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package org.forgerock.openidm.sync;
import static org.forgerock.util.Reject.checkNotNull;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
* A Context that stores the source of a trigger during a sync operation.
public class TriggerContext extends AbstractContext {
private static final String CONTEXT_NAME = "trigger";
// persisted attribute name
private static final String ATTR_TRIGGER_SOURCE = "triggerSource";
* Create a new trigger context from an existing (parent) context and the source of the trigger.
* @param parent the parent server context
* @param trigger the trigger source
public TriggerContext(final Context parent, final String trigger) {
super(checkNotNull(parent, "Cannot instantiate TriggerContext with null parent Context"), CONTEXT_NAME);
data.put(ATTR_TRIGGER_SOURCE, trigger);
* Restore from JSON representation.
* @param savedContext
* The JSON representation from which this context's attributes
* should be parsed.
* @param classLoader
* The ClassLoader.
* @throws ResourceException
* If the JSON representation could not be parsed.
public TriggerContext(final JsonValue savedContext, final ClassLoader classLoader)
throws ResourceException {
super(savedContext, classLoader);
* Retrieves the trigger source.
* @return the trigger
public String getTrigger() {
return data.get(ATTR_TRIGGER_SOURCE).asString();