revision 419f8f6b732e539d44450291405f8b9f0dee1647
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Portions copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openidm.managed;
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.*;
import static org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceResponse.FIELD_CONTENT_ID;
import static org.forgerock.json.resource.Responses.*;
import static org.forgerock.openidm.managed.ManagedObjectSet.ScriptHook.onRead;
import static org.forgerock.openidm.util.ResourceUtil.isEqual;
import static org.forgerock.util.promise.Promises.*;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonException;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonPointer;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValueException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ActionRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ActionResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.BadRequestException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.CollectionResourceProvider;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Connection;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.CreateRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.DeleteRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ForbiddenException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.InternalServerErrorException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.PatchOperation;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.PatchRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.PreconditionFailedException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResourceHandler;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.QueryResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ReadRequest;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Request;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Requests;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourcePath;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceResponse;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.Responses;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.SortKey;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.UpdateRequest;
import org.forgerock.openidm.audit.util.ActivityLogger;
import org.forgerock.openidm.audit.util.RouterActivityLogger;
import org.forgerock.openidm.audit.util.Status;
import org.forgerock.openidm.core.IdentityServer;
import org.forgerock.openidm.core.ServerConstants;
import org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.CryptoService;
import org.forgerock.openidm.patch.JsonValuePatch;
import org.forgerock.openidm.router.IDMConnectionFactory;
import org.forgerock.openidm.router.RouteService;
import org.forgerock.openidm.smartevent.EventEntry;
import org.forgerock.openidm.smartevent.Name;
import org.forgerock.openidm.smartevent.Publisher;
import org.forgerock.openidm.sync.impl.SynchronizationService;
import org.forgerock.openidm.util.ContextUtil;
import org.forgerock.openidm.util.RelationshipUtil;
import org.forgerock.openidm.util.RequestUtil;
import org.forgerock.script.Script;
import org.forgerock.script.ScriptEntry;
import org.forgerock.script.ScriptEvent;
import org.forgerock.script.ScriptListener;
import org.forgerock.script.ScriptRegistry;
import org.forgerock.script.exception.ScriptThrownException;
import org.forgerock.util.Function;
import org.forgerock.util.Pair;
import org.forgerock.util.promise.ExceptionHandler;
import org.forgerock.util.promise.Promise;
import org.forgerock.util.promise.ResultHandler;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Provides access to a set of managed objects of a given type: managed/[type]/{id}.
class ManagedObjectSet implements CollectionResourceProvider, ScriptListener, ManagedObjectSyncService {
/** Actions supported by this resource provider */
enum Action {
/** Supported script hooks */
enum ScriptHook {
/** Script to execute when the creation of an object is being requested. */
/** Script to execute when the read of an object is being requested. */
/** Script to execute when the update of an object is being requested. */
/** Script to execute when the deletion of an object is being requested. */
/** Script to execute after the create of an object has completed. */
/** Script to execute after the update of an object has completed. */
/** Script to execute after the delete of an object has completed. */
/** Script to execute when a managed object requires validation. */
/** Script to execute once an object is retrieved from the repository. */
/** Script to execute when an object is about to be stored in the repository. */
/** Script to execute when synchronization of managed objects to external targets is complete. */
* Setup logging for the {@link ManagedObjectSet}.
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ManagedObjectSet.class);
/** The managed objects service that instantiated this managed object set. */
private final CryptoService cryptoService;
/** The connection factory for access to the router */
private final IDMConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
/** Audit Activity Log helper */
private final ActivityLogger activityLogger;
/** Name of the managed object type. */
private final String name;
/** the managed object path (e.g. managed/user) as a ResourcePath */
private final ResourcePath managedObjectPath;
/** The schema to use to validate the structure and content of the managed object. */
private final ManagedObjectSchema schema;
/** Map of scripts to execute on specific {@link ScriptHook}s. */
private final Map<ScriptHook, ScriptEntry> scriptHooks = new EnumMap<ScriptHook, ScriptEntry>(ScriptHook.class);
/** reference to the sync service route; used to decided whether or not to perform a sync action */
private final AtomicReference<RouteService> syncRoute;
/** Map of relationship property names and their accompanying sets */
private final Map<JsonPointer, RelationshipProvider> relationshipProviders = new HashMap<>();
/** Flag for indicating if policy enforcement is enabled */
private final boolean enforcePolicies;
* Constructs a new managed object set.
* @param scriptRegistry
* the script registry
* @param cryptoService
* the cryptographic service
* @param syncRoute
* a reference to the RouteService on "sync"
* @param connectionFactory
* the router connection factory
* @param config
* configuration object to use to initialize managed object set.
* @throws JsonValueException
* when the configuration is malformed
* @throws ScriptException
* when the script configuration is malformed or the script is
* invalid.
public ManagedObjectSet(final ScriptRegistry scriptRegistry, final CryptoService cryptoService,
final AtomicReference<RouteService> syncRoute, IDMConnectionFactory connectionFactory, JsonValue config)
throws JsonValueException, ScriptException {
this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
this.syncRoute = syncRoute;
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
this.activityLogger = new RouterActivityLogger(connectionFactory);
name = config.get("name").required().asString();
if (name.trim().isEmpty() || name.indexOf('{') > 0 | name.indexOf('}') > 0) {
throw new JsonValueException(config.get("name"), "Failed to validate the name");
this.managedObjectPath = new ResourcePath("managed").child(name);
this.schema = new ManagedObjectSchema(config.get("schema").expect(Map.class), scriptRegistry, cryptoService);
for (JsonPointer relationship : schema.getRelationshipFields()) {
final SchemaField field = schema.getField(relationship);
relationshipProviders.put(relationship, RelationshipProvider.newProvider(connectionFactory,
managedObjectPath, field, activityLogger, this));
for (ScriptHook hook : ScriptHook.values()) {
if (config.isDefined( {
scriptHooks.put(hook, scriptRegistry.takeScript(config.get(;
enforcePolicies = Boolean.parseBoolean(IdentityServer.getInstance()
.getProperty("openidm.policy.enforcement.enabled", "true"));
logger.debug("Instantiated managed object set: {}", name);
* Generates a fully-qualified object identifier for the managed object.
