utils.xml revision d81978a0815d5b8a75633c35e3e1f8708d36f017
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
! or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="checkRC" scope="local">
This function checks a return code against an expected return code
<function-arg-def name="returncode" type="required">
return code received from command
<function-arg-def name="result" type="required">
the output of the result
<function-arg-def name="expected" type="optional" default="[0]">
the expected return code (list of value : [0] or [0,5])
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="optional" default="LOG_MAIN_FD">
file descriptor, keywords : NO_FILE
<!-- TBD
result = result.replace('"','&quot;')
# result = result.replace('<','&lt;')
# result = result.replace('>','&gt;')
see the call in scheduler.xml
clientSearchLoad() checkRC after process "running java program : searchLoad"
_errNum = 0
verdict = 'FAIL'
for expRC in expected:
if ( expRC == returncode ):
verdict = 'PASS'
<if expr="verdict == 'PASS'">
<call function="'writeOperationResult'">
'returncode' : returncode,
'expected' : expected,
'result' : '',
'status' : 'SUCCESS',
'fileFd' : fileFd
<call function="'writeOperationResult'">
'returncode' : returncode,
'expected' : expected,
'result' : result,
'status' : 'ERROR',
'fileFd' : fileFd
_errNum = 1
ERR_NUM[0] += _errNum
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="phasePreamble" scope="local">
Performs all the preoperations for a phase
<function-arg-def name="phase" type="required">
phase object
<function-arg-def name="tagAttr" type="optional" default='[]'>
attribute/value of the tag [[attr1,val1],[attr2,val2],...]
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
<!-- Start time of test suite -->
ERR_NUM[0] = 0
if tagAttr == []:
tagAttr = [['date',phase.getStartTime()]]
<message log="1">''</message>
<message log="1">
'=================== START PHASE %s @ %s ========================='\
% (phase.getName(),phase.getStartTime())
<call function="'writeStartTagPhase'">
'tagName' : phase.getName(),
'tagAttr' : tagAttr,
'fileFd' : fileFd
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="phasePostamble" scope="local">
Performs all the post operations for a phase
<function-arg-def name="phase" type="required">
phase object
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<message log="1">
'== Found %s Error(s) during this phase' % (phase.getErrNum())
<message log="1">
'=================== STOP PHASE %s ============================' \
% (phase.getName())
<call function="'writeTag'">
'tagName' : 'phaseResult',
'tagAttr' : [['errNum',phase.getErrNum()]] ,
'fileFd' : LOG_MAIN_FD
<call function="'writeEndTagPhase'">
'fileFd' : LOG_MAIN_FD
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="sleep" scope="local">
Sleep for number of milliseconds
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="'%s' % STAXServiceMachine">
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="sleepForMilliSeconds" type="required">
Number of milliseconds to sleep
<function-arg-property name="type" value="seconds"/>
<function-arg-def name="silentMode" type="optional" default="FALSE">
do not write message in log file if set to TRUE
<function-arg-property name="type" value="seconds"/>
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<if expr="silentMode == 'FALSE'">
<call function="'writeStartTagOperation'">
{ 'tagName' : 'sleep',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'sleep for %s milliseconds on %s' % (sleepForMilliSeconds,location)
<stafcmd name="'STAF Command: Delay'">
<location>'%s' % location</location>
'delay %i' % sleepForMilliSeconds
<if expr="silentMode == 'FALSE'">
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC ,
'result' : STAFResult,
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeEndTagOperation'">{'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="ldifDiff" scope="local">
This function compares two LDIF files and reports the differences in LDIF format
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME">
Location of target host
<function-arg-def name="dsPath" type="required">
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-def name="version" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-def name="sourceLdif" type="required">
LDIF file to use as the source data
<function-arg-def name="targetLdif" type="required">
LDIF file to use as the target data
<function-arg-def name="outputLdif" type="required">
File to which the diffs should be written
<function-arg-def name="overwriteExisting" type="optional" default="TRUE">
Overwrite existing output file rather than append to it
<function-arg-def name="singleValueChanges" type="optional">
Write each attribute-level change as a separate modification
per attribute value rather than one modification per entry
<function-arg-def name="Help" type="optional">
Help option
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<call function="'writeStartTagOperation'">
{ 'tagName' : 'ldifDiff',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'Compares two LDIF files and reports the differences in LDIF format'
<!-- Build the Command -->
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/bin' % (dsPath)
STAFCmd='%s/ldif-diff' % (dsBinPath)
if version:
if sourceLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-s %s' % sourceLdif)
if targetLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-t %s' % targetLdif)
if outputLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-o %s' % outputLdif)
if overwriteExisting:
if singleValueChanges:
if Help:
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : '%s %s' % (STAFCmd,STAFCmdParams)
<process name="'LDIF Diff Script'">
['PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:%s' % dsBinPath]
<console use="'same'"/>
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
diffsInfo = STAXReason[1]
diffs = diffsInfo[1]
if (diffsInfo[0] == 0) and (diffs.startswith("# No differences were detected between the source and target LDIF files")) :
diffRC = 0
diffRC = 1
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : diffRC,
'result' : 'diff file : %s' % outputLdif,
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeEndTagOperation'">{'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<return> diffRC </return>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="grep" scope="local">
This function compares grep a string in a file
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME">
Location of target host
<function-arg-def name="string2grep" type="required">
string to grep
<function-arg-def name="file" type="required">
File where grep will be done
<function-arg-def name="expect2Find" type="optional" default="TRUE">
if true, return SUCCESS if string2find is in the file
if false, return SUCCESS if string2find is NOT in the file
<function-arg-def name="caseSensitive" type="optional" default="TRUE">
