conf.xml revision d81978a0815d5b8a75633c35e3e1f8708d36f017
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE systemTestConfiguration SYSTEM "/conf.dtd">
! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
! or
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! -->
<!-- This conf.xml file is an example -->
<!-- BEFORE running system-tests, you need to set up your environment -->
<!-- ================= Global Parameters ===================== -->
<!-- ============= Should be the first node =============== -->
4 Ldap Servers each connected to a single changelog server
<!-- Example : <domain></domain> -->
<!-- ================= Instance ============================== -->
<instance name="I1" product="opends" role="ldapServer">
<java xms="2g" xmx="2g"
xxNewSize="512m" xxMaxNewSize="512m"
xxSurvivorRatio="6" xxPermSize="128m"
xxMaxPermSize="128m" xxUseConcMarkSweepGC="true"/>
<replicationPurgeDelay unit="h">4</replicationPurgeDelay>
<!-- ================= Instance ============================== -->
<instance name="I2" product="opends" role="ldapServer">
<java xms="2g" xmx="2g"
xxNewSize="512m" xxMaxNewSize="512m"
xxSurvivorRatio="6" xxPermSize="128m"
xxMaxPermSize="128m" xxUseConcMarkSweepGC="true"/>
<replicationPurgeDelay unit="h">4</replicationPurgeDelay>
<!-- ================= Instance ============================== -->
<instance name="I3" product="opends" role="ldapServer">
<java xms="2g" xmx="2g"
xxNewSize="512m" xxMaxNewSize="512m"
xxSurvivorRatio="6" xxPermSize="128m"
xxMaxPermSize="128m" xxUseConcMarkSweepGC="true"/>
<replicationPurgeDelay unit="h">4</replicationPurgeDelay>
<!-- ================= Instance ============================== -->
<instance name="I4" product="opends" role="ldapServer">
<java xms="2g" xmx="2g"
xxNewSize="512m" xxMaxNewSize="512m"
xxSurvivorRatio="6" xxPermSize="128m"
xxMaxPermSize="128m" xxUseConcMarkSweepGC="true"/>
<replicationPurgeDelay unit="h">4</replicationPurgeDelay>
<!-- ================= Suffix ============================== -->
<suffix dn="dc=com">
<element instanceName="I1" initRule="importLdif"/>
<element instanceName="I2" initRule="totalUpdate"
<element instanceName="I3" initRule="totalUpdate"
<element instanceName="I4" initRule="totalUpdate"
<tree nbOfEntries="100000">
<branch name="ou=france,dc=com">
<branch name="ou=QA Engineers,ou=france,dc=com">
<subordinateTemplate type="inetOrgPerson" percentage="30"/>
<branch name="ou=Accounting,ou=france,dc=com">
<subordinateTemplate type="organizationalPerson" percentage="30"/>
<branch name="ou=Managers,ou=france,dc=com">
<subordinateTemplate type="person" nb="1"/>
<branch name="ou=Engineers,ou=france,dc=com">
<subordinateTemplate type="person" percentage="40"/>
<!-- ================= Scheduler =========================== -->
<!-- [1] duration must be more than 1 minute -->
<!-- [2] dependencyId is a list of client id ie : 1,2 -->
<!-- if using it, specify id attribute for each clients -->
<duration unit="h">48</duration>
<!-- 60h : 1% <-> 36 min , 10% <-> 6h -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--== Module 1 ==-->
<module name="search" enabled="true">
<client id="1" name="searchLoad" host="localhost" start="t0"
<!--== Module 2 ==-->
<module name="modify" enabled="true">
<client id="3" name="modifyLoad" host="localhost" start="t20" stop="t50">
<client id="10" name="modifyLoad" host="localhost" start="t20" stop="t50">
<client id="4" name="searchLoad" host="localhost" start="t20" stop="t50">
<!--== Module 3 ==-->
<module name="addAndDelete" enabled="true">
<client id="6" name="addDeleteLoad" host="localhost" start="t60"
<client id="11" name="addDeleteLoad" host="localhost" start="t60"
<client id="7" name="restartDs" host="localhost" start="t70"