* @param resourceId
* the local managed object identifier to qualify.
* @return the fully-qualified managed object identifier.
private ResourcePath managedId(String resourceId) {
return resourceId != null
? managedObjectPath.child(resourceId)
: managedObjectPath;
* Generates a fully-qualified object identifier for the repository.
* @param resourceId
* the local managed object identifier to qualify.
* @return the fully-qualified repository object identifier.
private String repoId(String resourceId) {
return ResourcePath.valueOf("repo").concat(managedId(resourceId)).toString();
* Executes a script if it exists, populating an {@code "object"} property in the root scope.
* @param hook
* the script-hook to execute
* @param value
* the object to be populated in the script scope.
* @param additionalProps
* a Map of additional properties to add the the script scope
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the script throws an exception.
* @throws InternalServerErrorException
* if any other exception is encountered.
private void execScript(final Context context, ScriptHook hook, JsonValue value, JsonValue additionalProps)
throws ResourceException {
final ScriptEntry scriptEntry = scriptHooks.get(hook);
EventEntry measure = Publisher.start(Name.get("openidm/internal/managed/" + this.getName() + "/execScript/" +, null, null);
try {
if (null != scriptEntry && scriptEntry.isActive()) {
Script script = scriptEntry.getScript(context);
script.put("object", value);
if (additionalProps != null && !additionalProps.isNull()) {
for (String key : additionalProps.keys()) {
script.put(key, additionalProps.get(key));
try {
script.eval(); // allows direct modification to the object
} catch (ScriptThrownException ste) {
// Allow for scripts to set their own exception
throw ste.toResourceException(ResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, + " script encountered exception");
} catch (ScriptException se) {
String msg = + " script encountered exception";
logger.debug(msg, se);
throw new InternalServerErrorException(msg, se);
} finally {
* Prepares a map of additional bindings for the script hook invocation.
* @param context the current Context
* @param request the Request being processed
* @param resourceId the resourceId of the object being manipulated
* @param oldObject the old object value
* @param newObject the new object value
* @return a JsonValue map of script bindings
private JsonValue prepareScriptBindings(Context context, Request request, String resourceId,
JsonValue oldObject, JsonValue newObject) {
JsonValue scriptBindings = json(object());
scriptBindings.put("context", context);
scriptBindings.put("request", request);
scriptBindings.put("oldObject", oldObject.getObject());
scriptBindings.put("newObject", newObject.getObject());
// TODO once SCRIPT-1 is implemented, this can be removed and the resourceName can be obtained via context.router.getBaseUri()
scriptBindings.put("resourceName", managedId(resourceId));
return scriptBindings;
* Executes all of the necessary trigger scripts when an object is retrieved from the repository.
* @param context the current Context
* @param request the Request being processed
* @param resourceId the resourceId of the object being manipulated
* @param value
* the JSON value that was retrieved from the repository.
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if a validation trigger throws an exception.
* @throws InternalServerErrorException
* if any other exception occurs.
private void onRetrieve(Context context, Request request, String resourceId, ResourceResponse value) throws ResourceException {
execScript(context, ScriptHook.onRetrieve, value.getContent(),
prepareScriptBindings(context, request, resourceId, new JsonValue(null), new JsonValue(null)));
for (JsonPointer key : Collections.unmodifiableSet(getSchema().getFields().keySet())) {
getSchema().getField(key).onRetrieve(context, value.getContent());
private void populateVirtualProperties(final Context context, final Request request, final JsonValue content) throws ForbiddenException,
InternalServerErrorException {
for (JsonPointer key : Collections.unmodifiableSet(getSchema().getFields().keySet())) {
SchemaField field = getSchema().getField(key);
// Only populate if field is returned by default or explicitly requested
if (field.isVirtual() && (field.isReturnedByDefault() || request.getFields().contains(key))) {
field.onRetrieve(context, content);
* Executes all of the necessary trigger scripts when an object is to be stored in the repository.
* @param value
* the JSON value to be stored in the repository.
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if a validation trigger throws an exception.
* @throws InternalServerErrorException
* if any other exception occurs.
private void onStore(Context context, JsonValue value) throws ResourceException {
JsonValue scriptBindings = json(object());
scriptBindings.put("context", context);
scriptBindings.put("value", value.getObject());
// Execute all individual onValidate scripts
for (JsonPointer key : Collections.unmodifiableSet(getSchema().getFields().keySet())) {
getSchema().getField(key).onValidate(context, value);
// Execute the root onValidate script
execScript(context, ScriptHook.onValidate, value, scriptBindings);
// Execute all individual onStore scripts
for (JsonPointer key : Collections.unmodifiableSet(getSchema().getFields().keySet())) {
getSchema().getField(key).onStore(context, value); // includes per-property encryption
// Execute the root onStore script
execScript(context, ScriptHook.onStore, value, scriptBindings);
* Decrypt the value
* @param value
* a json value with potentially encrypted value(s)
* @return object with values decrypted
* @throws InternalServerErrorException
* if decryption failed for any reason
private JsonValue decrypt(final JsonValue value) throws InternalServerErrorException {
try {
return cryptoService.decrypt(value); // makes a copy, which we can modify
} catch (JsonException je) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException(je);
* Decrypt the value
* @param value
* a json value with potentially encrypted value(s)
* @return object with values decrypted
* @throws InternalServerErrorException
* if decryption failed for any reason
private ResourceResponse decrypt(final ResourceResponse value) throws InternalServerErrorException {
try {
// makes a copy, which we can modify
return newResourceResponse(value.getId(), value.getRevision(),
null != value.getContent() ? cryptoService.decrypt(value.getContent()) : null);
} catch (JsonException je) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException(je);
* Forbid the use of sub objects
* @param id
* the identifier to check
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the identifier identifies a sub object
private void noSubObjects(String id) throws ForbiddenException {
if (id != null && id.indexOf('/') >= 0) {
throw new ForbiddenException("Sub-objects are not supported");
* Forbid operation without id, on the whole object set
* @param id
* the identifier to check
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if there is no identifier.
