ldap.xml revision d81978a0815d5b8a75633c35e3e1f8708d36f017
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
! or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="isAlive" scope="local">
Checks that the ldap server is running
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME">
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath" type="required">
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="pathname"/>
<function-arg-def name="noOfLoops" type="required">
Number of iterations
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="noOfMilliSeconds" type="required">
Number of seconds to wait between iterations
<function-arg-property name="type" value="seconds"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceHost" type="required">
Directory server hostname or IP address
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePort" type="required">
Directory server port number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Port number"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceDn" type="optional" default="DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_DN">
Bind DN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePswd" type="optional" default="DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_PSWD">
Bind password
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<!-- Local variables -->
<call function="'writeStartTagOperation'">
{ 'tagName' : 'isAlive',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'Check if server %s:%s is alive' % (myhost,myport)
timerKilled = TRUE
<timer duration="'120s'">
<loop from="1" to="noOfLoops" while="ldapRC != 0">
<call function="'ldapSearch'">
{ 'location' : mylocation,
'dsPath' : mypath,
'dsInstanceHost' : myhost,
'dsInstancePort' : myport,
'dsInstanceDn' : mydn,
'dsInstancePswd' : mypswd,
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=config',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'dn',
'expectedRC' : 'noCheck',
'fileFd' : fileFd
<call function="'sleep'">
'sleepForMilliSeconds' : noOfMilliSeconds,
'silentMode' : 'TRUE',
'fileFd' : fileFd
timerKilled = FALSE
<if expr="timerKilled == TRUE">
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'server is not alive, ldapsearch not responding'
<script>returnValue = FALSE</script>
<if expr="ldapRC == 0">
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'Server is alive'
<script>returnValue = TRUE</script>
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'server is not alive'
<script>returnValue = FALSE</script>
<call function="'writeEndTagOperation'">{'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="verifyTrees" scope="local">
This function verifies that the tree of an instance belonging to an instances list
(ie instance[n]) is synchronized with instance[n+1]
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME">
Location of target host
<function-arg-def name="instance" type="required">
Server that should be taken as reference.
<function-arg-def name="instances" type="required">
List of the instances objectclass to verify against the instance
instance must belong to this list
<function-arg-def name="suffixDn" type="required">
Suffix of the tree to verify.
<function-arg-def name="filePrefix" type="optional" default="verdict">
Prefix for tmp files
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<!-- == Get instance2 (which is instance index + 1) == -->
instance2 = NOT_DEFINED
i = 0
found = FALSE
failedServers = []
myRC = 0
# get the real instance reference from instances list
for cInstance in instances:
if cInstance.getName() == instance.getName():
instance = cInstance
found = TRUE
i += 1
if found == TRUE:
instanceIndex = instances.index(instance)
# if len =1, only one instance, no need to verify tree
if len(instances) > 1:
lastIndex = len(instances) - 1
# if instanceIndex == lastIndex, all previous instances
# have been checked, no need to test this instance tree
if instanceIndex != lastIndex:
instance2 = instances[instanceIndex + 1]
<if expr="instance2 != NOT_DEFINED">
<call function="'writeStartTagStep'">
{ 'tagName' : 'verifyTrees',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
dsPath = instance.getInstallDir()
failingServerList = ''
referenceServerPath = instance.getInstallDir()
referenceTree = '%s/%s_%s_referenceTree.ldif' % \
sampleTree = '%s/%s_%s_sampleTree.ldif' % \
treeDiffs = '%s/%s_%s_treeDiffs.ldif' % \
dsAttributes = 'dn postalAddress postalCode description \
uid employeeNumber initials givenName pager mobile \
cn sn telephoneNumber street homePhone l mail st'
dsSizeLimit = 10000
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'Verify tree %s taking %s as reference.' % \
(suffixDn, referenceServerPath)
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : '(Only a max of %s entries will be compared)'
% (dsSizeLimit)
<!-- == Retrieve the tree from the reference server == -->
<call function="'ldapSearch'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : instance.getHost(),
'dsInstancePort' : instance.getLDAPPort(),
'dsBaseDN' : suffixDn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : dsAttributes,
'outputFile' : referenceTree,
'expectedRC' : [0,4],
'logStderr' : 'false',
'fileFd' : fileFd,
'dsSortOrder' : '+cn',
'dsSizeLimit' : dsSizeLimit
ldapSearchRC = STAXResult[0]
<if expr="ldapSearchRC != 0 and ldapSearchRC != 4">
<!-- == If the reference tree could not be retrieved, == -->
<!-- == return an error == -->
<call function="'writeEndTagStep'">{ 'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<return> [FALSE, None] </return>
<!-- Retrieve the same tree for instance2 -->
<call function="'ldapSearch'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : instance2.getHost(),
'dsInstancePort' : instance2.getLDAPPort(),
'dsBaseDN' : suffixDn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : dsAttributes,
'outputFile' : sampleTree,
'expectedRC' : [0,4],
'logStderr' : 'false',
'fileFd' : fileFd,
'dsSortOrder' : '+cn',
'dsSizeLimit' : dsSizeLimit
ldapSearchRC = STAXResult[0]
<if expr="ldapSearchRC == 0 or ldapSearchRC == 4">
<!-- == Check if file is empty == -->
<call function="'isEmptyFile'">
{ 'location' : location,
'fileName' : sampleTree }
myRC = STAXResult
<if expr="myRC == TRUE">
<message>'WARNING!! : file emtpy %s' % sampleTree </message>
<!-- == Compare this tree to the reference one == -->
<call function="'ldifDiff'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'sourceLdif' : sampleTree,
'targetLdif' : referenceTree,
'outputLdif' : treeDiffs,
'fileFd' : fileFd
if STAXResult != 0 :
failedServers.append('%s:%s' % (instance2.getHost(), instance2.getLDAPPort()))
failedServers.append('%s:%s' % (instance2.getHost(), instance2.getLDAPPort()))
<!-- == Compare both ldapsearch results and set the verdict == -->
<if expr="len(failedServers) > 0">
<!-- If at least one server failed to successfully compare to the reference tree, -->
<!-- return an error, along with the list of the servers that failed to do so -->
comma = ','
