.UNQUALIFIED;
} else {
JsonValue results = correlateTarget();
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) {
situation = Situation.SOURCE_IGNORED; // source not valid for mapping, and no link or target exist
} else if (results.size() == 1) {
// TODO: Consider if we can optimize out the read for unqualified conditions
JsonValue resultValue = results.get((Integer) 0).required();
targetObjectAccessor = getCorrelatedTarget(resultValue);
situation = Situation.UNQUALIFIED;
} else if (results.size() > 1) {
situation = Situation.UNQUALIFIED;
if (reconContext != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Mapping '{}' assessed situation of {} to be {}", new Object[]{name, getSourceObjectId(), situation});
* Correlates (finds an associated) target for the source object
* @see correlateTarget(JsonValue)
* @return JsonValue if found, null if none
* @throws SynchronizationException if the correlation failed.
private JsonValue correlateTarget() throws SynchronizationException {
return correlateTarget(null);
* Correlates (finds an associated) target for the given source
* @param sourceObjectOverride optional explicitly supplied source object to correlate,
* or null to use the source object associated with the sync operation
* @return JsonValue if found, null if none
* @throws SynchronizationException if the correlation failed.
private JsonValue correlateTarget(JsonValue sourceObjectOverride) throws SynchronizationException {
JsonValue result = null;
// TODO: consider if there are cases where this would better be lazy and not get the full target
if (hasTargetObject()) {
result = new JsonValue(new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(1));
result.add(0, getTargetObject());
} else if (correlationQuery != null && (correlateEmptyTargetSet || !hadEmptyTargetObjectSet())) {
EventEntry measure = Publisher.start(EVENT_CORRELATE_TARGET, getSourceObject(), null);
Map<String, Object> queryScope = service.newScope();
if (sourceObjectOverride != null) {
queryScope.put("source", sourceObjectOverride.asMap());
} else {
queryScope.put("source", getSourceObject().asMap());
try {
Object query = correlationQuery.exec(queryScope);
if (query == null || !(query instanceof Map)) {
throw new SynchronizationException("Expected correlationQuery script to yield a Map");
result = new JsonValue(queryTargetObjectSet((Map)query)).get(QueryResult.FIELD_RESULT).required();
} catch (ScriptException se) {
LOGGER.debug("{} correlationQuery script encountered exception", name, se);
throw new SynchronizationException(se);
} finally {
return result;
* Given a result entry from a correlation query get the full correlated target object
* @param resultValue an entry from the correlation query result list.
* May already be the full target object, or just contain the id.
* @return the target object
* @throws SynchronizationException
private LazyObjectAccessor getCorrelatedTarget(JsonValue resultValue) throws SynchronizationException {
// TODO: Optimize to get the entire object with one query if it's sufficient
LazyObjectAccessor fullObj = null;
if (hasNonSpecialAttribute(resultValue.keys())) { //Assume this is a full object
fullObj = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet, resultValue.get("_id").required().asString(), resultValue);
} else {
fullObj = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, targetObjectSet, resultValue.get("_id").required().asString());
return fullObj;
* Primitive implementation to decide if the object is a "full" or a partial.
* @param keys attribute names of object
* @return true if the {@code keys} has value not starting with "_" char
private boolean hasNonSpecialAttribute(Collection<String> keys) {
for (String attr : keys) {
if (!attr.startsWith("_")) {
return true;
return false;
* TODO: Description.
class TargetSyncOperation extends SyncOperation {
public void sync() throws SynchronizationException {
EventEntry measureSituation = Publisher.start(EVENT_TARGET_ASSESS_SITUATION, targetObjectAccessor, null);
try {
} finally {
boolean linkExisted = (getLinkId() != null);
EventEntry measureDetermine = Publisher.start(EVENT_TARGET_DETERMINE_ACTION, targetObjectAccessor, null);
try {
} finally {
EventEntry measurePerform = Publisher.start(EVENT_TARGET_PERFORM_ACTION, targetObjectAccessor, null);
try {
// TODO: Option here to just report what action would be performed?
} finally {
if (reconContext != null) {
reconContext.getStatistics().getTargetStat().processed(getSourceObjectId(), getTargetObjectId(), linkExisted, getLinkId(), linkCreated,
situation, action);
protected boolean isSourceToTarget() {
return false;
public void fromJsonValue(JsonValue params) {
reconId = params.get("reconId").asString();
ignorePostAction = params.get("ignorePostAction").defaultTo(false).asBoolean();
public JsonValue toJsonValue() {
JsonValue actionParam = new JsonValue(new HashMap<String,Object>());
if (targetObjectAccessor != null && targetObjectAccessor.getLocalId() != null) {
actionParam.put("targetId", targetObjectAccessor.getLocalId());
return actionParam;
* TODO: Description.