private void idRequired(String id) throws ForbiddenException {
if (id == null) {
throw new ForbiddenException("Operation not allowed on entire object set");
* Update a resource as part of an update or patch request.
* @param context the current Context
* @param request the source Request
* @param resourceId the resource id of the object being modified
* @param rev the revision of hte object being modified
* @param oldValue the old value of the object
* @param newValue the new value of the object
* @param relationshipFields a set of relationship fields to persist
* @return a {@link ResourceResponse} object representing the updated resource
* @throws ResourceException
private ResourceResponse update(final Context context, Request request, String resourceId, String rev,
JsonValue oldValue, JsonValue newValue, Set<JsonPointer> relationshipFields)
throws ResourceException {
if (isEqual(oldValue, newValue)) { // object hasn't changed
return newResourceResponse(resourceId, rev, oldValue);
// Execute the onUpdate script if configured
execScript(context, ScriptHook.onUpdate, newValue,
prepareScriptBindings(context, request, resourceId, oldValue, newValue));
// Validate relationships before persisting
validateRelationshipFields(context, oldValue, newValue);
// Populate the virtual properties (so they are updated for sync-ing)
populateVirtualProperties(context, request, newValue);
// Remove relationships so they don't get persisted in the repository with the managed object details.
JsonValue strippedRelationshipFields = stripRelationshipFields(newValue);
// Perform pre-property encryption
onStore(context, newValue); // performs per-property encryption
// Perform update
UpdateRequest updateRequest = Requests.newUpdateRequest(repoId(resourceId), newValue);
ResourceResponse response = connectionFactory.getConnection().update(context, updateRequest);
JsonValue responseContent = response.getContent();
// Put relationships back in before we respond
// Persists all relationship fields that are present in the new value and updates their values.
responseContent.asMap().putAll(persistRelationships(false, context, resourceId, responseContent, relationshipFields)
// Execute the postUpdate script if configured
execScript(context, ScriptHook.postUpdate, responseContent,
prepareScriptBindings(context, request, resourceId, oldValue, responseContent));
performSyncAction(context, request, resourceId, SynchronizationService.SyncServiceAction.notifyUpdate,
oldValue, responseContent);
return response;
* Persist all relationship fields contained in the JsonValue map to their accompanying
* {@link #relationshipProviders}
* @param clearExisting If existing (those not present in the object) should be cleared
* @param context The current context
* @param resourceId The id of the resource these relationships are associated with
* @param json A JsonValue map that contains relationship fields and value(s) to be persisted
* @param relationshipFields a set of relationship fields to persist
* @return A {@link JsonValue} map containing each relationship field and its persisted value(s)
private JsonValue persistRelationships(final boolean clearExisting, Context context, String resourceId, final JsonValue json,
Set<JsonPointer> relationshipFields) throws ResourceException {
EventEntry measurement = Publisher.start(Name.get("openidm/internal/managedobjectset/persistRelationships"), json, context);
try {
final List<Promise<JsonValue, ResourceException>> persisted = new ArrayList<>();
for (final JsonPointer relationshipField : relationshipFields) {
// value of the relationship in the managed object
final JsonValue relationshipValue = json.expect(Map.class).get(relationshipField);
// Relationships not present in the request will be null
// Relationships present in the request but set to null will be JsonValue(null)
if (relationshipValue != null) {
RelationshipProvider provider = relationshipProviders.get(relationshipField);
persisted.add(provider.setRelationshipValueForResource(clearExisting, context, resourceId,
relationshipValue).then(new Function<JsonValue, JsonValue, ResourceException>() {
public JsonValue apply(JsonValue jsonValue) throws ResourceException {
return json(object(field(relationshipField.leaf(), jsonValue.getObject())));
return when(persisted).then(new Function<List<JsonValue>, JsonValue, ResourceException>() {
public JsonValue apply(List<JsonValue> jsonValues) throws ResourceException {
final JsonValue joined = json(object());
// Join json maps
for (JsonValue value : jsonValues) {
return joined;
} finally {
* Applies a patch document to an object, or by finding an object in the object set itself via query parameters. As
* this is an action, the patch document to be applied is in the {@code _entity} parameter.
* @param context the current Context
* @param request the {@link ActionRequest}
* @return a {@link ResourceResponse} representing the patched object.