messageInfo = 'List of non-synchronized servers (tree verify FAILED): %s' % comma.join(failedServers)
messageInfo = 'SUCCESS : All servers synchronized'
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : myRC,
'result' : messageInfo,
'fileFd' : fileFd
<call function="'writeEndTagStep'">{ 'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<return>[myRC, failedServers]</return>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="ldapSearch" scope="local">
This function performs an ldapsearch
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME">
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath" type="required">
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsDereferencePolicy" type="optional">
Specifies dereference alias policy
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTypesOnly" type="optional">
Specifies to only include attribute type names
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsAssertionFilter" type="optional">
Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filter"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsContinueOnError" type="optional">
Continue processing even if there are errors
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPersistentSearch" type="optional">
Use the persistent search control
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsCountEntries" type="optional">
Count the number of entries returned by the server
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsReportAuthzID" type="optional">
Use the authorization identity control
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsFilename" type="optional">
File containing a list of search filter strings
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsHelp" type="optional">
Display this usage information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsEncoding" type="optional">
Use the specified character set for command-line input
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsBindPasswordFile" type="optional">
Bind password file
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsControl" type="optional">
Use a request control with the provided information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsKeyStorePath" type="optional">
Certificate keystore path
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsKeyStorePasswordFile" type="optional">
Certificate keystore PIN file
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsKeyStorePassword" type="optional">
Certificate keystore PIN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTimeLimit" type="optional">
Maximum length of time in seconds to allow for the search
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsMatchedValuesFilter" type="optional">
Use the LDAP matched values control with the provided filter
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filter"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsDryRun" type="optional">
Show what would be done but do not perform any operation
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsSaslOption" type="optional">
SASL bind options
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTrustStorePath" type="optional">
Certificate trust store path
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTrustStorePassword" type="optional">
Certificate trust store PIN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTrustStorePasswordFile" type="optional">
Certificate trust store PIN file
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsUseStartTLS" type="optional">
Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsUseSASLExternal" type="optional">
Use the SASL EXTERNAL authentication mechanism
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsUseSSL" type="optional">
Use SSL for secure communication with the server
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTrustAll" type="optional">
Trust all server SSL certificates
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsCertNickname" type="optional">
Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsProxyAs" type="optional">
Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsUsePasswordPolicyControl" type="optional">
Use the password policy request control
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsSimplePageSize" type="optional">
Use the simple paged results control with the given page size
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsSortOrder" type="optional">
Sort the results using the provided sort order
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsVirtualListView" type="optional">
Use the virtual list view control to retrieve the specified results page
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsGetEffectiveRightsAuthzid" type="optional">
Use geteffectiverights control with the provided authzid
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsGetEffectiveRightsAttribute" type="optional">
Specifies geteffectiverights control specific attribute list
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsVersion" type="optional">
LDAP protocol version number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsSizeLimit" type="optional">
Maximum number of entries to return from the search
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsDontWrap" type="optional">
Do not wrap long lines
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsVerbose" type="optional">
Use verbose mode
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceHost" type="optional">
Directory Server Host Name
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePort" type="optional">
Directory Server Port Number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceDn" type="optional">
Directory Server Manager DN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="dn"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePswd" type="optional">
Directory Server Manager Password
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsScope" type="optional">
The scope of the search operation
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsBaseDN" type="optional">
The baseDN for the search operation
<function-arg-property name="type" value="dn"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsFilter" type="optional">
The filter for the search operation
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filter"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsAttributes" type="optional">
Only return these attributes
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="outputFile" type="optional" default="'None'">
Output file containing the search result in ldif format.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="logStderr" type="optional" default="'true'">
If true, stderr for the command is redirect to stdout.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="enum">
This argument can only have boolean values
<function-arg-property-data type="choice" value="'true'"/>
<function-arg-property-data type="choice" value="'false'"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0.