* @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
private void assessSituation() throws SynchronizationException {
situation = null;
String targetId = getTargetObjectId();
// May want to consider an optimization to not query
// if we don't need the link for the TARGET_IGNORED action
if (targetId != null) {
if (!isTargetValid()) { // target is not valid for this mapping; ignore it
situation = Situation.TARGET_IGNORED;
if (reconContext != null && targetId != null) {
if (linkObject._id == null || linkObject.sourceId == null) {
situation = Situation.UNASSIGNED;
} else {
sourceObjectAccessor = new LazyObjectAccessor(service, sourceObjectSet, linkObject.sourceId);
if (getSourceObject() == null) { // force load to double check
situation = Situation.SOURCE_MISSING;
} else if (!isSourceValid()) {
situation = Situation.UNQUALIFIED; // Should happen rarely done in source phase
LOGGER.info("Situation in target reconciliation that indicates source may have changed {} {} {} {}",
new Object[] {situation, getSourceObject(), targetId, linkObject});
} else { // proper link
situation = Situation.CONFIRMED; // Should happen rarely as done in source phase
LOGGER.info("Situation in target reconciliation that indicates source may have changed {} {} {} {}",
new Object[] {situation, getSourceObject(), targetId, linkObject});
private class ReconEntry {
public final static String RECON_START = "start";
public final static String RECON_END = "summary";
public final static String RECON_ENTRY = ""; // regular reconciliation entry has an empty entry type
/** Type of the audit log entry. Allows for marking recon start / summary records */
public String entryType = RECON_ENTRY;
/** TODO: Description. */
public final SyncOperation op;
/** The id identifying the reconciliation run */
public String reconId;
/** The root invocation context */
public final Context rootContext;
/** TODO: Description. */
public Date timestamp;
/** TODO: Description. */
public Status status = ObjectMapping.Status.SUCCESS;
/** TODO: Description. */
public String sourceId;
/** TODO: Description. */
public String targetId;
/** TODO: Description. */
public String reconciling;
/** TODO: Description. */
public String message;
/** TODO: Description. */
public JsonValue messageDetail;
/** TODO: Description. */
public Exception exception;
/** TODO: Description. */
public String actionId;
// Name of the mapping
public String mappingName;
private DateUtil dateUtil;
// A comma delimited formatted representation of any ambiguous identifiers
protected String ambigiousTargetIds;
public void setAmbiguousTargetIds(List<String> ambiguousIds) {
if (ambiguousIds != null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (String id : ambiguousIds) {
if (!first) {
sb.append(", ");
first = false;
ambigiousTargetIds = sb.toString();
} else {
ambigiousTargetIds = "";
private String getReconId() {
return (reconId == null && op != null) ? op.reconId : reconId;
* Constructor that allows specifying the type of reconciliation log entry
public ReconEntry(SyncOperation op, Context rootContext, String entryType, DateUtil dateUtil) {
this.op = op;
this.rootContext = rootContext;
this.entryType = entryType;
this.dateUtil = dateUtil;
if (!entryType.equals(RECON_ENTRY)) {
this.mappingName = name;
* Constructor for regular reconciliation log entries
public ReconEntry(SyncOperation op, Context rootContext, DateUtil dateUtil) {
this(op, rootContext, RECON_ENTRY, dateUtil);
* TODO: Description.
* @return TODO.
private JsonValue toJsonValue() {
JsonValue jv = new JsonValue(new HashMap<String, Object>());
jv.put("entryType", entryType);
jv.put("rootActionId", rootContext.getId());
jv.put("reconId", getReconId());
jv.put("reconciling", reconciling);
jv.put("sourceObjectId", sourceId);
jv.put("targetObjectId", targetId);
jv.put("ambiguousTargetObjectIds", ambigiousTargetIds);
jv.put("timestamp", dateUtil.formatDateTime(timestamp));
jv.put("situation", ((op == null || op.situation == null) ? null : op.situation.toString()));
jv.put("action", ((op == null || op.action == null) ? null : op.action.toString()));
jv.put("status", (status == null ? null : status.toString()));
jv.put("message", message);
jv.put("messageDetail", messageDetail);
jv.put("actionId", actionId);
jv.put("exception", exception);
jv.put("mapping", mappingName);
return jv;