* @throws ResourceException
private ResourceResponse patchAction(final Context context, final ActionRequest request) throws ResourceException {
if (!request.getContent().required().isList()) {
throw new BadRequestException(
"The request could not be processed because the provided content is not a JSON array");
// Build query request from action parameters looking for query parameters
// use JsonValue to coerce Map<String, String> to Map<String, Object> - blech
QueryRequest queryRequest = RequestUtil.buildQueryRequestFromParameterMap(repoId(null),
new JsonValue(request.getAdditionalParameters()).asMap());
final List<PatchOperation> operations = PatchOperation.valueOfList(request.getContent());
final List<ResourceResponse> resources = new ArrayList<ResourceResponse>();
connectionFactory.getConnection().query(context, queryRequest,
new QueryResourceHandler() {
public boolean handleResource(ResourceResponse resource) {
logger.debug("Patch by query found resource " + resource.getId());
return true;
if (resources.size() == 1) {
try {
return patchResource(context, request, resources.get(0), null, operations);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e);
} else if (resources.size() > 1) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Query result must yield one matching object");
} else {
throw new NotFoundException("Query returned no results");
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> createInstance(Context context, CreateRequest request) {
String resourceId = request.getNewResourceId();
JsonValue content = request.getContent();
Context managedContext = new ManagedObjectContext(context);
// Check if the new id is specified in content, and use it if it is.
if (!content.get(FIELD_CONTENT_ID).isNull()) {
resourceId = content.get(FIELD_CONTENT_ID).asString();
logger.debug("Create name={} id={}", name, resourceId);
try {
// decrypt any incoming encrypted properties
JsonValue value = decrypt(content);
// Execute onCreate script
execScript(managedContext, ScriptHook.onCreate, value,
prepareScriptBindings(managedContext, request, resourceId, new JsonValue(null), content));
// Validate relationships before persisting
validateRelationshipFields(managedContext, json(object()), value);
// Populate the virtual properties (so they are available for sync-ing)
populateVirtualProperties(managedContext, request, value);
// Remove relationships so they don't get persisted in the repository with the managed object details.
final JsonValue strippedRelationshipFields = stripRelationshipFields(value);
// includes per-property encryption
onStore(managedContext, value);
// Persist the managed object in the repository
CreateRequest createRequest = Requests.newCreateRequest(repoId(null), resourceId, value);
ResourceResponse createResponse = connectionFactory.getConnection().create(managedContext, createRequest);
content = createResponse.getContent();
resourceId = createResponse.getId();
activityLogger.log(managedContext, request, "create", managedId(resourceId).toString(), null, content,
// Place stripped relationships back in content
// Persists all relationship fields and place their persisted values in content
content.asMap().putAll(persistRelationships(true, managedContext, resourceId, content,
// Execute the postCreate script if configured
execScript(managedContext, ScriptHook.postCreate, content,
prepareScriptBindings(managedContext, request, resourceId, new JsonValue(null), content));
// Sync any targets after managed object is created
performSyncAction(managedContext, request, resourceId, SynchronizationService.SyncServiceAction.notifyCreate,
new JsonValue(null), content);
return prepareResponse(managedContext, createResponse, request.getFields()).asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
} catch (Exception e) {
return new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> readInstance(final Context context, String resourceId,
ReadRequest request) {
logger.debug("Read name={} id={}", name, resourceId);
Context managedContext = new ManagedObjectContext(context);
try {
ReadRequest readRequest = Requests.newReadRequest(repoId(resourceId));
ResourceResponse readResponse = connectionFactory.getConnection().read(managedContext, readRequest);
final JsonValue relationships = fetchRelationshipFields(managedContext, resourceId, request.getFields());
onRetrieve(managedContext, request, resourceId, readResponse);
execScript(managedContext, onRead, readResponse.getContent(), null);
activityLogger.log(managedContext, request, "read", managedId(readResponse.getId()).toString(),
null, readResponse.getContent(), Status.SUCCESS);
return prepareResponse(managedContext, readResponse, request.getFields()).asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
} catch (Exception e) {
return new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
* Fetch the current relationship(s) for relationship fields set to be returned by default
* or specified in the {@link ReadRequest#getFields()}
* @param context The current context
* @param resourceId The id of the resource to fetch relationships of
* @param requestFields The fields requested in the initial request
* @return A {@link JsonValue} map containing all relationship fields and their values
* @throws ResourceException
private JsonValue fetchRelationshipFields(final Context context, final String resourceId,
final List<JsonPointer> requestFields)
throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, ResourceException {
EventEntry measure = Publisher.start(Name.get("openidm/internal/managed/set/fetchRealtionshipFields"), resourceId, context);
try {
final JsonValue joined = json(object());
* Create set only containing the head of request fields
* Allows for a relationship to be fetched when only an expansion is requested.
* ie. a field of foo/name will retrieve the foo relationship
final Set<JsonPointer> fieldHeads = new HashSet<>();
for (JsonPointer field : requestFields) {
// A blank _fields param can yield a single '/' (empty) pointer
if (!field.isEmpty()) {
fieldHeads.add(new JsonPointer(field.get(0)));
for (Map.Entry<JsonPointer, RelationshipProvider> entry : relationshipProviders.entrySet()) {
final JsonPointer field = entry.getKey();
final RelationshipProvider provider = entry.getValue();
if (requestFields.contains(SchemaField.FIELD_ALL_RELATIONSHIPS)
|| provider.getSchemaField().isReturnedByDefault()
|| fieldHeads.contains(field)) { // only check head of request fields (see above)
try {
joined.put(field, provider.getRelationshipValueForResource(context,
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
logger.debug("No {} relationships found for {}", field, resourceId);
joined.put(field, null);
} else {
// relationship was not requested or set to return by default
logger.debug("Relationship field {} skipped", field);
return joined;
} finally {
* This will traverse the jsonValue and validate that all relationship references are valid.
* @param oldValue previous state of the json.
* @param newValue json object that will get its relationship fields validated.
* @param context context of the request that is in progress.
