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package org.forgerock.openidm.config.persistence;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonNode;
import org.forgerock.openidm.config.JSONEnhancedConfig;
import org.forgerock.openidm.config.installer.JSONConfigInstaller;
import org.forgerock.openidm.core.IdentityServer;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Helper class for bootstrapping the configuration, and in turn the system
* The boostrapping mechanism works in the following order:
* 1. Repository bundle activators register a bootstrap repository that knows how to access configuration.
* The basic info to bootstrap comes from system properties or configuration files
* 2. A repo persistence plug-in for the configuration admin is registered for configuration to get loaded/stored in the repository
* 3. When the OSGi configuration administration service comes up, proceed with handling configuration in files (if enabled)
* via the felix file install mechanism
* @author aegloff
public class ConfigBootstrapHelper {
// Properties to set bootstrapping behavior
public static final String PREFIX_OPENIDM_REPO = "openidm.repo.";
public static final String OPENIDM_REPO_TYPE = "openidm.repo.type";
// Properties to set configuration file handling behavior
public static final String OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_BUNDLES_NEW_START = "";
public static final String OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_FILTER = "openidm.fileinstall.filter";
public static final String OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_DIR = "openidm.fileinstall.dir";
public static final String OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_POLL = "openidm.fileinstall.poll";
public static final String OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_ENABLED = "openidm.fileinstall.enabled";
public static final String FELIX_FILEINSTALL_PID = "org.apache.felix.fileinstall";
// Filename prefix for repository configuration
public static final String REPO_FILE_PREFIX = "repo.";
public static final String JSON_CONFIG_FILE_EXT = ".json";
// Default prefix for OpenIDM OSGi services
public static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_RDN_PREFIX = "org.forgerock.openidm.";
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigBootstrapHelper.class);
static boolean warnMissingConfig = true;
* Get the configured bootstrap information for a repository
* Currently only one bootstrap repository is selected.
* Bootstrap information in system properties takes precedence over configuration files
* Configuration keys returned are lower case, whether they originate from system properties or
* configuration files.
* @param repoType the type of the boostrap repository,
* equivalent to the last part of its PID
* @return The relevant bootstrap configuration if this repository should be bootstraped, null if not
public static JsonNode getRepoBootConfig(String repoType, BundleContext bundleContext) {
JsonNode result = new JsonNode(new HashMap<String,Object>());
result.put(OPENIDM_REPO_TYPE, repoType);
// System properties take precedence over configuration files
String sysPropType = System.getProperty(OPENIDM_REPO_TYPE);
if (sysPropType != null && sysPropType.toLowerCase().equals(repoType)) {
for (Object entry : System.getProperties().keySet()) {
String key = (String) entry;
if (key.startsWith(PREFIX_OPENIDM_REPO)) {
result.put(key.substring(PREFIX_OPENIDM_REPO.length()).toLowerCase(), System.getProperty(key));
}"Bootstrapping with settings from system properties {}", result);
return result;
// If bootstrap info not found in system properties, check for configuration files
String confDir = getConfigFileInstallDir();
File unqualified = new File(confDir, REPO_FILE_PREFIX + repoType.toLowerCase() + JSON_CONFIG_FILE_EXT);
File qualified = new File(confDir, ConfigBootstrapHelper.DEFAULT_SERVICE_RDN_PREFIX + REPO_FILE_PREFIX
+ repoType.toLowerCase() + JSON_CONFIG_FILE_EXT);
try {
Dictionary rawConfig = null;
if (unqualified.exists()) {
rawConfig = JSONConfigInstaller.loadConfigFile(unqualified);
} else if (qualified.exists()) {
rawConfig = JSONConfigInstaller.loadConfigFile(qualified);
} else {
logger.debug("No configuration to boostrap {}", repoType);
// Check at least one configuration exists
String[] repoConfigFiles = getRepoConfigFiles(confDir);
if (warnMissingConfig && (repoConfigFiles == null || repoConfigFiles.length == 0)) {
logger.error("No configuration to boostrap the repository found.");
warnMissingConfig = false;
return null;
JsonNode jsonCfg = new JSONEnhancedConfig().getConfiguration(rawConfig, bundleContext, repoType);
Map<String, Object> cfg = jsonCfg.asMap();
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : cfg.entrySet()) {
result.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), entry.getValue());
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warn("Failed to load configuration file to boostrap repository " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load configuration file to boostrap repository "
+ ex.getMessage(), ex);
}"Bootstrapping with settings from configuration file {}", result);
return result;
// A list of repository configuration files
static String[] getRepoConfigFiles(final String confDir) {
FilenameFilter repoConfFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.startsWith(REPO_FILE_PREFIX);
return IdentityServer.getFileForPath(confDir).list(repoConfFilter);
* Get the directory for configuration file view
* @return config dir
public static String getConfigFileInstallDir() {
// Default the configuration directory if not declared
String dir = System.getProperty(OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_DIR, "conf");
dir = IdentityServer.getFileForPath(dir).getAbsolutePath();
logger.debug("Configuration file directory {}", dir);
return dir;
* Configure to process all JSON configuration files (if enabled)
* @param configAdmin the OSGi configuration admin service
* @throws
public static void installAllConfig(ConfigurationAdmin configAdmin) throws IOException {
String enabled = System.getProperty(OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_ENABLED, "true");
String poll = System.getProperty(OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_POLL, "2000");
String dir = getConfigFileInstallDir();
String filter = System.getProperty(OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_FILTER, ".*\\.cfg|.*\\.json");
String start = System.getProperty(OPENIDM_FILEINSTALL_BUNDLES_NEW_START, "false");
Configuration config = configAdmin.createFactoryConfiguration(FELIX_FILEINSTALL_PID, null);
Dictionary props = config.getProperties();
if (props == null) {
props = new Hashtable();
if ("true".equals(enabled)) {
// Apply the latest configuration changes from file
props.put("felix.fileinstall.poll", poll);
props.put("felix.fileinstall.noInitialDelay", "true");
props.put("felix.fileinstall.dir", dir);
props.put("felix.fileinstall.filter", filter);
props.put("", start);
config.update(props);"Configuration from file enabled");
} else {"Configuration from file disabled");
* Prefixes unqualified PIDs with the default RDN qualifier
* I.e. file names can be unqualified and will be prefixed
* with the default.
* Configuring services with PIDs that are not qualified
* by org. or com. is currently not supported.
* @param fileNamePid
* @return
public static String qualifyPid(String fileNamePid) {
String qualifiedPid = fileNamePid;
// Prefix unqualified pid names with the default.
if (fileNamePid != null && !(fileNamePid.startsWith("org.") || fileNamePid.startsWith("com."))) {
qualifiedPid = DEFAULT_SERVICE_RDN_PREFIX + fileNamePid;
return qualifiedPid;
* Removes the default RDN prefix if this is a qualified name
* int the default namespace. IF not, it STAYS qualified.
* Configuring services with PIDs that are not qualified
* by org. or com. is currently not supported.
* @param qualifiedPid
* @return
public static String unqualifyPid(String qualifiedPid) {
if (qualifiedPid != null && qualifiedPid.startsWith(DEFAULT_SERVICE_RDN_PREFIX)) {
return qualifiedPid.substring(DEFAULT_SERVICE_RDN_PREFIX.length());
} else {
return qualifiedPid;