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<!-- Build the Command -->
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/bin' % (dsPath)
STAFCmd='%s/ldapsearch' % (dsBinPath)
if dsInstanceHost:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-h %s' % dsInstanceHost)
if dsInstanceDn:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-D "%s"' % dsInstanceDn)
if dsInstancePswd:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-w %s' % dsInstancePswd)
if dsScope:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-s %s' % dsScope)
if dsDereferencePolicy:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-a %s' % dsDereferencePolicy)
if dsTypesOnly:
if dsAssertionFilter:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('--assertionFilter "%s"' % dsAssertionFilter)
if dsBaseDN:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-b "%s"' % dsBaseDN)
if dsContinueOnError:
if dsPersistentSearch:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-C %s' % dsPersistentSearch)
if dsCountEntries:
if dsGetEffectiveRightsAttribute:
for attribute in dsGetEffectiveRightsAttribute:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-e %s' % attribute)
if dsReportAuthzID:
if dsFilename:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-f %s' % dsFilename)
if dsGetEffectiveRightsAuthzid:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-g %s' % dsGetEffectiveRightsAuthzid)
if dsVirtualListView:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-G %s' % dsVirtualListView)
if dsHelp:
if dsEncoding:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-i %s' % dsEncoding)
if dsBindPasswordFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-j %s' % dsBindPasswordFile)
if dsControl:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-J %s' % dsControl)
if dsKeyStorePath:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-K %s' % dsKeyStorePath)
if dsTimeLimit:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-l %s' % dsTimeLimit)
if dsMatchedValuesFilter:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('--matchedValuesFilter "%s"' % dsMatchedValuesFilter)
if dsDryRun:
if dsCertNickname:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-N %s' % dsCertNickname)
if dsSaslOption:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-o %s' % dsSaslOption)
if dsInstancePort:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-p %s' % dsInstancePort)
if dsTrustStorePath:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-P %s' % dsTrustStorePath)
if dsUseStartTLS:
if dsUseSASLExternal:
if dsSimplePageSize:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('--simplePageSize %s' % dsSimplePageSize)
if dsSortOrder:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-S %s' % dsSortOrder)
if dsDontWrap:
if dsTrustStorePassword:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('--trustStorePassword %s' % dsTrustStorePassword)
if dsTrustStorePasswordFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-U %s' % dsTrustStorePasswordFile)
if dsKeyStorePasswordFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-u %s' % dsKeyStorePasswordFile)
if dsUsePasswordPolicyControl:
if dsVersion:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-V %s' % dsVersion)
if dsVerbose:
if dsKeyStorePassword:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-W %s' % dsKeyStorePassword)
if dsTrustAll:
if dsProxyAs:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-Y "%s"' % dsProxyAs)
if dsUseSSL:
if dsSizeLimit:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-z %s' % dsSizeLimit)
if dsFilter:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('"%s"' % dsFilter)
if dsAttributes:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('%s' % dsAttributes)
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'LDAP Search %s on %s:%s' %
'location' : location,
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'path' : dsBinPath,
'outputFile': outputFile,
'expectedRC': expectedRC,
'logStderr' : logStderr,
'fileFd' : fileFd
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- Add a New entry-->
<function name="addAnEntry">
This function modifies an entry in the Directory Server
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME">
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath" type="required">
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceHost" type="required">
Directory server hostname or IP address
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname" />
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePort" type="required">
Directory server port number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Port number"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceDn" type="required">
Bind DN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePswd" type="required">
Bind password
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="DNToAdd" type="required">
DN to add
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="listAttributes" type="required">
Attributes to add
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<!-- Local variables -->
# build the command
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/bin' % dsPath
if dsInstanceHost:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-h %s' % dsInstanceHost)
if dsInstanceDn:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-D "%s"' % dsInstanceDn)
if dsInstancePswd:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-w %s' % dsInstancePswd)
if dsInstancePort:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-p %s' % dsInstancePort)
<iterate var="anAttributeToAdd" in="listAttributes">
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-v "%s"' % anAttributeToAdd)
if DNToAdd:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-d "%s"' % DNToAdd)
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'writeStartTagOperation'">
{ 'tagName' : 'addAnEntry',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : '%s %s' % (STAFCmd, STAFCmdParams)
<process name="'addAnEntry'">
<location>'%s' % location</location>
<command>'%s/bin/java' % JAVA_HOME</command>
<parms>'%s %s' % (STAFCmd,STAFCmdParams)</parms>
['PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:%s/bin' % dsPath, 'JAVA_HOME=%s' % JAVA_HOME,'CLASSPATH=%s/phases/shared/java' % LOCAL_TESTS_DIR]
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
<if expr="expectedRC != 'noCheck'">
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : STAXCode,
'result' : STAXReason,