* @throws ResourceException BadRequestException when the first invalid relationship reference is discovered,
* otherwise for other issues.
private void validateRelationshipFields(Context context, JsonValue oldValue, JsonValue newValue)
throws ResourceException {
for (JsonPointer field : schema.getRelationshipFields()) {
if (schema.getField(field).isValidationRequired()) {
oldValue.get(field) == null ? json(null) : oldValue.get(field),
newValue.get(field) == null ? json(null) : newValue.get(field));
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> updateInstance(final Context context, final String resourceId,
final UpdateRequest request) {
logger.debug("update {} ", "name=" + name + " id=" + resourceId + " rev=" + request.getRevision());
Context managedContext = new ManagedObjectContext(context);
try {
// decrypt any incoming encrypted properties
JsonValue _new = decrypt(request.getContent());
ReadRequest readRequest = Requests.newReadRequest(repoId(resourceId));
for (JsonPointer pointer : request.getFields()) {
if (pointer.equals(new JsonPointer("*"))) {
} else if (!pointer.equals(SchemaField.FIELD_ALL_RELATIONSHIPS)) {
ResourceResponse readResponse = connectionFactory.getConnection().read(managedContext, readRequest);
ResourceResponse decryptedResponse = decrypt(readResponse);
ResourceResponse updatedResponse = update(managedContext, request, resourceId, request.getRevision(),
decryptedResponse.getContent(), _new, relationshipProviders.keySet());
activityLogger.log(managedContext, request, "update", managedId(readResponse.getId()).toString(),
readResponse.getContent(), updatedResponse.getContent(), Status.SUCCESS);
return prepareResponse(managedContext, updatedResponse, request.getFields()).asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
} catch (Exception e) {
return new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> deleteInstance(final Context context, final String resourceId,
final DeleteRequest request) {
logger.debug("Delete {} ", "name=" + name + " id=" + resourceId + " rev=" + request.getRevision());
Context managedContext = new ManagedObjectContext(context);
try {
ReadRequest readRequest = Requests.newReadRequest(repoId(resourceId));
ResourceResponse resource = connectionFactory.getConnection().read(managedContext, readRequest);
// Populate the relationship fields in the read resource
final JsonValue relationships = fetchRelationshipFields(managedContext, resourceId, request.getFields());
execScript(managedContext, ScriptHook.onDelete, decrypt(resource.getContent()), null);
// Delete the resource
DeleteRequest deleteRequest = Requests.newDeleteRequest(repoId(resourceId));
if (request.getRevision() != null) {
} else {
connectionFactory.getConnection().delete(managedContext, deleteRequest);
// Delete any relationships associated with this resource
final List<Promise<JsonValue, ResourceException>> deleted = new ArrayList<>();
for (RelationshipProvider relationshipProvider : relationshipProviders.values()) {
deleted.add(relationshipProvider.clear(managedContext, resourceId));
// Wait for deletions to complete before continuing
activityLogger.log(managedContext, request, "delete", managedId(resource.getId()).toString(),
resource.getContent(), null, Status.SUCCESS);
// Execute the postDelete script if configured
execScript(managedContext, ScriptHook.postDelete, null, prepareScriptBindings(managedContext, request, resourceId,
resource.getContent(), new JsonValue(null)));
// Perform notifyDelete synchronization
performSyncAction(managedContext, request, resourceId, SynchronizationService.SyncServiceAction.notifyDelete,
resource.getContent(), new JsonValue(null));
return prepareResponse(managedContext, resource, request.getFields()).asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
} catch (Exception e) {
return new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> patchInstance(Context context, String resourceId,
PatchRequest request) {
try {
return newResultPromise(patchResourceById(new ManagedObjectContext(context), request, resourceId,
request.getRevision(), request.getPatchOperations()));
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
* Patches the given resource and will also remove private properties if it is an external call based upon context.
* @param context
* @param request
* @param resourceId
* @param revision Expected revision of the resource. Patch will fail if non-null and not matching.
* @param patchOperations
* @return The patched ResourceResponse with private properties omitted if called externally.
* @throws ResourceException
private ResourceResponse patchResourceById(Context context, Request request, String resourceId, String revision,
List<PatchOperation> patchOperations)
throws ResourceException {
// Get the oldest value for diffing in the log
// JsonValue oldValue = new JsonValue(cryptoService.getRouter().read(repoId(id)));
ReadRequest readRequest = Requests.newReadRequest(repoId(resourceId));
ResourceResponse resource = connectionFactory.getConnection().read(context, readRequest);
return patchResource(context, request, resource, revision, patchOperations);
* Patches the given resource and will also remove private properties if it is an external call based upon context.
* @param context
* @param request
* @param resource The resource to be patched
* @param revision
* @param patchOperations
* @return The patched ResourceResponse with private properties omitted if called externally.
* @throws ResourceException
private ResourceResponse patchResource(Context context, Request request, ResourceResponse resource, String revision,
List<PatchOperation> patchOperations)
throws ResourceException {
// FIXME: There's no way to decrypt a patch document. :-( Luckily, it'll work for now with patch action.
boolean forceUpdate = (revision == null);
boolean retry = forceUpdate;
String rev = revision;
do {
logger.debug("patch name={} id={}", name, request.getResourcePath());
try {
// decrypt any incoming encrypted properties
JsonValue decrypted = decrypt(resource.getContent());
// Create a Set containing all the patched relationship fields
Set<JsonPointer> patchedRelationshipFields = new HashSet<JsonPointer>();
for (PatchOperation operation : patchOperations) {
// Getting the first token as we currently only support top-level relationship fields
// This allows us to ignore trailing array index's or '-' characters.