if true, grep with case sensitive mode
if false, grep with case insensitive mode
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<!-- ========== -->
<call function="'writeStartTagOperation'">
{ 'tagName' : 'grep',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<if expr="expect2Find == TRUE">
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : "Check '%s' is in %s" % (string2grep,file)
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : "Check '%s' is NOT in %s" % (string2grep,file)
<!-- ========== -->
_errNum = 0
result = 'NOTHING'
if (caseSensitive == TRUE):
options = ''
options = '-i'
<process name="'Grep'">
<command mode="'shell'">
"grep %s '%s' %s" % (options,string2grep,file)
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
<if expr="expect2Find == TRUE">
<if expr="(result != 'NOTHING') and (grepRC == 0)">
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : 0,
'result' : '',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : grepRC,
'result' : result,
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<script> _errNum += STAXResult </script>
<!-- == expect2Find == FALSE == -->
<if expr="(result == '') and (grepRC != 0)">
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : 0,
'result' : '',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : grepRC,
'expected' : [1],
'result' : result,
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<script> _errNum += STAXResult </script>
<!-- ========== -->
<call function="'writeEndTagOperation'">{'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<return> _errNum </return>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="getOSvariables" scope="local">
Get OS related variables
<function-arg-def name="hostname" type="required">
Name of host on which to retrieve variables
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<stafcmd name="'STAF Command: Get OS Name'">
<location>'%s' % hostname</location>
'get system var STAF/Config/OS/Name'
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="getOSDate" scope="local">
This function returns the date (MONTH/DAY/YEARS-HOURS/MIN) of the OS
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional"
default="'%s' % STAXServiceMachine">
Location of target host
<call function="'getOSvariables'">
{ 'hostname' : location }
import re
winPattern=re.compile('win', re.IGNORECASE)
<!-- OS is windows -->
<if expr="isWindows">
<process name="'get date on %s' % location">
<command mode="'shell'">'date /T'</command>
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
date = STAFResult
date = date[date.find(' ')+1:len(date)].strip()
<process name="'get time on %s' % location">
<command mode="'shell'">'time /T'</command>
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
time = STAFResult
#time = time[0:time.find(' ')].strip()
date = '%s-%s' % (date,time)
<!-- OS is UNIX based -->
<process name="'get date on %s' % location">
<command mode="'shell'">'date'</command>
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
date = STAXResult[0][1].split('\n')
<function name="runCommand" scope="local">
A general wrapper to run a command without having to write a dedicated
function for it
<function-arg-def name="command" type="required">
the command to run
<function-arg-def name="path" type="required">
the path where the command is to be run from
<function-arg-def name="arguments" type="optional" default="''">
the path where the command is to be found
<function-arg-def name="env"
the environment variables to set. The default set here should just
work for OpenDS commands
<function-arg-def name="location"
Which machine should the command be executed on
<function-arg-def name="name"
default="'Running %s' % command"
The name to give the process (only matters in the STAX Monitor really)
<function-arg-def name="stripOutput" default="'true'" type="optional">
A boolean (use True or False here, case matters) to enable disable
stripping the output of a command
TODO: consider allowing passing a function name to enable custom
output manipulation (overkill?)
<function-arg-property name="type" value="enum">
This argument can only have boolean values
<function-arg-property-data type="choice" value="'true'"/>
<function-arg-property-data type="choice" value="'false'"/>
<function-arg-def name="timerDuration"
The duration that the process is allowed to run
<function-arg-def name="outputFile" type="optional" default="'None'">
Output file containing the command output
<function-arg-property name="type" value="file"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0.
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-def name="logStderr" type="optional" default="'true'">
If true, stderr for the command is redirect to stdout.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="enum">
This argument can only have boolean values
<function-arg-property-data type="choice" value="'true'"/>
<function-arg-property-data type="choice" value="'false'"/>
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
output file descriptor
import random
import java.util.Date
_id = '%s#%d' % (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',localtime()),random.randint(0,999))
if not env:
#if isWindows:
# env=['PATH=C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;%s' % path, 'JAVA_HOME=%s' % JAVA_HOME]
env=['PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:%s' % path, 'JAVA_HOME=%s' % JAVA_HOME]
<call function="'writeStartTagOperation'">
{ 'tagName' : name,
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<!-- check if command exists -->
<call function="'isFile'">
'location' : location,
'fileName' : command
STAFCmdExist = STAXResult
<if expr="STAFCmdExist == TRUE">
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'content' : 'Running cmd: %s %s' % (command,arguments),
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<!-- If 'logStderr' is True then redirect sdterr to sdtout -->
<if expr="logStderr == 'true'">
<process name="name">
<console use="'same'"/>
<stdout if="outputFile != 'None'" mode="'replace'">
'%s' % outputFile
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
<process name="name">
<console use="'same'"/>
<stdout if="outputFile != 'None'" mode="'replace'">
'%s' % outputFile
<!-- The problem here is that STAXResult can either be a
string, list or a map object -->
cmdRC = RC
cmdRC = RC
cmdRC = 9999
cmdOutput = 'ERROR : file does not exist on %s : %s'\
% (location,command)
cmdResult = [cmdRC,cmdOutput]
<call function="'writeMessage'">
'content' : cmdOutput,
'fileFd' : fileFd
isList = FALSE
if len(expectedRC) >= 0:
isList = TRUE
isList = FALSE
if isList == FALSE:
expectedRC = [expectedRC]
<if expr="expectedRC != 'noCheck'">
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : cmdRC,
'result' : cmdOutput,
'expected' : expectedRC,
'fileFd' : fileFd
<call function="'writeEndTagOperation'">{'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>