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeEndTagOperation'">{'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- Modify an attribute -->
<function name="modifyAnAttribute">
This function modifies an entry in the Directory Server
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME">
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath" type="required">
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceHost" type="required">
Directory server hostname or IP address
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePort" type="required">
Directory server port number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Port number"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceDn" type="required">
Bind DN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePswd" type="required">
Bind password
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="DNToModify" type="required">
DN to modify
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="attributeName" type="optional">
Attribute to modify
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="newAttributeValue" type="optional">
New Attribute Value
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="listAttributes" type="optional" default="' '">
List of attributes name and value to modify. The format is name:value
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="changetype" type="required">
Type of modification, can be delete, add, replace
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="suppressTestStatus" type="optional" default="0">
Supress the call to checkTestRC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<!-- Local variables -->
# build the command
<if expr="listAttributes != ' '">
<iterate var="anAttributeToModify" in="listAttributes">
if anAttributeToModify:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-l "%s"' % anAttributeToModify)
if newAttributeValue:
if dsInstanceHost:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-h %s' % dsInstanceHost)
if dsInstanceDn:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-D "%s"' % dsInstanceDn)
if dsInstancePswd:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-w %s' % dsInstancePswd)
if dsInstancePort:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-p %s' % dsInstancePort)
if DNToModify:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-d "%s"' % DNToModify)
if attributeName:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-a "%s"' % attributeName)
if newAttributeValue:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-v "%s"' % newAttributeValue)
if changetype:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-t "%s"' % changetype)
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<if expr="suppressTestStatus == '1'">
expectedRC = 'noCheck'
<call function="'writeStartTagOperation'">
{ 'tagName' : 'Modify An Attribute value',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : '%s %s' % (STAFCmd, STAFCmdParams)
<process name="'modifyAnAttribute'">
<location>'%s' % location</location>
<command>'%s/bin/java' % JAVA_HOME</command>
<parms>'%s %s' % (STAFCmd,STAFCmdParams)</parms>
['PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:%s/bin' % dsPath, 'JAVA_HOME=%s' % JAVA_HOME,'CLASSPATH=%s/phases/shared/java' % LOCAL_TESTS_DIR]
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
<if expr="expectedRC != 'noCheck'">
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : STAXCode,
'result' : STAXReason,
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeEndTagOperation'">{'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="modifyEntry">
This function modifies an entry in the Directory Server
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional" default="STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME">
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath" type="required">
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceHost" type="optional">
Directory server hostname or IP address
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePort" type="optional">
Directory server port number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Port number"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceDn" type="optional">
Bind DN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePswd" type="optional">
Bind password
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="entryToBeModified" type="required">
Entry to be modified in the Directory Server in ldif format
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="extraParams" type="optional">
Optional extra parameters for specific test cases
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<!-- Build the Command -->
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/bin' % (dsPath)
STAFCmd='%s/ldapmodify' % (dsBinPath)
if dsInstanceHost:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-h %s' % dsInstanceHost)
if dsInstanceDn:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-D "%s"' % dsInstanceDn)
if dsInstancePswd:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-w %s' % dsInstancePswd)
if dsInstancePort:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-p %s' % dsInstancePort)
if extraParams:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('%s' % extraParams)
if entryToBeModified:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-f "%s"' % entryToBeModified)
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : location,
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'path' : dsBinPath,
'name' : 'Modify Entry from ldif file',
'expectedRC': expectedRC,
'fileFd' : fileFd
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<function name="checkLogs" scope="local">
<function-arg-def name="location" type="optional"
Location of target host
<function-arg-def name="installDir" type="required">
instance installation path
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required">
Name of output file descriptor
<script> _errNum = 0 </script>
<call function="'writeStartTagStep'">
{ 'tagName' : 'checkLogs',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'grep'">
'location' : location,
'string2grep' : 'ERROR',
'expect2Find' : FALSE,
'caseSensitive' : FALSE,
'file' : '%s/logs/errors' % installDir,
'fileFd' : fileFd
<script> _errNum += STAXResult </script>
<call function="'grep'">
'location' : location,
'string2grep' : 'exception',
'expect2Find' : FALSE,
'caseSensitive' : FALSE,
'file' : '%s/logs/errors' % installDir,
'fileFd' : fileFd
<script> _errNum += STAXResult </script>
<call function="'writeEndTagStep'">{ 'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<return> _errNum </return>