JsonPointer field = new JsonPointer(operation.getField().get(0));
SchemaField schemaField = schema.getField(field);
if (schemaField != null && schemaField.isRelationship()) {
// If we haven't defined a revision, we need to get the current revision
if (revision == null) {
rev = decrypted.get("_rev").asString();
// Merge the relationship fields with the fields specified in the request
final Set<JsonPointer> allFields = new HashSet<JsonPointer>(request.getFields());
// Fetch the relationship fields
final JsonValue relationships = fetchRelationshipFields(context, resource.getId(),
new ArrayList<JsonPointer>(allFields));
// Populate the decrypted resource with the relationship fields
JsonValue newValue = decrypted.copy();
boolean modified = JsonValuePatch.apply(newValue, patchOperations);
if (!modified) {
return newResourceResponse(request.getResourcePath(), revision, resource.getContent());
// Check if policies should be enforced
if (enforcePolicies) {
// Build up a map of properties to validate (only the patched properties)
JsonValue propertiesToValidate = json(object());
for (PatchOperation operation : patchOperations) {
// Getting the first token as we currently only support top-level relationship fields
// This allows us to ignore trailing array index's or '-' characters.
String field = operation.getField().get(0);
propertiesToValidate.put(field, newValue.get(field));
// The action request to validate the policy of all the patched properties
ActionRequest policyAction = Requests.newActionRequest(
if (ContextUtil.isExternal(context)) {
// this parameter is used in conjunction with the test in policy.js to ensure that the
// re-authentication policy is enforced.
policyAction.setAdditionalParameter("external", "true");
JsonValue result = connectionFactory.getConnection().action(context, policyAction).getJsonContent();
if (!result.isNull() && !result.get("result").asBoolean()) {
logger.debug("Requested patch failed policy validation: {}", result);
throw new ForbiddenException("Failed policy validation").setDetail(result);
ResourceResponse patchedResource = update(context, request, resource.getId(), rev,
resource.getContent(), newValue, patchedRelationshipFields);
activityLogger.log(context, request, "", managedId(patchedResource.getId()).toString(),
resource.getContent(), patchedResource.getContent(), Status.SUCCESS);
retry = false;
logger.debug("Patch successful!");
return prepareResponse(context, patchedResource, request.getFields());
} catch (PreconditionFailedException e) {
if (forceUpdate) {
logger.debug("Unable to update due to revision conflict. Retrying.");
} else {
// If it fails and we're not trying to force an update, we gave it our best shot
throw e;
} catch (ResourceException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e);
} while (retry);
return null;
public Promise<QueryResponse, ResourceException> queryCollection(final Context context, final QueryRequest request,
final QueryResourceHandler handler) {
logger.debug("query name={} id={}", name, request.getResourcePath());
final Context managedContext = new ManagedObjectContext(context);
// The "executeOnRetrieve" parameter is used to indicate if is returning a full managed object
String executeOnRetrieve = request.getAdditionalParameter("executeOnRetrieve");
// The onRetrieve script should only be run queries that return full managed objects
final boolean onRetrieve = executeOnRetrieve == null
? false
: Boolean.parseBoolean(executeOnRetrieve);
final List<Map<String,Object>> results = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
final ResourceException[] ex = new ResourceException[]{null};
try {
// Create new QueryRequest to send to the repository
// Does not include any fields specified in the current request
QueryRequest repoRequest = Requests.newQueryRequest(repoId(null));
repoRequest.addSortKey(request.getSortKeys().toArray(new SortKey[request.getSortKeys().size()]));
for (String key : request.getAdditionalParameters().keySet()) {
repoRequest.setAdditionalParameter(key, request.getAdditionalParameter(key));
QueryResponse queryResponse = connectionFactory.getConnection().query(managedContext, repoRequest,
new QueryResourceHandler() {
public boolean handleResource(ResourceResponse resource) {
ResourceResponse resourceResponse = null;
// Check if the onRetrieve script should be run
if (onRetrieve) {
try {
onRetrieve(managedContext, request, resource.getId(), resource);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
ex[0] = e;
return false;
if (ServerConstants.QUERY_ALL_IDS.equals(request.getQueryId())) {
// Don't populate relationships if this is a query-all-ids query.
resourceResponse = resource;
} else {
// Populate the relationship fields
try {
JsonValue relationships = fetchRelationshipFields(managedContext, resource.getId(), request.getFields());
resourceResponse = prepareResponse(managedContext, resource, request.getFields());
} catch (ResourceException e) {
ex[0] = e;
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
ex[0] = new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
return handler.handleResource(prepareResponse(managedContext, resourceResponse, request.getFields()));
if(ex[0] != null) {
return ex[0].asPromise();
activityLogger.log(managedContext, request,
"query: " + request.getQueryId() + ", parameters: " + request.getAdditionalParameters(),
request.getQueryId(), null, new JsonValue(results), Status.SUCCESS);
return queryResponse.asPromise();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
} catch (Exception e) {
return new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
public Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> actionInstance(Context context, String resourceId,
ActionRequest request) {
final Context managedContext = new ManagedObjectContext(context);
try {
activityLogger.log(managedContext, request, "Action: " + request.getAction(),
managedId(resourceId).toString(), null, null, Status.SUCCESS);
switch (request.getActionAsEnum(Action.class)) {
case patch:
final List<PatchOperation> operations = PatchOperation.valueOfList(request.getContent());
ResourceResponse patchResponse = patchResourceById(managedContext, request, resourceId, null, operations);
return newActionResponse(patchResponse.getContent()).asPromise();
case triggerSyncCheck:
// Sync changes if required
// Read in managed object to get updated virtual attributes. The result of the read request will be
// compared against the last sync'd value stored in the repository (in the updateInstance() request
// below) to determine an update/sync is required.
final List<JsonPointer> requestFields = request.getFields();
final ReadRequest readRequest = Requests.newReadRequest(managedId(resourceId).toString());
if (!requestFields.isEmpty()) {
readRequest.addField(requestFields.toArray(new JsonPointer[requestFields.size()]));
logger.debug("Attempt sync of {}", readRequest.getResourcePath());
ResourceResponse currentResource = connectionFactory.getConnection().read(managedContext, readRequest);
UpdateRequest updateRequest = Requests.newUpdateRequest(readRequest.getResourcePath(),
if (!requestFields.isEmpty()) {
updateRequest.addField(requestFields.toArray(new JsonPointer[requestFields.size()]));
ResourceResponse updateResponse = updateInstance(managedContext, resourceId, updateRequest).get();
logger.debug("Sync of {} complete", readRequest.getResourcePath());
return Responses.newActionResponse(updateResponse.getContent()).asPromise();
throw new BadRequestException("Action " + request.getAction() + " is not supported.");
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// from getActionAsEnum
return new BadRequestException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
} catch (Exception e) {
return new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
* Processes action requests.
* <p>
* If the {@code _action} parameter is {@code patch}, then the request is
* handled as a partial modification to an object, either explicitly
* (identifier is supplied) or by query (query parameters specify the query
* to perform to yield a single object to patch.
public Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> actionCollection(Context context, ActionRequest request) {
logger.debug("action name={} id={}", name, request.getResourcePath());
final Context managedContext = new ManagedObjectContext(context);
try {
activityLogger.log(managedContext, request, "Action: " + request.getAction(),
request.getResourcePath(), null, null, Status.SUCCESS);
switch (request.getActionAsEnum(Action.class)) {
case patch:
return newActionResponse(patchAction(managedContext, request).getContent()).asPromise();
throw new BadRequestException("Action " + request.getAction() + " is not supported.");
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// from getActionAsEnum
return new BadRequestException(e.getMessage(), e).asPromise();
// -------- Implements the ScriptListener
public void scriptChanged(ScriptEvent event) throws ScriptException {
switch (event.getType()) {
case ScriptEvent.UNREGISTERING:
logger.error("Script {} became unavailable", event.getScriptLibraryEntry().getName());
* Returns the name of the managed object set.
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getTemplate() {
return name.indexOf('/') == 0 ? name : '/' + name;
* Prepares the response contents by removing the following: any private properties (if the request is from an
* external call), any virtual or relationship properties that are not set to returnByDefault.
* @param context the current ServerContext
* @param resource the Resource to prepare
* @param fields a list of fields to return specified in the request
* @return the prepared Resource object
* @throws ResourceException
private ResourceResponse prepareResponse(Context context, ResourceResponse resource, List<JsonPointer> fields) {
Map<JsonPointer, SchemaField> fieldsToRemove = new HashMap<>(schema.getHiddenByDefaultFields());
Map<JsonPointer, List<JsonPointer>> resourceExpansionMap = new HashMap<>();
if (fields != null && fields.size() > 0) {
for (JsonPointer field : new ArrayList<>(fields)) {
if (field.equals(SchemaField.FIELD_ALL_RELATIONSHIPS)) {
// Return all relationship fields, so remove them from fieldsToRemove map
for (JsonPointer key : schema.getRelationshipFields()) {
logger.debug("Allowing field {} to be returned, due to *_ref", key);
} else if (!field.equals(new JsonPointer("*")) && !field.equals(new JsonPointer(""))){
if (schema.hasField(field)) {
// Allow the field by removing it from the fieldsToRemove list.
logger.debug("Allowing field {} to be returned", field);
} else if (schema.hasArrayIndexedField(field)) {
// Allow the indexed array field (ex: role/0) by removing it from the fieldsToRemove list.
logger.debug("Allowing field {} to be returned", field.parent());
} else {
// Check for resource expansion and build up map of fields to expand
Pair<JsonPointer, JsonPointer> expansionPair = schema.getResourceExpansionField(field);
if (expansionPair != null) {
JsonPointer relationshipField = expansionPair.getFirst();
// Allow the field by removing it from the fieldsToRemove list (if there)
// Add the field to the expansion map
if (!resourceExpansionMap.containsKey(relationshipField)) {
// Initialize the list of fields in the resource expansion map
resourceExpansionMap.put(relationshipField, new ArrayList<JsonPointer>());
// Add the relationship field to the fields list (so it is included in the response)
// Remove the expanded field from the list of fields (since it will be included as part of
// the relationship field (after resource expansion) in the response.
} else if (field.equals(new JsonPointer("*"))) {
fields.add(new JsonPointer(""));
// Remove all relationship and virtual fields that are not returned by default, or explicitly listed
for (JsonPointer key : fieldsToRemove.keySet()) {
logger.debug("Removing field {} from the response object", key);
// List of promises representing results of resource expansion
List<Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException>> promises = new ArrayList<>();
// Loop over the relationship fields to expand
for (JsonPointer fieldToExpand : resourceExpansionMap.keySet()) {
// The schema for the field to expand
SchemaField schemaField = schema.getField(fieldToExpand);
// The list of fields to include from the expanded resource
List<JsonPointer> fieldsList = resourceExpansionMap.get(fieldToExpand);
// The value of the relationship field
JsonValue fieldValue = resource.getContent().get(fieldToExpand);
try {
// Perform the resource expansion
if (fieldValue != null && !fieldValue.isNull()) {
if (schemaField.isArray()) {
// The field is an array of relationship objects
for (JsonValue value : fieldValue) {
promises.add(expandResource(context, value, fieldsList));
} else {
// The field is a relationship object
promises.add(expandResource(context, fieldValue, fieldsList));
} else {
logger.warn("Cannot expand a null relationship object");
} catch (ResourceException e) {
logger.error("Error expanding resource " + fieldToExpand + " with value " + fieldValue, e);
try {
} catch (ResourceException e) {
// Exceptions are already handled in expandResource, so this should never happen.
logger.error("Error performing resource expansion", e);
// only cull private properties if this is an external call
if (ContextUtil.isExternal(context)) {
for (JsonPointer key : Collections.unmodifiableSet(getSchema().getFields().keySet())) {
SchemaField field = getSchema().getField(key);
if (field.isPrivate()) {
// Update the list of fields in the response
if (fields != null && fields.size() > 0) {
resource.addField(fields.toArray(new JsonPointer[fields.size()]));
return resource;
* Expands the provided resource represented by a {@link JsonValue} relationship object. A read request will be
* issued for the resource identified by the "_ref" field in the supplied relationship object. A supplied
* {@link List} of fields indicates which fields to read and then merge with the relationship object.
* @param context the {@link Context} of the request
* @param value the value of the relationship object
* @param fieldsList the list of fields to read and merge with the relationship object.
* @throws ResourceException if an error is encountered.
private Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> expandResource(Context context, final JsonValue value,
List<JsonPointer> fieldsList) throws ResourceException {
if (!value.isNull() && value.get(SchemaField.FIELD_REFERENCE) != null) {
final Connection connection = ContextUtil.isExternal(context)
? connectionFactory.getExternalConnection()
: connectionFactory.getConnection();
// Create and issue a read request on the referenced resource with the specified list of fields
ReadRequest request = Requests.newReadRequest(value.get(SchemaField.FIELD_REFERENCE).asString());
request.addField(fieldsList.toArray(new JsonPointer[fieldsList.size()]));
return connection.readAsync(context, request).thenOnResultOrException(
new ResultHandler<ResourceResponse>() {
public void handleResult(ResourceResponse resource) {
// Merge the result with the supplied relationship object
}, new ExceptionHandler<ResourceException>() {
public void handleException(ResourceException exception) {
Map<String, Object> valueMap = value.asMap();
valueMap.put(RelationshipUtil.REFERENCE_ERROR, true);
valueMap.put(RelationshipUtil.REFERENCE_ERROR_MESSAGE, exception.getMessage());
} else {
logger.warn("Cannot expand a null relationship object");
return newResourceResponse(null, null, null).asPromise();
* Removes all relationship fields from the supplied {@link JsonValue} instance of a managed object. Returns a
* {@link JsonValue} object containing the stripped fields.
* @param value The JsonValue map to strip relationship fields from
* @return A {@link JsonValue} containing the stripped fields.
private JsonValue stripRelationshipFields(final JsonValue value) {
final JsonValue stripped = json(object());
for (JsonPointer field : schema.getRelationshipFields()) {
final JsonValue fieldValue = value.get(field);
final Object strippedValue;
if (null != fieldValue) {
strippedValue = fieldValue.getObject();
stripped.put(field, strippedValue);
return stripped;
public void performSyncAction(final Context context, final Request request, final String resourceId,
final SynchronizationService.SyncServiceAction action, final JsonValue oldValue, final JsonValue newValue)
throws ResourceException {
// The "sync" route may be down (unconfigured) or in the process of being re-configured;
// if this is the case, we don't want a router error on the ActionRequest below. Just log
// the warning and return. When the SynchronizationService comes back up (or when the
// reconfiguration is complete), the AtomicReference<RouteService> in ManagedObjectService
// will get set again.
if (null == syncRoute.get()) {
logger.warn("Sync service was not available.");
try {
JsonValue content = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(2));
content.put("oldValue", oldValue.getObject());
content.put("newValue", newValue.getObject());
final ActionRequest syncRequest = Requests.newActionRequest("sync",
.setAdditionalParameter(SynchronizationService.ACTION_PARAM_RESOURCE_CONTAINER, managedObjectPath.toString())
.setAdditionalParameter(SynchronizationService.ACTION_PARAM_RESOURCE_ID, resourceId)
final ResourceException[] syncScriptError = new ResourceException[] { null };
JsonValue details;
boolean success = false;
try {
ActionResponse actionResponse = connectionFactory.getConnection().action(context, syncRequest);
success = true;
details = actionResponse.getJsonContent();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
success = false;
details = e.getDetail();
} catch (Exception e) {
success = false;
details = new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage(), e).getDetail();
try {
// Execute the sync script
JsonValue scriptBindings = prepareScriptBindings(context, request, resourceId, oldValue, newValue);
Map<String,Object> syncResults = new HashMap<String,Object>();
syncResults.put("success", success);
syncResults.put("syncDetails", details.getObject());
scriptBindings.put("syncResults", syncResults);
execScript(context, ScriptHook.onSync, null, scriptBindings);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
logger.warn("Failed executing onSync script on {} {}:{}",
syncRequest.getAction(), name, syncRequest.getResourcePath(), e);
throw e;
if (syncScriptError[0] != null) {
throw syncScriptError[0];
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
logger.error("Failed to sync {} {}:{}",, name, resourceId, e);
throw e;
* Get the {@link ResourcePath} associated with this set.
* @return The {@link ResourcePath} associated with this object set.
public ResourcePath getPath() {
return managedObjectPath;
* Get the {@link ManagedObjectSchema} associated with this set.
* @return The {@link ManagedObjectSchema} associated with this object set.
public ManagedObjectSchema getSchema() {
return schema;
* Get the current map of {@link RelationshipProvider} for each relationship field.
Map<JsonPointer, RelationshipProvider> getRelationshipProviders() {
return relationshipProviders;